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We are yankees fans. A mets man. Governor, welcome to New Hampshire. Governor christie great. Helped him on a lot of campaigns. It goes to the senate. Governor christie thank you. Sure. Anytime. Gov. Christie ill be back up monday. Every week. Any question you have, i am happy to answer. I am proud of my record. Thank you. Appreciate the time. Governor christie thank you so much. You are more than welcome. Thank you for coming. I would love to have you in for dinner when youre up. By all means. Absolutely. Tha you for being here and for staying. I have never voted for somebody for president that i havent met. Gov. Christie dont start now. I have an inside track. Thank you so much. Accountability. Absolutely. Governor christie when you do inspire more students. We need you to inspire more students. Thank you so much. It, i am ao say registered democrat, but i love your message. You are sincere, knowledgeable, it was fun to listen to you speak. I liked how you addressed the question i was going to ask about congressional term limit. I think that the career politicians in washington make every issue about getting reelected instead of what the people really want. Gov. Christie i am totally for it and i just dont understand why they think they are indispensable. Because they are not. None of us are. If we get rid of the president there is no reason they should stay longer than 12. They should be able to get it done with that. I think eight years would be reasonable. Gov. Christie so do i, by the way. Six terms of the house into in the senate. The reason i picked 12 is that it is divisible by both sides. That way everybody has the same rules. Open out after 12 years. I think it is important i think. It hurts our country. It was designed to be a Citizen Legislature where you serve for a period of time and go back home. That is how it should be. I agree. Gov. Christie thanks for taking the time to listen and hang around afterwards. I got you. I am from connecticut. Governor christie thank you for taking the time to listen and hang around afterwards. Governor christie how are we doing, brother . My father graduated from new boston when they had a high school, 14 people in the class. A small town. Christie what a great setting. I think i got a few bug bites. Gov. Christie the long sleeves help. The primary is in september. Keep working hard until then. Governor christie thank you for your help. I remind him of that. Yes, i did. Thank you for being here. I see your face light up like that. It is going really well. Give got to be cancer faster than anybody else. He looks good yesterday. Looked good yesterday. Governor christie just a little stumble. We will be back up here on monday. [indiscernible] good to see you again. It is going to be a good weekend. We are very excited for a corn dog. September 16. september 16. Ie hi, mary pat. Christie we have seven offduty firefighters. Where we going where are we going . Absolutely. Behind every great man is a greater woman. Thank you. Best of luck. Governor christie thank you for coming. Last guy in line. How are you . Governor christie good, how are you. Everybody ranted and raved about the education. No one went to Ronald Reagan and his position. Can we do that . Gov. Christie i think the priority is to change what is going on. I think that if you have that argument first it will be divisive. We have to be able to get the things that really matter done which is get the strings off get , intrusion out and return curriculum control. So you are on the same wavelength as governor kasich, who said we get it wrong to in the 1990s. We were going to kill the department of education. He said everyone thought we were saying we were going to kill education. Governor christie youve got to be smart about it. How about we call it, were going to decentralize the federal department of education in 50 directions. Governor christie i think at least 50, if you are a governor, they are in our pockets and in our curriculum. I think that is important, you do not tie it up with other things that are more controversial. We have a better chance to get that done if we can give the control to the state, the benefit that we get will far outweigh anything else. Just call it decentralization. Gov. Christie how about going after the actual issue and not for the symbolism. Symbolism is important, but in education, you need to get into the substance. And get it fixed quicker. Here is an argument. Very simple. Localities run k12, run it, finance it. States run higher education. You have people in washington with no operational experience telling people who have operational experience what to do. I think the American Voter gets that. Governor christie i think they get that to what is not a oneway conversation. We will have secretary clinton saying that that that means he doesnt care about education. Dont walk into traps. There is no reason to walk into their traps. I have watched them do it, i am a little more concerned about getting the job done. You are here late. Thank you very much. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] tomorrow we had that cliff to iowa remarks from texas republican senator ted cruz. He is on a list of president ial candidates appearing at the iowa state fair. He will be speaking at the Des Moines Register soapbox. Watch that live at 11 00 a. M. Eastern tomorrow. Cspan. This weekend on the cspan networks, politics, books, and American History. On cspan saturday, live coverage of president ial candidates at the iowa state fair continues. We will hear from Chris Christie at noon and bobby jindal at 1 00 p. M. Walkerday at 6 30, scott hold a town hall meeting in ashland, New Hampshire. On cspan2 on saturday, book tv is live at the inaugural mississippi book festival beginning at 11 30 a. M. Panel discussions on civil rights, history, and biography. In the a lives of harper lee in eudora velti. Katie kiefer shares are critical thoughts on the obama administrations relationship with millennials. Saturday afternoon at 5 00, columbia architecturalon landmarks in the history of the commission created to protect them. Sunday at 4 00 p. M. On railamerica, three films on the pilot district roger, a Program Administration administered by the Johnson Administration to improve relations between the police in the community in washington dc at the 1968 Martin Luther king assassination and subsequent riots. Follow the cspan cities tour as we travel outside the washington beltway to communities across america. The idea behind the tour is to take programming for American History television and book tv out on the road the on the beltway. To reduce pieces that are a little bit more visual and provide a window into the cities that viewers were not numeral he normally go to. A lot of people have already heard the history of the big cities like new york and los angeles, chicago. What about the smaller ones like albany, new york . What is the history of them . We event over 75 cities. We will have hit 75 cities in april of 2016. These are not event coverage type pieces. They are shorter. They take you someplace. They take you to a historic site. We partner with cable affiliates to explore the literary culture various cities. Wiki entry is the cable operator billing contacts the city. Its the cable industry bringing us there. They are looking for great characters. You really want your viewers to be able to identify with these people that we are talking about. It is an experiencetype program where taking people on the road to places where they can touch things, see things, and learn about it is not just the local history. A lot of that plays into the national story. If somebody is watching this, they should be enticed enough that they can get the idea of the story. But also feel that this is just in our backyard. Lets go see it. We want viewers to get a sense that, i know that place just from watching one of our places pieces. Of oure do with all coverage, it bleeds and will be due out on the road. You have to be able to can convey the message of this network to do this job. It stunned the one thing that we wanted it to do which was built relationships with the city and our Cable Partners and gather some great programming for American History tv and book tv. Watch the city store on cspan networks. To see where we are going next, see our schedule at cspan. Org citiestour. Former president jimmy carter held a News Conference earlier today we learn he has cancer that is spread to his liver and brain. [no audio] president carter in may i went down to guyana. I had a bad cold, came back here to emery. In the process, they did a complete physical examination. The mri showed there was a cancer or growth on my liver. They did a scan that lit up so they were pretty sure there was a cancer. It was on august 3. The tumor was only two and a half cubic centimeters. They removed about 85 cubic Senate Leaders centimeters which was a 10th of my liver. They did a biopsy and found out it was cancer and melanoma. They had a suspicion then and now that the melanoma started somewhere else in my body and spread to the