Of criticism for targeting these programs that provide billions of dollars in federal funding for Public School programs. At the se time, he proposed a investment in School Choice, which is the next spansion the expansion of Charter Schools and private schools, even choice among private Public Schools. Some of the programs targeted that stirred up a lot of controversy included more than 2 billion for teacher training and classroom reduction. It is a Popular Program. Studies about this program have showed mixed results. It is on the chopping block for the Top Administration and trumpicans in Progress Administration and republicans in congress. Congressman like reblican lou barletta, who supported President Trump saying this is a bad idea. You cannot cut these funds for afterschool programs. In general, republicans have shown a hesitancy to fund to back some of these cuts. Earlier this year we saw a republican senator tell education secretary diverse that that hist devos budget is hard to defend. Notably included small cuts for special Education Funding and title i funding for poor students, which they are the largest sources of federal Education Funding that flows to schools. That is also indefensible for a lot of people who support his agenda. On School Vouchers, a push by this administration, how do they work and why are they seen as controversial . They have been seen as very controversial once betsy devos was nominated, because a lot of people see them as funding options, expanding options for students who already have means while taking away funding for Public School. His budget does that. He targets a lot of funding that would flow to Public Schools, while at the same time looking to expand Charter Schools, access to private schools. For many, that is indefensible. At the same time, we have seen secretary devos and President Trump very supportive of private School Options like vouchers, which is essentially public funds that flow directly to low income students and students with special needs so they can attend private school. There are other options as well, which are a workaround that very direct flow. They are called education savings accounts or scholarship programs. A number of states around the country have these programs, and they were very well. On the campaign trail, he pledged 20 billion to expanding choice. It remains a big part of his agenda that he has yet to fulfill. We try to do that in a small way with his budget request with 1. 4 billion towards School Choice. What is the workaround for this administration . There is some talk that they could try to push Charter School initiatives through tax reform. What we are seeing from house appropriators right now, notably trumps budget and the 1. 4 billion that was allocated, 1 billion of it was to the expansion of Public School choice. You have your Traditional School district, and it would mean sort of dissolving those Traditional School district borders and allowing students from another district to attend Public School in a district that is far away from them, but that family feels that Public School in another district is better for them. 1 billion was allocated for that in trumps budget. He also notably funded Charter School expansion at 5 million. That was a fairly significant increase to that program. He wanted 250 million for the expansion of private School Choice. What house appropriators have done, they have largely ignored everything but the Charter School funding request, which they bumped up a little bit, about 28 million extra went to Charter Schools in a recent move by house appropriators. For the most part, they have ignored trumps School Choice budget request. Now what holds are looking toward is tax reform. A lot of groups are supportive of School Choice. Betsy devos included. They are looking to see how they can sh the recreation of a federal Tax Credit Program through tax reform. It remains to be seen whether this will happen. The white house has not gotten behind a plan yet. Theres a lot of speculation as to whether it will happen at all. It would allow individuals and businesses to make a donation to anntity that awards scholarships to low income students to pay for private school. Ineturn, they would receive some sort of federal tax credit. Beens that dont has affiliated for a long time are pushing for this. But the white house has yet to get behind a plan, and as you know, texas is up in the air tax reform is up in the air. It is a huge lift. It remains to be seen what will happen there. The president asked for 59 billion. What will be the final number . What we saw from health house appropriators earlier this year, the Trump Administration saw almost a 14 cut to the department of education, which is big. What we saw from house appropriators early this year was a 3. 