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The total spend for Mental Health to less than 10 of its entire budget. If parity of esteem for Mental Health is to be achieved, this government must match their words with more strong and stable ring fenced funding. With those cuts and increasing demand, when will the Prime Minister and the talking and promised to increase and ring fence funding for Mental Health and especially Psychological Services . Theresa may he applies the importance we should be attaching to Mental Health. Given that parity of esteem is an important step that this government has taken. We are also doing much more on Mental Health. More money overall is going to into Mental Health. More people are able to access nhs talking therapies and received treatment for their mental ill health. We also need to look at this issue more widely, which is precisely why i have set up a scheme to train staff in schools to ensure better awareness of Mental Health problems. To be able to know how to deal with those individuals in those schools who are suffering from Mental Health problems. There is more to do, we are putting more money and more action on Mental Health than any government involved. The Prime Minister will note that financial and professional services are the uks largest source of tax revenue and our largest driver of trade surpluses. Yesterday i met representatives, they want me to pass on their warm support for the pragmatic and sensible arrangement she has made to ensure the critical legal and contractual continuity that the sector needs that is vital to them as we leave the European Union. Recognizing that, will she build on the positive approach by considering issuing a white paper for our future vision for trade in services as we have done for other sectors . He is right that we need to build that bridge from our existing partnership to a future partnership to allow time for adjustments to be made. That is exactly what we are doing in talking about the implementation point. Which i set a speech at large. Will know that we published a white paper on our future trade policy earlier this week. I hope the whole house will join me in paying tribute to the late rodney bickerstaff, the foreigner general secretary the former secretary of unison who died last week. He will be run members for his warmth and the esteem in which he has helped throughout the community. More than anyone else, he made sure that the National Minimum wage happened in this country. Millions of workers are better off for the great work that he did during his life. Can we say thank you for everything you did in your life . The rollout of universal credit is already causing debt, poverty, and homelessness. Does the Prime Minister accept it would be irresponsible to press on regardless . Of course we offer our condolences to rodney bickerstaffs friends and family on his death. He and i would probably never have agreed very much in heitics, but obviously role with commitment and dedication through his life. I have been asked about universal credit. Recognizings worth why we brought universal credit in the first place. What we want is a welfare system that provides a safety net for those who need it, and helps the boat get into the workplace, earn more and provide for their families. Inherited that we from labor did not do that. It was far too got located, there were far too many different sorts of payments, moreally, those who earned found themselves with less money in their pockets. Off ony able were better benefits. That is not the system that we want. What we want is universal credit, which is simpler and more straightforward, and makes sure that work always pays. I wonder which planet the Prime Minister is on. The Citizens Advice Bureau describes universal credit as a disaster waiting to happen. Based on assisting tens of debt,nds of payments with Housing Associations report an increase of up to 50 in either action of tenants with right arrears due to universal credit. Can the Prime Minister and the dwp wake up to reality and hope this process . Halt this process . Theresa may we have good reason for changing this system. Been we have been listening to concerns raised in relation to the way in which your credit has operated. Changes have been made, performance has improved. At the beginning of this year, only 55 of people were getting their first payment on time. That is more than 80 now. There is more for us to do. Sector thee sectors day and the department of work and pensions continue to ensure the performance increases. Underlying this is a need that we need to ensure that we have a system that ensures that work phase and people are not better off on benefits. The holton Housing Trust reports a 100 year on year increase in the number of evictions. Half of all counts of all counsel tenets on universal credit are at least a month in arrears in the rent. This weekend, the former prime resident Prime Minister ascribe universal credit as operationally messy, socially unfair and unforgiving. He is right, isnt he . Its years behind schedule, its forcing people to food banks, driving up evictions, and leaving families in debt. Can the Prime Minister not see it . If the former can understand it, why cant this one . After four months, the number of people at universal study desk read in rent arrears have fallen by a third grade by a third. As i said in my previous answer, of course we recognize that there have been some issues to address in the rolling of this benefit. We have been taking our time in doing it. The underlying reason for moving to universal credit is still the right one. We see more people getting to work on universal credit than on jobseekers allowance, there is the possibility in place for those people who cannot wait for. Heir first payment they are able to ask for an advance, and the number of people getting on advanced has increased. It. Here are problems with the ip pr and the Child Poverty action group estimate the universal credit is going to put another 200,000 children into poverty. Last month, a dozen conservative mps wrote to the work and pensions secretary calling for a pause. Perhaps they should listen to people like georgina, who said all summer we were left with no money to survive it just stopped abruptly. We would have lost everything if it werent for my family. Others cannot rely on family and are facing eviction. I urge the Prime Minister to show some leadership, pause universal credit, and stop debt, and poverty, homelessness, because this is what it does. I be happy to look at the case of georgina if he would like to send me those details . As i have just said, i referred to this in my previous answer. It is possible for those who are in need to get advance payments. The number of those getting advance payment has increased from 35 to just over 50 . We are seeing the system being improved and performance improving. Lets just think about the labour partys record on this issue of welfare. Party, 1. 