liver. The doctors told me that 98 of all melanoma is skin cancer and 2 is internal. Then i came back after that and they did a biopsy and found they did and mri. They found there were four spots of melanoma on my brain. They are small spots, two millimeters if you can envision what a millimeter is. I will get my first radiation treatment and my brain is this afternoon. I understand i will have four treatments scheduled at three week intervals. In addition to that, yesterday they gave me a mask of hold my head ethically still while the radiation goes in. I have prepared for that. And they will give me an iv of this is a medicine that they use for melanoma that enhances the activity of the antiimmune system. This medicine has been approved in the United States and has been tested in europe. My doctors will also continue to scan other parts of my body with an mri and pet scan to see if and where the melanoma originated. That will be the ongoing for the next number of months, i presume. There was a doctor at emery that did the surgery. Dr. David lawson a specialist , for melanoma and there is a specialist in radiation. He is in charge of the cancer center. They are working very closely with other Cancer Centers around this nation. In particular indiana, houston, texas, National Cancer institute, sloankettering, and others. I have referred those offers of help to the doctors to get their acquiescence of approval before treatment. For a number of years, we have learned on dramatically reducing the work at the Carter Center but we have not done it yet. [laughter] president carter. We thought about it when i was 85 and then again when i was 90. This is a time to carry out our longdelayed plans so i will cut back fairly dramatically on my at theions at emery and Carter Center. As you know, the Carter Center has a full Legal Partnership with emery with trustees approved by emery and vice versa. The president of emery is on our board. We have built up a substantial endowment to tie the Carter Center over. There is over 600 million and in our endowment and i will continue to sign letters requesting contributions and making key calls to people. I will continue with the funding and the trustee meetings, i will attend those. I would also like to schedule the regular meetings with our fellows and directors as they give detailed reports on what we are doing with the fight against guinea worm and other health programs. I cannot really anticipate the how i will be feeling. I will have to differ to my doctors in charge of treatment. I understand that the radiation treatment and also the injection injections will be every three weeks, four times and they will stop and take a look at what the results might have been. I will try to adhere to that schedule as much as possible. The Carter Center is wellprepared to continue one about any handicap. If we do back away from a lot of the activities weve been doing, we have decided last march, our grandson jason would take over as chairman of the board, the board of trustees made that decision march at the meeting in november. Jason will be the chairman of the board of trustees of the Carter Center, a body that may seal to the decisions about what projects we work on and things of that nature. Of course, if he wants me to give advice i would be delighted to do it as i have done in the past. I was chairman for a while but i step down a number of years ago. I will try as best i can to continue my work as a professor at emery and to attend some of the meetings. I would say that the rest of my plans would be determined by my consultations with doctors on what i needed to do to get adequate treatment for the melanoma. At least it has existed in my liver, they think they got it all but in a shown up in four places in my brain and it is likely to show up other places in my body. Thats what i like to say but i will be glad to answer questions. Good morning, just want to get your initial reaction when you heard the cancer word and what doctors have said about your prognosis. You seem very optimistic in your spirits are good. Pres. Carter i felt that it was confined to my liver and the operation had completely removed it, so i was quite relieved. That same afternoon we had an mri of my head and neck and it showed up in my brain. I would say that night and the next day until i came back to emery, i thought i had a few weeks left. Surprisingly, i am at ease. I have had a wonderful life and thousands of friends. I have had an exciting and adventurous and gratifying existence. I was a surprisingly at ease, more than my wife. But now i feel this is the hand be prepared will when the day comes. Mr. President , you just said that you expect that there will be further cancers diagnosed. Was it at all difficult given , the fact that you also just said that maybe it was a matter of a few weeks . Was it difficult to decide to go ahead with this treatment . Does your faith play any role in the fact that you did that or did you consider at any time, not doing anything . Pres. Carter i never have doubted that i would carry out the recommendations of emory doctors. So when they said they wanted to go ahead and find out other places it might show up to treat them, im perfectly at ease of that with that. Im perfectly at ease with whatever comes. I was pleasantly surprised that i didnt go into an attitude of despair or anger or anything like that. I was just completely at ease. As rosa would testify. I think that is a testament to my veracity i have been very grateful. Im looking forward to a new adventure. You have just said that you felt at ease. Can you tell us more about your discussions with your doctors and family, and how you came to decide that you did want treatment and wanted to pursue anything your doctors recommend would be appropriate for you . Pres. Carter that was a was not difficult for me because i dont think ill ever toi ever found it difficult commit to what my doctors recommended. I have decided that to begin with. I understand if you have any technical questions, i would be ready to answer. The three doctors that i worked with in close harmony with me, and the surgeon that did the operation on my liver and the specialist on treatment of cancer. Also the specialist on melanoma itself. They have been like a team working very closely with me. And i have complete confidence them. And others have consulted with them and i understand they have shared the m. R. I. With some others. So they are consulting, i guess with the best cancer treaters in the world, and im very grateful that emerys in charge. With the Atlanta Journal constitution. First of all, president carter, im so sorry and sad to hear this news. But i just have a basic question. How are you feeling . I feel good. I havent felt any weakness or disability. The pain has been just slight fter my operation on my liver. Two lap row scoppy with small incisions. Doctors expected that there would be a pain going from your liver to your right shoulder if you have liver problems and if you have a heart problem i believe that goes to your left shoulder. I only took a few pain relievers but not anymore than that. I had a slight reaction to the treatment, what is that i had a little bit of pain in my shoulder and i want to bed about 6 00 and slept until 8 00 a. M. This morning. I think it was about the best nights sleep ive had in many years. So i feel a bit at ease about it. Ive been very lucky that the emery doctors have been able to control any aspect of pain from the operation or effects of cancer. You mentioned all the wellwishers. Has there been any correspondence or calls that really touched you . Well, both president bushes called me at one time. Bush sr. Called me yesterday again and i appreciated that very much. President obama called and the Vice President called and bill and Hillary Clinton called. Secretary of state. First time they have called in a long time. [laughter] but i think the Close Friends that ive had around home that have done special things to thats what i really maybe feel more emotionally and my whole family. All the folks we have. We have 21 other carters that live in georgia, and they have been down to see us. And they will be down again this weekend for my wifes birthday celebration. Abundance ad a an of gratitude. Jonathon karl with abc news. First, i saw a report you told habitat with humanity that you still wish to go forward to your trip with them to nepal. I would like still to go. It requires a flight to katmandu and then another flight. If i do that, i understand i havent talked to the doctors yet but i understand with my schedule it would require a fiveweek postponement of my last treatment. So thats what im going to have to consider. But up until this morning i was completely committed to going to habitat. If i dont go, the rest of my family will probably go in my place. And you have really redefined what it means to be a former president. Can you reflect on the work you have done since you left the white house and what you hope to still do . Well, the work has been more personally depraffing to me, because when youre president you have a responsibility for millions of