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Some payback to them other families for the loan they have taken out. We need to make sure you can get done in fouregree years. There are great programs around the country. One i admire is a program called tennessee promise, where every student who participates, gets done, the first two years, and Community College , free of tuition. It requires mentors and personal responsibility and that is the kind of approach we need. We need more kids graduating with a grease of purpose so they can live an independent life. Thank you. [indiscernible] [applause] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] we are thrilled and excited to be here. I want to thank cspan for covering this National Book festival. I hope the camera shows behind me how huge the crowd is. We are proud of that. About thing to remember exceptional president s is they are the exception. [laughter] thank you for coming today. It has been said heaven is a library. If that is the case, we are in heaven at the National Book festival. I felt at the time you must say to yourself, i am a youth leader for today. There was an article in the atlantic try to show we had a red blue map, but when you go to interview people, the divide was not a chasm. The political scientists were just in town. The idea that the country itself is as polarized as washington is just wrong. I hope that all people will realize whatever they have done oughte is something that to be reported, ought to be passed on to the next generation. That is the way we learn. We learn from the future by trying to understand the past, and all of us have a past. About guam,talked. Ou only focus on japan why did you do that . This is a great question. It goes to the heart of all of the questions we are talking about. We realized there was no way we could tell the whole story. Bere was no way we could short of an encyclopedia or having a story read like the telephone book, and of course the telephone book is not a story. I think all of the opportunities for women now are open. When i was in law school, i graduated in 1967, there were 13 of 500. My class today the law schools are 50 50. I think the key is you never like people who put profit above the public good. These wilderness areas belonged to generations unborn, and they needed to be handed on as places to awaken the spirit. I made my career out of the love for books. I helped found a texas festival and then the National Book festival, but while i love reading, i never thought i would write a book. Certainly not one about myself. The book is ar sense of urgency to go to the oldest people in our families and to find them and get these stories before it is too late. A father and a daughter, i remember, in los angeles, who both came together and after hearing the talk in hearing about the book, the daughter said to the father, im taking you to the coffee shop now and you are going to tell me the story. Back at 30plus Million People. The Health Insurance roles. Changeory can be quite a. Artin luther king said, the of the universe been slowly, but it been stored justice. There are all kinds of things wrong with the health care bill. But do you know what johnson would have said, he would have said what he said about the civil rights bill. Once you pass it, it is easy to go back and fix it. True calling is to bring back the dead. Not only those who are familiar, but also those who are less familiar. My life, istage in dont think i can afford 10 years on milledge Millard Fillmore or frank when peers. So, i am bringing all of my guys into the room at the same time and im going to write about leadership. That is really what i care about, underneath it all. [applause] oh, thank you. Cspan is going to have questions. Questions have been called in from cspan. There is a lot to watch this weekend on cspan networks. Politics, books, and history all weekend for you. , Hurricane Katrinas 10th anniversary all day continues and at 6 00 p. M. Eastern, live coverage of the new Orleans Community commemoration and celebration. P. M. Tv on cspan2 at 10 00 eastern tomorrow evening. Ords program with dan peralta talking about his book undocumented. Essex a got p. M. Eastern time, american artifacts takes you to at six 00nd p. M. , eastern time, american artifacts takes you to jamestown island, virginia. Those are highlights. You can find more details on our schedules at www. Cspan. Org. The Democratic National committee is holding its annual summer meeting in minneapolis today, and we are going to bear a number of the democratic president ial candidates. Hillary clinton and Lincoln Chafee will be speaking this morning and just a couple moments and later this afternoon, Bernie Sanders and Martin Omalley. We will have live coverage throughout the day. Also, the committee will be conducting regular business, rules, andotions other items the ready regular part of the meeting. This is live coverage on cspan. Should start in just a moment. Again, we are live in minneapolis as the Democratic National committee gathers for its annual summer meeting. A number of from democratic president ial candidates. Hillary clinton will be first. Also Lincoln Chafee speaking this morning. And martiners omalley speaking later this afternoon. We will have live coverage of the candidates. We will also replay them and take your phone calls. That will be later this afternoon. We will also for the committee as it conducts its regular business. Speeches should get underway in a moment or two. Present obama yesterday was marking the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. The actual anniversary is tomorrow. He traveled to new orleans yesterday and spoke with a number of residents. Former president george w. Bush will be in new orleans today delivering remarks at war and eastern turner high school. That is the same school the president visited on the First Anniversary of that storm. Traveling tobe gulfport. We are recording the former president s remarks and we will have them for you later. Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. The program will begin in just a moment. Once again, be Democratic National committee holding its annual summer meeting in minneapolis today. We are live in minneapolis now and we hear from democratic president ial candidates Hillary Clinton and Lincoln Chafee. They will be speaking this morning. We will also hear Bernie Sanders and Martin Omalley. This afternoon. We will be recording all of these speeches and will play them back later this afternoon. We will get your reaction to what they had to say as we open our phone lines. We will hear first from Hillary Clinton, then Lincoln Chafee, and as i said, Bernie Sanders and Martin Omalley later this afternoon. Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. Program will begin momentarily. The officers are about to come out. Ladies and gentlemen, the program is about to begin. Again, we are live in minneapolis or the start of the Democratic National committees annual summer meeting. We will hear from a number of president ial candidates. Hillary clinton and Lincoln Chafee will be speaking this morning. Lincoln chafee, by the way, will be speaking first. Martinrnie sanders and omalley. We have been teased for a futile that the event is about to begin. But first, we will hear from candidate Hillary Clinton. A Campaign Appearance in iowa and took questions from reporters. I have just been asked to open this up, and im happy to do that. I really appreciate, again, hillary [inaudible] chair Wasserman Schultz good morning. Good morning. Chair Wasserman Schultz welcome. Welcome. [applause] chair Wasserman Schultz welcome to the 2015 dnc summer meeting, which i hereby call to order. Gavel] by colors will be presented embers of the special guerrilla unit. Please rise for the presentation of the colors. Chair Wasserman Schultz thank you so much. [applause] chair Wasserman Schultz today we are joined by special guest Karen Guadalupe she moved to the United States at the young age of 12. She was granted the deferred action for childhood arrival status, which granted opportunities that were previously and accessible to her. At she is pursuing a degree and political science. She also worked at the Immigration Law center as an advocate for Immigration Reform. It is my pleasure to welcome usen, and invite her to lead in the pledge of allegiance. Please rise for the pledge. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. [applause] chair Wasserman Schultz thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for joining us today and for your continued activism and your commitment to be united dates of america. We wish you the best of luck as you begin a new school year. At this time, i would like to lack. Aellac bi he has been in outspoken activist for Marriage Equality, and having married his partner michael in 2012. This issue is deeply personal to him and his family. He was ordained by the Hebrew Union College and 2000. Please join me in welcoming the rabbi. [applause] thank you. Source of divine blessing in the universe, today, on the 60th let us pray and remember. On the first conference on religion and race, wrote rabbi William Joshua especially in 1963, the main participants were pharaoh and moses. Let my people go. Who israoh majority, this god that i should he heed her voice . I do not know this one, and moreover i will not let these people go. Meeting hasof that not come to an end. Pharaoh is not ready to capitulate. Is fardus began, but it from having been completed. We pray, we who have marched through the desert for 40 years, and we are still marching. We passed civil rights laws and the Voting Rights act, but we have so much more work to do. Have a pharaohr on the throne, but there are pharaohs all around us and inside of us. When i mentioned to my daughters i would be offering an indication this morning, they responded as only young veterans of Marriage Equality and other campaigns could. My 11 and a halfyearold looked bored. Another speech, she rolled her eyes. Could you at least get me hillarys autograph . [cheers] my eightyearold, however, whos best friends are some alley and africanamerican and realized what a singular opportunity this would be. Daddy, tell them when i become president , i am going to end racism. More going to make sure no black people like trayvon and mike and freddie get killed. Tell them, daddy, that they need to hurry. My husband and i had to work kids, so whatur kind of father would i be if i did not follow their direction . To my sisters and brothers of color, im deeply sorry it took him many of us so long to wake up and to show what. Im sorry so many of my own people have forgotten the desperate places we have come from and the pharaohs our ancestors confronted to get us here. Tradition, saying sorry is the first step on the road to redemption, but its not the last. An awakening in america. We are rising from our apathetic and privileged slumber and we are ready to stand again with the leaders of moral col courage. We are taking more steps on the road to redemption. Last october, i went with clergy to ferguson, missouri, to bear witness to the broken promises we have made our kids and i four hourse rain for and 32 minutes. My heart was cracked open by the young, powerful, spiritual activists there. They are among the most prophetic and spiritual leaders our nation has ever known, calling us to our highest purpose, serving our today, as we pray, i argue please, listen to the voices and ase facts of the array they have been treated out in their own words. Listen to the young people leading the way on the streets of our cities. Listen to their cries that we must seriously address structural and institutional racism and mass incarceration, and yes, police violence. Listen to their demands that each of us must examine the pharaohs inside each of our werts, unless and until acknowledge our africanamerican sisters and brothers are getting killed at alarming rates. Until we reckon with the truth that we have replaced jim crow with mass incarceration and until we advocate for a plan against the mighty pharaohs of racism, we will sell as a party, and more importantly, we will sell as a nation. [applause] this way. T be we have made a commitment that all children are made in the image of god. Babies, like babies, and yellow ones, and every under the sun. They are the children of god. When we mobilize compassion and ce, we will do more than simply when the white house in 2016, and we will do that. [applause] we will remake america and transform the world. So i conclude, a source of love in the universe, the stow your blessings on these dedicated public leaders. Endow themhem and doub to make urge the ground stone of our policy. Our children are calling your go in egypts, way down land, and tell pharaoh, let my people go. [applause] chair Wasserman Shultz rabbi, as you make your way off the stage, i want to tell you that i have not seen a steady standingn of a ovation for the invocation. Tov to you. I also want to tell you that you have done your children, our nation, and our faith a great deal of pride this morning. Thank you so much. Thank you, rabbi. As we always do, i would like to recognize our hardworking dnc officers. Starting on my left, please welcome our vice chair and be New Hampshire Democratic Party chair, ray buckley. [applause] thisormer mayor of beautiful city of minneapolis, our vice chair. [applause] chair of dnc Voter Registration and participation, and a media star in her own right, donna. [applause] mayorrrent sitting of the city of baltimore, our secretary Stephanie Rawlings blake. [applause] our vice chair and one of the s leading labor. Ctivists our longtime dnc treasurer and renowned financial expert and author, andy tobias. [applause] and of course, the person on ourh we count to make sure party is wellfinanced and has the resources we need to do all we have to do to elect our partys candidates up and down the ballot, i dnc financial munoz. Henry my colleagues and friends, our vice chair could not be with us at this meeting because she is currently on active duty with the Hawaii National guard. We thank yo her for her service to our count. It is now my privilege to recognize Stephanie Rawlings blake. Blake goodgs morning and thank you very much. Before i call the corn, i dont want to miss an opportunity to think so many of you who have , on behalf of me the city of baltimore. Year prayers your prayers have been welcome. All sowant to thank you very much for your prayers and well wishes. [applause] that, i will say, good morning, democrats. I want to thank governor dayton, minnesotaes, and the people for the wonderful welcome that you have given us to your city. I dont know about everyone else, but im looking forward to my return visit to the Minnesota State fair while i am here. [applause] if you can fight it and put it on a stick, it is there friday it and put it on this day, it is there. Im pleased to report that we do have a membership quorum. Thank you very much. [applause] chair Wasserman Shultz thank you, mayor Rawlings Blake. I would like to recognize a special guest we have an audience. Please join me in welcoming civil rights activist jesse jackson. Would you stand . [applause] ms. Johnson, while you are receiving your do applause, i want our dnc membership and anyone here listening to know that you have been a prominent leader in the fight for human rights, and for all in minnesota and across the country. We welcome you here today. Thank you so much for your leadership. [applause] all, democrats, for joining us for this very special of5 dnc summer meeting the Democratic National committee. This, as you have heard, is our last meeting on to the Democratic National convention on july 26. We are honored to be in such a fantastic location. Our next guest is the mayor of the beautiful city of minneapolis, there that the hodges. Mayor betsy she made history when she became the first democrat to win the race in 12 years. On the council, she has served on the ways and means committee. As someone who strongly believes in leveling the Playing Field for all americans, she joins take action minnesota to make sure everyone has a fair shot to succeed. Makes sure that every neighborhood has the chance to prosse prosper. When she was asked to leave, she did. Please join me in welcoming mayor betsy hodges. [applause] well, goods morning, democrats. How is minneapolis for you . [applause] , welcome, welcome to our fair city. Welcome to minneapolis. Theres so much for you to do when you walk out these doors. We have a big river running through our city. We have legs. We have lakes. We have parks. You will find this is a city for you. If you are descendent of first people, and we are on native land, this city is for you. If you are from mexico, if your parents are from mexico, if r grandparents are from mexico, the city is for you. If you are from anywhere on the african continent from egypt to somalia this city is for you. If that is where your parents are from, youre grandparents, or your greatgrandparents are from, the city is for you. Polish heritage, italian heritage, if you have scottish heritage. If your great ancestors came on yflower, the city is for you. If you are the descendent of slaves, the city is for you. Welcome to our city. Make no mistake. We are a nation of immigrants, but were not just a nation of immigrants. They are for all of us. We get to prove that next year. [applause]. Elcome welcome, everyone to the city of minneapolis. Im so glad you are here. Another person who knows exactly , governmeans to govern well, and govern for every his state. Son in the s someone who knows instinctively from inside the he doesnt only assert that scott walker is wrong, he proves that scott walker is wrong. [applause] it is my great honor to introduce you to the great governor of the state of minnesota, governor mark dates. [applause] governor dayton thank you very much. Thank you, mayor hodges. Fellow democrats, welcome to minnesota. The blue state surrounded by a sea of red, which we will change soon, right . [applause] and, a showcase for what democratic policies could do for america. We suffered for 20 years here in minnesota under two republican governors and one wrestler, before i was elected in 2010. We inherited a projected 6 billion state deficit, a decade of education cuts, and a stagnant economy with the worst. Nemployment rate in 30 years the republican governor in next or wisconsin gave tax breaks to the rich, cut education funding, and forced the state into 2 billion state deficit. He wants to get out of that job, so he is running for president. Income tax onsed the richest 2 of our citizens. [applause] we eliminated Corporate Tax loopholes, raise the minimum ised the minimum wage twice, and added jobs. We now have a 2 million surplus , which we are investing in transportation, education, and health care. [applause] we are doing, for minnesota, what a democratic president with a Democratic Congress will do for america. [applause] whereas, a republican president would be an absolute nightmare. Trumped hisas fellow republicans with his trash talking. The other candidates seem whicht to his proposal, they would do themselves. Our country will be led by a donald trump clone, or a democrat. Welcome to minnesota. [applause] chair Wasserman Shultz thank you, governor. Governor mark dayton, proving the democrats know how to get it done. [applause] you so much, governor, for your leadership. We are thrilled to be here with you and your state, and to have spent the last few days bragging on all of your success. Our next speaker is another incredible minnesota leader, and personal friend of mine. Someone who, beyond doing an amazing job when she was minnesota district attorney, but also who has been an outspoken leader for so many people who have benefited from her strong voice. I personally can tell you that when i was prepared to share my havingsonal experience, recently battled Breast Cancer, knew that i wanted to editors legislation so that we could address some of the challenges that other young inen, and people who are challenging populations that struggle with increased risks of. Etting Breast Cancer a person i shared my personal experience with before i shared. T with anyone else was amy i knew that i needed a champion. I needed somebody in the United States senate that i could count on to grab a hold of that. Egislation and never let go that is what she did. There are a lot of other things i can say, but sister and. Riend, and a remarkable leader the good fortune the minnesota people have to be represented by her is the reason im so proud to introduce you to her here. Please join me in welcoming United States center Amy Klobuchar senator Amy Klobuchar. [applause] ar thank you. H. Ook at you all hello, democratic leaders. Welcome to minnesota. Of poetords of our sort laureate garrison killer, welcome to a state where the women are strong, the men are goodlooking, and all the democrats are above average. [applause] state you enjoy our great. I hope you have a chance to go to the Minnesota State fair. If youre really adventurous, you should drive down to southern minnesota and visit the museum, or aspam we like to call it, the guggenham. The other thing you will see an minnesota is we are a state that invests in our infrastructure, people,ation, and our and that is why just last month, cnbc voted minnesota and the best state to do business in. [applause] that, my friends, is what happens when democrats are in charge. [applause] we are gathered here today because we know how important 2016 is. It is the difference between electing an outstanding democratic president , or putting someone in the highest office in the land who t seeks who thinksn for the explanation for our economic inequality is that they just dont work hard enough. Or, someone who believes that children born in our country should be uprooted and sent away and your you tell that to the 99yearold minnesota has panic world war ii vets i met a few to the 99yearold world war ii vets i met a few years ago. Fellow democrats, will be tell that vet that we did not meet him and wanted him to go away . I didnt think so. This election will be up to you. In 2016, you that it is not just the presidency up for grabs, it is also the congress. What do i mean by this . Ournfirmation process for supreme justice. Ive been overturning Citizens United. [applause] try getting a constitutional amendment to do that through a republican senate. You want to take meaningful action on Climate Change to echo we need a democratic senate. You know how we take back the senate . The answer is in this room. It is just five votes. Tom florida to wisconsin california. It is five votes. If you think five votes dont mean anything, listen to these votes. By only five votes, we push forward the bill to ensure the to ensurebrothers that our lgbt brothers and. Arent fired three votes is how we passed the emergency relief after hurricane sandy. Two votes. That is how we move forward the current Surgeon General of the United States of america, who had yet deftly to say that gun violence was a Public Health problem and republicans were trying to pass him. Two votes. Thats how we got that done. One vote, my friends, that is how we passed the Affordable Care act in the United States senate to guarantee the people of this country. One vote. That is what i am asking you to do. In addition to winning the president ial election, we have to win back the house and the senate. In the senate, it is as easy as knowing how to count. 