4abour spent most of the last decade trapped on out of work and if its. Under the labour party, the number of households were no the Prime Ministers response must be heard. Government, the number of households in which no member had ever worked nearly doubled. Up by 60 e bill went in real terms, which cost every household an extra 3000 euros a year. That is not the way to run a system, that is the way to have a system that is failing ordinary working people. Government labor lifted one million children out of poverty. Blockbuster city homes has evicted one in eight of all of its tenets because of universal credit. The Prime Minister talks about helping the poorest, but the reality is a very different story. Not only are people being driven into poverty, the universal claimantsp line costs 55 pence per minute for the privilege of trying to get someone to help them claim what they believe they are entitled to. Will the Prime Minister today show some humanity, intervene and make at least a helpline free . I have made it clear that we continue to look at how we are dealing with this and ensuring that we get the system out in a way that is actually working for people. The poor performance is increasing as more people are getting to work on universal credit than were doing so on jobseekers allowance. I do want people to be able to find work. I want people to be able to get better jobs, to be able to earn more. To be able to get on without government support. Thats why its so important that we create jobs. When hes done, hopefully you like to welcome the fact that 3 million more jobs are being created. Said, universal credit is only one of a string of failures of this government. Everywhere we look, its a government in chaos. On the most important issues facing this country it is a shambles. Brexit negotiations have made no progress, bombard your and other workers taking redundancy. Off,working people worse young people pushed into records level of debt, one million elderly people not getting essential care. Our nhs at breaking point. This government is more interested in fighting a month themselves than in solving these problems. Isnt it the case that if the Prime Minister cannot lead, she should leave . Theresa may what the record of this government is the deficit is done by more than two thirds. 3 million more people are in jobs, 1. 8 million more children are in good outstanding schools, more people are visiting amd, more people are getting operations than ever before. There are record levels of funding into the nhs. And there are record levels of funding into our schools. What did we see about the labour party from its conference . Wait for it. Order. Members are becoming very overexcited. The response will be heard. Did we hear what from labors conference . What happened at the conference . Shelter said that the labour partys housing policy would end up harming people on low incomes. Flagshipr partys Haringey Council rejected another of their housing policies. The quality and Human Rights Commission said they need to establish that it is not a racist party. And the labor leader of bright and counsel for and to ban labor conferences because of freely expressed antisemitism. That was all before the shuttle counselor admitted the labor government would bring a run on the pound and ordinary working people would pay the price. I fear that more was not for me. I must return to the subject of universal credit. Perhaps the difference between this side of the house and that side is that we believe the transformative povertys and wanted to work. Work it will, but we have to get it right. I think the secretary of state for work and pensions for promising on monday to advertise more widely that advances are available to claimants. Many of us it surely means that the inbuilt sixweek wait does not work. You please consider meeting with me so i can explain to her why if we reduce the way, we will do a better job of supporting those just about managing families who are struggling to make and me and who have no savings to cover them for that russian mark . Right, that she is is why i said the dwp is continuing to look at the performance and how its operating. I am happy to meet with her to look at this issue. We recognize, she mentioned the advance payments. It is important that those who need those payments are aware of them, so it is about not only advertising, but making sure the job center staff are retrained and trying to ensure that they are aware of what they can do to help people. The advance payment and be with people within five days, or on the very same day in emergency. I am happy to meet you. If there was another referendum now, i know that i would vote to remain. Why hasnt the Prime Minister been straightforward about how she would vote . There is no second referendum. The people of the United Kingdom voted and we will be leaving the European Union in march 2019. Minister cannot answer a simple question. [indiscernible] im quite happy to wait. The reason the Prime Minister cannot answer a simple question is that she is hamstrung by the arliamentary majority and divided party of rightwing brexit years. This morning order. We are not having any printers here. Prnaksters here. Chancellor