people and hundreds of thousands of members of the armed forces and that was the high point of my life. I was able to do so much and political speaking and having been the president of the United States has made it possible for me to have the influence and contact with people and knowledge that has been the foundation for the Carter Center. But the Carter Center has a completely different approach. We deal with individual people in the smallest and most obscure and suffering people of the villages and deserts and villages of africa and for the poorest and most destitute people in the world. And that has been i would say far more depraffing personally. Because we actually interact with family its and with people who are going blind or who have el fan tithes and so forth. And going into villages and learning about them and finding out what their actual needs are and meeting those needs with the carter medical staff has been one of the best things thats happened to me. My life since the white house has been personally more graphling. Although being the president was the height of my political success and laid the groundwork for my working with the Carter Center. Do you feel like you still have work left to do . Yes. Within the bounds of my health but i will have to give the treatment regimen top priority. Good morning. Halle jackson, nbc news. Given your current cancer diagnosis and Family History with this disease, what message do you have for other patients watching you go through this right now . Well, with the death of my only brother and one of my sisters died of cancer and for a long time my family was the only one on earth that had as many as four people that died of pancreatic cancer. Its very rare. Had i i left the white house and my brothers and sisters continued to die to say so they did blood checks. But pancreatic cancer does have some gennettic cause so much as i have read. But its exacerbated through smoking, which i have never done. But melanoma, they have not ound it to be gennettic. They have been monitoring my pancreas closely. So far the only other part they have found cancer was on the liver and in my brain. So i would say one of the greatest scientific developments in the last five years has been the two kinds of cancer. One is lung cancer stand other is melanoma. And so the treatment for melanoma in addition to radiation or chemotherapy and the giving of these medicines that exacerbate or enhance is i would say is the word enhance the function of your selfrelief. That aspect. The autoimmune system. So it would make your autoimmune system more active. The message to other patients, is it one of hope . Acceptance . Yes, hope for the best and accept what comes. I think i have been as blessed as any human being in the world with becoming the president of the United States of america and governor of georgia depa and working for the Carter Center and big and depowing family and thousands of friends, and living to be 91 years old the first of october. So i have had im thankful and hopeful. President carter, from voice of america, i wanted to ask what has been youve said youve sort of taken a pragmatic approach to the treatment. Whats been the most difficult part of the treatment . Well, i havent had a difficult treatment aspect yet. The liver surgery was extensive. About 1 10 of my liver but it healed up quickly and i have had minimal pain, and the first treatment i had yesterday will be followed this afternoon by radiation. And that will be every three weeks for four times and then they will reassess, so i havent had any will it be difficult to step away from well, i really wanted to go to nepal to build houses. And i was very hopeful about that, but if it interrupts the reatment regimen, then i think i would get the treatment. Just m cbs 46 news, wondering. You touched upon it a little bit. In your illustrious career as you said, governor, president , even husband, father, grandfather. Is there anything or share with us what youre most proud of and if theres anything you might have done differently or thought maybe i wish i had not done that . Well, definitely marrying rosa. Thats the pinnacle of my life and we have had 69 years together. Still together. And so thats best thing that happened to me. But i think getting involved in politics and president of the United States is obviously a demrorous event. So and we have a growing family. We have 22 grandchildren and great deprirn. 2 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren, and they are coming every year. So we have a good, hormoneous family. And i would say the haven for our lives nab planes, georgia. I plan to Teach Sunday School every sunday as long as im physically able in my church, and we have hundreds of visitors to come see the curiosity of a politician teaching the bible. So i have continued that so i have had a lot of blessings. And anything you wish you had not done . I wish id sent one more helicopter to stave hostages and i may have been reelected too but if i had to choose between two more years and the Carter Center, i think i would choose the Carter Center. But i would choose both. I wonder if you with your big family, have you encouraged them to see the doctor or seen if there was more interest in inding out what went on with or what is going on with them . Well, twhaver doctors recommend for blood tests or two or three at more questions. President. From the Atlanta Journalconstitution. I wonder, how did you break the news to your family . Well, i found out towards the end of may that i had a spot on my liver. That was suspect. I think i nut my diary that i didnt tell rosa until the 15th of june. And then on when i found out that i had definitely cancer, my key members of my family came into the Carter Center, and i gave them a briefing and gave what the prospects were. And then i put out a statement as soon as i knew about it, to the public that i did have cancer and when we found out and when it ma test sized. I didnt say what kind it was or say it was melanoma. I didnt say it spread to my brain. Or so as quickly as i could, i told the public and my family the things about which i was absolutely certain wrath err than just guessing what might happen. With lo president carter, cnn. I know. [laughter] off couple questions. With the medical aspects. You said you became ill in may and came back early to the United States and it showed the mass on your liver. I wonder at that time period was are there a consideration not to do anything during that time centered no. And you said regarding the medications, you are following the recommendations of your doctors. Were you given options or i was given option its and had a recommendation on a particular type of medical treatment and i took their advice. And we knew, i would say, the end of june that i had to have an operation on my liver. But i had an extensive book tour scheduled for 14 or 15 cities, and i wanted to do that and the doctors told me that it was a very slowgrowing cancer, i apparently and what make any difference between the middle of july and or 3rd day of august, so we scheduled it and my surgen scheduled a vacation trip in spain. So the combination of all those things just caused me to wait until everything was ready. So i stayed very pizzay during that time and i didnt tell anybody much about it except rosa. Another question . Ble in albany. Can you explain what your home means to you . Well, i knew rosa when she was first born. Planes ears old but has always ban haven for us. When i got out of the navy i came back here and was a farmer for about 17 years and when i got through being governor i came back to planes then after i was the president we came back so now no matter what, we always look forward to getting back to plansde thats where our farm is and we have a newer rm but had a farm since the 1800s and 1902 a newer farm so my roots are there and my closest friends are there and its just very important to me. So planes has just been the focal point of our life. Visitors come there and come to find out how out of this little tiny town a future president could have gone and learn about my schooling and things of that type. So planes means a lot to me. Thank you. Thank you. With mundo hispanic newspaper. I wonder if you have difficult with your family or close how do you see this in the future . The Carter Center. How do i feel what . How do you see the Carter Center in the future . Well, i think it will be equal to what its been in the past. Its been expanding every year as far as the number of people we treat for horrible diseases and things like that. This year we will treat 71 Million People on earth for diseases so that they wont have afflictions they have had throughout their lifetimes. And so we have added we have we are still trying to bring peace. So we concentrate on peace and human rights and democracy and freedom and the alleviation of suffering and i would say in every one of those areas, the Carter Centers functions are still expanding. And im completely honest without my everyday constant involvement in Different Things with it. As long as without me, directors can carry tout programs. And