4, 5. 3,. Ont take note for an answer i never did. I stand before you today as the , whodaughter of immigrants saves money in a coffee can dissent by debt to college. I stand before you today as a dot or of a teacher. I stand before you today as the first woman elected to the from theates senate state of minnesota. I never took no further answer. An answer. [applause] you go forwardas today, take the spirit of minnesota with you. Are in the state of sitting in the front row. [applause] you are in the state of Vice President mandel, who was the first major ticket candidate on the ticket. You are in the state of the person who brought grassroots colleges to our state, who brought us to victory. You are in the state of hubert humphrey, the eternal optimist, who once said, if we dont write our own history, others will write it for us. Fellow democrats, were not going to let others write our history in 2016. Get to work, and we will write in theseory, and w elections. Thank you, everyone. [applause] thankWasserman Shultz you so much. Thank you, amy. Thank you both for your service to the state and nation, but also the important work youre doing in the United States senate. I would now like to ask everyone to turn their attention to the screen for a special video message from president barack obama. President obama democrats, im sorry that i cannot be there with you in person. I would not be here without you in the first place. After a hardfought primary, we came together and build a historic Grassroots Campaign to bring change to america. Together, we rescued the economy, retooled the auto industry. Way our, we changed the schools prepare our children for the future. Together, we reformed our health care system. Together, we stood up for justice and equality, and the freedom to marry is now open to all. Every step, we were told that would crush the economy, instead, we have seen job growth, the stock market has. Oubled we know our ideas work. We know that middle class economics works. That is not stopping the bartlett of candidates on the other side running on the policy is the almost crashed our economy in the first place. We will have to fight just as hard in this election as we did in the last two. We have an incredible fleet of candidates who are willing to make sure that every american who works hard has a chance to get ahead. The candidates will not always agree on everything. That is the weight should be. They all agreed that america does best when everyone gets a fair shot, and everybody plays by the same set of rules. No matter who is on the ballot, that is a choice we will face, fired upis why i am and ready to go. Im not asking you to work as hard as you did in 2008 and 2012, i am asking you to work harder. Knock on more doors. If we do that, i know the democrats will just went the white house and congress, and elections all the way down the ticket, we will keep leon the extraordinary progress of the past several years. We will leave our kids in america better than ever. Thanks, everybody. [applause] chair Wasserman Shultz thank you so much. Are we proud of our fantastic president of the United States barack obama . [applause] fellow democrats, it is wonderful to be back here in minneapolis, minnesota. Oft night, i got a taste minnesota at the Minnesota State fair. Let me tell you, you really give iowa state fair a run for its money. Sorry, iowa. Fork you to mayor hodges welcoming us to your city. I know that you are building on ,he success of your predecessor as we have already a knowledge. It should be a knowledge to again. Rc, your stewardship has so obviously left a lasting legacy. We are grateful, as democrats, and i know your fellow minnesotans are grateful as well. [applause] , thank you for addressing us this morning. Were delighted to be here in the state where there are not only 10,000 lakes, but also coffee shops. This is the state that gave us billing, and as i learned last night, the state that fries even more than iowa. What is really great about minnesota, and no offense to our wisconsin democrats, but what is really great is every time scott walker tries to brag about his record, all democrats have to do rivernt across the sacre to you and all the great work you have done. Again, no offense to wisconsin democrats. This is what it looks like when you put middleclass families first. Instead of catering to those of the very top. This is what happens when you embrace workers, and organized labor as a partner in prosperity, instead of as an adversary to be defeated. [applause] my friends, fellow democrats, this is proof that middle class economics works. [applause] thank you. Thank you, governor dayton for building and leading one of the country,omies and the investing in Public Schools, giving people more access to the ballot, and proving that middle class economics works. We also have a very special guest in the audience, who has briefly been introduced, but hardier a hardi recognition, walter mondale. [applause] while in the United States senate, Vice President mondale for it economic fairness front and center, creating the hud office of equal opportunity. Serving in the carter and the station, he worked extensively on Foreign Policy, advocating on behalf of president carters vision. Speaking of president carter, i know we all send our thoughts and prayers for his speedy recovery. We commend him for facing cancer with gratitude and grace. [applause] thank you. While there is also a man of progress. In 1984, as i was graduating from high school and starting college, i remember the excitement and exhilaration that icon, and so many women and girls, felt when he chose Geraldine Ferraro to serve as his running mate. I remember that feeling, mr. Vice president , like it was yesterday. Thank you. Thank you for all the girls in parents, like mine, raised us to believe that little girl in america could grow up and one day reach the highest office in the land. Hou started that pat forward. Thank you so much. [applause] he is a proud democrat, and has withd our party distinction. Mr. Vice president , thank you for your service to our party. We have a few other guests joining us today, governor Lincoln Chafee. [applause] secretary Hillary Rodham clinton. [applause] governor Martin Omalley. [applause] and, u. S. Senator Bernie Sanders. [applause] unfortunately, senator jim webb could not be with us today. He is taking his daughter to college. Im sure many of the parents in this room understand exactly what he is going through right now. Im going to go through it in two years, and im already stressing about it. We miss them, but know we will see him on the trail and at our debates in the future. Today is just one of the many opportunities that we will have over the next few months to hear from each of our candidates and learn more about their vision for the future of this great country and the Democratic Party. Like you, i and excited to hear about their plans to build on the successes of barack obama. Begin a president obama, are we proud of our president . Speaking of president obama, arent we proud of our president . Under his leadership, we have seen 65 straight months of job growth. The deficit, cut by two thirds. Access to quality, Affordable Health care extended to 60 million more americans. Wall street reform. Student loan reform. And, the end of dont ask, dont tell and doma. Law of the now the land in all 50 states of the United States of america. [applause] if you listen to our candidates these are the issues that are at stake next november. If you want to truly see two different visions for the country, all you have to do is take a look of the gaping difference between the democratic and Republican Party. It is up to each of us in this room to help the American People in this room to be the chasm of the vote. We know the candidates will five for middleclass families. That is because democrats are the party of inclusion, empowerment, and extended opportunity. [applause] we are the party that believes that no one should go bankrupt because of an illness or spend the remaining years of their poverty. We are the party that stands with students, like the beautiful young woman who delivered our pledge of allegiance this morning. Karen is a dreamer, like her brothers and sisters, seeks access to the American Dream. We, as a party, will ensure that she and her sisters and brothers are not denied that American Dream. [applause] we are the party that believes that Women Deserve equal pay for equal work. Let us control our own health care decisions. [applause] i tell my two beautiful young daughters every single day. We are the party that embraces all religious faiths. Throughout todays general sessions, we will open and close an imran,om rabbis, and a christian leader. Committed to ensuring that every eligible registered, and every registered voter is eligible to vote, and every vote is accurately counted. Are you with me, fellow democrats . [applause] thats right. Thats who we are. That is us. Democratic party that stands up and make sure every person has their voice heard. [applause] for the people who need our voices to lift them up, who need our shoulders to stand upon, so they can make sure to build towards the cornerstones of a middleclass life. That is the difference we will present to voters over the course of the next 15 months, the 45th president of the United States of america. Are you with me, democrats . [applause] thank you. Now, like you, i expect it robust i expect a robust debate. There might be disagreements as the candidates talk about their specific plans. That is part of having a healthy dialogue and robust discussion. We dont take our ball and go home, just because someone has the difference of opinions or different experience. We welcome their culture, their heritage, the personal journey, and we believe that we built an Even Stronger america when we come together. Our unity is our strength. The next time we all be together, it will be in the city of brotherly love and sisterly affection. Are we excited about philly in 2016, my fellow democrats . [applause] arem azing convention well on their way to making this the best, most diverse, and engaging convention in our partys history, where we will dominate our nations 45th president of the United States of america. [applause] because, the alternative well, there is no alternative when you really think about it. Every single one of our candidates believes, to the court, that middleclass families and those struggling to get in the middle class are worth fighting for. The next of a chronic nominee, no matter who he or she may be, is committed to ensuring that all americans have a level Playing Field and a fair shot to get ahead. The same cannot be said for the Republican Party. Simply put, they are out of touch and the policies are outdated. They want to turn back the clocks of the failed policies of the past. I guess republicans must be working off the theory that if up on the enough stuff o wall, something will stick. It doesnt matter how many candidates they have because theyre all working from the same old tired republican that dont policies move us forward, and hurt women, immigrants, and the middle class. Unacceptable. Im told it last week scott walker came to minnesota. Am, im sure it was really special experience to have him here. He announced his socalled health care plan. I that you can guess what it does. It immediately takes away Health Care Coverage from the 19 million americans who now have it, that did not have it before. It puts Insurance Companies back in control, allowing them to discriminate against women and make a harder to get insurance if you have a preexisting condition. As a Breast Cancer survivor, that offends me. Health care funding for low income seniors, people with disabilities, children, pregnant women, and others who depend on medicaid. Sound familiar . Of course it does because it is the same republican appeals plan that they happen pushing for years now. Affordable care act has survived courte but two supreme cases, nearly 60 votes to repeal it, and a president ial election, in which president barack obama was reelected based on the debate over whether or not be afforded care act should continue or be repealed. The American People stood with want healththey care in this country to be a right, and not a privilege. 16 million americans have insurance today because of it. Every republican running for president has pledged to repeal the law, taking that peace of mind away from millions of people. Sadly, we should not be surprised that republicans are fighting against the Affordable Care act. It is still denying successful programs that we have had for decades. Within the last month, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of medicaid and medicare, and the 80th anniversary of Social Security. Those deserve applause. [applause]. Emarkable accomplishments these programs represent a sacred promise between america and its people. Representing south florida, i know firsthand how many Older Americans rely on medicaid and Social Security, so they can retire with dignity that they deserve. That is what we stand for as democrats. It was democrats who put these programs in place, and we intend to keep that progress, and make the program stronger for generations to come. Republicans, they are looking for any excuse to break that promise. Many republicans like rand paul and Chris Christie have suggested raising retirement age. Jeb bush supported his brothers plan to partially privatize Social Security and phaseout medicare, putting americans at risk of their Retirement Savings at wall street then, theres john kasich whose plan would cut benefits for baby boomers, some of which have already retired, and arguing retirement age, and are counting on Social Security benefits that they have earned. The republican field simply does not know, or doesnt care, what keeps Senior Citizens and middleclass families awake in the middle of the night. They will never understand. They dont seem to care about the millions of immigrants living in this country either. Unfortunately, it seems like the only way republicans are talking Immigration Reform in this country is in response to what double job says to what donald trump says. He launched his campaign with hateful comments towards immigrants, lodging him to the top. Unfortunately, his harmful words resonate with a significant portion of the republican base. Some public and have tried to distance themselves from trumps hateful rhetoric, the reality is that they endorse the same policies. We will hold them accountable for everything they say and actions they take. For example, last week, trump launched a debate on whether we should deny American Children the citizenship that they are guaranteed by the 14th amendment. Toublicans rushed follow his lead. Scott walker, bobby jindal, and ben carson all came out against birthright citizenship. Even marco rubio questioned it, and jeb bush called for greater enforcement. He decided he wasnt done and would insult asia ofn americans too. Info asianamericans these are american citizens. Period. End of story. It is in the constitution. Who are you to suggest anything otherwise . [applause] open the document. Read it. They are american citizens. That has been affirmed by the United States Supreme Court time and again. [applause] we are the party that will ensure they have an opportunity to build a better way of life for them and their families, which is the reason their parents came here in the first place. [applause] they can count on us. They will always be able to count on us. It is republican language, their policies, and in some instances, their flagrant hypocrisy that are affecting her nowhere was that more obvious than in cleveland for the first Republican Debate. Did you watch . As you expect, it was women who had it worse in that debate. The republican audience set the tone with misogynist comments. Days after jeb bush suggested that we were sending too much on Womens Health, bush actually boasted during the debate about the funding Womens Health care. Scott walker and marco rubio said that they want to ban all abortions with no exception for oror in test for rape t. Ces rubio defended his comments, using almost word for word be comments of todd akin. He talked about legitimate rape, and how a womans body down. Ut the body sure, we can laugh at his poor understanding of biology, but every republican running for president agrees with him about denying a womans right to make her health care decisions. The republican first debate was also notable for what we didnt hear. 6, the sameaugust day as the anniversary of the Voting Rights act. , at therepublican grownup orchids table, at that debate mentioned Voting Rights or the Voting Rights act. It is not a secret that the election of president obama prompted a backlash on the Electoral Coalition that put him in office. We know that. Voter id laws, restrictions on early voting, and elimination of same day registration may garner, would be should be making use year. Have a disproportionate impact on women, seniors, students, and communities of color. Want toan efforts repeal key protections of the Voting Rights act. That is what we have to mobilize and energize our people, not starting next fall, but now. I was very encouraged to see the news that governor tom wolfe of the great state of pennsylvania has begun online Voter Registration in pennsylvania this very day. Where are my keystone state people . I know you are in the house. [applause] good for you all and for the governor. To everyone who has helped us write on beds, and register new voters, take you. Republicans were de deafeningly silent. They are giving us tons of opportunities. Over the next 14 months, we have to do the work to protect and build on the progress that we all hope to see. They will try to divide us, say our base is not energize. You will get the questions, as we have before, we must prove them wrong, and we will, wont we, my fellow democrats . [applause] because if we dont, if we dont give republicans a chance to turn back the clock to the failed policies of the past, and we know we will be moving america forward. We know they will try to undo all of the progress that we have fought so hard and successfully achieved. Lets spend the next 438 days doing everything we can to put democrats in the best position to win in 2016. Ourcounting on you, candidates are counting on you, and the American People are counting on you to build the cornerstones of a middleclass life that our party has stood for since the very beginning of our founding. Onto 2016, my fellow democrats. Thank you so much. [applause] thank you so much. Thank you. Minute toto take a acknowledgment of my colleagues