Roy dable care act and moores victory last night in Republican Senate primary. He goes to general election in december. Democrats, 2027488000. Republicans, 2027488001. 2027488002. What does it all mean . Story do you want to talk about . Both . Give us a rang this morning. The star this morning out of alabama. Senate ps strange in runoff there. Roy moore with his mother eading to the polling place in alabama yesterday, ahead of that Senate Republican primary race. Nominee to face emocrat doug jones in the december general election. Then lead story, front page of New York Times this morning, to undoans drop measure the Health Care Law short of votes, mcconnell says g. O. P. Shift to overhaul of the tax code, those are the two pages of a ng front lot of National Papers today. Let us know what you think. Fort lauderdale, line for democrats, youre up first. Caller thank you. With republicans is the only thing theyre interested is in tax cuts for is what is going on now. They are being threatened by daughters, if they dont get their tax cut, they cut off their purse strings. They do everything in secret, they will try to do tax reform in secret, it will not work because the Republican Party is kind of falling apart, at war with themselves, not going to be able to get the Freedom Caucus nboard and it will be fun for democrats in the next couple years, maybe the country will start Getting Better. Of tax the issue reform, House Republicans today retreat here in washington, d. C. , to talk about reform efforts. Capitol hill producer craig kaplin was there while they were boarding their bus. It will go until 3 00 today. Tweeting, House Republicans left from capitol hill aboard buses for the tax reform retreat at National Defense university and there are the buses heading to reveal tax reform efforts, talk about it and well xpect more information out of that retreat after the noon hour. Of course, President Trump will tax speech today in indianapolis, that is happening cspan. Org, for coverage of that event. Enough news, house ways and means holding a that rum today, streaming live, well be carrying it at cspan. Org, that is happening at 2 p. M. Today. So a lot to watch for today on that front. California. N diego, line for independents, go ahead. Good morning. Good to hear from you. Thanks to cspan. A comment regarding when you have a pog tigz on. There is one statement to make, they fall back on the past, like you just had on, talking about obamacare and and how congress isnt working together or whatever. Viewers are ur calling in, republicans and democrats against the republicans, what weve job to n, it is his change things, to fix things, to better. M you know, the football teams are down on their knees, why isnt steps of the e capitol saying, im on a hunger get together, democrats and republicans and get a good l and Healthcare System for us. Viewers need to know, these people in Congress Liberals rvatives and to fight each other so we dont ook at them and hold them accountable, all of us are accountable for our jobs and elected, tothey are make things better. I think weve all forgotten that. Instead of fighting each other, focus on them. Host chris is in statsburg, new line for independents, go ahead. Caller good morning. To offer a just suggestion to Mitch Mcconnell, democrats. I think if they looked at health as threetier system, one ier is for catastrophic care, alzheimers, chronic and the other tier is for people ic that, is what are afraid of, losing insurance for catastrophic or losing their that should be picked up by all states as universal. States picked up by the and nonchronic by the states and the r as paying for it, atastrophic should be paid for and where everybody pays across the states. I think that could go through, through the congress and pass both the democrats and republicans will get a piece hat theyre looking for, the universal, plus the state and then if you share insurance state lines that, should bring down the prices and you an get collective bargaining that, is my suggestion. Louisiana, sorento, line for democrats. Go ahead. Aller good morning, i was suggesting that we go to the singlepayer system, such as has and we could let countries,s as other have the health care picked up by the government or supported government and still have an option to have additional you choose, but that would help lower cost for a corporations and make it a better Playing Field or even Playing Field across the economy would help spur growth in the economy and instead of tax and take some tax savings or taxes that you would on corporations and use that for infrastructure within the country. Would help spur growth in the economy, too. I think you have a win win instead of ere, cutting taxes, reducing cost from corporations and you are economy at the same time. Host Bernie Sanders tweeting of erday after the collapse the latest republican repeal and replace effort, americans won a victory, stopped a disastrous republican bill, we must go forward and guarantee to all. Are of course, republicans still not efforts under the graham in , the grahamcassidy bill, before senate ulled from the