Of the Little Rock Central High School natural Historic Site for other purposes. The gentleman from utah, mr. Bishop and the gentlewoman from control 20 each minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from utah. My extended remarks include extraneous material on the bill under consideration. This is this excellent piece of legislation. From arkansas, he is recognized for five minutes. I think the chairman for yielding. Mr. Speaker, 60 years ago today, all eyes were on south park street which fronts the beautiful facade of Central High School in little rock, arkansas. Just days before arkansas governor orville sagas had called out the National Guard to prevent nine black students from entering the school on september 4, central high and its beautiful never that have become ground zero in the march to end the five day like it by decade legacy of the zebras, separate but equal, to bring to reality, just over three years after the brown decision it was time for action. In a few days, on the 25th of this month we will celebrate the successful integration of Central High School. This is when the little rock nine entered the school escorted by the troops of the 101st airborne. It is fitting that we pay tribute to the little rock nine, their defenders, and a successful and to separate but equal. We recognize this important milestone today on this house floor by passing a bill on the suspension calendar which expands the park boundary of the national Historic Site in Little Rock Central High School. This is a historic and important touchstone for all those modernday history travelers retracing the steps of the civil rights movement. Siteational Historic Visitor Center was opened in 2007 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the integration of central high. Todays measure hr 2611 is a simple one, extending the power batteries to take into the houses that front of the school along beautiful south park street for the future generations will be able to picture this prank tranquil street and architecturally a significant facade of the central high and reply back to those 21 days of trauma in september of 1957. I think my colleagues were in the chamber today, the greatest actor john lewis for his cosponsorship. Andink our majority leader the Natural Resources committee for the expeditious treatment of this important measure. Hislute senator cotton for leadership in advancing this. I look for to President Trump signing this bill and recognizing that we have to embrace our past and learn from our history. I urge my colleagues to support this legislation, mr. Speaker i yield back the balance of my time. The gentlelady from hawaii. Thank you mr. Speaker, it is my honor at this time to yield to the civil rights pioneer and legends, representative lewis of georgia for as much time as he may consume. Isthe gentleman from georgia recognized. Mr. Speaker, i want to think the gentlelady from hawaii for yield and time. Mr. Speaker, i rise to strong port of instructs a this bill. I am proud to join the gentleman from arkansas. Im happy to sponsor this legislation to update the Little Rock Central High SchoolHistoric Site. In 1954, the Supreme Court issued a historic decision. In the brown versus board of subjugatedase which the nations public schools. Unfortunately, the law of the come to the people overnight. It took the will of great men and some children with the little rock nine. Parents swallowed their fear for their children. Strong innocent children put their bodies on the line. This will foster change that they demanded. They changed the soul of our nation and we must admit that our country is a better country and we are a better people because of these children. The mothers and fathers. Little rock, arkansas leaders intent to segregate Central High Schools, the government buyback. They chose to stand on the side of hate and bigotry. It took a mayor of strong president , the u. S. Armor and the arkansas National Guard to protect these nine teenagers as they entered the school. In 1957, mr. Speaker, i was 17 years old. I remember those days. These young people inspired all of us to stand up and to speak out. They can do what they are doing. Those of us watching on television, listened to the radio. E were deeply inspired myself, we need to stand up to the way people are standing up in little rock. I remember thinking that i could, that it must find a way to get anyway. Speaker, central high is courted by history. It must be preserved for the generation unborn. I remember a few years ago i visited that school. I walked through the halls. There was a young africanamerican student who was president of the student body. I felt like i was walking in a special place almost a holy place. It brought tears to my eyes. During the dark and difficult time the National Historic became an inspiration we can never give up and we can never get in as we strive towards equal rights and justice for all. Again mr. Speaker, i think the gentleman from arkansas for introducing this bill. I urge all of my colleagues to stand with the gentleman from arkansas and the gentlewoman from hawaii. Support this piece of legislature. I yield back my time. I am pleased to yield three minutes to the gentleman from arkansas, also a member of our committee who helped shepherd this bill to our committee. Arkansas is recognized for three minutes. Lex thank you for yielding mr. Chairman. Is congress been french hill bill. This is what is 11, it will modify the boundary of the Little Rock Central High School natural Historic Site to include seven residences on south park street and little rock arkansas. While this bill would authorize the National Park service to enter into a cooperative agreement with the private Property Owners of the south street property, hr 2611 will do more, it will also help us to remember. It will help us to remember that on september 25, 1957, nine young people with federal troops for escorts bravely walked past crowds of hatred, bigotry, emotional degradation and even physical abuse to desegregate Little Rock Central High School. In 1957, 9ic day young people showed the United States and the world that we were and are better than segregation. Better than racism and injustice. They proved to the world that americans as americans we believe that the declaration of independence when it says that all men are created equal. I believe that historical residences surrounded Little Rock Central High School should look into disrepair or ability would be a severe injustice to those who gave themselves to further the cause of civil rights and equality. I like to thank my colleagues from arkansas representative rigell added this thing was to gentleman from georgia, john lewis for their work on this important issue and i urge my colleagues to support this bill. I yield back. The gentleman from utah yields. Hr 2611 introduced by representative hill and cosponsored by civil rights pioneer and legend are lewis of georgia. 356ublic law 105 which establishes Little Rock Central High School national Historic Sites. Modify theld boundary and expand the Parts Authority to enter into cooperative agreements. The proposed boundary modification would include several privately owned residences on south park street, consisting of 1. 