Philip Hammond admitted that a cloud of uncertainty hangs over the u. K. Economy. The Scottish National party is united on this issue. We know that crashing out of a Single Market and a Customs Union will cost 80,000 jobs in scotland and 2000 pounds per person. Now is the time for leadership. Will the Prime Minister, the fence and recognize that if we are to save this economy, we need to stay in the Single Market and the Customs Union . Theresa may now its time for the snp leadership to accept that to save jobs in scotland it needs scotland to remain part of the United Kingdom. Following yesterdays announcement of almost 2000 losses at the ae systems, many hundreds of which are in war and in my constituency were very dedicated and highly skilled people were, can you assure me that she and her government will continue to do everything they can to support export orders in saudi arabia and qatar as well as supporting those dedicated workers in finding alternative employment and the wider lancashire economy . Theresa may this is obviously a very worrying time for workers, including those at wharton and his constituency. He raises two issues. I can reassure the department of work and pensions will ensure that people will have all of the support they need to look for new jobs. That will include Rapid Response services which will help with cvs training and information about benefits. We will also continue to promote our world leading Defense Industry right across the globe, so Companies Like the ae systems can secure contracts for u. K. Made equipment. The defense secretary a statement of intent with qatar, committing the country to purchase of 24 typhoons and six hawks. We will continue to promote these firstclass products of manufacturing. We will also ensure that support is given to those who do lose their jobs. Last week you announced that he would fund 25,000 extra socially rented homes over five years. The waiting list in bright in is already that. , they wantbrighton to build more council houses. Your policies wont help them, because they are not limited by the open market, but by the government arbitrary cap on our ring and financing against housing stock. With the Prime Minister agree that the cap on the hra must be lifted to get councils for britain again . Ive made no announcement on any policy on this matter. What he is referring to we are putting 2 billion pounds extra into our successful Affordable Housing program, bringing it to over 9 billion pounds dedicated entirely to affordable homes. For every pound the government was in, Housing Association raises a further six pounds. Thousands more families getting the homes that they need and can afford every single year for the next five years. This is a good announcement from the government. It means more people will be getting a homes they need. I would have expected him to welcome it. Constituency, children as young as 12 have been labeled as transgender and prescribed potentially life altering sex change drugs. Does the Prime Minister agree that the law needs to be tightened to prevent the potential mistreatment of vulnerable young people . He raises a sensitive issue. As he will be aware, health is a devolved matter in wells. England, the nhs has strict guidelines regarding the prescriptions of these sorts of medications. Withcan only be prescribed agreement of a Specialist Team after careful assessment, and generally only for those who are 15 or older. I recognize the concern raised. Her radio interview yesterday, the Prime Minister was pressed three times on the position of eu nationals in the u. K. In the event of no deal. She was unable to answer, suggesting this was a technical issue. People do not live technical lives. They live in relationships, jobs, and childrens schools. With the clock ticking and the possibility of no deal brexit looming sooner, can she reassert my 10,000 plus constituents who are eu residents exactly what their rights will be if there is no deal . I want toy thephasize, we value contribution that you citizens have made in this country and we want them to stay. That is why we made Citizens Rights one of the key issues, and one of the early issues being discussed in the negotiations. A no deal, we are working to ensure we get a good deal. We will obviously have arrangements with other member youes about not just that citizens here, but u. K. Citizens in those states. What we are working for is to get the best deal for the United Kingdom. To stay heretizens in the u. K. Because we value the contribution they are making. On monday, my right honorable friend was very clear about her negotiations. It remains the governments priority to get a good free trade arrangement the more we leave with our european friends and partners. She also made it clear that alongside that, we would make to departarrangements under wto terms should no such agreement be available. Could she confirm that all moneys necessary will be allocated as of when required to this project . Theresa may im very happy to give you that confirmation. We are preparing for every eventuality. We are committing money to prepare for brexit, including a no deal scenario. It may be helpful if i update the house. The treasury has committed over 250 Million Pounds of new money to departments such as department parliament, food and rural affairs, the home office, her majestys revenue and customs in department for transport and is financially american preparations. Department will need to spend money before the relevant legislation has gone to the house. The treasury will write to departments to the Public Accounts Committee expanding the process shortly. It will be spent. My constituent was transitioned from disability living allowance to personal independent payment in october 2016. He has the higher rate mobility and the standard rate for care. Assessment give him zero points. He appealed that decision in 2017. Six month later, he passed away without his appeal being heard. The appeal that took place two days later after his death awarded him higher rate for both elements, backdated to january. Could i ask