from the state of minnesota who has joined us here. I know congressman rick nolan is here as well. Ank the minnesota delegation. We have come to the part of our where we will feature part of our slate of. Reat candidates our guiding principle, the one i take most seriously, is that bes institution evenhanded and impartial. We gave each of the candidates, who will speak today, the following guidelines. All president ial candidates who publicly declared that they are running for the presidency in 2016, and received at least 1 in three National Polls in the six weeks prior to the event have been invited to participate. The candidates will speak in alphabetical order with two candidates speaking this morning and two candidates speaking this afternoon. Each candidate will be given seven minutes to speak. I have instructed our longtime wonderful parliamentarian to be the official timekeeper. She will hold up a tim one minue. Arning and at times up sign each presents a candidate was asked to offer their own one introduction, that will an officer. Finally, each candidate was given the opportunity to play 30 seconds of entry and exit music. [laughter] because it is all about a party, isnt it, when it comes to democrats . Were are very happy with the cooperation and thank the candidates for the cooperation we have seen from them, and look spirited and on Time Sessions today. It is my pleasure to welcome eiback to the podium. Morning, my fellow democrats. Are you ready to start hearing from our four candidates . All right, lets go. Democratic presence of candidate Lincoln Chafee has the astinction of having served mayor, governor, and u. S. Senator. Islands governor, he loved to stay out of the great recession, he increased funding to colleges, he enacted Marriage Equality, he expanded immigrant rights, and he had one of the nations best rollouts of the Affordable Care act. He was the National Chair of Barack Obamas campaign. Lincoln hasesident a nice ring to it. Please welcome the first candidate, governor Lincoln Chafee. [applause] governor chafee thank you very much. Good morning. Hat a beautiful city we are in i was very lucky to be here yesterday afternoon. Great city. Construction going on everywhere. Especiallyood sign, under democratic leadership. We, as democrats, have five great candidates running for president. If you add up all the years of facing the voters of these five candidates, there are 92 years of serving elective office. The leading republican has not served a minute of facing the voters in elective office. We, as democratic candidates, have 92 years combined. This is a big decision, obviously. In 2016, our great country, and who will be our leader. I believe that three things should come into your mind if you decide who will be the next president , the 45th president. First, past record, how people performed. Secondly, your character, who are you. Thirdly, wher vision, where we going to take this great country of america. I will tell you a little bit about myself. I am the only candidate running has been a mayor, senator, and governor. That means i know how to blossom some snow, pick up the trash, how to have good schools, and keep property taxes down. I see, over in lebanon, the governor will be toppled because thegovernor did not pick up trash. Basic stuff you learn at the local level. Then, i went to the United States senate for the bad years of bush and cheney. Right away, i knew they were on. He wrong track i voted against the tax cuts. [applause] then, we had september 11, and the drumbeat for war in iraq. , and through the reasons voted against the war in iraq. [applause] for you minnesotans, your two senators, mark dayton, now wellstone,nd paul where the two minnesota senators adjoined the 23 to see through the false premises of war in iraq. I was a reliable vote for the and timent time again. I recognize that carbon that. Aid was causing Climate Change i stood strong on Civil Liberties time and time again. On abortion rights, a womans right to choose, over and over again. Lgbt writes, over and over again. Immigration, there were only nine sponsors back in 2005, i was one of the nine bipartisan that stood up and said, guess we need to pass citizenship and border security. I was one of the nine sponsors of that goodell. I think we should bring it back and get it passed. I voted against himsam alito and stopped john bolton from going to the united nations. [applause] part ofm proud to be group of of 14, a seven democrats and several public coming together. That is what we need more of an washington. Iam proud of the tough votes took under pressure. As always a good test, under pressure, how do you perform . Im proud of those positions that i have taken in the United States senate. Then, i became the governor of rhode island in the depths of the recession. We had one of the highest unemployment rates. Our people were losing their jobs and homes to foreclosure. We stepped up, got a people back to work, and have the biggest job of unemployment biggest of unemployment. At the same time, passing Marriage Equality. That wasnt easy. We tried in previous years to get it passed. I made a priority to put in my inaugural address. Notink it is important, only for people who love each other, but for our economy. I want a tolerable economy. Atmosphere. Lerant that is what makes the economy grow. We worked hard for the dream act. It wasnt easy. We had a lot of protesters coming out as we pushed that through. And, of course, one of the best roll out scum of the Affordable Care act. That did not just happened had to work for it. This will not it easy, getting people signed up for the exchange. Im very proud of that. In these 30 years of public service, i have had no scandals. [laughter] [applause] that is not easy and rhode island in rhode island. Proud of that high ethical standard. I dont flipflop. Im consistent over time on the issues. The vision for the future . Ladies and gentlemen, i served on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee when i was in the senate, and i was lucky to chair the western hemisphere subcommittee. I have been all through this hemisphere. America, ih south had dinner with fidel castro, i have met with evo morales, correa. Then, i became chair of the middle east subcommittee, and iraq,ed through israel, lebanon, and met the leaders there. We see now see now, with what hd with the chinese currency, and how it affected our stock true, thee cliche is world is flat, we are all interconnected. Im running for president because i know we have big challenges out there. Make ito address them, a priority. We see the refugees fleeing the wartorn nations of afghanistan, and not onlyibya is it human tragedy, but i fear, the destabilization of the government there. Wingise of right groups in europe is one of my concerns. The around deal. Lets have a hand for president obama. Secretary kerry. This is the way we are going to address these conflicts overseas. Everybody is talking about the and how we stop them from acquiring nuclear weapons. But the other positive element of this deal is that it was put together with the help of the russians. With the help of the chinese. With the help of the britons, without the germans, with you the french with the help of the germans, with the help of the french. That is how we are going to solve these conflicts. That is how it is so important to get this passed, because it tops a run for getting a nuclear weapon, but we Work Together to solve these conflicts overseas. Prosperity does come through peace, and that is why im running for president. I want to make this a priority, addressing conflict overseas, and ending them. All of us are going to agree on were going to agree on the environment were going to agree women issues, were going to for in the Affordable Care act. Talking about ending conflict over seas, i grow in the vietnam era, and i want to see our future generations not have to go through these endless conflicts. [applause] and i do believe, 2016 is going to be a great year for democrats. I do believe that. Because, we are right on the key issues. [laughter] we are right on income and equality. They turned surpluses into ddeficits. Who wants to go with the emergency room again to get your spring ankle taken care of and have a five era weight . Hour wait . Are right on the environment, and republicans are wrong. Human activity is causing Climate Change. On that issueht and we do see it happening with extreme weather. And Everybody Knows the Supreme Court affects our lives for decades to come. We have to have a democratic president , a democratic senate, democratic house. [applause] right, these are republican wars over there. We started these wars, we are right, and were going to end them. Thank you very much. Prosperity through peace. Enjoy your convention, enjoy minneapolis. Thank you. [applause] rep. Wassermanschultz thank you governor perry i. Tois now my pleasure , theduce my friend governor. He has been doing a fantastic job representing our district. His priorities in congress include promoting peace, prosperity, working families and environmental sustainability and human rights. He has been a thoughtful and incredible leader, focusing on diversity and coming together. We have had many personal discussions about how we can make sure that week remote tolerance and unity, not only in this country but across the world. It is my pleasure to welcome him to the stage of the dmz. [applause] how are you doing democrats . Any democrats out there . Mr. Vice president , how are you doing . Lets hear it. Introduce a film on the Voting Rights act he will see in a few minutes. This is no trip down memory moment of is no nostalgia. When you see this film a point is for you to understand what we are up against, what has been done on behalf, and what you must do right now to make sure that every Single Member of our community, and im talking about the United States of america right now, has the opportunity to cast a vote to select the leaders of this country. That is the point. In this veryou, city where we sit right now, the mayor, when he was 32 years old, by the name of hubert h humphrey, said that those who of we are rushing this issue civil rights, we are 170 two years too late. The time has arrived in america for the Democratic Party to get out of the shadow of states rights and to walk forthrightly into the bright sunshine of human rights. He said it in 1948, he said it before brown versus board of education, he said it before the little rock nine, he said it when it was dangerous to say. This is the city i come from, and im so proud to be a part of. [applause] now let me tell you. Stage for whathe happened 72 years 17 years later in 1965. Walter mondale was there. He set the stage for those marchers led by Martin Luther robertson, when these Great Americans put everything on the line so that every american could vote. And they won that 1965 Voting Rights act, and our democratic president clinton vase johnsons sign that Voting Rights act. Better plugyou into. The rightwing who did not want everybody to vote. They never quite. They never quite. And they and they work set it up so that they screwed up the Voting Rights act and the Shelby County case. And that is reality. The real question is, what are you going to do about it . What are you going to do about it . The 50th anniversary was also the day of the republican primary debate and not one of them even mentioned it. You want to ask me if theres a difference between us and them . Come on. The difference cannot be more clear. [applause] many candidates acknowledged it the democratic side to none of it on their side. And let me tell you, last year 83 voter restriction bills were introduced in 29 states. To the statesgo and fight it out. In ohio they in limited and sameday Voter Registration and reduce early voting. In North Carolina and they are voting days, eliminated sameday Voter Registration, and eliminated voting outside the home precinct. The point is simply this. The way forward is for us to increase turnout and voter turnout in every single precinct in the united gates of america. Not just the blue states but the red states as well. Im telling you, texas and those red states, they are not really read date, they are states in which large numbers of working people do not vote. If we get about we would get them in the heart of where they think they are strong. We have to get voter turnout. We have to push campaign, and we have to collaborate and do team campaigning. This is what the way forward is. But i will not get in the way of this awesome video any longer. Beck it out, be inspired and ready to lace up your sneakers. Here it is. [applause] now, in 2015, there are laws in this country designed to make it it harder for people to vote. Beingspeak, more laws are proposed. Meanwhile the Voting Rights act, the culmination of so much tears, thet, and product of so much sacrifice in the face of violence, it stands , and the subject of political rancor. How can that be . It was one of the crowning achievements of our democracy. Republican and democratic efforts, president reagan signed the renewal that he was in president george w. Bush site is renewal and he was in office. Letswant to honor this, go back to washington and gather 400 more and pledged to make it their mission to restore that law this year. That is how we honor those. [applause] rep. Wassermanschultz now, to introduce our next candidate, please welcome our hardworking mayor Stephanie Rawlings blake to introduce secretary clinton. [applause] miss Rawlings Blake i saw a few people saying it was chilly, and i said just wait. To introduce our next candidate and speaker. She says if you work hard and do your part you should be able to get ahead and stay ahead. Thelower your she went to childrens defense fund. As first lady she tried to provide Health Insurance to women and children, and declared to the woman to the world that womens rights are human rights. [applause] as the senator from new york she fought to make sure that 9 11 First Responders on the health care that they needed, and as secretary of state she stood up for women and girls around the world. And kept fighting to keep and strong. As a candidate for president , Hillary Clinton is running on a platform to fighting for families because she believes that when families are strong, america is strong. [applause] she is fighting to get wages rising so that hardworking American Families can afford and middleclass life. Student debt from holding on people back, and help more families get ahead and they ahead. She is running to reshuffle the deck for every american and you that liftserican everybody up and leaves no one behind r. Because that is what Hillary Clinton has been doing her entire life. Please join me and welcome Hillary Clinton. [applause] mrs. Clinton , democrats. [applause] thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you all so much. Thank you very very much. Thank you all so much. It is great being here with a room full of democrats. Stephanie, i thank want to thank debbie, and all the elected officials, party leaders, and grassroots organizers who every day help strengthen families and communities across our nation. You are building our party in every district in every state. I want to be your partner every step of the way. [applause] i also want to give a big shout out to a giant of the democratic who has devoted his life to serving his fellow americans, and who has inspired and encouraged so many of us over the years. The great walter mondale. [applause] we democrats believe in an america where no matter who you are, for where you come from, you should have an equal shot at success. That is the america we love, that is the america we are fighting or. Fundamentally, that is what is at stake in this election. Whether our country keeps moving toward opportunity and prosperity for all, or whether republicans get another chance to rip away the progress we have worked so hard to achieve. We have come a long way these past six and a half years. Forget what we inherited from the republicans. The worst economic crisis since the great depression. Thanks to the hard work and sacrifice of the American People, and the leadership of president obama [applause] we are standing again. But we are not yet running like we should. This election is about the best understands the pressures facing the families of america and the challenges facing us in the world. And who has the skill and tenacity to tackle them. Today families are stretched in a million directions and so are their budgets were costs for everything from Prescription Drugs to childcare to college are going up faster than wages minimumwage jobs cannot lift you out of poverty. Middleclass paychecks have not increased even the corporate profits and ceo pay keeps rising. And at a time when more women than ever are their families main breadwinner, they do not get equal pay. And unions are under conservative attack by republicans and their allies. [applause] and think of the millions of americans eating held back either student debt. They cannot start a business, they cannot buy a house, they cannot even get married because of the loans hanging over their not the way it is supposed to be in america. In america, if you work hard and do your part, you should be able to get ahead and stay ahead. Bargain thatasic made this country great. And that democrats have worked so hard over the years to strengthen and defend. That bargain is what kept my grandfather going to work in the scranton lace mill factory every day. It is what led my father to believe that if he saved and sacrificed, his Small Business printing fabric in chicago could provide us with a middleclass life and i do know what, it did. Husband put people first and made that bargain mean something again in the 1990s, we had 23 million new jobs, a balanced budget, and for the first time in decades we all grew together, not just those at the top, but everyone. [applause] and when president obama did it, we pulled back from the brink of depression. Industry, curved wall abuses and provided health care to 15 Million People. [applause] is pretty clear. The basic bargain works. If everybody does their fair share, and everybody gets a fair shot from our whole country succeeds. Just not justss go to a few, it is widely shared. Democrats have proven that again and again. Now it is up to us to renew that bargain for a new generation. Works and we know what we know is right. We have to make sure that every american gets a chance to pursue his or her dreams to live up to their godgiven potential. That is what i would do as president. That is what people tell me they want. As i crisscrossed the country, listening, like the single mom who is juggling a job and classes at Community College ill while raising three kids alone. She is doing what you have to do to give herself and her kids a good life. She does not expect anything to come easy, but she asked me, is there not anything we can do . It is not quite so hard. Or the student who told me that paying for college should not be the hardest thing about going to college. [applause] or the grandmother who is raising her grandchild because her daughter is hooked on heroin, and now she needs help with childcare while she goes back to work. Income andaising supporting families is the defining economic challenge of our time. [applause] and that is why i have made it the focus of my campaign, and it will be my Mission Every single day in the white house. These are not new fights for you, or for me. Of law schoolut was not at some big firms, was at the childrens defense fund. And if you years later i started an Organization Called arkansas advocates for children and families. Worked toife i have even the odds for people who have the odds stacked against them. That is what we democrats do. That is why we are here. It is what keeps us working and fighting through every up and down. For the values we share in the country we love. Democrats believe that corporations should be held accountable when they gouge us on drug prices or pollute our environment, or exploit workers. That they just cannot be allowed to write their own rules that everyone elses expense. [applause] i believe in strong growth, fair growth, and longterm growth and that the word rewards of our success cannot just go to the wealthy. That would a company does well that shareholders and executives are not the only ones who should benefit. The people who work at that company in and day out and produce those profits should share in them too. [applause] democrats believe americans deserve a raise, that Women Deserve equal pay. [applause] we are the ones fighting to help. Amilies afford College Democrats understand you cannot go to work if you cannot find childcare. We do not believe he should lose your paycheck or your job when you have a baby or someone in your family gets sick. We believe that everyone deserves access to quality Affordable Health care. [applause] we are the ones standing up and saying the Affordable Care act is here to stay. [applause] we have come to far and not too hard to let anyone destroy that now. And we