floor. He said yesterday he is optimistic a form of his somelation will still pass point down the road. Here is what ive concluded, with a process that gives more attention and time, we will and replace obamacare grant called grahamcassidyhellerjohnson, as missing ingredient republicans has been, we know what we dont like. We acare is not working, effectively, but weve had a hard time articul e articulating what were for, until now. Now we have something to talk about that makes sense, the 50 republican senators, a lot of and i hope the American People. If you are single payer you, i r, got bless respectfully disagree, but what ere effectively, but proposinf single payer healthcare in washington. This is an idea that worked with reform n. 1996, the congress in bipartisan fashion clinton took the welfare system and block granted it back to the state with guidelines and guard rails and achieved a lot of success and welfare reform. I am convinced that innovation and flexibility is the key to affordable, high quality held sxheld that obamacare is the exact opposite innovation, flexibility and high quality. We are down to one provider in and 2014, we had five. 31 increase in South Carolina alone. This system is failing, but the is news for america republicans are not just going to deliver on a campaign promise, were actually going to improve your health care by he collapse of that primary runoff down in alabama. Line for democrats, republicans independents. D good que republican, morning. Caller i was listening to the about chris dodd frank, they bankruptfrank, they the bank, wall street, put the country into a financial free fall, no closing, no down payment and five years we will buy the house. The house went up, six Million People walked away from homes. Make a mistake. I am in new york, i have no roblem with anything, i got union. Y in tucson, cant afford deductible or copay, nothing. I mean, he has insurance, but cant afford it. Is a problem with it, i cant understand why the republicans dont stand up and it, get something that works, you know. Comment. My host dominique, the first part f your comment, are you saying doddfrank caused the housing bubble . 2010. Passed in caller hold on a minute, this was on clinton, they were trying i know, i wasome, involved in it. Host okay. Me two could you give minutes, ill tell you how it happened. My daughter, i should say one of kids, came up to me in 2007 and said, sdad, i got to walk my house. What . I thought something with the marriage. I got to walk away from my house. Mortgage, the husband had a good job, if you had a job, you can get in. Subprime loan or whatever it was called. I said, ait, you cant walk away from the house. For two and aised quarter after five years. I went to the bank and borrowed 50,000, she needed to put down on the house to keep it. They made me go through hell to 50 grand. I had to come up with papers, my house was paid for. Walked into homes with nothing. Host thank you for sharing your story. In mansfield, go achusetts, independent, ahead. Caller yes, sir, what we see here is the issues that youre about and other issues are stip ends. Donald trump, this guy spent all weekend peoples other patriotism, the flag, wrapping around with generals, himself took five deferme vietnam. S to he got on his knees five times with his back against the united takes moral e authority . The reason why we cant get we dontone is because have a functional sane person running this country right now, is what i want to say. Thank you. Host a lot of discussion in about President Trump, his focus on puerto rico. Headline from the Washington Times today. Trump attacks on the n. F. L. Distract from assisting the island, rejecting those tuesday at his press conference, joint press conference with the president of spain. Here is one column to that effect in todays washington post. Dles, americans languish, milbank wrote for washington post. President trump headed to puerto rico next tuesday, that from the nt coming white house yesterday. Linda, charleston, west for democrats, go ahead. Aller yes, we need to have medicare for all, lift social ecurity and have guidelineos price control for drugs and equipment used for this. That will take care of everybodys problem. You, linda. James, also independent, go ahead. Aller yes, i think shes right. System, for all, one make life simpler. What im calling for, people see whole government through tunnel vision or they got no life through a straw, they got to look at the whole situation, what the situation politics een watching forever, im 85 years old, what is going on for decade system politicians, mostly republicans got the whole system, they got they ticated corruption, got everything rigged with the Insurance Companies, wall street, everything rigged, the funnels money up to the rich. They wonder why were in debt, is to take ans job care of the people, they dont do this, take care of themselves, what happens, trickle down, trickledown system, they lobbyists wn money to who take care of politicians, politicians are buddybuddy, they Work Together and vote against the people for the rich. Are for the rich and