how do you receive messages from latin america where the Carter Center had participation . Well, i had a lot of messages the last few days from latin america. I will be meeting next week. Or next month with a group from panama. And ive already approved that program on my schedule. So we maintain a wide range of programs and in latin america primarily to try to do away with conflict in the country and the relationship between the news media and executive branch of the government when they try to stamp out freedom of the press. And also teach full relationships. And we have an on Going Program in six countries and we still small cluster of people about 25,000 total population between porder between venezuela and brazil. So we will work on that so we will continue our work in latin america. Good morning, mr. President. Im from the news radio. Here in atlanta as jason is preparing to take over as chairman of the board at the Carter Center, you have very much been the face of peace negotiations since the time that you left office. As he is continuing the efforts in the health and humanitarian efforts of the Carter Center, will you also be active and advising him in the international well, the board of trustees and body of trustees. About 23 i think. They make the final decisions and ultimate choices of what we do and how much money we spend on things and how many people we send. So the chairman of the board is deeply involved in making those ultimate decisions and sending it to the poured of trustees. It in esume hes handled the last three years superbly he sure he will use may not be the wrecking ball i s but he will be going miramar first part of number of for the elections. Maria, longtime journalist and supporter report in the atlanta business chronicle. I know. You have had such a scope of work in your life. In the time that you have left, what would give you the most of things happening like peace in the middle east or a cure for polio or if you could look at the state of the world and how you have been working in efforts to try to in all honesty i would say peace for israel and its neighbors. Thats been the top priority of my Foreign Policy projects for the last 30 years. Right now i think the processal perfects are more dismal than anytime i remember in the last 0 years. The Government Official has no desire for a twostate solution which the United States has practically no influence. Compared to past years. Either israel or palestine. But that would be my number one Foreign Policy hope. As far as the Carter Center is concerned, i would like to see all disease completely eradicated before i die. I think right now we have 11 cases with one and 3. 6 billion cases of another and two cases in south sudan and one case in ethiopia and pally and seven cases in chad. We know we are all i would say that would be my top priority. Good morning president carter, with 46 news here in atlanta. You fought Many Political battles throughout your career. How tough do you expect this fight against cancer will be . Well, it wont be tough on my part. I will just acquiesce and im a cooperating patient and within the bounds of my own judgment, i will do what the doctors recommend to extends my life as much as possible. So its no hardship on me. They say, and i trust them completely, to alleviate the effects or after effects of treatments. They have a lot of treatments ongoing with different patients in the world. So i dont anticipate any troubling pain or suffering or deprive asian or deprivation on my part. Thank youall for coming. I appreciate it. I dont know if do you want to add anything . Any particular questions . Or correct my mistakes. Sorry . Ok. Im leaving. Thank you all very much. [applause] since that announcement this morning, many of you have been weighing in with your thoughts on president carter. One says i dont care what anyone says he has been the biggest he humanitarian of all the president s. Looking forward what you have to say about president carter on our website or facebook page. By the way you can see all of president carters News Conference gointing at 8 00 eastern on cspan. Earlier this week we look an race h on police and relations. The mayor of richmond, dwight jones was a depest. Then tomorrow we head back live to iowa to bring you demrents enator ted cruz, a list of president ial candidates scheduled to speak at the des moines soap box. See that tomorrow right here on cspan. This weekend on the cspan networks. Politics, books, and American History on cspan saturday live coverage of president ial candidates at the iowa state fair continues. We will hear from republican rnors Chris Christie and sunday and on saturday book tv is live at the inaugural mississippi pook festival. Former Governor Haley barbour and Panel Discussions on civil rights and discussions about the lives of harper lee and hen another will share her thoughts on the relationship between president obama and millennials and the preservation of landmarks and the history created to protect them and sunday at 4 00 p. M. On real america, three films on the pilot district project, the program administered by the Johnson Administration to help poor realizes between the community and police in washington d. C. After the Martin Luther king assassination. Get more information at span. Org. Follow the cspans cities tour. The idea behind the cities tour is to take the programming for history tv beyond the beltway to produce pieces that are a little more visual and provide a window into the cities that viewers wouldnt normally go to that also have really rich histories and a as well. Rary scene but what about the smaller ones like albany, new york . Whats the history of them . We have been to over 75 cities. We will have hit 95 cities in april of 2016. Most of our programming on cspan is event coverage. These are not event coverage type of pieces. These are shorter. They take you some place. They take you to a home, an historic site. Weve partnered with our cable sites. The key entry into the city is the cable operator who then al contacts the city. We are really looking for great characterize. You really want your viewers to be able to identify with these people we are talking about. Its a program where we are taking people on the road to places where they can touch things, see things, and learn about not just the local history, because a lot of local history plays into the national story. If somebody is watching it, it should be enticing enough that they can get the idea of the story but also feel as if this is just in our backyard. Lets go see it. We want viewers to get a sense of, oh, yeah, i know that place. Cspans message with all of our coverage leads into what we do on the road. Youve got to know the message of this network in order to do this job good interest on the one thing we wanted it to do, which is building relationships with the city and out Cable Partners and gather some great programming for American History tv and book tv. Ies tour one city the cspan networks. To see where we are going ask, go to cspan. Org citiestour. Road to the white house continues with Ohio Governor john kasich. He hosted a meeting in New Hampshire yesterday. This is just over an hour. [applause] gov. Kasich thank you. Go . Doug, whered he should i tell them that story are not . Dangerous question, so yes. Gov. Kasich ok. Let me tell you a little bit about who i am before we get into what i think and what i have done. So i grew up in a little town calledof pittsburgh mckees rocks. It was a bluecollar town. My father was a democrat entire lifetime. Never switched parties. My mother was an intelligent woman, very opinionated, but undereducated. She could have really been something. She had so many views on things and was never afraid to challenge the status quo. Her mother lived with us and she could barely speak english. The town my mother became a republican later in life. ,he town was bluecollar conservative, overwhelmingly democratic. If the wind blew the wrong way, people found themselves out of work. When we hear about two people peopleand gangs it do understand anxieties people have, i do because i grew up like that. We never got tickets to the world series when the pirates played could we never got any of the special stuff, because it is not where we were. It is not who we were back in that town. But godfearing, common sense, and people like to say kasichs direct. If you think i am direct, i will rocks and imckeses will show you what direct, because that is what we are over there. I left the town to go to a Small University in the midwest. I dont know if many of you have ever heard of it. It is called ohio state university. [laughter] and i lived in a dormitory that was 23 floors high. And it was filled with all 18yearold freshman boys and girls. And there is a duplicate tower filled with all 18yearold boys and girls. In downtown columbus, they used to refer to these towers as sodom and gomorrah. But anyway, just being there for a little outcome of the universitys 48,000 students and a lot of stuff pops up. Lots of things that you frustrated. So i decided i needed to bring a couple changes to ohio state. Me,ncle had always told johnny, if you want to bring about changes, start at the top. Sliced so i called so like all the president s office and they would not let me in initially and i kept bugging them so finally they let me in a meeting. The president of ohio state was a very impressive guy. Deeptall, very articulate, baritone voice. I walked in and he said what is on your mind . I told him. I said, sir, ive been in school for about a month and im undecided, but you have this assistant out here who has kept me out. You have these beautiful rugs and furniture and desks. Maybe this is the job for me. I am undecided at ohio state. What exactly do you do . He said to me, well i have academic responsibilities. , dont know if you know this but president of universities have to spend a lot of time raising money. I will fly to washington and have a meeting with president nixon. And i said, well, sir, there are a number of things i would like to talk to him about also. [laughter] could i go with you . Now how old are you, young lady . And 20. Gov. Kasich how old are you . 