5 cut. The afterschool funding, they pretty much left that intact. They took about 200 million off that, but kept it at about a billion dollars. It is a very Popular Program for lawmakers to take home to tir districts. That is one example of how house appropriators thought we could not cut Something Like this. I think it would stand to reason that we will probably see the senate do more of the same. I mentioned the elimination earlier of teacher training funds. The house notably eliminated that program. It was very disappointing for folks who rely on those programs, who see that as a Popular Program to help prepare and train teachers or principles reduce class sizes. It is possible the senate will not choose to eliminate that. Maybe they will just choose to cut that program by a small amount. I do not anticipate the senate will jump on President Trumps choice proposals either. They might be a little more sympathetic to these programs. I do not think the president will be seeing the major cuts he originally wanted. Caitlin emma, thank you very much. Thank you. President s full unveiling in may, betsy devos defended the request. Here she is, appearing before the House Appropriations subcommittee on education. Sec. Devos thank you mr. Chairman. Thank you for this opportunity to testify on behalf of the administtions Budget Proposal for fiscal year 2018. I look forward to talking about how we can Work Together to improve Educational Opportunities and outcomes for all students, while also refocusing the federal role in education. While todays hearing is set to focus on the numbers, i hope we remember our purpose, to serve americas students. I recently met a young man, michael, whose story truly spoke to me. Michael grew up in connecticut in a lowincome neighborhood. He was an average student throughout elementary and middle school. All that changed when he reached the district high school. Michael described the school as one where the students were in charge of the class and they made it impossible for the teacher to teach. He was constantly bulld to the point he was even afraid to go to the bathroom. This made him hate school. He described the school as nothing more than adult day care, a dangerous day care. But even though he was fling his classes, the school passed him along from yeartoyear, giving him ds. Michael got a diploma, but not an education. Michael followed t path he thought he was destined for, working at a low school, lowwage job. But with the encouragement of his wife, michael took a course at the local Community College to see what was possible for him. He found an environment that was invested in his success. Much to his surprise, michael earned an a. He thought it was a fluke, so he took more classes. Low and behold, he earned more as. He found the schools Honors Program d worked as a emergency room nurse. His success is americas success. Isess to quality education the path to the american dream. I ask you to keep my cool and countless other students like him in mind as we go about our work to support americas students. No student should feel they attend a dangerous day care. No childs dream should be limited by the quality, or lack thereof, of the education they receive. This budget lays out a series of proposals and priorities working toward ensuring every student has an equal opportunity to receive a proper education. It focuses on returning decisionmaking power to the states, where it belongs, and giving parents more control over their childs education. Parents deserve that right. That right has been denied for too long. We cannot allow any parent to feel their child is trapped in a school that is not meeting their unique needs. The budget also reflects a series of ugh choices. If taxpayer money were limitless, we would not need a budget at all. But by its very definition, a budget reflects the difficult decisions on how best to appropriate the limited taxpayer dollars we have. This budget does so by putting an emphasis on programs proven to help students, while taking a look at programs that are well intended but have not yielded meaningful results. This is why the president s 2018 budget would reduce funding by 13 . Ive seen the headlines, and i understand those figures may sound alarming for some. This budget refocuses the department on supporting states and districts in their efforts. The budget simplifies funding for college while continuing to help make a Higher Education more accessible to all. I would like to outline the principles that guided our decisionmaking. First, a request gives students equal opportunity to a great education. Second, the administrations request recognizes the importance of maintaining strong support for Public Schools through longstanding state formula Grant Programs focused on meeting the Educational Needs of the nations most vulnerable students, including poor, including pr and minority students and students with disabilities. Third, our reqst maintains key programs that support innovation and what works in education. This also means strong support for data and Research Activities of the department. Fourth, reducing the complexity while prioritizing efforts to help make a College Education accessible to low income students. As Congress Prepares to reauthorize the Higher Education act, i look forward to working with you while accelerating and improving student completion rates through such efforts as yearround pal and reducing Financial Aid the need for financial d. And our request would eliminate or phase out 22 progms that are duplicate it, and effective, or better supported through state, local, or philanthropic efforts. Six programs were already eliminated. All told, taxpayers will save 5. 