democrats, they are not, you now, it is a whole thing, look at the whole picture. It is hard to straighten it out cant deal with isolated incidents where you deal with n. F. L. And this and gender, get to the root of the problem and look at the whole picture, they dont do that. Zero necessary on one thing they like and thats it. Got what they y call sophisticated sxrupgz that out, the straightened only way, the people have to vote these people out. Roanoke, virginia, line for independents, go ahead. Joseph, im a s veteran, and im a Firm Believer in the bible. Of things here is follow the money trail. Half of our tax dollars is spent on military machine. Going to get 10 billion dollars next 10 years and they health care and they have free education. Ermany, same thing jachlt pan, same thing. We need to spend our tax dollars wisely, lets clean up our own backyard and then help other people. Like Bernie Sanders, were not getting nothing free, were taxes, were paying taxes, utilize taxes in the right way for people first and the rest of the people. Like i say, im a Firm Believer war were e, this having does not make sense. These people are tribal and they at war for thousands of years. Host on the Health Care Part of comment, do you think it is worth democrats trying to work to fix the cans ffordable care act, that is what schumer said needs to happen, there needs to be a to ubling of this effort Work Together, do you think that democrats orth for medicare medicare. For all. Edicare the lobbyists are out and like i ay, follow the money trail because the money trail is people who are stuffing money in little ckets while people get stepped on. Even middle class, they are middle the pain from the class. I used to watch george carlin, will be he rich people paying taxes, middle class pay taxes and the poor people there remind middle class, you better keep working. Expected to be plenty of news today. President trump will look at democrats to help sell tax cuts, to clash corporate and individual rates is expected today. Well look to see what comes out of that. The president with a speech 3 p. M. , indianapolis at look for our coverage information at cspan. Org. Bill, hazelwood, missouri, line for republicans. Go ahead, bill. Ahead, bill. Caller yeah, id like to say that judge moores victory reminded me of the wonderful , all this government medicine is silly. Nybody involved with the government knows they cant do anything correct. Veteran, who has agent orange all over him, i men absolutely think old need to get out of the way. Thank you so much. Host bill, you mentioned roy moore. Here is a little bit of roy moore from his victory speech night. St together we can make america great. The president. Dont let anybody in the press think that because hes opponent i do not support him. And support his agenda. [applause] as long as it is as long as it is advance our society, our country, i will be supportive. Constitutional,s but we have to return the knowledge of god and the of the United States to the United States congress. [applause] americaieve we can make great, but we must make america good and you cannot make america acknowledging the sovereign source of that goodness, the sovereign source liberty and government, which is almighty god. Nation that is distanced ourselves from the very foundation, washington of all dispositions and habits which lead to prosperity, morality are indispensable sports. We have got to recognize weve separated by something that separates church and state it doesnt d for, separate us from god, nothing can separate us from god. God and e nation under we can become one nation so much there is division in our society. Mobs, ts, demonstrations, racial strife, were all created in the image of god. I recall what harry truman said n his inaugural address, the American People stand firm in the faith, which inspire third degree nation from the beginning. Believe that all people are created in the image of god and faith we will not be moved. Weve been moved, but we can move back. If you want to watch roy moores victory speech in its cspan. Org, the 30th anniversary of our cspan Video Library this year, whether 30 years ago or last night, like roy moores victory it all on ch cspan. Org. Pennsylvania, rt, line for independents, go ahead. Caller hi, good morning. Thank you for caking my call. I like to say that it does seem like from what were hearing on a lot of finger pointing and Everything Else and nothing positive coming out of of this stuff, id like to make a positive suggestion. It. T go for caller mechanics, they work on your car breaking down, so, you see stuff in your car is not working or whatever, it but not totally honest profession, so health care, same way, make a profit. You got a good insurance plan, boy, when you go for health care to the max and give you all your Insurance Company even if you dont need them. Basic protocol we dont follow doctors, nurses, surgeons, everybody that works a a hospital that wears hospital gown should not be wearing it outside when they go go home or when they because it carries a variety of mrsa, ere, all these Different Things that