are ones who want to make Social Security Even Stronger and who will fight any attempt to weaken americas commitment to our seniors. We believe in a pathway to citizenship or the millions of immigrants in this country who contribute to it every single day. [applause] democrats believe that no matter who you are, what you look like you what a practice, or who you love, america has a place for you, and your rights are just as sacred as anyone elses. [applause] by the way, we do not just stand up for these values here at home. We stand up for them everywhere. That is why i traveled the world nonstop or four years as secretary of state, calling for equal rights for women and girls, for lgbt people. [applause] for religious minorities, or all people because the United States has always been a beacon of hope to the world, and we need to keep that light shining for all to see. That is what it means to be a democrat. Those are the values we cherish. If is time to stand together and defend those values. Because others are doing everything they can to take our country in a very different direction. Who watched the Republican Debate a few weeks ago . Candidates, all trying to outdo each other in their ideological purity. All either oblivious to how their ideas would hurt people, or just not interested. Not one of them had a single word to say about how to make college more affordable. Not a word about equal pay for women or paid family leave or quality, Affordable School for our kids so they can get the best start in life no solutions for skyrocketing Prescription Drug costs. No promises to end the era of mass incarceration, or say clearly and loudly black lives matter. [applause] i did not hear any credible plan to promote clean energy or combat Climate Change. Standing up and saying what we all know to be true. To the gunput an end violence that plagues our communities. [applause] you know, after the terrible events of wednesday, with two journalists killed on live television, plus a Police Officer killed in louisiana, and many more lost every day in carnage that largely goes unnoticed now across our country, i do not know how anyone could not come to the conclusion that something is deeply wrong. I believe we can have common sense gun reform that keep weapons out of the hands that should not have been, domestic unstable,he violently while respecting the rights of responsible gun owners are i know politics are hard. I know that some would rather throw up their hands or give up the fight. But not me. I am not going to sit by were more people die across america. [applause] republicans do not want to hear about any of these things. Their flamboyant front runner has grabbed a lot of attention lately and but if you look at everyone elses policies, they are pretty much the same. They are trying without the pizzazz or the hair. [laughter] a lot of people have said a lot of things about my hair over the years. [laughter] i do kind of know what donald is going through. [laughter] and if anyone wonders if mine is real, here is the answer. The hair is real, the color is not. [laughter] [applause] and come to think of it, i wonder if that is true for donald as well. [applause] you hear mr. Trump say hateful things about immigrants, even about their babies. How many others disagree with him, or support a real plan for citizenship or draw the line at repealing the 14th amendment . Today the party of lincoln has become the party of trunk. Think about it. Now of course, mr. Trump also insults and dismisses women, and by the way, just yesterday he attacked me just once again. And said i do not have a clue about Womens Health issues. Really . [laughter] you cannot make this stuff up. Trump actually says he would do a much better job for women than that is a general Election Debate that is going to fun. Lots of [applause] but listen to the others. Senator rubio bragged about the nine repentance of nine incensed ape and anyone who has been protected by an hiv test. Sayingthe stuff they are might be red meat in public and primary, but it is dead wrong in 21stcentury america. [applause] and i know that when i talk like this some people think there she goes again with the womens issues. Republicans say i am playing the gender card. [laughter] if calling for equal pay and paid leave and Womens Health is playing the gender card, deal me in. [applause] so, my friends. We democrats are not going to by while republicans shame and blame women. We are not we just a quiet when they demonize immigrants who whether they are latino, asian, or anything else we are not with you silent when they say Climate Change is not real, or samesex couples are threatening our freedom, or track an trickledown economics works. We cannot let them take us backwards from this weird would fight, and were going to win. No secret that were going up against some pretty powerful forces who will pay, do come and spend whatever it takes to advance their out of touch and out of date agenda. As far as they are concerned, if our democracy pays the price, so be it. We have lived through this before. The robber barons of the late 19th century had a Public Officials bags of cash. Now we have seek it secret, unaccountable money that distorts our elections and drowns out the voices of everyday americans. We need justices on the Supreme Court who will protect every citizens right to vote. [applause] instead of what they have been every protecting corporations right to buy elections. If necessary i will pass a constitutional amendment to undo Citizens United. [applause] so make no mistake, this is not going to be easy, you know that and i know that. But i have been fighting for families and underdogs my entire life. Im not going to stop now. In fact, im just getting warmed up. [applause] i am here to ask for your help. Im not taking a single primary voter or caucus goer for granted. I building an organization of all 50 states and territories, with hundreds of thousands of volunteers who will help democrats win races up and down the ticket, not just a president ial campaign. [applause] look, in 2010, republicans routed us on redistricting. Not because they won congress, but because they won state legislatures. Look where we are now. We cannot ever let that happen again. It is time to rebuild our party from the ground up, and if you make me the nominee that is exactly what i will do. [applause] ive been around long enough to and local county office counseling every school board and statehouse, and senate seat counts. Every single one, so we have to compete everywhere. When our state parties are strong we win. That is what will happen. And when democrats win in america wins and so i hope you will join me because we are building something that will last long after next november. [applause] i want to be president to take on the big problems that fill our screens every day at home and around the world other candidates may be fighting for a particular ideology, but im fighting or you and your families are i will take on the kinds of problems that keep people up at night how are you going to work if you cannot find anyone to watch her kids . What happens if you lose that job you worked so hard to find . Bute can you turn when that loved one who is battling addiction or struggling with Mental Illness finally once help . All of the challenge that millions of americans deal every day that they talk to me about. Challenges our leaders should care about but do not nearly good enough attention. Im paying attention. I hear you. I want to be the president to fight those fights, to fight for every american every day. To fight for each and every one of you. Here that at the end i am a proud new grandmother. 11monthold extraordinary granddaughter. And obviously her parents and bill and i will do everything we can to make sure she has every opportunity to pursue her dreams. But you know, that is not enough. Country and kind of world will she grow up to live in . That all of americas children will live in . You should not have to be the granddaughter of a ormer president and secretary of state succeed in america. I want the granddaughters of factory workers and grandsons of farmworkers to have exactly the same chance. Lets keep working with all our hearts toward a Better Future for all our children and grandchildren. They deserve to live in an america where everyone has a dreams. Achieving their where everyone gets to live up to their potential. And yes, where a father can say to his daughter, you can be anything you want, even the president of the United States. Thank you. God bless you. [applause] rep. Wassermanschultz thank you. Fantastic to hear from our first two candidates for our partys nomination for president of the United States. Dnc businessurn to with the report of the committee. The chair recognizes the chair of the louisiana Democratic Party, Karen Carter Peterson to present this report. [applause] good afternoon. I first just want to take a quick opportunity to say, as we commemorate 10 years later, im from the great state of louisiana. There are so many of you in this room who helped us out. Donna brazil, and the rest of the louisiana delegation, i want to say thanks you, 10 years after katrina. Read, gustav, i, i could keep going. Katrina andarly rita, we are so grateful for you opening your doors all across this country. We know that we saw many people that still want to come home, and there are many challenges. Not only in louisiana, but in communities all across this country. Theres still a lot of poverty, theres still a lot of disparity in economic and educational and health opportunity. Those are real. While we have recovered as a result of your help and leadership, there is still much work to be done. What i want to say thank you. [applause] thank you, madam chair. A. M. ,this morning, 7 00 the Credentials Committee met to consider a challenge to the seating of the delegates represented all democrat of louisiana of americas. The parties were conferred with before that meeting and the committee and they were there to improve your the matter in full. My coe reached pilot had to leave to take his university college, we reached an agreement unanimously. It holds the status quo for this meeting, and it also looks to cda as being an integral part of the Democratic Team for the 2016 election cycle. And so the Committee Recommends that dnc seat Natasha Mckinsey and president and Vice President while the cda reviews its bylaws and procedures and present a plan to bring them into compliance with the dncs charter and bylaws. The committee has retained jurisdiction of the challenge in order to determine progress of cda in accomplishing these goals. We think this is an allegorical resolution. Im proud of the leadership from both natasha and more and look forward to working with them and the members of the dnc, thank you. [applause] thankassermanschultz you very much. The chair will entertain a motion to approve the road part of the Credentials Committee. Is there a motion . Is there a second . Is there a discussion . In favor, saying aye. The motion is adopted. We would like to thank governor chafee and secretary clinton for addressing our first session today. [applause] it was wonderful to hear from both of them before i turn the program over to mayor Rawlings Blake pronouncements i have a few housekeeping items that i wanted to relate. What is that there was an error in my script earlier and each candidate has 15 minutes to speak, not seven minutes. Let me clarify that so that you do not think there were any violations. It was a mistake in my script. Willecond general session hopefully start promptly and on time at 1 00 p. M. , although we are running a little behind. Us forre unable to join the second general session we ask that you be courteous and at the conclusion of this general section exit the room promptly so we can wait let those waiting to be seated get in. Can those do all we who have been waiting opportunity to to get in. For those of you who are staying and leave the room between the sessions, please be aware that if you leave the secure perimeter you may have to go impetusthe magnetometer still on the premises at the beginning of the next session. We have come to the end of the program for this morning. Before we recess i would like to ask secretary Rawlings Blake to have forwarded she has any announcements. Thank you very much. Next session our will start promptly at 1 00 p. M. In the meantime, you can leave the room. Please be aware that anyone who acts as the secure perimeter will have to go through security again. If you leave the secure perimeter you will have to go your security again. Our next session will include speeches from governor Martin Omalley and senator Bernie Sanders. Thank you for joining us. We will see what 1 00 p. M. Rep. Wassermanschultz thank you very much. I would like to bring to the podium now if we can settle down, we have a couple more items for we officially recess. I would like to bring to the the reference to give our closing prayer. Reference, please join us and lead us in the benediction. Good afternoon. Democrats, the time is now. There is an urgency that yet remains. And so this day i say wakeup, look out, look up, and listen to the cries of the hungry. Wake up, look up, and looked out and listen to the cries of the thirsty. Cries in st. H the paul, minneapolis, ferguson, baltimore, and do you, on this 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, do you still hear the cries in the ninth ward . Listen and was on to the question, where is the freedom, where is the equity, where is the quality, where is the justice across this land for our many fractured and broken cities . Session, ihis first leave you with this blessing. With a steadfast hope. Be blessed with wisdom, be blessed with inspiration, within endurance, and with determination. Be blessed with appreciation of thatrences, and be blessed we are unified in lifting our voices and our votes for those who yet have no vote, and still must have a place at the table. And so we go from this place, we go in power, we go in peace, and let us be blessed to go in love. Amen. [applause] rep. Wassermanschultz thank you. Thank you, reverend williams. The chair will entertain a recessto stand in until this afternoon until 1 00 p. M. All those in favor . The meeting is in recess. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, wiich is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] live coverage of the dnc summer meeting will continue this afternoon. We will ring remarks Bernie Sanders and Martin Omalley. Calls. D by your phone right now we will replay the speeches of Lincoln Chafee and Hillary Clinton. We will open the phone lines. We start with we can chafee. Governor chafee good morning. What a great city we are in. I was a good sign, especially under democratic leadership. We have five great candidates running for president. If you add up all the years of facing the voters of these candidates, there are 92 years of serving in elected office in the leading republican has not served a minute of facing the voters in elected office. We have 92 years combined. This is a big decision, obviously, of who is going to be a leader. I believe three things should come into your mind if you decide whos going to be the next president , the event resident. Past record, how people performed. Secondly, your character, who are you. Thirdly, vision, where we going to take this great country of america. I will tell you a little bit about myself. I am the only candidate running has been a mayor, senator, and governor. 11 years as a councilman and mayor at the local level. That means i know how to blossom snow plow some snow, pick up the trash, how to have good schools, and keep property taxes down. I would not have been elected three times if i was not doing those things. I see, over in lebanon, the government will be toppled because they did not pick up the trash. Basic stuff you learn at the local level. Then, i went to the United States senate for the bad years of bush and cheney. Those were bad years. Even though his republican back then. Right away, i knew they were on the wrong track. I voted against the tax cuts. [applause] then, we had september 11, and the drumbeat for war in iraq. I saw through the reasons, and voted against the war in iraq. [applause] for you minnesotans, your two senators, mark dayton, now governor, and Paul Wellstone, were the two minnesota senators joined the 23 to see through the false premises of war in iraq. I was a reliable vote for the environment time and time again. I recognize that carbon that and human captivity were activity causing Climate Change. I stood strong on Civil Liberties time and time again. On abortion rights, a womans right to choose, over and over again. Lgbt rights, over and over again. For immigration, there were only nine sponsors back in 2005, i was one of the nine bipartisan that stood up and said, guess we need to pass citizenship and border security. I was one of the nine sponsors that the bill. I think we should bring it back and get it passed. I voted against sam alito and think i have been justified in matt. And i stopped john bolton from going to the united nations. [applause] also, im proud to be part of the gang of 14, a group of us who got together who worked to cross the bipartisan demise, Senate Democrats and seven republicans coming together. Morewhat we need of of in washington. I am proud of the tough votes i took under pressure. As always a good test, under pressure, how do you perform . Im proud of those positions that i have taken in the United States senate. And then, i became the governor of rhode island in the depths of the recession. We had one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. Our people were losing their jobs and homes to foreclosure. We stepped out, did the hard work, got our people back to work them and we had the biggest drop of unemployment of all the four states. At the same time passing , Marriage Equality. We have the highest Roman Catholic state in the country so that was not easy. We tried in previous years to get it passed. I made it a priority. I put in my inaugural address. I think it is important, not only for people who love each other, but for our economy. I wanted a tolerant atmosphere. That is what makes the economy grow. It was also very controversial, you see it playing out nationally, and getting undocumented students the right to have instate tuition, the dream act. It wasnt easy. We had a lot of protesters coming out as we pushed that through. And, of course, one of the best rollouts the Affordable Care , act. Proud of that, that is not just happen. We had to work for it. Had a team ready. This was not easy getting people , signed up for the exchange. Im very proud of that. All through these 30 years of public service, i have had no scandals. [laughter] [applause] that is not easy in rhode island. I am proud of that high ethical standard. The courage to take tough vote, i am honest with our people, and i do not flipflop. Im proud that i consistent over am time on the issues. The vision for the future . Ladies and gentlemen, i served on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee when i was in the senate, and i was lucky to chair the western hemisphere subcommittee. I have been all through this hemisphere. Down through south america, i had dinner with fidel castro, i have met many of the World Leaders throughout the western hemisphere. Then, i became chair of the middle east subcommittee, and traveled through israel, iraq, lebanon, and met the leaders there. We see now, with what happened with the chinese currency, and how it affected our stock market, the cliche is true, the world is flat, we are all interconnected. Im running for president because i know we have big challenges out there. I want to address them, make it a priority. We see the refugees fleeing the wartorn nations of afghanistan, iraq, syria, libya, and not only is it human tragedy, but i fear, the destabilization of the government there. The rise of right wing groups in europe is one of my concerns. The iran deal. Lets have a hand for president obama. Secretary kerry. [applause] this is the way we are going to address these conflicts overseas. Everybody is talking about the iran deal and how we stop them from acquiring nuclear weapons. But the other positive element of this deal is that it was put together with the help of the russians. With the help of the chinese. With the help of the brits, with the help of the germans, with the help of the french. That is how we are going to solve these conflicts. That is why it is so important to get this passed, because it stops iran from getting a nuclear weapon, but we Work Together to solve these conflicts overseas. Prosperity does come through peace, and that is why im running for president. I want to make this a priority, addressing conflict overseas, and ending them. All of us are going to agree on many issues, were going to agree on the environment, were going to agree women issues, were going to agree on the Affordable Care act. I am the one talking about ending conflict over seas, i grow in the vietnam era, and