20. Gov. Kasich perfect. This man had never seen me before. You know what the lesson was . If you dont ask, you dont get. This is stories about you two. I go back to my dorm room i write a letter to the president of the United States, and basically inviting myself to the white house, and i signed it, sincerely, john kasich. If you would like to discuss this further, i will come see you. A couple weeks later i go to my the glassd with mailbox, i could look through, and there is a letter from the white house, the office of the president. So i pull it out and i look at it and i go upstairs and i call home to pittsburgh. My mother answers the phone. I say, mom, i am going to need an airline ticket. The president of the United States would like to have a meeting with me in the oval office. [laughter] gov. Kasich and my mother is shouting, just like you would for these two young girls here. Honey, pick up the phone somethings wrong with our kid there is something going on here. So i go home to pittsburgh for the christmas break, and my parents buying a ticket, and i godown to washington, and i through White House Security and the gates and im sitting right outside the oval office, ok, and a guy walks up to me and he says, young man, you are going to get five minutes alone with the president of the United States. What do you think . What do you think . Pretty good. Five minutes alone with the president. Let me tell you what i am thinking. Ive got a new jacket, a new shirt, new pants. Im not coming out in five lousy minutes, youve got be kidding me. [laughter] gov. Kasich thats not the way we think. I aint coming out of there could they open the door and the president greets me in the oval office, and the good news is i sat down at his desk for 20 minutes, as an 18yearold firstquarter freshman. I spent 18 years in congress, and if you add up all the time i spent in the oval out at theeekepeaked age of 18 and should have moved to salem. That is such a great story, because what it means is anything is possible in life, especially where i came from. The message to people here, dream a big. Think big. You can be something. You have a purpose in life. Guy at an into a dunkin donuts. I said, what do you do . He said, well, im retired. Ok, but what are you doing . He may have recently retired because he says he is working for his wife taking care of things around house. But we should never retire, never. Because we are here for a purpose. Justice, healing i mean, that is what we are here for. And that is where you find real meaning in life. I was introduced by a great. Riend of mine, john sununu he is as smart as they come. He is just a remarkable man. And he has got a great, great spine and a great, great heart. And we are also joined here great come iher think, United States senator, who is way in the back, and maybe some of you dont remember him, but many of you do. Senator Gordon Humphrey is here today. [applause] and he is way in the back. And he does not have an xray but he treatsim me like he does have an xray machine. He wants to know everything that i think, which is fine. Let me give you a little of my background. I have that nixon thing and then i got a job on happenstance working in the legislature, in 1976i went to the republican convention. Buti worked not only for with Ronald Reagan at that 1976 convention. And i have no business being there. I walked into the command center and some of the didnt show up and they asked me if i could run five states for governor reagan. I had no idea what it meant, but i said, of course i could. I got to travel around within to various delegations and he inspired me, as any great leader would inspire you. I went back with my job in the legislature and ran for the state senate. I was about 24. 5. I got elected at the age of 26. I beat the incumbent and became a state senator. No relatives, no connection to the party, nothing. We just ran a Grassroots Campaign with you and you and you running my campaign. Just like you. You could do it . Ok, weve got another one we are doing now. [laughter] why do i say that . I will tell you what is important about it. You dont have anything that you want. You just want to believe in something, right . Cks anding from mckees ro having these folks who helped get me elected, i dont know anything to anybody but these. Olks my job is to fix things. My job is to improve things wherever i am. I served four years in the legislature. My last two years, i became the chairman of the health committee, the youngest one ever elected, the youngest chairman ever. But the other house was democrat. I had two choices at that point. I could just be a republican and fine all day long with the democrats, or i could figure out how to get along with the other people there because i was there to help ohio, not there to help me. And it was a great experience. At the age of 30, four years, 26 to 30, at the age of 30 iran for congress. N i ran for congress. Now, reagan was president at that point, and i ran on the reagan philosophy of balancing budgets and strengthening the military and destroying the soviet union and bringing them all down. That year in 1982i was the only republican challenger in america to defeat an incumbent democrat. So at the age of 30 i am off to washington. And my mother is saying, johnny, what are you doing . What is going on here . So i went down there and i got on the Defense Committee. I was there for a very short period of time, and i met this kernel at a new base. Airbase,olonel at an and he was getting ready to retire. He pulled the hammers and wrenches and screwdrivers out of his desk that cost tens of thousands of dollars, and we were all aghast. Remember that, folks . I went down to washington i took this toolbox, and there were n who foundessme the same thing, and i became a defense reformer. Strong defense, but no waste. If they waste it in welfare, we clean it up. If they wasted in the pentagon, we clean it up. Nobody should be immune to having things work. You can clap for that, sir, thats ok. [applause] so for 18 years i serve on that Defense Committee. Guess who was on that Defense Committee that i got to work with . Barry goldwater. John tower, one of the great minds. Gary hart, democrat from one of the smartest people i ever worked with. People who had been basically given their limbs in world war ii. So it was a great experience, learning about threats and systems and spending and reform and all that. And in six years in i was able to get on the Budget Committee, which is what i always wanted to be on because i learned i havent told the story when iran for the state senate, i said there were two things we shouldnt do. We shouldnt raise our pay because i wanted the legislature to be parttime. The second thing is i wont vote for any tax increases. Some republicans win the majority and they decide to raise taxes, and raise their pay. So i turned to the paydown, which i came to learn later most people thought i was nuts. The other thing is they wanted to raise taxes, and i said i wasnt voting for it, and they said i was irresponsible. So guess what i did . I wrote my own budget in the legislature. I learned that knowing the budget means you know every operation of the government. It is like unlocking the secret to what happens. And so i offered my budget, i got killed. Nobody voted for it. But a number of the ideas carried on forward. But i learned something valuable about that. By the way, when i was doing it, people were sneaking into my state senate office, like 11 00 at night, telling me Little Secrets about how things really work. I got on the Budget Committee six years into congress and i offered myirst budget trying to make this short. We had a vote on my budget. There was the president s budget, the democrat budget, the blackhawks Budget Committee kasich budget, and the vote on was 405 no andet 30 yes. Howd i do . [laughter] but there were 25 other people who thought we were onto something. Your income year out, i would offer another budget, and the numbers would grow. Girls, one of the story here. Believe in something