8 billion. In total, the president s budget the old his promise to power from the federal government and place it in the hands of parents and families. It refocuses the department and their efforts to provide highquality education to students. Research shows that increasing education options can have positive effects on students generally, and an even greater impact on poor and minority students. If we want to provide better education to underserved communities, we must start with giving parents and students the power to select schools that meet their needs. We want to unleash an era of creativity and ingenuity in the education space. My hope is, working in concert with each of you, wean make education in america the envy of the rest of the world. Thank you again for the opportunity to share the administrations vision for imoving education acoss the country. I look forward to sponding to your questions. The administrations push for School Choice expansion came up repeatedly during hearings before the house and senate. Here what lawmakers had to say to secretary betsy devos on the topic. Thank you, mrs. Chairman. As you have heard, i am extremely disappointed that your budget proposes to take funding for Public Education and transfer it to private schools. In my judgment, we need to increase the resources. Remember, the federal government provides 9 of resources for Public Schools. Most of it comes from state and local taxes. But we have to do was increase resources for Public Schools, not put an increased burden on the state and local. And again, continue to wk together to improve them, not diminish them. I think it is imperative that this committee and the American People really understand what this proposal would do. A couple quick questions. You can answer yes or no. Under yo proposal, with a student with disabilities receiving a voucher for a private school have Due Process Rights . Sec. Devos thank you for the question and being here today. Before responding yes or no, let me address one of the things you said earlier about shifting funding. We are not proposing any shifting of fundinfrom Public Schools to private schools. All the proposals set forth in the budget continue to fully fund and commit to funding Public Schools as we have. I want to make sure that we are clear on that. If we are misunderstanding numbers, lets talk about that. Arent talking of vouchers . Who is paying for the vouchers . That is an additional provision for title i funds in the budget. This is clearly a misunderstanding. Maybe at another time we could talk about that. If you are funding with vouchers, the money is coming from some place, and it is an overall cu sec. Devos there is a prosal for a 250 Million Investment in the innovation portion of the budget that would help fund some pilot test programs around School Choice. We talk about everybody talks about vouchers. But but we also have to derstand, there are many different mechanisms to provide parents choices. Vouchers are but one mechanism. The 250 million does not describe a method or mechanism. That remains to be discussed and decided upon. We will have to continue this discussion. I would be interested in whether private schools funded with public taxpayer dollars would be held to the same performance standards as Public Schools. And do you believe that private schools should be accredited and have to provide evidence of the quality of their programs . Sec. Devos each state deals with this issue in their own manner. I can refer to the program in florida, where there are 40,000 parents whose children are deemed students with special disabilities who take a scholarship to a private school of their choice. Those parents are very happy with and satisfied with that decision. They made that choice to do that. I refer to that as a specific example of a state addressing an issue in a way that is working for the students and parents and their state. Each state has to deal with this in their own way. Maybe i misunderstood. Can you clarify . A student with disabilities receiving a voucher for a private school have Due Process Rights . What is the law under that . Sec. Devos Due Process Rights ea. H regard to ide if a parent chooses to go to a school that is not a Public School, that is a decision made with that private provider or other provider. Will they have access to i. D. E. A. . Will they have Due Process Rights . The public should know that it is optional. Correct . Sec. Devos the y they handle in florida, one approach. But again, each state has to if they are going to offer choices to parents and students, they are going to deal with those issues in the way that works best for their state. Let me just say, i see i have no time left, but there are many questions i have. Afterschool programs, pell grants we have worked very hard on this committee to support Public Education all the way up, and i am very concerned when the federal government only pays 9 of the budget that you are supporting further cuts. I think we need increased dialogue here. Education, to me, is probably one of our most important responsibilities if we are going to have a workforce that is strong and healthy. Thank you. Sec. Devos i cannot agree with you more. You talked about the flex ibility of states being preeminent. I want to go back to indiana , bloomington in particular, and look at the Lighthouse Christian academy. The Lighthouse Christian academy over 665,000ives