i want to see our future generations not have to go through these endless conflicts. [applause] and i do believe, 2016 is going to be a great year for democrats. I do believe that. Because, we are right on the key issues. [laughter] we are right on income and equality. They turned surpluses into deficits. They are wrong on that issue. Democrats are right on universal health care. Who wants to go to the emergency room again for a fivehour wait to get your sprained ankle taken care of . We are right on immigration. Of course, you want people to be. Reated with respect we are right on the environment, and republicans are wrong. Human activity is causing Climate Change. We are right on that issue. We do see it happening with extreme weather. Everybody knows, the supreme rise to come. We have to have a democratic president , democratic senate, and Democratic Congress. We are right. They started these wars. We were in them. Thank you very much. Prosperity through peace. [applause] mrs. Clinton thank you. Thank you all so much. Thank you very very much. Thank you all so much. It is great being here with a room full of democrats. And i want to thank stephanie, i want to thank debbie, and all the elected officials, party leaders, and grassroots organizers who every day help strengthen families and communities across our nation. You are building our party in every district in every state. I want to be your partner every step of the way. [applause] i also want to give a big shout out to a giant of the Democratic Party, someone who has devoted his life to serving his fellow americans, and who has inspired and encouraged so many of us over the years. The great walter mondale. [applause] we democrats believe in an america where no matter who you are, for where you come from, you should have an equal shot at success. That is the america we love, that is the america we are fighting or. And fundamentally, that is what is at stake in this election. Whether our country keeps moving toward opportunity and prosperity for all, or whether republicans get another chance to rip away the progress we have worked so hard to achieve. We have come a long way these past six and a half years. But lets not forget what we inherited from the republicans. The worst economic crisis since the great depression. Thanks to the hard work and sacrifice of the American People, and the leadership of president obama [applause] we are standing again. But we are not yet running like we should. This election is about the best understands the pressures facing the families of america and the challenges facing us in the world. And who has the skill and tenacity to tackle them. Today families are stretched in a million directions and so are their budgets were costs for everything from Prescription Drugs to childcare to college are going up faster than wages. Joblltime minimumwage cannot lift you out of poverty. Middleclass paychecks have not increased even the corporate profits and ceo pay keeps rising. And at a time when more women than ever are their families main breadwinner, they do not get equal pay. And unions are under conservative attack by republicans and their allies. [applause] and think of the millions of americans being held back either by their student debt. They cannot start a business, they cannot buy a house, they cannot even get married because of the loans hanging over their head. That is not the way it is supposed to be in america. In america, if you work hard and do your part, you should be able to get ahead and stay ahead. That is the basic bargain that made this country great. [applause] and that democrats have worked so hard over the years to strengthen and defend. That bargain is what kept my grandfather going to work in the scranton lace mill factory every day. It is what led my father to believe that if he saved and sacrificed, his Small Business printing fabric in chicago could provide us with a middleclass life and i do know what, it did. When my husband put people first and made that bargain mean something again in the 1990s, we had 23 million new jobs, a balanced budget, and for the first time in decades we all grew together, not just those at the top, but everyone. [applause] and when president obama did it, we pulled back from the brink of depression. Save the auto industry, curved wall abuses and provided health wall street abuses, and provided health care to 16 Million People. [applause] the evidence is pretty clear. The basic bargain works. If everybody does their fair share, and everybody gets a fair shot from our whole country succeeds. And that success just not just go to a few, it is widely shared. Democrats have proven that again and again. Now it is up to us to renew that bargain for a new generation. To do what we know works and what we know is right. We have to make sure that every american gets a chance to pursue his or her dreams to live up to their godgiven potential. That is what i would do as president. That is what people tell me they want. As i crisscrossed the country, listening, like the single mom who is juggling a job and classes at Community College , all while raising three kids alone. She is doing what you have to do to give herself and her kids a good life. She does not expect anything to come easy, but she asked me, is there not anything we can do . It is not quite so hard. Or the student who told me that paying for college should not be the hardest thing about going to college. [applause] or the grandmother who is raising her grandchild because her daughter is hooked on heroin, and now she needs help with childcare while she goes back to work. I believe raising income and supporting families is the defining economic challenge of our time. [applause] and that is why i have made it the focus of my campaign, and it will be my Mission Every single day in the white house. These are not new fights for you, or for me. My first job out of law school was not at some big firms, was at the childrens defense fund. And a few years later i started an Organization Called arkansas advocates for children and families. My whole life i have worked to even the odds for people who have the odds stacked against them. That is what we democrats do. That is why we are here. It is what keeps us working and fighting through every up and down. For the values we share in the country we love. Democrats believe that corporations should be held accountable when they gouge us on drug prices or pollute our environment, or exploit workers. That they just cannot be allowed to write their own rules that everyone elses expense. [applause] i believe in strong growth, fair growth, and longterm growth and that the rewards of our success cannot just go to the wealthy. That would a company does well company does well that shareholders and executives are not the only ones who should benefit. The people who work at that company day in and day out and produce those profits should share in them too. [applause] democrats believe americans deserve a raise, that Women Deserve equal pay. [applause] we are the ones fighting to help families afford college. Democrats understand you cannot go to work if you cannot find childcare. We believe you should not lose your paycheck or your job when you have a baby or someone in your family gets sick. We believe that everyone deserves access to quality Affordable Health care. [applause] we are the ones standing up and saying the Affordable Care act is here to stay. [applause] we have come too far and not too fought too hard to let anyone destroy that now. And we are ones who want to make Social Security Even Stronger and who will fight any attempt to weaken americas commitment to our seniors. We believe in a pathway to citizenship or the millions of immigrants in this country who contribute to it every single day. [applause] democrats believe that no matter who you are, what you look like you what a practice, or who you love, america has a place for you, and your rights are just as sacred as anyone elses. [applause] by the way, we do not just stand up for these values here at home. We stand up for them everywhere. That is why i traveled the world nonstop or four years as secretary of state, calling for equal rights for women and girls, for lgbt people. [applause] for religious minorities, or all of oppressed people because the United States has always been a beacon of hope to the world, and we need to keep that light shining for all to see. That is what it means to be a democrat. Those are the values we cherish. It is time to stand together and defend those values. Because others are doing everything they can to take our country in a very different direction. Who watched the Republican Debate a few weeks ago . 17 candidates, all trying to outdo each other in their ideological purity. All either oblivious to how their ideas would hurt people, or just not interested. Not one of them had a single word to say about how to make college more affordable. Not a word about equal pay for women or paid family leave or quality, Affordable School for our kids so they can get the best start in life no solutions for skyrocketing Prescription Drug costs. No promises to end the era of mass incarceration, or say clearly and loudly black lives matter. [applause] i did not hear any credible plan to promote clean energy or combat Climate Change. And no one is standing up and saying what we all know to be true. We need to put an end to the gun violence that plagues our communities. [applause] you know, after the terrible events of wednesday, with two journalists killed on live television, plus a Police Officer killed in louisiana, and many more lost every day in carnage that largely goes unnoticed now across our country, i do not know how anyone could not come to the conclusion that something is deeply wrong. I believe we can have common sense gun reform that keep weapons out of the hands that should not have been, domestic abusers, the violently unstable, while respecting the rights of responsible gun owners are i know politics are hard. I know that some would rather throw up their hands or give up the fight. But not me. I am not going to sit by were more people die across america. [applause] republicans do not want to hear about any of these things. Their flamboyant front runner has grabbed a lot of attention lately and but if you look at everyone elses policies, they are pretty much the same. They are trying without the ump without the pizzazz or the hair. [laughter] a lot of people have said a lot of things about my hair over the years. [laughter] i do kind of know what donald is going through. [laughter] and if anyone wonders if mine is real, here is the answer. The hair is real, the color is not. [laughter] [applause] and come to think of it, i wonder if that is true for donald as well. [applause] you hear mr. Trump say hateful things about immigrants, even about their babies. How many others disagree with him, or support a real plan for citizenship or draw the line at repealing the 14th amendment . Today the party of lincoln has become the party of trump. Think about it. Now of course, mr. Trump also insults and dismisses women, and by the way, just yesterday he attacked me once again. And said i do not have a clue about Womens Health issues. Really . [laughter] you cannot make this stuff up. Trump actually says he would do a much better job for women than i would. That is a general Election Debate that is going to be a lot of fun. [applause] but listen to the others. Senator rubio bragged about the nine victims of rape and insicest. Defund plannedo parenthood. I would like them to tell that caught her Breast Cancer early because she was able to get a screening. Or, a teenager who avoided an unintended pregnancy because she had access to contraception. Or, anyone who has been protected by an hiv test. All of the stuff they are saying might be red meat in public and in a republican primary but , it is dead wrong in 21stcentury america. [applause] and i know that when i talk like this some people think there she goes again with the womens issues. Republicans say i am playing the gender card. [laughter] if calling for equal pay and paid leave and Womens Health is playing the gender card, deal me in. [applause] so, my friends. We democrats are not going to sit idly by while republicans shame and blame women. We are not we just a quiet when they demonize immigrants who whether they are latino, asian, or anything else we are not with you silent when they say Climate Change is not real, or samesex couples are threatening our freedom, or track an trickledown economics works. We cannot let them take us backwards from this weird would fight, and were going to win. It is no secret that were going up against some pretty powerful forces who will pay, do come and spend whatever it takes to advance their out of touch and out of date agenda. As far as they are concerned, if our democracy pays the price, so be it. We have lived through this before. The robber barons of the late 19th century had a Public Officials bags of cash. Now we have secret, unaccountable money that distorts our elections and drowns out the voices of everyday americans. We need justices on the Supreme Court who will protect every citizens right to vote. [applause] instead of what they have been doing, protecting every corporations right to buy elections. If necessary i will pass a constitutional amendment to undo Citizens United. [applause] so make no mistake, this is not going to be easy, you know that and i know that. But i have been fighting for families and underdogs my entire life. Im not going to stop now. In fact, im just getting warmed up. [applause] i am here to ask for your help. Im not taking a single primary voter or caucus goer for granted. I am building an organization of all 50 states and territories, with hundreds of thousands of volunteers who will help democrats win races up and down the ticket, not just a president ial campaign. [applause] look, in 2010, republicans routed us on redistricting. Not because they won congress, but because they won state legislatures. Look where we are now. We cannot ever let that happen again. It is time to rebuild our party from the ground up, and if you make me the nominee that is exactly what i will do. [applause] ive been around long enough to know every county and local office counseling every school board and statehouse, and senate seat counts. Every single one, so we have to compete everywhere. When our state parties are strong we win. That is what will happen. And when democrats win in america wins and so i hope you will join me because we are building something that will last long after next november. [applause] i want to be president to take on the big problems that fill our screens every day at home and around the world other candidates may be fighting for a particular ideology, but im fighting or you and your families are i will take on the kinds of problems that keep people up at night how are you going to work if you cannot find anyone to watch her kids . Watch your kids . What happens if you lose that job you worked so hard to find . Where can you turn when that but loved one who is battling addiction or struggling with Mental Illness finally once wants help . All of the challenge that millions of americans deal every day that they talk to me about. Challenges our leaders should care about but do not nearly good enough attention. Im paying attention. I hear you. I want to be the president to fight those fights, to fight for every american every day. To fight for each and every one of you. Let me say at the end here that i am a proud new grandmother. An 11monthold extraordinary granddaughter. And obviously her parents and bill and i will do everything we can to make sure she has every opportunity to pursue her dreams. But you know, that is not enough. Because what kind of country and world will she grow up to live in . That all of americas children will live in . You should not have to be the granddaughter of a ormer former president and secretary of state succeed in america. I want the granddaughters of factory workers and grandsons of farmworkers to have exactly the same chance. Lets keep working with all our hearts toward a Better Future for all our children and grandchildren. They deserve to live in an america where everyone has a shot at achieving their dreams. Where everyone gets to live up to their potential. And yes, where a father can say to his daughter, you can be anything you want, even the president of the United States. Thank you. God bless you. [applause] democratic presence of candidate Hillary Clinton in minneapolis today. That is from issuer a while ago. To begin before her, Lincoln Chafee. Still to come this afternoon, when our live coverage continues, candidates Martin Omalley and Bernie Sanders will be addressing the dnc meeting attendees in minneapolis. Now, we would like to get your reaction for what you have heard so far, particularly the candidates Hillary Clinton and Lincoln Chafee. The numbers are on the screen. Republicans, 2027488921. Democrats, 2027488920. Ll others, 2027488920 a couple of tweaks that came in during remarks from Hillary Clinton. Mary, please keep focus on solutions, not blaming republicans. Writes, whoever wrote Hillary Clintons speech today is a superstar, kudos. , thatsn twitter tweets right, Hillary Clinton, enjoy yourself while campaigning, crack jokes, have fun, fight, fight, fight. In utica, new york. Go ahead. Aller hello i am all for the democratic society. Side notneither a representative for our country has mentioned the veterans. I am a venture that has been from 1986 to 1998. Im still fighting for Health Care Benefits and monetary veteran benefits. I would like to hear some issues on this. Host thanks for the call. Washington isne, joining us. Caller how are you doing . Host good, thanks. I just wanted to say that if the candidates will not speak to the war on drugs, and the harm it is doing they do not deserve a vote from anybody. That has been devastating the American Society for hundred years. That is what all the poor people are abuse. It is the same job policy that says that alcohol is a preferable substance to the others. Host batavia, illinois, mike. Caller thank you. I am a democrat, and i have watched both speeches today. I was not impressed at all by hillary. I think everything she says seems to be forest, almost staged and plan. It is shocking. Everybody says that she is dishonest and corrupt. I think so myself. I am a democrat. Cant support her and then support her. When i look at is either joe biden or sanders. I think hillary, her time has come and gone. Retired, andve gone out when she was on top. Host thanks for calling. You mentioned joe biden. This from national journal, the headline, Joe Biden Stanton candidacy looms over dnc meeting. Mucholitician getting most of the buzz is the one thing far, far away, Vice President joe biden and the question of whether or not he will jump in for his third run for presidency. Mentioned by Hillary Clinton, during her speech was one of the dignitaries at the dnc meeting. That is what Mondale Walter mondale. Vice president mondale, always withmand for pics Democratic National committee members. Back to because, while we wait , what weo the calls wait for the live coverage to continue. The next color is from virginia. Caller i was watching hillarys speech, and she kept referring to the immigrants as immigrants. Well, they are not immigrants, they are illegal immigrants. Every day,ibute the here and legally, theyre making wages under the table, they are not contributing to taxes. How can they be immigrants . Immigrants are my ancestors, your ancestors, so on. That is about all i have to say. Host thank you for calling. Portman, oregon, go ahead. Caller i thought hillary was really relaxed and spoke accidentally while. Fight. S want to that is a good message to hear. Thank you. These speeches from the Democratic National committee, Lincoln Chafee and Hillary Clinton have already taken place. Martin omalley and Bernie Sanders will take place this afternoon. All four will be at tonight at 8 00 eastern time here on cspan. Here is a live look at summerolis, the dnc meeting. Afternoon session set to get under way and just a few minutes. We will take you back alive when he get started with speeches from former governor omalley and senator sanders still to come. Cindy joins us now from st. Louis, a democratic call her. Good afternoon. Im so proud of the Democratic Party. For decades, they have fought for the people. I think hillary is the right person, at the right time, to run this country. She speaks of things that are important to your ordinary citizen. He daycare, the health care especially love health issues, and things that have been coming up in the news today about mental health. Also, gun violence is a serious problem. It is a serious problem in this country. It is a serious problem in the area where i live, which is st. Louis city. We have had numerous people be killed in the last year. We have had, especially young children, 12, 9, 6, 3, that have been killed. It is a prevalent problem in our society. Of course, we have had to deal with the ferguson of