as long as it is rational, and it is amazing how it can happen. Johnson a new comes to congress and he works with me, and after 10 long years of fighting to balance the budget, why did i want to do it . One, we shouldnt mortgage our childrens future. Two, running into is not good for people, states, families, government, the federal government. So in 1997 [applause] 1997, along with senator demint she, i become the nici, i became the chief architect of the budget, and we got it done, and we head out the most publicly held debt in modern history, and the budget hadnt been balanced since we walked on the moon and it hasnt been since. You know what i learned in these town Hall Meetings . When i tell people we balance the budget, you dont really believe it. You dont believe it, but we did it. We were in balance for four straight years, and when i left washington at the end of all that, we were running a 5 trillion surplus. So the idea that we can deal with our problems today, we can. We cant play politics, but you can get done. I left government, i accomplished what i wanted to come and i announced i was leaving, and nobody could figure out why, but i did and i went out in the private sector and i was a banker, worked at lehman brothers, i was at fox news you all remember when i was at fox. I was huge. You remember. Stills why oreilly doesnt pronounce my name right because i did such a good job posting his show. Hosting his show. [laughter] so that was a lot of fun. But i want to go back to something could, to cover two quick things if we have to run over, fine. Heres the thing. We are made for a purpose. This is what i believe. I think we are made for a purpose. And i think each of us are given gifts to do certain things in ifts,world, positive g to do positive things. Some people never find them. But i think the key to satisfaction in life is to find those gifts and purpose and to do it. Im having a great time making speeches, they were paying me, i mean, it was unbelievable. But i got a nagging feeling that i needed to go back. I told my wife, i think ive got to go back into politics. She said, i thought we were done with that. 18 years, 14 years, enough. I said, sweetie, ive got to do it. She got behind me and i was the anrst person to defeat incumbent in ohio and 36 years. I inherited a state that in some ways was as bad as the federal government. Our credit was going to be downgraded, and people were hopeless. After 4. 5 years, the 8 billion is a 2 billion surplus. We have cut taxes by the largest amount of any sitting governor, 5 billion. We killed the death tax, basically all income taxes for small business, because we believe in small business. Our credit is rocksolid. We are up to 350,000 private sector jobs created. And no one has been left out. If you are drug addicted, we help you. If you are mentally ill, we help you. If you are Development League disabled, we want to mains developmentally disabled, we want to mainstream you. If you are autistic, we want to get you insurance. If you are in a minority community, we want to be helping. Iran for election in ohio. That is i ran for election in ohio. That is the state where we found the Election Results two days later. Then in counties including county where barack obama won by 26 points, cuyahoga county. I was able to get 51 of Union Households and 60 of women. It was the second largest electoral win in the modern history of ohio. Why did it happen . First of all can i have a great team. I am the orchestra leader. I have a great team and we are creative and innovative. Two things you want to go to work, we have raised the hope factor in ohio. We will work to create an environment where jobs can be created, because that is our greatest moral purpose. I trye second thing, every day to communicate a message that you are not left out, that you have a chance to get your life, that you have a chance and opportunity. And what could be greater than that . To help people get on their feet, to reward people who risk take and work hard and not punish them when they create jobs and they are successful. That is what it is all about. Idecided after a long time would run for president , and i would do it for a couple of reasons. One, i have a record. When i talk, it is not about what im going to do, it is what i have already done, and what we need to do is get on the roadmap to balancing the budget, rebuild our military, infuses citizens with the idea that their lives matter and they can make a difference. These are all things i would do. Here is in just theory what is going to happen. I have been able to do it. Thendly, i do understand frustrations americans have about losing their job at 51, kids not being able to get a job, huge college debt. There are solutions to this. But the other final thing i want to say to you it sounds like. Sermon over the weekend i was reading about these two young people who were trying to fly to syria to join isis. They live in mississippi, in a beautiful little town. Mississippi state is located there. Did you read the story . It was after i read the story of 13,taking 12, 14yearold girls, putting them in the sex slave business, passing them on to fighters and having it acceptable to rape these little girls, that is an attack on western civilization, an attack on all the values we believe. And yet ive got these two young people and im reading about them who want to join that. How is it possible . Well, you know, what they offer, these murdering, lying savages offer, the promise of family or about how youpose are going to get to paradise by coming in joining us, and when anybody gets there, of course, if they are tended to leave, if they ever attempt to leave, they will kill them. What about us . Fromould two people mississippi, or doctors who live in london, successful professors, these people i tell you what i think. I think over time, we in the things toorsue two much of the time. I want to be happy, and i want to be free to do whatever it is i want to do, leave me alone. When that is all you do, your life lacks meaning. You cant find meaning by only searching for happiness. You find happiness by having meaning. And in our culture today and this is not a president. It is us here in this room. We are meant to be bigger than ourselves. We are meant to have a purpose. We are meant to be a center of justice and healing, in whatever way we can. It is working with a kid to get him to not do drugs or mentoring a student in school or helping a Senior Citizen who just lost their thousand when we do things to help other people, we feel good who lost their spouse, when we do things to help other people, we feel good. We get rewarded in the long run. That is the trip we want to take to paradise. So this is a political campaign, right . I consider it more important to be a movement. We all have to rise up again as americans, and realize that what we do makes a difference. So figure out what you are going to do. And you are going to find satisfaction and happiness. Ok, enough of all that. What do you want to know . Yes, sir . [applause] six years in the Army National guard in massachusetts. I want to know, what are you going to do to prove to me that you are taking this seriously . Our current president and his administration has neglected to do so for the past two to three years. Theyre using money we have sent over to governments in the middle east and africa, to fund their soldiers over there. I want to know, what will you do to take care of them . Gov. Kasich a couple months 3, 4, 5, 6 months ago, i cant keep track i said we should get together with our look, all western civilization is under attack. Whether it is the brits, germans, times, doesnt matter, we should be in a coalition could we should include the saudis and jordanians and put boots on the ground and destroy isis, that is what we need to do. [applause] look, need to do that ive voted on war, i voted on the first col gulf war. I voted not to be in the lebanon because i dont believe we should be in the middle of the civil wars and i dont believe we should be involved in nation building where he tried to convert them to think the way we do. But we have to have a Strong Military but we have got to reform the pentagon so that when we spent money on defense, we get our moneys worth. Now, look, i was asked a question by oreilly the other night what if the people dont support it . First of all, the president has to make the case. Secondly, we have to do this. Lead. Imes you have to that doesnt mean you get so far ahead of the crowd look, i have been ahead of the crowd and they pounded me down. But it is not going to keep me from leading. Sometimes i have to do things as a governor of ohio that, look, after my first year in office, i had 28 approval. You have got to work hard to be that unpopular, ok . [laughter] but it was not my job to win a popularity poll. It was my job to fix ohio. Willing to walk along a road and take the heat him its ok, guess what . I won an unbelievable election. There are legislators who are afraid of their own shadow. Across the board, across the country. You are in politics to die 1000 deaths. In more you die in