in state vouchers for students to attend their school. They are also clear in their handbook and guidance that if you are from a family where there is homosexual or bisexual activity their word, not mine or practicing alternate gender identity, you may be denied admissions. If this school, which obviously is approved to discriminate against lgbt students in indiana, if indiana applies for this federal funding, will you stand up so that the school could be open to all students . Thank you, congresswoman, for your question with regard, probably, to School Choice. Its actually kind of narrow, because i have one minute left. Sec. Devos i would like to refer back to your question about the comment about im sure you would. I want to ask particularly, is there a line for you on state flexibility . You are the backstop for students and their right to access a quality education. Would you, in this case, say, we are going to overrule and you cannot discriminate, whether it be on sexual orientation, race, special needs in our Voucher Programs . Will that be a guarantee . Sec. Devos for states that have programs that allow parents to make choices, they set up rules around that. So, that is a no. Do you see anyircumstance where the federal department of education under your leadership would say a school was not qualified what if they said, we are not accepting africanamerican students, but that was ok with the state . Do you see any situation where you would step in . Sec. Devos again, i think the office of civil rights and our title ix protections are broadly applicable across the board, but when it comes to parents making choices this is not about parents making choices. This is about use of federal dollars. Is there any situation would you say to indiana that that school cannot discriminate against lgbt students if you want to receive federal dollars, or would you say the state has the flexibility in this situation . Sec. Devos i believe yes or no . So, if i understand your testimony, there is no situation of discrimination or exclusion that if a state approved it for its Voucher Program that you would step in and say, thats not how we are going to use our federal dollars . There is no situation if the state approved it, where you would put the state flexibility over our students . Is that your testimony . Sec. Dos i think a hypothetical in this case it is not a hypothetical. The gentleladys time has expired, but im going to allow the secretary to answer. Sec. Devos i go back to the bottomline. We believe parents are the best equipped to make choices for their childrens schooling and education decisions, and too many children today are trapped in schools that dont work for them. We have to do Something Different. We have to do Something Different than continuing a topdown, onesizefitsall approach, and that is the focus, and states and local communities are best equipped to make these decisions and framework on behalf of their children. I am shocked that you cannot come up with one example of discrimination where you would stand up for students. Secretary, your budget makes multiple requests not provided for authority not provided in our bipartisan bill, including a request to eliminate the Research Program to create this new 250 million private School Voucher proposal. You have made some very confusing and concerning comments about how y s the role of the federal government in protecting students. I want to be clear, yes or no will you require all schools participating in this Voucher Program to comply with i. D. E. A. . Sec. Devos absolutely. And will you require all schools participating in this Voucher Program to participate in civil rights laws, including title ix . Sec. Devos yes, senator, but let me also clarify. There is no specific proposal under that line item. It is really appropriations language, and the intent of that line item is to explore and experiment with so, you are going to be creating new regulations. Let me be very clear with this Voucher Program. Sec. Devos it will not necessarily be a Voucher Program specifically. That is really appropriations language. It is intended to be a choice program. It is a 250 million private school program. Sec. Devos as part ofhe Research Budget that will help us evaluate what kinds of opportunities are working for students. You are seeking authority for a new federal program. It is paid for by my constituents and all federal taxpayers. This question cant just be left to states. The authority you are requesting says you the secretary will establish requirements for this new program. So, should this Voucher Program ever come to be, despite the opposition of a lot of people and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, will you reire these schools receiving these funds to follow the i. D. E. A. . Sec. Devos any Institution Receiving Federal Funding is required to follow federal law. At as well for discriminating against students, you will not allow . Sec. Devos schools that receive federal funds must follow federal law, period. Even through a Voucher Program . Sec. Devos . Period. Title 1a includes half of more than our publ schools. Your budget proposes a cut of 578 million in this funding for districts that dont adt your policies. Are you aware that your budget would result in these cuts . Sec. Devos