sites, which is not just ferguson and st. Louis city, it is in america problem with the system and the training of our police. I just want to say that i think she is hitting things on the nail, talking about these things. Also, Climate Change and infrastructure, which is important to our futures. Thank you. Host thank you. Justin in wheaton, illinois, republican color. Go ahead. Caller i was just calling in to make a comment about Lincoln Chafee. That was the first tha time i er heard him speak. He spoke about switching from inublican to democrat early his career. I am a young guy, scifi it interesting one one person and i find it interesting when one person switches parties. Host Lincoln Chafee has switched back from democrat to Republican Party and he doesnt us that from time to time. We invite you to stay with cspan and our road to the white house coverage as we cover more events with Lincoln Chafee. Next is gene from pennsylvania. I am a my comment registered democrat, but since bill clinton was president and 1998, with all the stuff going on on the economics of our country, the only candidate that i see really talking about this. S senator sanders all the trade agreements done under democratic policies, what ispened is the real issue wall street has not been corrected for what they have done. They created some serious criminal activity. The democrats under the Obama Administration and i supported him no one has gone after the people responsible for this mess. I became a victim of this. I lost the house in the foreclosure because of his behavior. I set in the United States office at the time, and paid a check to write the mortgage off, and still got evicted. The reason is all of the fictitious assets that wall street has created, which in turn has affected our judicial. Ystem on Citizens United Bernie Sanders talks about how they bought of all our politicians. I dont see anybody correcting this, except for Bernie Sanders. Host you mentioned senator sanders. He will speak at the dnc meeting this afternoon. Bernie sanders and Martin Omalley are set to address the candidates at the dnc. Beware all four candidates tonight at 8 00 eastern time. Jim webb, the only democrat who is not in attendance today addressing the dnc. This tweet from hannah, who writes, i agree with both of the candidates policies, by trust secretary clinton wanted to get the job done. More of your calls as we wait for the dnc meeting. Bill on the republican line. Caller i just want to make a comment about the clintons. Hillary makes a comment about taking immigrants and sending. Hem back if anybody can remember back in the 1990s, the clintons for the once you have the poor people from cuba sent back. Host is that it . Caller yes, sir. , democrats line. Go ahead, susan. Caller i would like to think that Hillary Clinton will strengthen Social Security. And she will realize the college has become unaffordable. Security the National Experience needed in this dangerous world. Host thanks for calling. Jamie and utah on the line for independents, go ahead. Caller i dont understand why immigration is an issue in this country. Unless you are an american indian, we are all immigrants. Host is that all you have to say about immigration . Caller yep. Host carol, you next, line for democrats. Caller what that gentleman just said is so true. The native americans are the real americans here. Anyways, what i would like to say is i am a democrat. For Bernie Sanders, to be honest with you. I wont get into it. Heart, andthe fighting for we the people for years. He really gets what is going on and is the real deal. Also, i would like for people to explain i dont want to take up too much of your time i have had so many christians, evangelicals come up to me and say that gays choose to be gay, they are not born that way. I say to them, do your research. If you believe in dna, forensic dna, scientists have found out that they are born that way. They say, why are they both ways . I explained to them because they chromosomes,nd y so they are male and female. I think the candidates ought to address that to make them understand. Host thanks for calling. Sandra from connecticut on the by for republicans. On the line for republicans. Caller number one, hillary tuitionout having bills. Who is going to pay for a . The taxpayers, again . Were paying for so much as it is. If you know how much it is going costs when you go to college, why should the bones be forgiven . Andas been and i both work, the second issue is the Affordable Care act. I dont know who it is affordable for. Toe in connecticut, i tried purchase it from the state. It was going to be 900 for my son, my husband, and myself with deductible. I dont know who it is affordable for. Maybe for the people sitting home, getting welfare checks. They dont make enough money going to work. They make more money staying ,ome, getting section eight welfare checks, free phones from the democrats. How is she going to make my life better . Inay over 6,000 a year health benefits. I have to work full time. Doesnt everybody else go to work and pay for things themselves, instead of looking to the government to pay for everything . Host thanks for calling. By coverage of the democratic summerl Committee Conference in minneapolis. Afternoon session, getting ready to start shortly. We will go back there life when it resumes. This afternoon, Martin Omalley and Bernie Sanders will address the dnc delegates. We have also been covering a couple of republicans out on the trail today. , and a speech on china that he did today. Also, scott walker, the governor wisconsin, a foreignpolicy address. Both of those are available at our video by brick, cspan. Org. We will show them, of course, on cspan later in the program schedule. Here at the dnc, the four candidates that will appear Lincoln Chafee, Hillary Clinton, Martin Omalley, and Bernie Sanders will air at 8 00 eastern time. Back now to more of your calls as we wait for the dnc meeting to continue. Elba joins us from florida. Caller i just want to say that im so proud of hillary. I was a great speech that she made. The Obama Health Care i have several friends that went through that, and they are paying a very low rate. Whoever is paying so much, evidently they went the wrong way. I know a few that are in it, and they love it. The other thing is i hope that mr. Trump does not get it. This guy is just an actor, he is not real. Bernie sanders, a socialist . I dont think people want to vote for that. I think hillary will be the best choice. She is smart. She is for womens rights. I want her to get this nomination. Hernt joe biden to support because she is the best in the group. That is all i have to say. Host thank you for calling. Marvin, you are up from california. Caller thank you. What i would like to say is donald, if you are elected president , i would like you to take obamas infamous plan and flash, take 10 off all foreign aid. Put it in homeland security, and label it immediate action fund, and use it to build a wall, and create jobs at your use only. No congress involved. Thank you. Host paul from ohio, life or independents. You are on the air. Caller thank you. I think obama is pulling another trick. He is pushing joe biden so he can become Vice President. That is all i want to say. Nevada. Wrence in go ahead. Caller i am a democrat. Im supporting Bernie Sanders. I have a question for the secretary. As a veteran, i would like to know if she will support the dickerman is this the decriminalization of marijuana. Host id like to know, why are bernieporting sanders, is that particular issue or other reasons . Caller i believe that we, the people, will be best represented by Bernie Sanders. They claimed he is a socialist, he is not. He is a democratic socialist. Inknow from experience, scandinavian countries, they take care of their people much better than they do in this country. When we have 5 million children going to bed hungry, and 2 million veterans that have no health care at all, because they live on the streets, we have an issue with that as veterans in this country. Host clay is in louisiana, like for republicans. Caller i would like to make several comments. I heard Hillary Clinton that gop people. Ere terrorists that means that i am, as a , aublican, a terrorist killer of women and children, and all the christians. Think that is pathetic is that the best the Democratic Party can come up with . Joe biden would be a much better candidate. Host dana in florida, by for democrats. Caller i would just like to make the comment that state a fact that pretty much everything that hillary listed, the childcare, the infrastructure, the pay equity, Womens Health Bernie Sanders has been saying for 40 years. The only reason that is because the media is not covering him. Everybody thinks that hillary is coming up with all of these ideas. Bernie sanders has not only set has been40 years, he fighting for these things for 40 years. I think the way he is being treated by the media and the dnc is so disrespectful to our political system. You are shutting out so many people who support Bernie Sanders, and calling them i dont know. Its like we dont exist. Bernie sanders is the only choice. Impeccable. Y is host thanks for calling. Bernie sanders will be speaking at the dnc meeting this afternoon. The senator from vermont. As will the former maryland governor, Martin Omalley, another democratic president ial candidate. We do expect the meeting to resume, and are live coverage will resume our live coverage will resume as well. In the meantime, as we wait for that to happen, we will show you some remarks earlier today by the Democratic National convention chair, debbie Wasserman Schultz. Schultz it is wonderful to be back here in minneapolis, minnesota. Last night, i got a true sense and a taste of the heart of minnesota at the Minnesota State fair. You really give the iowa state fair a run for its money. Sorry, iowa. Hodges foro mayor welcoming us to your city. I know you are building on the success of your predecessor, our very own vice chair. We have already acknowledged him, but it should be acknowledged again. You are contributions to this community has left a lasting legacy. Governor dayton, thank you for addressing us this morning. We are delighted to be here, in a state where there are not only 10,000 lakes, but 10,000 coffee shops. This is the state think gave us bob dylan, prince, and the state that fries more things than they do in iowa. Seriously, what is really great about minnesota, and no offense democrats, buta what is really great is whenever scott walker tries to brag about his record, all they have to do rivernt across the to you, and all of the great work you have done. Again, no offense to badgers in but this is what it looks like when you put middleclass families first. Instead of catering to those of the very top. This is what happens when you embrace workers, and organized labor as a partner in prosperity, instead of as an adversary to be defeated. [applause] my friends, fellow democrats, this is proof that middle class economics works. [applause] thank you. Thank you, governor dayton for building and leading one of the best economies and the country, in the country investing in , Public Schools, giving people more access to the ballot, and proving that middle class economics works. We also have a very special guest in the audience, who has briefly been introduced, but deserves a hardier recognition, walter mondale. [applause] while in the United States senate, Vice President mondale put economic fairness and civil rights front and center, sponsoring the Fair Housing Act and creating the hud office of equal opportunity. Serving in the carter and the carter administration, he worked extensively on Foreign Policy, advocating on behalf of president carters vision. Speaking of president carter, i know we all send our thoughts and prayers for his speedy recovery. We commend him for facing cancer with gratitude and grace. [applause] thank you. Walter mondale is also a man of progress. In 1984, as i was graduating from high school and starting college, i remember the excitement and exhilaration that i, and so many women and girls, felt when he chose Geraldine Ferraro to serve as his running mate. The first woman ever nominated for that position by a Major Political party. I remember that feeling, mr. Vice president , like it was yesterday. Thank you. Thank you for all the girls in america, whose parents, like mine, raised us to believe that a little girl in america could grow up and one day reach the highest office in the land. You started that path forward. Thank you so much. [applause] he is a proud democrat, and has served our party with distinction. Mr. Vice president , thank you for your service to our party. We have a few other guests joining us today, governor Lincoln Chafee. [applause] secretary Hillary Rodham clinton. [applause] governor Martin Omalley. [applause] and, u. S. Senator Bernie Sanders. [applause] unfortunately, senator jim webb could not be with us today. He is taking his daughter to college. Im sure many of the parents in this room understand exactly what he is going through right now. Im going to go through it in two years, and im already stressing about it. We miss him but know we will see , him on the trail and at our debates in the future. Today is just one of the many opportunities that we will have over the next few months to hear from each of our candidates and learn more about their vision for the future of this great country and the Democratic Party. Like you, i and excited to hear about their plans to build on the successes of barack obama. Speaking of president obama, arent we proud of our president . Let me tell you, my friends, here is why we should be proud. Under his leadership, we have seen 65 straight months of job growth. The creation of 13 million jobs. The deficit, cut by two thirds. Access to quality, Affordable Health care extended to 60 16 million more americans. Wall street reform. Student loan reform. And, the end of dont ask, dont tell and doma. Now, love is finally the law of the land in all 50 states of the United States of america. Finally. [applause] as you listen to our candidates soday, remember thi progress. These are the issues that are at stake next november. If you want to truly see two different visions for the country, all you have to do is take a look of the gaping difference between the democratic and Republican Party. It is up to each of us in this room to help the American People close. Chasm of we know the candidates will fight for middleclass families. That is because democrats are the party of inclusion, empowerment, and extended opportunity. [applause] we are the party that believes that no one should go bankrupt from an illness or spend the remaining years of their lives in poverty. We are the party that stands with students, like the beautiful young woman who delivered our pledge of allegiance this morning. Karen is a dreamer, like her brothers and sisters, seeks stability, quality education, and access to the American Dream. We, as a party, will ensure that she and her sisters and brothers are not denied that American Dream. Wont we . [applause] we are the party that believes that Women Deserve equal pay for equal work. Let us control our own health care decisions. [applause] and, can break through any class or marble ceiling that they set their mind to. That is what i tell my two beautiful young daughters every single day. We are the party that embraces all religious faiths. Throughout todays general sessions, we will open and close prayers from rabbis, an imran, and a christian leader. We are the party that believes this is a better nation when more people exercise their right to vote, not fewer, as the republicans believe. [applause] democrats are committed to ensuring that every eligible voter is registered, and every registered voter is eligible to vote, and every vote is accurately counted. Are you with me, fellow democrats . [applause] thats right. Thats who we are. That is who we are. That is us. It is the Democratic Party that stands up and make sure every person has their voice heard. [applause] for the people who need our voices to lift them up, who need our shoulders to stand upon, so they can make sure to build towards the cornerstones of a middleclass life. That is the difference we will present to voters over the course of the next 15 months, when we elect the 45th president of the United States of america. Are you with me, democrats . [applause] thank you. Now, like you, i expect a robust debate. After all, we are democrats. There might be disagreements as the candidates talk about their specific plans. That is part of having a healthy dialogue and robust discussion. We dont take our ball and go home, just because someone has a difference of opinions or different experience. We welcome their culture, their heritage, the personal journey, and we believe that we built an Even Stronger america when we come together. Our unity is our strength. That is why it is fitting that the next time we meet together, it will be in the city of brotherly love and sisterly affection. Are we excited about philly in 2016, my fellow democrats . [applause] the amazing Convention Team are well on their way to making this the best, most diverse, and engaging convention in our partys history, where we will nominate our nations 45th president of the United States of america. [applause] because, the alternative well, there is no alternative when you really think about it. Every single one of our candidates believes, to the dnc chair debbie Wasserman Schultz from earlier today. We take you back now live to minneapolis. Live road to the white house coverage here on cspan from the dnc summer meeting in minneapolis. Still to come this afternoon, remarks from two more president ial candidates, former governor Martin Omalley and senator Bernie Sanders, as our live coverage continues on cspan. We are live today at the inmer meeting of the dnc minneapolis. We understand it may be another 10 minutes before they get started. Show you remarks from earlier today, one of the candidates for president earlier today, Lincoln Chafee. People everywhere\ just want to be free thats the way to the way to bethe weight o peace in the valley thank you, mayor, thank you. Good morning. Good morning. Mr. Chafee what a beautiful morning this is. Great city. And construction going on everywhere. Thats a good sign, especially under democratic leadership. Candidates running for president. If you add up all of their time, the is 92 years serving elective office. The leading republican candidate has not served a minute. This is obviously a big decision for 2016, our great country of the United States of america. I believe three things should come to mind if you think who will be the next president , the 45th president. Past record. Your character. You . Honest, courageous . The vision. I will tell you a little bit about myself. Im the only candidate running who has been a mayor, a senator, and the governor. 