are people, especially older people or people with systems. Sed immune so i just dont understand it. This is already like a rule that hospitals are supposed to follow, but you go on the subway in new york and see a doctor a stethoscope and blood on his shoes, people flying out of on their smoke break, which is a bad sign, be th care people shouldnt smoking cigarettes outside the hospital. We got to get on a positive gravity of the negativity in our country is going to destroy us unless we were only here for a short time and we should be doing good things for each and praising almighty god and trying to set an example. All right. Thats pennsylvania this morning, michael in crawley, for republicans. Go ahead. Caller yes, sir, i heard them they are trying to simplify he Health Care Bill to a putable means that is negotiable. A reduced bill that would be plugged in with ncrements that work for that state and not have to drag it out. I saw the entire health care over a month to go through all the pages and other uld plug in amenitys and they got together the fact they wanted to try to delay it by and dragging in the fact we have a that 20 on debt, but trillion was spent on this in indeed were nowhere indebted to pay back 20 country, o any other that was money spent for our structure. Always available what they spent it for, they cant drag that into the health are issue, the Health Care Issue can be simplified and that is what they promised, it version simplified which allows someone to have it aable for the individual, not big block of things you have to bill. To simplify a that is what they promise. Host michael, can i ask you, read a piece of congressional legislation . Is it just when it comes to legislation . Caller yes, circs the health care legislation, they were drag the debt thing into it and they said not to, it doesnt apply. About that, they wanted to simplify the Health Care Bill from the amount of make it work for the individual, you know, it is like go and what as you fits with this individual without going overboard, they copay, ve to have a big they can just go with to deal ith, they promise to simplify bill is what im saying, they just havent delivered yet, that for. At theyre looking host have you read the various bills that have come through all replace piece of legislation that has come through this year . Dont yes, sir, they want to drag it out. Going from simplified issue, to you and deliver bills that keep trying to plug in, if it doesnt work, they to get it together, it shouldnt be that complicated, omething has to work, all complications of current bill are very detailed, i mean, there lot in there that is useful. They could have a simplified ill for what they promised and bill that dont pass is delay to simplification, they promise the American People. Host got your point. William in pennsylvania, line morning. Rats, good caller hey, good morning. Three or four listeners ad the right idea, nobody is going to listen to them. The Insurance Companies are to like the one lady said. He stock market, nobody talks about the stock Market Making money. Everybody has to make money and then is for healthcare. You need single payer. It andernment should run there should be strict penalties is in violation a until then, this is just talk, talk, talk. Host do you continuing is worth Affordable Care act work . Include fixes that both sides say are needed . Aller the Affordable Care act is another money maker, the by the ans are owned Insurance Companies and the stock market, they are filling it is never up, going to change anyway, im just wasting my time, the whole is a waste of time, its never going to change, it is all about money. Worried. Not i have health care, i cant, insurance, but no health care, i cant afford to go. Im paying extra Social Security and everything for health care. I cant go to the tr, im not deductible, the its corrupt. The whole system is corrupt and dont think it will ever change. Host 20 minutes left before we take the viewers on cspan to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Hearing talking about threats to homeland, f. B. I. Director Christopher Ray will be among the witnesses there. At 10 00 tok around watch that hearing on cspan. Lines are phone your, we continue to talk about two big stories out of alabama n and out of washington, ut of collapse of the latest effort to repeal and replace Affordable Care act out of alabama, roy oores victory in the Senate Republican primary, he heads to decemberal election in to fill the term of jeff the former sender from alabama, now attorney general. Vermont, line for independents, go ahead. Caller hello, calling from america. Only state that has some common sense, what the hang is democrats and republica republicans, passing money around, no one can ever be and caring. Hful there is people starving, people and afford to get help, what the hell is going on . Im all done. Mckinleyville, california. Line for republicans, go ahead. Morning. Ood id like to point out that medicare is going broke. Are tens of trillions of dollars in future unfunded medicare and that is for a system that people pay out for 50 