i think, senator, we have a confusion here between test prior to the continuing resolution prior to the continuing resolution passed by congress. So, the intention is to fully fund title 1. We are basing our numbers on the actual, real world, right now. The numbers that we pass. Sec. Devos this budget is based upon the numbers prior to that implementation in late april. Something that was never implemented into law. This cut is 578 million less, based on current law, real world. And that cant be played around with. Everyonenew the 450 million in School ImprovementGrant Funding would be consolidated in title i grants. It is the law of the land. Both the house and senate bills provided that funding. Yet this budget is choosing to ignore that fact and would result in a cuto title i School Districts that dont adopt your proposed policies. I just have sec. Devos senator, that is incorrect. Again, the budget numbers you received are based upon the mbers prior to the action you took in april. So, the intention is to fully fund the title i based on numbers that dont exist. We cant play math with this. This is real world. I have a few seconds left. Many republicans attack president obamas budgets proposing programs that were not authorized in federal law. But you not only cut the legs out from the bipartisan effort with tse massive cuts, but you programs similar to the ones congress rejected. Can you propose then you propose holding 1 billion hostage to force states and districts to conform to your ideology. You have requested new Authority Budget for the proposal because you are not allowed to use the Pilot Program for promoting your policies. That is correct, right . Sec. Devos the billion dollars was to be in addition to the title i funds that would be fully funding again, i refer back to what i said before that. We were working with numbers that congress had not acted. You and i disagree on basic math here. Let me say here. Sec. Devos its 1 billion in addition to fully funding the title i i am over time. What do you tell republicans who feel very stroly the fedal government should not use federal education dollars to bend states and School Districts to their will . Se devos it is a totally voluntary program on the part of states. Nobody will be coerced. No state would be forced to utilize it or enact it. Thank you, mr. Chairman and madam secretary for testifying. Earlier you saidf a Charter School got one dollar of federal aid, they would have to follow all the federal rules regarding discrimination. Sec. Devos that is correct. But those laws re somewhat foggy. I want to be clear about what you are saying. Are yosaying that if you have a private school, that generally sets its own admission policies, that they will not be allowed, under your program, to discriminate against lgbtq stents . Sec. Des senator, i said it before and i will say it again. Schools that receive federal funds must follow federal laws. I just said it was fogg sec. Devos in areas where the law is unsettled, this program will not be issuing decrees. Will the form of this terminatiobe allowed or not allowed . Sec. Devos in areas of unsettled law, Congress Must decide and settle are you refusing to answer the questi . Sec. Devos i am going back to what i said earlier. What you said earlier did not help us. But i think you said such as nomination will continue to be allowed under your program. If that is incorrect, please correct it. How about this, nation based on religion . Will such dissemination be allowed with charter or private schools . Will such discrimination be allowed with charter or private school sec. Devos again, with schools that receive federal funds they must follow federal law. Please answer the questio sec. Devosschools that receive federal funds must follow the federal law. It is important for the public to kn that today the secretary of education before this committee refused to affirm that she wou p forward a program that would ban discrimination based on lgbtq status or ban discrimination based on religion. Sec. Devos thats not what i said. I have asked you to clarify. Sec. Evos discrimination in any form is wrong. Does your program ban such discrimination . Sec. Devos what program are you talking about . Your Charter School in private school grant program. Sec. Devos as i said it before, schools that receive federal funds must follow federal law. Care of the Senate Appropriations committee thad cochran and rosa delauro questioned these reductions. I am concerned about our challenge that we have to deal with. The reality of the budget process th the budget resolution in terms of authorization to appropriate funds, we have children ready to be educad throughout our state and everybys state, and we need to train teachers and support the training of teachers. So, there are federal programs that are legitimate. They need to be on the front burner for the support and strengthening of our federal programs that help is teaching our children. I guess i commit this from a biased point of view and i plead guilty. I had a grandmother who was a wonderful Elementary School teacher. My father was the county superintendent of the largest Public School district in the state of mississippi. My mother was a mess teacher in timbuktu. My mother was a math teacher in timbuktu. My brother