11 years as a councilman and mayor at the local level, and that means i know how to plow the snow. I know how to pick up the trash, how to have the good schools. And keep property taxes down. I would not have been reelected three times if i were not doing all of those things. I see, over in lebanon, the governor will be toppled because the governor did not pick up the trash. Basic stuff you learn at the local level. Then, i went to the United States senate for the bad years of bush and cheney. Those were bad years. Even though i was republican back then, right away, i knew they were on the wrong track. I voted against the tax cuts. And took surpluses and turned them into deficit. [applause] then, we had september 11, and the drumbeat for war in iraq. I saw through the reasons, and that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and was a threat, and voted against the war in iraq. [applause] for you minnesotans, your two senators, mark dayton, now governor, and Paul Wellstone, were the two minnesota senators adjoined the 23 to see through the false premises of war in iraq. I was a reliable vote for the environment time and time again. I recognized that Carbon Dioxide and human activity was causing Climate Change. I was there for every vote. I stood strong on Civil Liberties time and time again. On abortion rights, a womans right to choose, over and over again. Lgbt rights, over and over again. I am so glad to be back in the great state of minnesota. By the time it gets back to new orleans, everything that is delightful and delicious and tasty about this region, we just slurp it up. [applause] written speech a , i wrote it myself, which means no one had an opportunity to edit or censor me. [applause] and i am going to give it, and i am going to tell you about something that is going to happen tomorrow. But before that moment comes, i just want to say thank you. Ithink many of you know why am saying thank you. I am saying thank you because i am grateful to each and every one of you, and i know i speak on behalf of all of those from the Gulf Coast Region. When we say thank you. We are going to rejoice tomorrow as we caused to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Moment ad a moment we will never, ever forget. That our dynamic and our wonderful champion, our chairwoman has arrived, my job of filling in has come to a close. [laughter] to know that i stand ready always open this party. You, we are the party of the future. So, ladies and gentlemen [applause] let me bring up the distinguished chairwoman from the great state of florida, everybody stand for the honorable debbie Wasserman Schultz. Chair Wasserman Schultz thank you. Thank you so much. Donna brazil. Le at auld not be complete meeting of the Democratic National Committee Without the opportunity to hear from donna. Tapcap dances better dances better in the Democratic Party than donna. I am pleasedats, to see you anticipated my instructions and have taken your seats, so i hereby call this meeting of the Democratic National committee in the summer of 2015 back toward her. Back to order. The colors will be presented by of thewell honor guard jcc of minneapolis. Rise for the presentation of the colors and remain standing for the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Powellou to the colin jrotc honor guard for the presentation of the colors. Am who joined by the im is the director of faith and outreach and the founder of a minnesotabased organization. For 15 years, he has been active in his community dividing Counseling Services throughout the state. He has also traveled throughout europe at the request of the u. S. State department to provide better insight on how to engage the somali population. I would like you to help me income him today to lead us the indication for the afternoon session. Please rise for the indication. Please rise for the invocation. Distinguished supporters of the Democratic Party, i am honored to extend to you the greetings of peace. This is a somali saying [speaking foreign language] which means my home is your home. Estate is youry estate. Welcome to minnesota, the home the largest somali communities in the United States. Accident,ot happen by open houses by good people of the state of minnesota, we are happy we are here today because you and i both believe that we need one another. We cannot thrive in this world in isolation. ,hen you see me on this stage you may think diversity. However, minnesota asks you to also see the unity. There is no light between us. We are together, today. Determinedcommunity, to build a democracy. That wepray to god achieve in our hearts the belief god we are one nation under indivisible. We are not us and them. We are one together. Life, we are in this life role purpose. Daypurpose is to start each , to know and live up to that purpose. For many, that purpose is to god. Love, and serve is toone who serves god see the face of god is love. It is a powerful responsibility. O see god is love also we hope that others may see. He love of god our beliefs find us together, hold us to accountability. Belief and faith are a bond between us. It is the spirit of our shared humanity. I offer this rare area i author i offer this prayer. God of mercy, we pray to you, god towe pray to you, keep our minds alert. We praise you, god, to keep our aura strong. We pray to you god, to let your wisdom shape our action. Have hope and opportunity. We see all around us those who love in their children. We see our brothers and sisters serving one another. Day. E the light of [indiscernible] sight ofn we lost you, we struggle very hard. We remember. Life is love. Work together, and let that service be worthy of your notice. God, and help those in this room today. Amen. [applause] chair Wasserman Schultz thank you, imam. It is now my honor to introduce an outstanding minnesotan who is here to welcome us to his state. My friend and colleague rick nolan is a farmer through and through who represents minnesotas eight congressional district. Rick first served in the United States house of representatives from 1975 until 1981, a time during which i was still in elementary school, i like to tease him, at least for part of that time. The part of that that is important is his service, once again is so important because he is one of the only members of congress serving today that remembers when congress functioned and we could Work Together. So, making sure we bring someone back like that who understands be my way or the highway politics is unacceptable has been extremely important and he has been a very strong voice in that direction. When he decided to leave congress and spend more time and pursuemily business opportunities, it was a real loss for minnesota. When we were able to make sure you could have him back as a the public of minnesota, it was really a wonderful development. So, thankfully, he made the decision to return to congress in 2013. He serves in a district in which he is in quite a vulnerable district. Those marginal seat. So Pay Attention to rick nolan and his race. We want to make sure he remains in congress and continues to serve the great people of the eighth district and continues to be a voice of reason. Please join me in welcoming my friend rick nolan to the Democratic National Committee Summer meeting. [applause] representative nolan well, thank you. Welcome to minneapolis. I hope youre getting a chance to enjoy a little bit of our summer here. Wespite of what people say, do have summers here, and arent they beautiful, and arent you enjoying it . Thank you. Represent northern minnesota, and it gets so cold here in minnesota in the winter it gets so cold that Michele Bachmann is often seen hugging democrats for a little warmth. [laughter] [applause] representative nolan it has also been said that we only have 2 seasons here in america, one of them being a long, cold winter, and the other one being the Road Construction season. And wouldnt you know, the republicans are trying to do with our Road Construction season . Yes. Bridges are falling down, trains are coming off the track, and they refuse to fund the transportation bill. Can you imagine . Well, let me begin by thanking all of you for all of the great work that you do in your states and your cities, york counties your counties to help make the Democratic Party the great party that it is. Wouldnt i and wouldnt we be remiss if we did not show our gratitude for the great work are doesratic National Chair leaving the party and leading the nation in articulating who we are and what we are all about , debbie Wasserman Schultz. [applause] i dont mind telling you forgive us for writing a little bit. We are really proud of the role starting with the great , walter mondale, you know, a man of great wisdom encourage, transformed the vice presidency from a ceremonial office to the secondmost Important Office in this country , and some people, you would not American Ambassador eugene anderson. The first woman in america to be an ambassador. That came from minnesota. G genethy mccarthy who loved awaken us to the realities and get out of the war in vietnam. And what about Paul Wellstone, who here we go. [applause] us better than Paul Wellstone when he said, dont we all do better when we all do better . Isnt that what were all about . Proud course we are very of the current new generation of leaders, senators clover shark and al franken, great leaders in. Ashington and at our state level, we had a Democratic Legislature for our governor mark dayton to work with, and as you know, we have a neighbor called wisconsin, and when you look at what is happening when they had a republican governor and the republican legislature, every to imaginet is used and measure economic, social, educational success was constantly going downhill, and minnesota is going uphill, and thats because of mark dayton and the democrats. That is what we have done in minnesota. We can do it for the country. [applause] well, we have a lot of challenges here Going Forward. Starting to think about what have you learned in life. One of the things i have learned and we have learned is there is never a final score. Never a final score. When you reach a level of progress you are proud of that ,ur country has benefited from there is always powerful forces and we have heard about it from our candidates for president , trying to roll it all back, and they are having some success. Our challenge is Going Forward are so enormous. The rulesto roll back in the Public Policies and regulations that gave us air we can breathe and water we can drink. Can you believe that . That is what they want to do. They are trying to will back the rules and regulations that gave us safety and good health in the workplace. That is what they want to do. They are trying to roll back protections we have against wall street or consumers. They want to roll all that back. They want to roll back just about everything. Just about everything. In ourok an nation grandparents time with a life toectancy of 47, we moved it a Life Expectancy of darn near 80 and one generation. Maybe one of the greatest accomplishments in the history of humankind and they want to roll it all back. [applause] least in that regard, i had a conversation with someone you all know and you all respect, and i wont name them, but they were talking about the fact that the republicans have never seen a conflict in this country and in this world that they did not want to go to war. Even if, at some point you think it is a good idea, theres only so many wars you can fight in one lifetime. And just take the war in iraq for example. Just take that. They are telling us it costs us 3 trillion, and look where it has gotten us. For 1 trillion, we could have graduated every kid in america from Vocational School and college debtfree. [applause] for another one of those trillion dollars, we could have rebuilt our roads, our bridges, our railroads, our infrastructure. [applause] for another trillion of those dollars, we could have given everybody in america attacks break. Wouldnt that of been nice . Huh . Instead, what are we stuck with . The experts tell us we are stuck and rightfully so im not complaining about this, but we are stuck with a 2 trillion debt Going Forward to take care of the veterans, the patriots, the heroes who stood up and served. But they lost arms, they lost legs, they had their brains damaged, they had their lives irreparably damaged. We have the obligation to protect them in the way that they did for us. [applause] thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Well, weve got a big day. Let me wrap it up by saying the simple truth is the simple truth is, you cant escape it , andich are getting richer the greed is unparalleled in human history. That is what is happening. The poor are getting poorer, and the middle class is getting crushed. And the middle class is what the American Dream is all about. Its not about everybody recode appropriate or it is not about everybody becoming a billionaire. It is about everybody getting the ability to realize their potential to be part of this Great American experience. They have a job and living wages and benefits though at the end few bucks, you have a left over and you can take care of your family. That is what the American Dream is all about. That is what the Democratic Party is all about. That is do we are and that is what this election is all about. Thank you. Thank you. [applause] thankWasserman Schultz you. Thank you so much to rick nolan, congressman rick nolan. By the way, i would encourage everyone to go on to nolanforcongress. Org. Of the toughest seats in the country and will need our help to make sure he continues to serve in the United States house of representatives. Thank you so much. Now you can see why. [applause] before we get started, i want to once again acknowledge and myroduce my colleagues, fellow officers. I will go to the right. Our dnc finance chair henry munoz. Our long time and capable er andy tobias. Alayna. Chair mary our secretary, the mayor of baltimore, Stephanie Rawlings blake. Vice chair of Voter Registration and participation, the incomparable donna brazil. The former mayor of this great city of minneapolis, vice rybak. Bak and the vice chair, the chair of the New Hampshire Democratic Party from the great state of New Hampshire. Unable to join us at this meeting because she is currently on active duty with the Hawaiian National guard my colleague and friend, congresswoman gabbard, who is also one of our vice know i slain the rules of the road this morning, but i think its important to once again i explained the rules of the road this morning, by think its important to once again reviewed the guidelines, this time correctly. Our policy is this should be evenhanded and impartial. Candidatesh of the the following guidelines. All president ial candidates who publicly declared he or she is running for the residence the 26th and received at least 1 and three National Polls conducted by credible news organizations and polling organizations in the six weeks prior to this event have been invited to process a. The database have been speaking in alphabetical order with to do this morning and two this afternoon. Each candidate was given 15 minutes to speak, not the seven i mentioned earlier. I instructed our parliamentarians to be the official timekeeper. She will hold up a oneminute warning and then a times up sign. Each president ial candidate was oneminutead a rebuttal. That does not mean that they are endorsing a particular candidate. 30 seconds of entry and exit music. I want to thank the campaigns, the candidates and their staffs are being so cooperative. It is my pleasure to welcome to vice chair so dnc she can introduce governor omalley. [applause] good afternoon, sisters and brothers. When i start this, i hermans. O hermanos y Martin Omalley has established himself as it bold, progressive leader committed to serving the big problems in our community. He has served at almost every level of government. A member of the Baltimore City council, and mayor of baltimore, and finally governor of maryland, getting things done for his constituents. As mayor of baltimore, he improved education. He cracked down on crime, while improving police accountability, and he drove investment out to be local community. Signedn, as governor, he Marriage Equality into law. Yes. [applause] he not only passed, but he defended the dream act. He fought for environmental protections, and he made marylands Public Schools the best in the country for five years in a row. So, no matter the role, governor omalley has always put working families first, and he has fought for the American Dream. Now he is running for president , to rebuild that American Dream for everyone in this nation. On the trail, he is rolling out bold, progressive ideas backed up by detailed policy platforms. Sisters and brothers, please join me in welcoming governor Martin Omalley. Governor omalley thank you very, very much. Vice chair, thank you very much for your kind introduction. To the chair of the Democratic National committee, debbie Wasserman Schultz, donna, all of the distinguished officers of the dnc, including my colleague, yback, andor r. T. R the mayor of my former home city of baltimore, mayor Stephanie Rawlings blake. It is a great honor to be here with all of you today. My name is Martin Omalley. , and ilifelong democrat am running for president of the United States, and i need your help to rebuild the American Dream we share. I love my country. [applause] , and i haveuntry carried a lot of water for this donkey. [laughter] and i for one will not remain silent in the face of the lies, the distortions, and the racist hate being pumped out over the airwaves from the debate podiums of the once proud Republican Party. [applause] now, as im sure all of you are held, the republicans their first two debates earlier this month, and they will hold another in a couple of weeks. And you could easily have mistaken their debate for reality tv. Like survivor. But the difference between the Republican Debate and survivor involves contrived challenges and oddball contestants on the edge of sanity, while the other takes place on an island. [laughter] [applause] governor omalley but here is the sad truth that we must own. While the republicans put their backward ideas forward before an audience of more than 20 million our forwarde put thinking ideas on the back burner, as if we are trying to hide them on the airwaves. Think about it. The republicans stand before the nation. They malign our president s record of achievement. They denigrate women and immigrant families. They doubled down on trickle down, and they tell their fault stories, and their fault stories, and we respond with crickets. Tumbleweeds. A cynical move to delay and limit our own party debates. [applause] 4 debates. 4 debates . Debates onlyd 4 before the voters and our earliest states make your decision. This is totally unprecedented in our party history. This has never been attempted before. Who created this exactly . Where did it come from . To what end . What national or Party Interest does this serve . How does this tell the story of the last eight years of democratic progress . How does this promote our democratic ideas for making wages go up and Household Incomes go up once again . [applause] how does this help us make our case to the American People . One debate in iowa . Thats it . One debate in New Hampshire . Thats all we can afford . And the New Hampshire debate is wedged into Holiday Shopping season so as few people watch it as possible. Is this how the Democratic Party selects its nominee . Or are we becoming something less . What happened to the tradition of open debate and a 50date strategy . 50state [applause] their partys leading candidate launches racist attacks on ethnic americans to the delight of david duke and white supremacists, and our responses to limit debate . If all of this bothers you, it should. The leading republican candidate [applause] republican candidate talks openly about forced expulsion, taking away the birth right of american born children, and we turn our Democratic Party into the appalling silence of the good. Silence and complacency in the face of hate is not an honorable option for the Democratic Party of the United States of america. We must stand before the American People and show them that we have a better way. It was in a series of debates that Abraham Lincoln first towards a new National Consensus forged a new National Consensus to continue the work of affirming the dignity of every individual in the common good as a nation. Now in an ongoing series of debates, the party of lincoln is led by donald trump. Donald trump whose deep understanding of the law is such, he said last week that part of the constitution is actually unconstitutional. [laughter] donald trump, who is Foreign Policy insights are, he said, based entirely on what he has seen on tv. We let the circus run unchallenged on every channel what we cower in the shadows under a decree of silence in the ranks, or do we demand equal time to showcase our ideas, our solutions, and real leadership for real results . [applause] let their party be led by a hate spewing carnival barker. Our party must be led by compassion, by generosity, by love and concern for one another , and by a focus on our countrys Better Future in the future we want for our kids. We must stand up. We must stand together, and we must speak out for the ideas that unite us. Believe in the dignity of every individual. I believe in our own responsibility to advance common good we share as americans. Make no mistake about it, these are volatile and fear filled times in our country. No time for silence. Our party must not cower from this debate. We must engage in this debate, and we must engage in it nationally. Defend yourself, but she needs to be stated first. [applause] case. T make our we must make our case and we decide, the people because we have arrived at a point in our history where wealth and power have been so concentrated in the hands of so few it is literally taking opportunity out of the homes and the wallets and the neighborhoods of the many. We must show the American People we have the better path forward. Our party must engage in this national debate. Republicans say americans need to work longer hours. As democrats we know we are all working harder than ever and many of us are making less than raise the. We must minimum wage to 15 an hour, pay overtime pay for overtime work, and pay Women Equal Pay for equal work to move america forward. [applause]. E need debate we need debate. [applause] what are we afraid of . Republicans belittled teachers. Laboreek to outlaw unions, scoffing of the nerve of working people who would dare to bargain collectively for better wages. As democrats, we did fight the we defend the right to organize, because we know that that makes wages rise for all americans. Debate. Republicans republicans talk about raising the retirement age as if Social Security were some kind of indulgence the wealthy bestow upon the rest of us. Democrats care that there are 65yearold to get up every morning, they work in factories, finishing concrete, cleaning buildings, hardworking cleaning buildings. Hardworking americans should retire in