years and take of for 15 years, so imagine what he cost would be if we gave medicare to everybody. You know, i think people should this question. If the government can provide Affordable Health care and Better Health care then same apply to every other product out there. The government should be better providing us with housing, cell utomobiles, with our phones, the truth is, ompetition and freedom of choice always provide better products at lower prices than by the provided government. All you have to do to see what appens when people rely on the government to provide them is take a trip down to venezuela, people are the doing there, who rely on the with ment to provide them everything. That would be a wakeup call. Issue of the Senate Republican failed effort grahamcassidy, repeal and replace legislation, several editorial boards on the issue today. The wall street journal whatrial board calling out they call the obamacare savior are ing on republicans who not on board with this legislation. F course Mitch Mcconnell deciding yesterday that he idnt have votes to move the grahamcassidy bill and pulling it from a vote this week. Wall al board of the street journal writing about ohn mccain, member of this dishonor roll, they say, he says word, his commitment is more iron clad than his word voters who reelected him against Tea Party Challenger promise to repeal the law. They wrote about rand paul than chuck d more schumer to save Affordable Care act. If you want to read that in wall street journal. Cody, hillsboro, north carolina, independent. Go ahead. Caller hey, two things. All thise basis behind sports and all these other things is it doesnt seem like understands the concept of freedom of speech and points in the constitution. Just want to make that point, line of the healthcare thing, strict ontrast between my experiences in the Public Health system and the v. A. Started going to the v. A. , im on disability, before the north going to Carolina Hospital and they every time i went there, they gave me every procedure they could possibly the regulations of the health care system. Would go to get mris and things like that, i guild for ery simple thing like getting antibiotics in the business, vs, they would give me mris, and ultrasounds and things like that, that they could charge didnt need. The problem is the health care charging as much as they can, they are charging as much as they can with medication when youre in jorgeorgetown law yesterday and asked to way in on player protest. I agree it is a big mistake that fashion. It weakens the commitment we nation that has provided us this freedom. I would note, of course, that players arent subject to any prosecution, but if they provocative act, they can expect to be condemned and the condemnt has a right to them. I would condemn their actions, being. Em as a human there are many ways players with all the assets they have can political views den than in effect our ng the symbol of nation, symbol of freedom to speak and act. Fact, the next of student question is followup on what you just said. Let me read it. Citizens have thus far employed to register objection to policies, practices situations are unsuitable and divisive in the what can tions eyes citizens do to properly register their opinions . Register e a right to to r opinions, to protest, criticize in any number of ways. To owners and p people who create the games and ay for the ball fields, decide what you can do on the ball field. Ut freedom of every individual under the aramount constitution and protected and we have to protect it. Is not a contradiction there. Host attorney general Jeff Sessions yesterday in speaking of the justice department. One headline this morning, the enforcement of Drug Administration will resign at the end of this week, according officials whoment said he had become convinced President Trump has little respect for the law. New york times reporting chuck choefurg, twice served as of staff for james comey and confidant was disillusioned with President Trump. Prosecutor under president george w. Bush, United States attorney in southern and eastern virginia. Back to your calls, we have 15 in our program today. Talking about the Health Care Repeal collapse yesterday in senate. Last night victory in alabama. Karen, chester, pennsylvania, line for democrats, go ahead. Caller hi, thank you for speak withing me and thanks for cspan. I want to point out a few things that people are not realizing about the new health care. Is block grant to the states a big problem because states cannot run deficit, if they run money after 75 of the people are given their health just outrybody else is a point about o the national or single payer system, congress is the one who as lobbied, i mean, consistently accepted lobbyist to bid f not allowing have west prices and they been taking lobbyist money from Insurance Companies for years. Going from ople capitol hill to executives, country shouldis watch a movie, documentary inc. , it shows all the different practices that are by law in this country and this ountry is making us sick, people on capitol hill are allowing Food Producers to