tagalong with my father for graduate work for my parents. We would get into classrooms and act like we were students, thinking we were just as smart as some of the students were. The point is, we all have so much invested through our families, through our organizations back in our home states. So, we have our work cut out for us. We are planning our best efforts to squeeze this through the area that we can make improvements in and take a hard look, but realize we need to get a bill. Secretary, you previously stated funding designated for title ii part a of essa is redundant and duplicative. And limiting title ii part a sends a message that teachers, school staff and principles have hit all the benchmarks and they do not need to improve, or they are doing so poorly that there is no need to invest in them. Which category do you believe teachers, principals and professionals fall into . Sec. Devos first of all, the title iia program has been spread very thinly. It has been more prescriptive in nature. As the states go to implement their essa programs and plans they have great latitude with how to use other Funding Sources and to devote them to the kinds of activities that iia has been intended for. 20 of the grants that have gone through that program are of 10,000 or less. The efficacy of them has been very much in question. We believe that with the flexibility granted to the states, they are going to be able to use other funding streams to use in support of these developmental programs, if thats whats right for the programs. Rep. Delauro i dont know if the other states have a lot of leeway with these funding streams. I just pointed to the state of connecticut. Standards and curriculum changed based on research, teachers need to change as well. Do you believe that is true . Sec. Devos absolutely. A teacher is invaluable. Rep. Delauro and they need the resources to do it. Having the resources there is critically important in order to deal with teacher development. Many schools use their title ii part a funds to keep classes from being overcrowded. Parents dont want their first grader to be in a class of 30 with one teacher. Limiting this program eliminating this program could mean firing 8,000 teachers. How do you explain this to parents . Sec. Devos we believe with the elimination of essa, states will be best equipped to make these decisions on behalf of students closer to the rep. Delauro decisions though, without reurces. Sec. Devos ere are resources through tle i that are very flexible with that regard. Rep. Delauro weve got serious shift in funds ititle i, shifting the money out of title i to School Choice. That is part of where you all want to goith title i. So, title i is not going tbe t level thait necsarily needtoe in oer tbe ae aomda theseffts. Yota aboutn ury28 buethat itm sss e pame ethait fosethdertn miio miio h dyosq thi cile caste the tse il tt the s , udentsndch is e stmpta. E exily foedhrgh esa mptant eme and consideration of this budget process. Rep. Delauro should every student again, you cant do less with less. Thats my view. I dont know what everyone elses view is. We are cutting back significantly in the resources to education and ealing and dealing with the notion that we do not have to invest in teacher training, or in reduced class size in order to have kids learn. You should every student have access to a highly qualified teacher . Im sure your answer is absolutely. Sec. Devos absolutely. Rep. Delauro how does eliminating title ii Funding Impact that belief . There are competitive grants that dont reach every state and every school district. How do you, by eliminating title ii, how do you backup your view that every student should have access to a highly effective teacher . Sec. Devos again, reprioritizing the dollars that go to the states for their flexibility to be used in the best manner, that they deem the best manner possible on behalf of the students they are serving. Just, with respect to your question and comment about reducing class size, that portion of that program only was effective or implemented for 8,000 teachers out of more than 3 million. So, the number of teachers that are actually benefiting or impacted through that is really very minimal. Rep. Delauro 8,000, i guess if you are one of those you would not count yourself as minimal. Is there evidence that states and districts arent spending all of their title i money . Because you have claimed that there is no room to accommodate elimination. Thank you for your courtesy, mr. Chairman. Another concern raised was spending for historically black colleges and universities. President trump vocalized his support by signing an executive order to strengthethese institutions. Barbara lee asked secretary devos, where is this support . As we deliberate today, let us keep in mind the young families affected by our decisions. I am quite heard quite frankly, she heard your response to congresswoman clarks question with regard to discrimination against students. It has been the federal government that allowed me to to school. So, when you say it is up to the parents and the local communities, even if young people are being discriminated against, it is the parents and schools, and ttake the federal governments responsibility out of that is appalling and sad. I see your budget it reflects exactly what you said. You are cutting 1. 