the Prime Minister what message she would like me to take back to his partner carol about the way this government treated him when he needed help compassion and support . The message i would like you to take back to his constituents partner is that we offer our condolences at the death of her partner. Ensure thatng to there is a greater consistency in the judgments that are originally given on those he at the assessments. We introduced the ip in order to ensure that we are able to focus the payments on those. I completely understand how she feels about the position she is in. We offer her our deepest condolences. Continued to tell mites constituents living along this route that there is something 10th of thousands of pounds less than of their homes. Will the Prime Minister not personally intervene to ensure that my residents living in the affected areas do not lose out as a result of this Major National Infrastructure Project . She is speaking on behalf of her constituents. I know that the department of transport is looking carefully at these issues. Youre determined to see that fair and comprehensive compensation for those directly affected by the root paid it will be paid as if hs to didnt exist plus a 10 and reasonable moving cost. We are committed to infrastructure investment. We are investing, its important with a major infrastructure change such as hs to that we do ensure that those as i say, my hon. Friend the rail minister is focusing on this issue. This week, the public have witnessed the most extraordinary spectacle the Prime Minister ramping up the nodeal rhetoric on brexit and backtracking on her commitment to stay in the Single Market and Customs Union for transition, all because she is afraid of the most rightwing, rabid elements in her own party. When prices are going up in our shops, when the countrys Credit Rating has been cut and when businesses are actively considering moving jobs overseas, do the british people not deserve better than a Prime Minister simply running scared . Minister simply running scared . [shouting] the honorable lady could not be more wrong. First of all, first of all, we are not ramping up a no deal scenario, we are actively working, actively working with negotiations to ensure we set out a good deal, the right deal for britain for a Brighter Future for this country which we can and will achieve. I set out, recommend the speech to the honorable lady. On the second point i make very clear and need to explain again to members of the opposition, when we leave the European Union and in march 2019 we will seek to be full members of the Single Market and the Customs Union. That will happen because you cannot be full members of Single Market and Customs Union without accepting continued in perpetuity jurisdiction. During the implementation period we will be looking at an agreement we can operate on the same basis as we operate at the moment under the same rules and regulations but that will not be the same as full membership of the Customs Union and a Single Market. Does the right honorable friend agree the Royal Marines supported by a specialist amphibious fleet observed our country with great distinction for many years . Does she share my concern one of the proposals being considered by the royal navy is down the amphibious fleet, in an uncertain world is this shortsighted and dangerous and will she intervene . Can i say to my right honorable friend i absolutely agree we can commend and applaud the contribution the Royal Marines have made in defense of this country and others. Absolutely right that as we look at how threats are changing we look at how to best spend the rising Defense Budget to support national security. We have committed spending gdp on defense every year in this Parliament Spending 178 billion overtime between 2016 to 2026 on equipment for our armed forces. Naturally we dont always discuss specific operational details but might i say i understand the claims being referred to our pure speculation at this stage. In the past 18 months two students in my constituency tragically died from meningitis b and only this week we heard the cause of death of other bristol people too. The prevaccinations two years ago are very welcome but came too late to save them. Will the Prime Minister do more to raise awareness and extend vaccinations to today is teenagers . We send our deep condolences to families and friends of all the students in the honorable ladys constituency who died as a result of meningitis. The point she raises about raising awareness of meningitis is a valuable one that we need to continue to do. Decisions are taken by government like on the vaccination already in play and it is easy to think that is a job done but we need to see how we can assure we dont see this in the future. Wendy morton. I was shocked to hear the shadow chancellor predicting a run off of power. [shouting] and increase does my right honorable friend agree the biggest threat to this country would be less than the shadow chancellor. I agree, she is right, it would be higher prices, much more difficult, job losses, businesses leading this country and the people would be poorer. One thing we must do is make sure that shadow chancellor doesnt get near the treasury. The right honorable gentleman asked me what planet i was on. We know what planet he is on, venezuela. Mister speaker. Mister speaker, isnt the Prime Ministers contention that the United Kingdom should remain part of the common fishery policy during any transitional period after we have left the European Union . When we leave the European Union we will be leaving the common fisheries policy as part of the agreement we need to enter for the implementation period and other issues but when we leave the European Union we believe the common fisheries policy. Mister speaker, it has been assumed trailing article 50 means on 29 march of 2019 we will come out to the eu if there is not an agreement but it is not the case negotiations can be extended if this government and the eu agree to extend negotiations . Will the Prime Minister give the house the assurance that under