Rep. Rodgers good morning everyone. We have a familiar face with us again. We are all really happy to have Steve Scalise back. Steve is proof that miracles happen. We are blessed. We are reminded that life is precious. With everything going on in the world, we think about las vegas, and the devastation in las vegas. We think about families and loved ones whose lives were cut short. Our hearts are breaking. It is important that we are reaching out and showing compassion and comfort. That helps people get through it. We need to give thought, and gain understanding from it as we search for what is next. I do ask everyone to join in prayer for those who have lost their lives, the families impacted. Pray for healing. Pray for healing for our country. Broken lives, broken hearts, that we may come together. Rep. Amodei thank you madam chair. And leadership. For those of you who dont know me, im mark amodei, i represent nevadas second district. I just want to share a couple thoughts. A shout out to Sheriff Joe Lombardo and his folks at the metro police department, professional response, comm response, effective response, those Homeland Security grants that my colleagues here have been nice enough to provide to las vegas is one of americas at risk cities have been put to good use. I think them all for their support. Second of all, when we talk about nevada resilience, las vegas is the worlds fun place, and what happened a couple days ago does not fit that description. When you talk about the nevada resilience and outpouring of support, not only from around the state of nevada but the country in the nation, it is a humbling thing. It is a humbling time for everybody to sort out what is going on. But there is time in the coming weeks to find those answers and to do those sorts of things that we need to do, and see what lessons are learned. Right now it is just that humility, thoughts and prayers to the folks affected, those here and those that are gone. And thank you all for your support on behalf of the silver state, nevada resilience. Thanks a lot. Rep. Scalise let me first say it is great to see all of you. It is great to be back. I continue to let everybody know who prayed for me during those tough times, how much it meant. It was tremendously uplifting. It gave me and my family strength. On that same token, jennifer and i pray for the people that were involved in the nevada shooting. Obviously, so much loss of life, and so many people still injured today, those families need our prayers right now. They need to be uplifted. We need as people are saying, what can we do to help . We need to remember there is a tremendous loss of blood. Go to your local blood bank and donate blood. That alone can be a positive sign, especially when you look at how much of blood was lost. It will probably need to be used at local hospitals as people continue to be treated. There is a lot that we need to pray for. Surely, the loss of life and those injured. Hopefully those injured can get through their injuries and can get back to their families. Keep them in your prayers. Rep. Mccarthy it is so uplifting to have steve back. Many of you remember that day. I was at the hospital the day steve was in. A look at the doctors face, the things he told us, you know this man is strong. His wife jennifer arrived, and the struggle of whether he was going to be able to overtake what has fallen upon him. She said, you dont know the strength of my husband. You look at his face, and the number of times we would go visit him, i remember when me and my wife were in there on the fourth of july, you just got an infection. He never knew it. The words he spoke on the floor thursday, i Hope Congress remembers the spirit that they felt last thursday as we move forward. We will have philosophical differences, but there is so much more that unites this nation. Moments like this are the times we look for what is important. We are so thankful you are back in the spirit in which you come. We woke yesterday to another tragic loss. As mark talked about, las vegas is more than just the city. Las vegas is a city not just for america but for an entire nation, and in the world. Everyone felt that loss. There are people from all around. I have three constituents who lost their lives that day. I have others sitting in the hospital. Bailey schweitzer was a 20yearold girl, just attended centennial high school, Big Country Music fan. Family owns the bakersfield speedway. She was there with her mother and friends. She is one of the best friends to my district directors daughter who lives three doors down. Jack beaton, a father of two who was celebrating his 23rd wedding anniversary with his wife when the shots rang out. He jumped in front of his wife and gave the ultimate sacrifice for the one he loved. Victor link, 55 years old. He was born in shafter. His family still lives there. Inside the hospital, i have a Bakersfield Police officer off duty. Officer aaron mundinke. He had hip surgery yesterday. He will make a good recovery. I have another young lady who is in the icu. Last night, i shared dinner with our president. We spoke about that day. I told him i thought his comments, his moment of silence for the nation to help bring us together. Mark and i will travel with the president tomorrow to las vegas. In these horrific crimes, these individuals, when they try to divide our nation, it is a time that we have to heal. It is a time we find what divides us to put aside. I know what these families are going to go through. We need to be there for them. We need to find that we are stronger, and we cannot allow this terror to win. I yield back. Rep. Ryan i too wanted to say, i remember the day jennifer and i saw you in a coma. To see Steve Scalise standing here, it is a miracle. It is good to have steve back. We feel so blessed. I also know we are all really reeling from this horror that we witnessed in las vegas. As we speak, we have a lot of people in the hospital right now fighting for their lives. Parents are grieving for their children. This is just awful. We cannot let the actions of a Single Person define us as a country. It is not who we are. Instead, what truly defines us are the acts of heroism we witnessed after the tragedy. Kevin just told you about the man who sheltered his wife. There are hundreds of stories of people looking out for one another. Strangers helping each other. First responders rushing in to shield people. People lining up right now today, you saw the pictures, to give blood. This is what america is. People helping each other. This healing process is going to take time. We have to remember that we are all in this together as a country. Steve being back here today is evidence of the power of miracles, the power of prayer, of healing and getting back together. Our fellow citizens need both these things right now. They need to heal. They need to grieve. They need to pray. We need to come together. It is important we reflect the fact our hearts are with them. This is not a good day because we had an awful day two days ago, but we will have better days in the future because our country is resilient, and we will overcome this. Any questions. What you say to americans who want to know how the body you lead can make the more safe . Shootings seem to be getting more frequent and more deadly. Rep. Ryan i think one of the things we have learned from the shootings is that often underneath this is a diagnosis of Mental Illness. This is why we spent years working on Mental Illness reform, congressman murphys bill. Thats why the house of representatives passed Landmark Mental Health reform just a year ago. That law is now being limited. Implemented. It is important that as we see the dust settle, and we seem what is behind these tragedies, that Mental Health reform is a critical ingredient in making sure we can prevent these things from happening. That is just one example of the Things Congress has done to make sure we can get ahead of these problems. Was it a mistake to make it easier for mentally ill people to get a gun . Rep. Ryan nicholson. You rolled back the proposed rule for people whose benefits are being paid to third parties that are mentally defective to allow crosschecking rep. Ryan there were people whose rights were being infringed. It is more complicated than you are describing. You dont think that goes on the opposite direction of what you just said . Rep. Ryan protecting peoples rights was very important. That is what the issue is all about. [inaudible] rep. Ryan that bill is not scheduled now. I dont know when it will be scheduled. Right now we are focused on passing our budget. By the way, we are bringing our budget up this week. I dont know if you knew that, but we are bringing our budget up this week. The reason we are bringing our budget up this week, we want to pass tax reform. We think that is one of the most important things we can do to improve peoples lives. That is our present focus. Thank you. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] find the biggest available strawmen and merciful mercilessly attacked him. They burn it and see it coming. [laughter] in the spirit of sesame street, these remarks are brought to you by the letter o and the number 16 trillion. [laughter] whether it happened 30 years ago or 30 minutes ago find it in cspans Video Library at cspan. Org. Cspan, where history unfolds daily. 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