7 million from the office of civil rights. It is outrageous. I have to go back to your statement when you said hsbcus are real pioneers when it comes to School Choice, which completely ignores the fact that many black students had only hbcus as their only choice. They were not allowed to enroll in predominantly white institutions, even in Public Schools in their own state. I could not go to Public School, madam secretary. For you to sit here and say that it is ok that parents and local communities can discriminate, its very sad, shocking and disappointing. Now i see in your budget, yo say that hbcus are critical for black students. I dont think you really mean that because you dont increase the funding for hbcus, and you actually zero out the masters degree programs that we funded in fiscal 2017, which is extremely important. I am wondering, why are you doing that . Why would you do that, as well as, and i just have to say, cut so many programs, 24 programs that minority students and low income students rely on . 21st century afterschool programs. You e zeroing out American History and civics academics. You are leveling out preschool development grants. You are cutting them, eliminating them. You are eliminating special olympics, 12. 6 million. You are wiping out special olympics. For the life of me, i have got to undstand what your thinking is about this budget and a low income students, vulnerable students, minority students, students who deserve a shot at a good quality Public Education. Sec. Devos thank you, congresswoman. A lot of questions, or a lot of issues there. Rep. Lee they are all in this budget. Sec. Devos let me just start by saying, i want to be very clear. Im not, in any way, suggesting that students should not be protected and not be in a safe and secure and nurturing learning environment. They all should have that opportunity and i have continued to talk about that need for all students to have a safe and secure and nurturing learning environment. Rep. Lee that is not the issue. Sec. Devos the department will continue to investigate any complaints or any issues surrounding allegations of discrimination. We have no proposal to change any of that. As we talk about states assuming more authority and flexibility in their, in how they implement programs for their students, nothing about that changes our desire to ensure students have a safe and secure and nurturing learning environment. Rep. Lee referring to sec. Devos ferring to hbcus. Can you answer her question . Sec. Devos i would rather talk about the hbcus and our continued coitment by continuing to fully fund at previous levels rep. Lee i dont think that is what hbcus have requested. In fact, they need to see a small increase in their funding to make sure black students have Educational Opportunities. The cuts in the Masters Program is wiping out you are eliminating that for the most part with hbcus. Sec. Devos it is a new program at has not been a part of this budget. It is not eliminated because it has not been funded yet. Rep. Lee we did find that at one point at 7. 5 million. The masters degree program. You are eliminating that. Sec. Devos we are working from the budget numbers that were available to us prior to your omnibus in april, that was just a few weeks ago. Rep. Lee so, you are eliminating it, or youre not . Sec. Devos the figures in the budget y are working from our prior to the omnibus rep. Lee so, you will restore the 7. 5 million . Sec. Devos that will be up to congress to decide how to handle that anomaly. Rep. Lee but you are cutting it. Sec. Devos chairman to be fair, let the chaiinterject. I pointed this out at the beginning. This was a case where Congress Said we wereery late getting our omnibus done. That is our fault. Frankly, they have gone ahead and develop their budget. We will have to revisit that ourselves. I suspect the gentlelady should be pleased with the decision that gets made depending on the allocation. They did not know congress had authorized the program at the time they were putting together their budget. That puts her in a difficult spot. It is nobodys fault, but we ha overlapping documents here and it creates discrepancies on occasion. Could i clarify that it is 7. 5 million. Chairman i have a great deal of respect for my friend in california and i always listen to the points she makes and a lot of these decisions will depend on the allocations, which we dont know. The gentlelady knows we have worked together on a variety of these issues before and i look forward to continuing that. These are just a few of the exchanges between lawmakers and education secretary betsy devos. For more on the education budget and the federal budget process, go to www. Cspan. Org. Cspans washington journ live everyday with news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up this morning, university of south carolinas Robert Hardwick talks about the current demands on the National FloodInsurance Program and annie snyder talks about her report on the shortcomings by the federal government when it comes Disaster Relief and preparedness. 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He toud the Emergency Operation center in austin and think the employees for their hard work and responding to the crisis. He was jd