war you die once. In politics you die over and over again and come back. That is why i love sununu. He doesnt sit around and say i dont know if i can do this because people will like it wont like it. For Gordon Humphrey. Weve got is in the back someday i could think of somebody he could defeat. [applause] lisa saying n hes saying no. Oh, come on, sir. Take care of business and come home. Fertile ground for radicalism if we are not able to convince people in the west that we are the real path to meaning in life, not some bunch of murdering thugs. Unbelievable, isnt it, but we have to look at it and address that stuff. Yes, right here. Thank you so much. Gov. Kasich since you are joining my team, make this easy. Well, youve heard it before. And imis ruth mason very close to retirement age, as if you couldnt tell. I would like to know what you are going to do to ensure the stability of Social Security as well as to ensure it for future generations so that very pretty 20yearolds over there will have something to look forward to when they get to my age. Gov. Kasich yeah. Well, were not putting you want re, by the way, so i dont know what the heck you are talking about. The social i wrote security plan. It would have taken the surplus and uses of that young people could do a couple percent of private accounts where as americas economy grows, they would grow like the economy has. Plus Social Security. Db boomers would start at a slightly baby boomers would start at a slightly lower level. That was offered 16 years ago and would stabilize the system for Something Like 15 to 100 years. But they never voted on it, didnt care about it, or got afraid of it. So the principles are still pretty much intact, but we dont have a 5 trillion to pay for the private accounts. We have to work through all of this. I performed a lot of entitlements in my life. We have taken medicaid from 10 growth, with the per capita growth about well, he keeps coming down and down. We are managing the program and we move people into managed care and we pay bills exactly and not rounding off. We let people stand our homes if they want to be in their homes a nursing home. All these things we improve competition between people who deliver the services. All these things come together to work. When we get a balanced budget, we did some changes in medicare and we made the wealthier pay for some of the premium for part b. But i dont want to turn Social Security into a welfare program. The reason might this has all worked is the reason why this has all work is best people saw the problem and we came together. Any Social Security plan, medicare plan we are going to do in this country has to have some bipartisan support. Because if you dont, you get demagogued, it doesnt pass, and you are farther in the hole. The same is true on immigration. You are not going to fix the immigration problem without having both parties agree to fix it. The principles that i laid out for you would be what i would follow. But we have to make sure that we work some democrats in if i am president so we can actually pass something that is going to work. Same is true on immigration. We can have our fist we are going to do this, this, this command this ever notice when people run for president they never keep their promises . Cant be promises that kept. I will tell you what i think is practical and what we can get done. I am a conservative with conservative principles, but you just cant do it alone. Can we fix this problem . Yes. Here is the other thing i want you to know. The growth ofd medicating my state, nobody complained. It worked out better. Ve in a culture today where innovation and reform sometimes means we can get a better product at a lower price. We have to stop thinking that just because it is government, it operates like in the flintstones, ok . Government cannot work more efficiently and effectively if we think outside the box. I dont know if this would work, but a member of the legislature he said we would like to put this fancy new i. T. System in so we can pay our bills better and manage our government better, but we dont have any money to invest in the system. I said, why dont you try and earn out . You have the stories that tell you he will save money if you weather system in. Great put their system in. Great, put the system in and tell them they will get paid on the basis of what gets saved. Everything about that . Why not ever think about that . Why not . That is thinking differently. Im told we have Bernie Sanders supporter who wants rest me a question and i will go right to her right now, just like phil donahue would do. What do you want to know . Just kidding. Im actually Vice President of the New Hampshire alliance for retired americans, and that is what im doing here. Im here because Social Security means a lot to me, and i want your views on expanding social rappingy, as well as sc the cap so these people out there who are making over , pay theiry more fair share come as we all have done, so that our children, our grandchildren, they can all benefit. Gov. Kasich gotcha, ok. Thank you. Cutting me off very quickly gov. Kasich well, ok, finish. And i want seniors to understand that, too. We aredy thinks that broke, we will not have Social Security, but you know what . Our government borrowed trillions of dollars from that fund to pay for tax loops during bushs time. Im not quite a pay for that anymore. So i want to im not going to pay for that anyone could so i want to see what is your plan. I like you, i admire you. Gov. Kasich ok, how about a handshake and a hug . How about a hug . [applause] and ie is the steamed up dont blame her. Were running surpluses come we were not borrowing from the Social Security fund. We had surpluses in many accounts, which is hard to believe. Here is the problem i dont know if you know this, but the amount of money you pay into Social Security determines the benefit you get it we make people pay more money in and they get higher benefits. When you say raise the cap rap the cap. Gov. Kasich if you scrap the cap, people at the top get more benefits, unless you delink. If you are on Social Security or are close to it, we will not take from you. The reason is people are vulnerable. There are many people in this country who depend on that Social Security check every month. You cant take it away from them. We have a system where we are looking at all of this. I dont want to come up with something and say, we are going to do this and that. One of the things we cant do is have early retirement. We are looking at everything that can get us stable, but we cant do it by just republicans jamming their stuff through, the present because like obamacare, where everybody runs away from because it becomes like obamacare, where everybody runs away from it. If you are on it or close to it, we will not take anything away from you. Determining our initial benefit getting into the calcula tions, something on wages are crisis, and at the time i said take one, and that is where your benefit begins for the baby boomers. That would mean i would start at a lower level, which means i would get less over my lifetime, and then for young people, i want them to have private accounts not total, but some private accounts like federal and please have. Federal employees have. Is not going to fix it. What is going to fix it is what are the most Creative Things we can do so we dont take you off and those who are not close to being on it, where should they start . I am working right now with people who work in washington. I worked with someone who used to be a democrat and he is an independent, he is working with us to try to figure this out. That makes playing one more time to you let me explain one more time to you, there are people with no other source of income and we cannot turn our backs on poor people. I dont do that in my state. We are not going to tell our seniors tough luck, you are out of luck. I am not going to do that. That is what im telling you i would do. Im telling you what i would do. I dont make promises i wont keep. We are not going to take anything from people currently on it. It wouldnt be fair. That is why you have to have a transition, so people can plan. Created of loopholes, i this thing called the task force on corporate welfare, because i dont think it is right for Big Companies to get benefits. This corporate welfare. I dont support it. I had this task force together and you dont know how many liberals would hide in the woods so they would not the part of the task force. It made a little progress as part of pharmaceutical companies in puerto rico. I was on, i think it was meet the press, and i was under with laura tyson, who used to be clintons budget director, and bill bradley, the senator from new jersey, and he was ranting and raving about corporate loopholes. I said, senator, why dont we take away tax preferences from pharmaceutical companies in new jersey who put a bunch of their operations in puerto rico . That was like, rejecting his motion to the basket. Again ingot heard from the show. We have to look at all of these things that are out there. When we say loopholes, you have got to