do making us sick. Host bonnie, jacksonville, lorida, line for republicans, go ahead. Caller hi, yes, i would like to make a statement, i feel allow lly as long as we the government in our homes, they are going to tell us die. Er we can live or we need to get out there and get on our own and get our own insurance. Host bonnie, how are they going o tell us whether we can live or die . Caller well, the government will tell you whether you will have surgery or whether youville test or that test. And that is the way it operates in england. We go socialized medicine, that will be the worst thing hat could happen to this country. Host bonnie, how much do you trust the state of florida, if his grahamcassidy bill had gone through, this funding was sent to the states, do you trust florida more when it comes to Health Care Regulatory issues . Most definitely, yes. I do not trust anybody in republican, democrat, independent, they need to get ff their butts and do their job, they work for us we dont work for them. Host what makes you trust the florida more . Caller number one, we have a good governor, we have good they in office here and take care of their people here. Host appreciate the call this morning. Raleigh, north carolina, independent. Go ahead. Caller yes, hi, good morning. How are you doing . Host doing well. I have a comment, im fortunate, i work for a company that offers insurance, not great Health Insurance, but good Health Insurance. To go in for a blood test, i got the bill yesterday, they charged 100 for needle they drew the blood ith and 50 to dispose of that needle. Now like one of your callers to charge re going you and ring up the bill based on your Insurance Company, what to pay for. Ling it is outrageous i had to pay blood and em to draw that is the reason why Health Insurance in this country unless you do something to take care of these costs that the insurance are charging, are these doctors are charging, will g will change and it only get worse. That is my comment. Thank you. Tweets from care our at cspan wj twitter feed. Affordable care act repeal effort is not done, keep n eye out for the next attempt soon. Barkly says republicans have made it clear they have no intention of working with anybody to fix the aca. Wild and wonderful says i was for all before it became popular and never occurred to me i wouldnt pay for it. Anne, in pennsylvania, line for independents, you are up next. Caller hi, thank you. First of all, a number of people in this country need to grow up. Dirty word. Not a liberalism is not a dirty word. Socialism, ity is people. Medicare, and i read an article, tell you where, but medicare is a wellrun program. The best run programs in the government. They take out, once you retire medicare at 65, they take out a little bit more than month out of Social Security, you are paying for hat, besides the fact you have deductible you have to reach before the government will pay 80 and you pay 20. I cannot merica, believe the amount of people in this country who are sigh ill informed. Thank you very much. Host before you go, do you dirty onservatism is a word . Caller no. I dont believe in conservatism seeing of what ive been over the last few decades, but a tired of being called liberalism being called a dirty word, no such bologna as that. People have the right to believe what they want. Young man, g, the talking about the players, in this an protest country. We started this country by protest, we can protest anywhere want as long as it is peaceful there is nothing wrong with them taking a knee. Much. You very host beth, dayton, ohio, line democrats. Go ahead. Caller a couple callers back, ou had a fellow who was complaining about health care sxoft how it would be better if market. T on the its never come off the market, right ket is dirty pool now. Most of the people who are it off oney are making the market. It is not a free market. Arew people own it and they the ones that tell you who to buy it from and who you are not. Free market for years. It needs to be cleaned up, along system. E banking that would help health care and andar as medicaid, medicare Social Security, it was paid an by people who work hourly wage job and paid into it. Get they have managed to rid of most of them, most people are temporary or starting their that is why it is hurting for money, not the system itself. Thank you. Focus on one aspect of the Health Care Market in this the wall stat from street journal today and their to pull of the decision the Health Care Bill from a vote this week. Million people get health a. C. A. E through the market place exchange, that is in the wall street journal. Insurers face a wednesday deadline to sign up for 2018 the a. C. A. Gh they are happy to dodge the risk that the coverage mandate would e repealed immediately, companies are concerned about federal payments used to insurers reducing cost for low income, a. C. A. William, line for republicans, go ahead. Caller good morning, little brother, that conversation the lady had about the food inc. Is show, but that wasnt my comment. The money and health care is this thing is all about. If you look at the