dignity, not in poverty. We should expand Social Security. We need debate. We need debate. Republicans traffic and immigrant i and hate. The call for walls, internment camps, forced expulsions. Democrats understand the enduring symbol of our country is not the barb wire fence. It is the statue of liberty. We need debate. [applause] now my friends, i am not the only candidate seeking the Democratic Partys nomination for president of the United States who holds repressive values, but i am the only candidate for president with 15 years of executive experience as a bigcity mayor and as a governor. Turning those progressive values into actions, turning progressive old into progressive it progressive goals into progressive achievement. Is about getting things done. It is about actions, not word. And baltimore, together we saved lives by reducing record high violets to record hot record high violence to record lows. Black lives matter. It is about actions, not words. I led our state forward, not back. Publiceased funding for education by 37 and we made our Public Schools the best Public Schools in america for five years in a row. [applause] 4 froze College Tuition for years in a row to make college more affordable for families. Actions, not words. We passed of the living wage. We raise the minimum wage. We expanded family leave and voters rights. Passed drivers licenses for new immigrant americans and we passed a ban on the sale of combat weapons in our state. [applause] leadership is about actions, not words. Its about forging a new consensus, and therefore, in our state, we passed a state version of the dream act and Marriage Equality. And when our brothers and those in aitioned referendum, we took our case to the people, and we won at the ballot. [applause] actions and not words. I leave you with these thoughts. Poetreat american wrote, webrooks once are each others business. We are each others harvest. We are each others magnet and bonds. We make theot American Dream true again for all American Families is up to us. ,ts not about the big banks not about the big money trying to take over our elections. It is about us. It is about our party. I have put forward 15 goals to rebuild the American Dream you by one, policye action by policy action. Each one reinforcing in complementing the other. Bold, progressive ideas, concrete plans. Actions to make our country stronger. Only actions can make the American Dream true again around the most important places in our country the kitchen tables of every american family. The time is now to put these ideas and all of the best ideas of all of our find candidates find candidates forward before the American People. The American People deserve it. To the countrys Better Future demands it. We are the Democratic Party, not the unDemocratic Party. Debates, thedebate topic should be common he, not how few . Because when the lights come up on our stage, we will talk about where america is going, not where america has been. We will ask what we can do for our country, not against immigrant. To the goodness, the compassion, the generosity of americans. Ours is the party of opportunity. It ours is the people. The ours is the party of our childrens Better Future. Let us engage this debate. Let us make our case to the American People and together we will rebuild the truth of the American Dream we share. Thank you very much. May God Bless America and may god bless our Democratic Party. [applause] [cheers and applause] thankWasserman Schultz you very much. Thank you, thank you governor omalley. Thank you, governor omalley. Katrina ago hurricane ravaged new orleans and surrounding towns. While significant progress has been made in the rebuilding of munities, homes, and last, lives, there is work to be done. We cannot forget the hardships Many Americans endured. And as president obama said, the people of new orleans are an extreme example of renewal. I would like to ask our vice chair Donna Brazile to introduce the video to our Hurricane Katrina and andrew tribute. Brazile thank you, madam chair. Fellow democrats, as we mourn the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, hurricane rita, we pause to observe a somber anniversary. We mourn those we love. We reach out to those who are still struggling to get back thank ad we humbly country that never fails to help those in time of need. Let us remember that over 1800 souls perished. Many drowned in their own homes. Some died on the side of the road. Some died crying out for help. Crying out for support well stuck on their roof, waiting to be rescued. When the levees broke, tens of thousands were stranded. Some in hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, at the superdome, at. He convention enter convention center. Millions displaced. Their homes, their lives destroyed. Families torn apart. There is nothing more powerful than the resiliency of people who will not simply go down without fighting to get back up. Did anyone think these city of new orleans, my beloved hometown, the gulf coast, would be rejoicing yes, rejoicing believing that, yes, we can come back from a long journey full of hardship and heart ache . We have come a long way. We are not there yet. Lord knows, we are not. Our journey is not over. But we can never forget. We will never forget what happened. We will never forget those who died, those who perished, those who begged for water, and some flew over. Those who could not get a break when they simply needed to get a telephone so they could call and try to find a missing relative. Katrina will always represent the strength, the resiliency of a beloved and great city. Our gratitude our gratitude goes out to all of those who reached into their hearts and their pockets, there while its, and their homes, and made a way for many who had nowhere else to go. And because of the lessons of katrina and those of other called fema, once federal employees missing in the ability now has to provide proactive response to natural disasters. Services are better. I was there to get days ago when number oneed the austan to. I was born at charity. I am so grateful that kids born there can have a place to call home. Thank you for those who led the rebuilding. Thank you to all of the entrepreneurs. Thank you to all of those who made it back. Suffering is real. Pain is real. There is still pain in louisiana. There is still pain on the gulf coast. Should never be a crime in america for anyone to be born poor in america. It should never be a crime to live in public houses. To beuld never be a crime caught without a cell phone. It should never be a crime to try to cross the bridge because you are black and nobody will let you on the right side of the road. It should never be a crime to try to find higher ground. [applause] i can tell you that we can address all of the challenges with the right help and partnership. I can tell you as democrats, we will never waver until the complete recovery is there and everyone is celebrating the next mardi gras or the next super bring thethe saints trophy home. So, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, democrats, fellow americans, as Tropical Storm erika swirls around the atlantic, likely to approach as a hurricane to the great state of florida, our prayers are with you. And may god protect us on our journey to reveal and new, and may god help all of us to our struggling to continue to come home. We thank you. We thank you for your love, your friendship. We thank you for making our rebirth possible. God bless you and thank you. [applause] early on the morning of august 29, 10 years ago, i Hurricane Katrina made its first landfall in louisiana. The entire country watched as it turned into an unprecedented catastrophe. It brought unimaginable devastation to the city. Days, months,to then years. I watched my community face unimaginable loss and come together to begin to rebuild. I could not be more proud of our hard work. Our compliments our compliments so far, our abdominal our indomitable spirit. The economy is recovering, along with our infrastructure, but none of this happened on its own. Its only because the folks who lived there did the hard work spirit. Thanks to the president s leadership, we have gotten better at understanding natural disasters. It is so important that each and every one of us do our best to keep a democrat in the white house. Take you for being a part of that. Now, lets get to work. Andrewugust 20 4, 1992, made landfall. 13 years later, florida, louisiana, mississippi, and out of them were hit again. This time by Hurricane Katrina. I have watched my Community Rebuild countless times, just like florida and the Gulf Coast Region has with Hurricane Katrina. Withas other areas blizzards and wildfires and more, im a change is a reality. The process of warming temperatures. We should try to do everything we can. Sciences have improved our ability to understand these changes. Eocene progress in protecting people in harms way. The democratic is helping to tackle Climate Change and help families to feel safer. The Clean Power Plan will create tens of thousands of jobs, energy,he cost of clean and improve the health of American Families. We have what happens when americans are left behind to fend for themselves in the face of a natural disaster, and we have seen america at its best when become together to move our nation forward. That is why your commitment to a democrats islect so important. [applause] ms. Wasserman schultz thank you, donna and i know i will be traveling early a little bit tomorrow as the Tropical Storm and hopefully not hurricane approaches our shoreline, and i wish the best all of our fellow floridians. Recognizeke to now the president of the association of the state democratic chairs, ray buckley, to introduce senator sanders. Mr. Buckley senator Bernie Sanders is in his second term in the senate. He won his last election by 71 of the vote. Elections, he was the endorsed candidate by the vermont Democratic Party. Was to that, sanders appointed as the chairman of the committee on Veterans Affairs and is now the ranking democrat on the budget committee. In 1981, he was elected by a margin of 10 votes in his first mayor oferms as burlington, vermont. News named him one of the 20 best mayors in all of america. Life as ais political student and civil rights sanders continues to be a frontline champion for economic, social, and racial justice. [applause] buckley bernie, as he is known to us in new england, has defended the working and middleclass families and stood up to the excesses of Corporate America. Resonates across Traditional Party lines. His campaign for president is generating the excitement needed for all of us to win next november. Please welcome my friend senator vermont. Anders from ph mr. Sanders thank you. All very much for inviting me to be with you today , and thank you all for the work that you do every single day making this country a better fortry for working people, lowincome people, for women, and for all of those people who are struggling to make ends meet. Thank you for what you are doing. And lets be thank our friends from minnesota for hosting this event and for giving us some of leaders ofolitical the last century, including our wellstone. D, paul i understand that there are republicans who proclaim how but atey love america, the same time, how much they hate the people who work in our government or who are involved in the political process. I disagree. In my view, what you are doing, participating in the political process, trying to make this country a better country for all of our people, is the most patriotic thing we can do as americans, and i applaud you all. When i announced my candidacy for president less than four months ago, i think it is fair took thatt few candidacy seriously. In fact, the word fringe was heard more than once. But i think it is also fair to changed inlot has the last few months. [cheers] mr. Sanders all across this ing some of are draw the largest crowds of this campaign, including of people and working people who have not been previously involved in the political process. More than 100,000 americans have bernieup to volunteer on 2016. Have received more individual Campaign Contributions than any other president ial campaign. Some 400,000. Andin this day of superpacs huge Campaign Contributions, i am very proud to tell you that our average campaign 31. 20. Tion is this is a peoples campaign. Most importantly, i believe that ill that the issues we are running on are generating and enormous amount of enthusiasm and that our Grassroots Campaign, which is calling for a political revolution, is striking a chord all over america. Friends, my friends, the Republican Party did not win the Midterm Election in november. We lost that election. They did not win. We lost, because voter turnout lowabysmally embarrassingly and millions of working people, young people, and people of politics asp on usual, and they stayed home. That is the fact. And let me be as clear as i can be. In my view, democrats will not retain the white house, will not regain the senate or the u. S. House, will not be successful in dozens of governors races all across this country unless we momentumexcitement and and produced a huge voter turnout. With all due respect and i do not mean to insult anyone here enthusiasmnout, that will not happen with politics as usual. The same old, same old will not work. The people of our country understand that given the collapse of the american middle class and given the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality, we are experiencing, we do not need more establishment politics or establishment economics. What we need is a Political Movement which is prepared to take on the billionaire class and create a government which works for all of us and not just Corporate America and a handful of the wealthiest people in this country. Bernie bernie words, wes in other need a movement that takes on the economic and political isablishment, not one which part of that establishment. We need a movement a movement which tells Corporate America and the wealthiest people in this country that they will start paying their fair share of taxes. That we will end the vicinity of living in the country when owns as much as the 90 . M that is not the kind of economy we want. Need a movement which tells wall street that when a bank is is big to fail, that bank too big to exist and we are going to break them up. We need a Financial System that smalland mediumsized businesses, not an island of itself only concerned about the profits of a few. Movement which works with our trade unions and ends our disastrous trade policies, which have cost us millions of decentpaying jobs. And that includes defeating the tpp. Corporate america has got to start investing in our country, not just countries all over the world. Need a movement which says that every worker in this a living wage,s that understands that the current minimum wage of 7. 25 an hour is a starvation wage and we will raise that minimum wage over a period of years to 15 bucks an hour. End theare going to disgrace of women making . 78 on the dollar compared to men. We are going to have pay equity for women workers. And we are going to end the International Embarrassment of being the only, only major country on earth that does not provide at least 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave. We need a movement that says ,hat when real unemployment including those who have given up looking for work and those who are working parttime, is over 10 , when black youth 50 , thatnt is over we need a massive federal jobs program to rebuild our public infrastructure. Our roads, our bridges, our water systems, our wastewater plants, our airports, our rails are falling further and further behind other countries. Jobsn create millions of rebuilding our infrastructure, and i intend to do that. We need a political grassroots kochent which tells the brothers and the billionaire class that they will not be able to continue to buy candidates and elections and that we will [cheers] Bernie Bernie mr. Sanders i have not made Many Campaign promises so far. To you me repeat one that i have made, and that is mind to thenee of u. S. Supreme court will have his or her name go to the Senate Unless that candidate is loud and clear in saying that one of the first orders of business for that candidate will be to rehear and overturn Citizens United. [cheers] mr. Sanders but we have got to go even further than overturning Citizens United. If we want a vibrant democracy, where all americans who want to run for office are able to do so, we need to move toward public funding of elections. And, by the way, together we are going to end this cowardly Voter Suppression that republican governors are imposing on people all across america. If a politician is too cowardly to face the voters, if a politician needs to think that he must suppress the vote in that politician should get another job. We need a movement that understands that Climate Change is real, it is caused by human activity, and that we are going to lead the world in transforming our Energy System away from fossil fuels to Energy Efficiency and sustainable energy. And, brothers and sisters, that means defeating the keystone pipeline. We need a movement that says in a highly competitive Global Economy that all of our people who have the ability and the qualifications will be able to get a College Education regardless of the income of their family. And that is why i have introduced legislation that does two things. First, it makes every Public College and university in america tuition free. Secondly, it substantially lowersdent rates Interest Rates on student that. Imposingy for that by a wall street speculation tax. Bernie mr. Sanders when wall street collapses because of this greed and illegal behavior, the American People bails them out. Now it is their turn to help the middle class of their country. We need a Political Movement which will end for all institutional racism in our reform a very, very broken criminal justice system. We must not accept more deaths michaelmed blacks like brown, walter scott, and too many to name, too many to name. We must not continue being the country in the world with more people in jail than any other. And the people in jail are disproportionately people of color. We must become the country in the world which invests in job and education, not jails and incarceration. And when we talk of bringing our country together, we cannot forget that there are now 11 Million People here who are undocumented. We must provide Legal Protections for them. We must pass comprehensive Immigration Reform. And we must provide a path for citizenship. And we must be clear that the thatt and unamerican idea we are going to somehow round up millions of people in the dead of the night is not what this country is about and it is not going to happen. You are looking at a former congressman who did not believe george w. Bush, dick cheney, and don rumsfeld, and voted against the war in iraq. A war which turned out to be one of the worst foreignpolicy plunders in the modern history of this country. And you are looking at a senator who will stand with president obama in preventing iran from getting a nuclear weapon, but will do it in a way that prevents war. Let me conclude by saying this one of the demands of my campaign is that we as a people not acceptnot small, this rightwing ideology and world view. It is not a question of cutting education by 2 or 4 . We can, if we do not allow them to divide ourselves by race or gender, whether we are gay or straight or born in america were born someplace else, if we stand together, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish. We can live in a country where health care is a right for all people, not a privilege. We can live in a country where when mom and dad go to work, they know their kids have the bestquality child care in the world. We can live in a country where seniors retire in dignity and security and not be forced to choose between their medicine and their food. I am helping to lead the effort in the senate, not only to oppose the privatization of Social Security or cuts in Social Security, but to expand Social Security benefits. We can live in a nation where our veterans, of men and women who put their lives on the us, get thend Quality Health care and benefits they have earned and the respect that they are due. Brothers and sisters, we can live in a nation where everyone, no matter their race, their religion, their disability, or their sexual orientation, realizes the full promise of birthrightat is our as americans. This is the country we can build. It is the country we must build. And if we stand together, that is the country we will build. Thank you very much. Care ms. Wasserman schultz thank you. Thank you, senator sanders. Retaken ask everyone to your seats for next item is the report from our resolutions committee, and i would now like to recognize that cochair of the committee to give us an update on the committees actions. Jim . Get cheered for being the resolutions chair

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