47 acres. The cooperative agreement authority provided by the bill will allow the National Park service to give financial and technical aid to the Property Owners to preserve the ambience of a 1957 historic scene. Images of the south park Street Properties are inexplicably associated with the 1957 events. As images of the little rock in theowd the protesters public, the National Guard and appeared in newspapers across the nation and were broadcast ofe to the emerging media television. The neighborhood became as recognizable as the high school itself. Is ine south park street front of Central High School, it retains a high degree of historical integrity. Ais legislation would provide unique opportunity to preserve a setting that will allow visitors to more accurately visualize the events that occurred there in 1957 when the little rock nine attempted to attend Central High School. In 1996, the surrounding neighborhood including these seven privately owned homes were listed on the National Register of Historic Places as the Central High School neighborhood historic district. The designation recognized the Neighborhood Association with the significant events of 1957 as well as the architectural characteristics and qualities that remain relatively unchanged from that. All the Property Owners and several Community Members have expressed their support for this proposal, including the central high neighborhood inc. And preserve arkansas. As we move forward in these turbulent times, it is important that we do not forget the struggles of little rock nine and the neighborhood that moved america forward. Towards an integrated education system. Bill, the passage of this mr. Speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. Christ the element from utah. Thank you mr. Speaker how they do yield myself such time as i may consume. Bill, to meer, this is an extremely important bill. Month,s ago during this nine extraordinary students attended Little Rock High School. For theirkids picked academic ability and the maturity level because they were going to go through a year that no one had seen the war and hopefully known will ever see again. Perhaps because i taught high school for almost 30 years i understand the environment that took place here and i have a great deal of empathy for these nine kids that went there. They could have easily been my students. A significant concept that on september 4, 60 ofrs ago, the government arkansas order the National Guard to bar these nine kids from entrance into Central High School in little rock. Then, after some pressure withdrew the protections of the to theat were subject mobs and the violence that took place there at that time. Ago,ptember 25, 60 years Dwight Eisenhower took the courage of leadership to order the armies 101st Airborne Division to go down to little rock, to the Central High School and escort these nine kids that year through that first year. Lead them to a school year like ever seen. Had this situation was in my estimation a Pivotal Moment in our nations civil rights history. As well as our education history. We have often talked about how buildings and monuments are used to interpret history. That is what mr. Hill is attempting to do here with a significance site and americans history to make sure it is preserved and not just the high school itself but the seven residents that are across the street on south park street. Are partidents there of the historical landmark which was made and designated in the reagan administration. They are part of the designation of the Historical Preservation of historical places. Buildings still have significant historical integrity. They add to the definition of the story of history which must be remembered at all times. Billesidence of this expands the boundaries of this national Historic Site to include those residences so the National Park service can in cooperative agreements with residents who still live there make sure that that area will always be preserved has a place to interpret and improve and provide Technical Assistance to make sure that the story of American History is not forgotten, it is part when you see pictures of these people , these kids giving press coverage is, it is part and parcel to the story. The residence are connected to the Landmark Events in september of 1957 and provide the backdrop for this particular element. I am appreciative of mr. Hill of arkansas for leaving forth with this particular bill, realizing the significance and i am happy that today on the very month that this is happening 60 years ago, we actually are talking about this particular event and desiring to secure these areas so that the history of this country will be remembered in its full extent. One of our staffers in the committee that helped in the drafting of this bill had the opportunity of having lunch with one of those little rock nine, one and essay in the report and wanted a chance to actually meet one of these his baroque young women who went to Little Rock High School 60 plus years ago. This is significant. I cant think of the story without in some way feeling choked up inside the cause i know what it must have been like for those kids to go there and i know what it must of been like to be part of that know you. This was historic. They were true euros. They were truly brave kids. They took his event on and didnt with such a pump that they need to be remembered and that is why i am happy that this bill is coming forth so we can expand the horizon and expand Historic Site so we can make sure this will be a protected area so that the history not be forgotten. What these kids did, that will not be forgotten. The significance and the conviction those kids had and the experience they had to go through can be remembered and we can never again go back there, and we can never again rhetorically that era. Again replicated that era. We will move forward. I am pleased to be here to support this bill. Im going to ask my colleagues to support this bill, because it said so much about us, about our commitments, priorities, what we want to do, and it says so much about what is good in this country. This is the primary example of what we are attempting to do. With that, mr. Speaker, i will reserve the balance of my time. The gentlelady from hawaii. Over no other speakers. I will yield back be balance of my time. Anything more . Once again, our appreciation for all those who have spoken on bill, worked on this bill, sponsored this bill. This is something that is significant and says something that is every positive about this country and help us to remember that which is positive about this country. We did that, i am colleagues to support this. I yield back the bonds of my time. Will suspend the rules and past the bill . Those in favor, say i. Those in favor, say no. Yays and nays. E they are requested. Rise and remain standing until accounted. They are ordered. Further proceedings on this question will be postponed. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] the house is not in session next week. Members will return from a work. From a work period. Funding for programs expires at the end of the month. Watch the health live on cspan. The Senate Returns monday at 3 00 p. M. Eastern to complete work on the fiscal year 2018 Defense Authorization bill. Final passage could come as early as monday evening in a series of votes starting at 5 30 eastern. Watch the senate live on cspan 2. Now, former Goldman Sachs vice chair Robert Kaplan is now president of the Federal Reserve bank of dallas discusses Monetary Policy th