stock market, the edical people and insurance people are making a lot of money and that has all up considerable amount. Nd you cant, i cant send my money to the federal government and then the federal government and it to State Government the State Government send to Insurance Company and everybody it as it ce out of goes along and it be effective. The first point. The second point, we have spend t, trillions a on this war in iraq and what good have we done . To spend money on now we haven, right troops in 150 Different Countries around the world. Who are we fighting and what are we trying to accomplish . Not take care of the people at home, it is about the money and they spend on federal they just spend bsolutely tons and tons of money on the farming and we have and spend most money than the next three countries spend that much more money, im all for supporting the troops and all, seems like were just and ratheon eing and other companies. Hampton, east connecticut, just a few minutes left in our program today. Jay. Ead, caller yeah. Health you want to fix care, you got to drain the swamp first. Money. Mp is that is what the water is in the swamp. In all of thelved system and the back rooms of congress and legislature and so forth host one other headline to show you this morning with a couple minutes left in our program, a story weve been following about the equifax hack. Ahead of a congressional hearing last week announcing yesterday the chairman and chief executive Richard Smith would step aside under an agreement that allows for compensation clawbacks. In a statement mr. Smith said he believes its in the best interest of the company to have new leadership to move the company forward. Mr. Smith, 57 years old, still i expected to attend the congressional hearing next week. Jim, utah, line for republicans. Go ahead. Aller yeah. All these people pushing for single payer. Ee how thats working out. Host do you use the v. A. . Whats your experience . Caller oh, about three months to get an appointment. I have to wait three months. And then i got to wait another three months. Yeah. This is going to work out really good, you guys. You want to bring down the cost of Health Insurance, whos the people that are in congress . 9 of host mary. Independent. Go ahead. Caller yeah. You talk about medicare for all. Im on medicare. If i wouldnt pay 20 of my last brain surgery i would have paid 20,000. I have an advantage plan with y medicare and also 20 of 200,000 would have been 20,000. So another thing. Old. Le jesse is 99 years if we had medicare for all or universal medicare, he wouldnt have had open heart surgery at 99. He has been on a waiting plan probably three years and probably wouldnt be here by now. So no way. Host mary, whats the solution Going Forward . Caller i dont know. With my medicare i pay over 200 and something a part. 100 for my advantage plan. And the people on medicare that dont make that much from their Social Security, they dont even pay for part b and thats fine because they cant afford it. And they also get medicaid. Host mary, just so i understand, do you think what you pay is fair . Do you think what you pay right now is fair . Caller yeah. Im fine with it. I mean, i can afford it so i dont have no problem with it. Host ok. Fred in new york, new york city, line for democrats. Go ahead. Caller im calling because this kicking the ball back and forth about this Health Care Costs going down if it goes one way or another, i mean, its not going to go down. Its the same as what gas was when i worked in the gasline company. It was 42 a barrel back then. We got used to paying over 2, then 5 a gallon and its going to stay up there. I dont see how they are going to bring it down. Im a veteran. I go to the v. A. I need surgery. Trumps talking about fire these people that work there. They cant even take care of that. I have to wait until the middle of october to get an appointment. They talk about a Choice Program where you can go somewhere. Half the people that work in the veterans, they dont even know about it or where to send you or what to do. When you ask them about it. And they cant be they cant deal with something as simple as that. Host youre the second veteran whos called in to talk about the wait times. The Obama Administration made a push to try to shorten those wait times. Obviously the Trump Administration wants to do that as well. Have you seen any results from that push . Is it Getting Better . Caller no. I have surgery that i need to get done. Its been a year now. When i go there, i get an appointment, instead of telling me i need an xray before the appointment, i wait for an hour. Call me. They got to depet an xray and come back. Host fred, our last caller in todays washington journal. Well be back here tomorrow morning, though, at 7 00 eastern 4 00 a. M. Pacific. We take to you the senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Hearing on threats to the homeland. Among the witnesses today, f. B. I. Director christopher wray. That begins now here on cspan. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org]

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