circumstances will negotiations be extended. My right honorable friend is accurate in interpretation of the treaty allowing negotiation extensions. We want those negotiations to end we want an agreement on the future relationship and withdrawal by march 2019 and we will leave on march 2019. Last month land rover announced they were contacted early putting 640 jobs at risk. She is flipflopping on delivering, will she step up with trade unions, help ensure a positive future for the economy . We want to work for the future of south waless economy. That is what the United Kingdom government and the whole of the United Kingdom working for that more positive future and we will publish our response. I recently visited refugee camps in bangladesh and it was harrowing and can only be described as a humanitarian disaster. Im proud of the work for uk is government is doing. What pressure can be put on the persecution so the people can go home . My honorable friend raises an important point and we remain concerned by what is happening. There are 500,000 refugees in bangladesh. It is a major humanitarian crisis. We have been providing support through international development, provided money to the red cross in burma and bilateral donations to deal with refugees to support the refugees who crossed into bangladesh. We raised this at the security council, a clear message from the International Community the Burmese Authority stopped violence and allow safe return of the refugees and food humanitarian access. I can say to my honorable friends what we have done is suspended practical defense engagement because of our concerns. A similar question to that given by members of bristol east. Just 6 years old when she contracted meningitis, and failed to spot important signs of meningitis and will be addressed but fundamentally layla would be alive today for vaccination. Will the Prime Minister discussing expanding the meningitis the Vaccination Program for all children . The honorable gentleman raises a serious case and our condolences go to the family of his constituent. This is an issue where we need to raise the question of the response by medical professionals. Not just about individuals but parents recognizing what systems might be and Healthcare Professionals might be. I will ensure i will ask the Health Secretary to meet with the honorable gentleman concerned about this issue and hear from them directly about relations to vaccinations. On monday, the conservative government launched 11 pilot projects into a National Bereavement care pathway. This grained groundbreaking pathway supports parents who lost the chance starting from conception to the age of one. Can i ask Prime Minister to congratulate the parents, charities and Health Professionals that have worked so hard to benefit this project, to make sure this is rolled out on a wider level once the lessons from the pilots have been learned . Im happy to join my honorable friend in congratulating those who worked so hard on this issue which brings such distress to too many people including members of this house. Im sure everybody will join me in the debate last week, paying tribute to those from across the house who spoke movingly about their own experience and i am happy to welcome the launch, the department of Health Providing funding to the best charity to work with other charities and to improve quality of bereavement care. We expect this to be rolled out in october 2018. It is important to do a pilot to learn from that as we come to national rollout. A woman came to my office fleeing Domestic Violence, every womans refuge, unable to find her a place, what advice did the Prime Minister give my constituents . First of all, i fully understand the concerns the honorable lady has about her constituents meeting Domestic Violence, we dont want anybody subjected to Domestic Violence and abuse. That is why the government has been putting more money in to support refugees, why we have sent Domestic Violence support and introduced new legislation but also going to look at what more we can do to provide the support necessary to ensure we deal with, provide support, to what we should all want to across the house which is end Domestic Violence. May i commend my right honorable friend for her pledge to build hundreds of new preschools . Will she agrees a critical to drive up standards and increase choice and isnt it true we are committed to creating a School System that works for everyone . My honorable friend is absolutely right. Preschools have performed an important function raising education in this country. Im pleased so many children in good or outstanding schools but i see it in my own constituency where one of the preschools is specifically for children on the autistic spectrum and this is important, service that wasnt available previously, enable that to happen. They are prescribing people and would welcome them. Services in my constituency moved and we already have a facility. Does the Prime Minister share my concern future bungling will be held by labor government, wells patients will have to travel further to access proper treatment . The honorable gentleman raises an important point. Im not really with particular details and transfer he has referred to but the overall point he makes about People Living in wales, getting a less good service from labor government, this is the case as the honorable gentleman said there are people who will travel from wales to england to get Services Available in the nhs in england and the labor government in wales take a hard look at what they are doing. Youve have been watching Prime Ministers questions from the house of commons. Cspan. Org and find video of past Prime Ministers questions and other British Public affairs programs. Friends, [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] on tuesday, Nicola Sturgeon gave the keynote address and glasgow, scotland. She holds the title of first minister of scotland, which means she leads the Scottish Government and chairs the cabinet. This is just under an hour. [applause]

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