be careful that what is described as a loophole isnt something that literally helps somebody keep a job or get a job. I tell you, one other thing im not happy about i am for free trade, but i am not for trade people come in here and dump their stuff in our country and destroy our jobs. U. S. Still makes a 1 billion investment, and then the koreans pipes in the country and undercut our prices and put our people out of work . Baloney. We should have a system that immediately takes into account when that is happening. [applause] a couple other things. The American Worker matters. I grew up, my father carried mail, my uncles worked in steel mills. They were not white color. They were carrying stuff in and out of the furnace. I get that. We have got is for everyone and give everyone the middle class and lower income folks an ability to have the tools. My mother never went to college. Grandma lived with us and could barely speak english. My fathers father was a coal miner. And i might become the president of the United States. Why . Because that is america. Thank you, maam. [applause] entitlement. N gov. Kasich when we pay into it Social Security is not an entitlement. We earned it. Gov. Kasich i hear ya. Let me see if i can get this, im like the amazing carnac. Does this about College Costs . No. Gov. Kasich what you want to be . And environmentalist. Gov. Kasich you are an environmentalist. You made the moral case for reforms and education. Arepope says that we failing the planet because we are not acting on climate. How is it moral to freeze your Clean Energy Standard and how is it moral to kick the can down the road for Climate Change . Gov. Kasich good, good, very good. The me talk a little bit about this. I think the pope is onto something on this trip i dont like what the pope says about economics because free markets have freed more people from poverty than any other system. But maybe what he is saying is we should not worship at the altar of materialism. Michael novak, the great catholic theologian, says a Free Enterprise system that is not under laid with a set of values is bankrupt. So this big guy says he will move a company out of here because he can make more money if it is not in america, and im thinking, what about the moral side of that . When he talks about the environment, he is in agreement with francis of assisi. Any catholics in here . Francis of assisi. He called the birds his little friends. Francis schaeffer, and advisor to Ronald Reagan, one of the great theologians in modern times he is gone now. He talks about the environment and ecology. Human beings, and part of our response abilities is too good managers and stewards of the rest of his creation, which includes the environment. Now, he does not want us to worship the environment. That is called pantheism. He wants us to respect the environment. Our goal is to make sure we balance between Economic Growth and ability to have a clean environment. I think it is achievable, i do. In my state, the legislature mandated 25 of our energy to come from renewables. Here is the problem we cant meet the number. These were a bunch of politicians who plucked a number straight out of the air and said this is what we are going to do. The number meet inside ohio, we have got to go buy energy somewhere else at a premium, at a high price. You all want to bring manufacturing back to america. Theres three things we can have going for us lower transportation costs, wages that are beginning to be competitive, and finally, lowpriced energy. Mill, you need to cheap energy. You want to make things, you got iraq cheap energy. We dont want to be in a position where we go out of state and private the cost of manufacturing in ohio and put people out of work. So what i told the legislature is i believe in solar, i believe in wind. I also happen to believe in a nuclear, by the way. [applause] now but we need to come up with a number that will fit our economy that will work. Some in the legislature wanted to just basically forget the renewable program, and i said thats not acceptable. And so now we have a group that is working on resetting the number so we can develop renewables, and yet we can make sure we have Economic Growth. Now, theres things that are really exciting coming down the road. The cost of solar energy, the costs have come down. Wind energy is by and large is subsidized. Its not practical yet economically but we subsidize at the federal level. Nulear companies building ke right now, we will see how that goes. Geothermal andin all those things but they have to fit in. Battery development is exciting. A friend of mine at tesla the craziest car. We are trying to figure out where the motor is and there aint one. But it only goes to hundred miles 200 miles before running out of fuel. Young lady, i want to compliment you for coming today, because you have to stand for something. When you fight for a clean environment, you have more meaning in your life, dont you . That is why im proud of you for doing it. And you are onto something, and let me tell you, im committed to this, because i have 15yearold girls. We are cleaning up late lake erie. Weve got to fight everybody to make sure we didnt put maneuver on frozen ground that could create algae blooms. We are on all of this. But weve got to do it with reason, carefully, and consistent with people having work. Yes, maam . This is like the price is right. You are so excited. [laughter] down ome on means a lot to me. I am from gary, sure. Gov. Kasich i was just there. I saw you. Gov. Kasich the school thing. That was fun. If you are prolife and become president of the United States, what will you do to stop the holocaust that is happening in the United States right now, and the killing of the unborn, and dismantling the baby parts to be sold. Gov. Kasich yeah, everybody, no matter what their position is, they are aghast at this. God bless you. Gov. Kasich no, look, i have always been prolife and i have voted that way and i do believe in the exceptions of rape, in zest, and the life of the mother. Are,t matter who you prolife, prochoice, when u. S. Seen with planned parenthood is unbelievable and nobody is supporting it. Their efforts to work through the different traps to figure out how you can have Family Planning without supporting that organization, they are working on it in congress. We are looking at it in the state of ohio and we will see how this ends up. But im prolife. Would you be giving money to planned parenthood . Gov. Kasich no, i wouldnt be. We shouldnt be giving money to support abortion. Because of how you feel, it wouldnt be consistent with that. Yes, sir . You have a record of respect in the law with her you like it or not. I wonder if you can respect the road versus wade roe v wade decision. As a lifelong libertarian, im looking for a candidate who is a fiscal conservative and not threatening a womans right to eventual her own body. Gov. Kasich im going to get the two of you together. Obviously, it is the law the land now and we live with the law of the land. I was wondering, if you are elected president , how would you approach the gun lobby to make some progress in getting assault weapons off our streets . Gov. Kasich look, in 1994, i voted for the assault weapons ban, and i found out we passed another superfluous law that did not have any impact. Im a Second Amendment supporter. I believe we should have tough laws against people who use a gun in committing a crime, but people have the right to protect their families, to hunt. And one thing i do worry about, we have are the checks against those with mental illness, because we dont want them buying guns, and we know that there are holes in our system when it comes to sending a warning to people when they we needto buy a gun and to have it. We have seen it over and over and over again. For that is why it is so vital we begin to treat the people who are mentally ill and have a place for them in an emergency situation of the hospitalized. There are so many things to talk about on this but fundamentally, the Second Amendment ought to be upheld. Yes, right here. Looking at the recently negotiated iran deal, what is your opinion . Gov. Kasich well, im going to really shock you. Im not for it. [applause] concern i mean, i have so many concerns about it. And i am not kneejerk and against it just because you have got to if you are a republican. I want to praise senator schumer for his courage. People talk about taking away his position as the Senate Democrat leader because of this, but god bless him. First of all, we are going to lift up the economy of iran. Im not convinced we would have regime change, but i want those young people to be very unsettled in iraq, to stop listening to those ayatollahs. If we were to let their economy rise from i think and then they have more money that they can fund these groups like hamas and hezbollah, that is very, very bad. In addition to that, we were just reading about isis using chemical weapons against the kurds. I dont know if it has been totally confirmed has it . Can you imagine what it would be like if they had their hands on this Nuclear Material . What they might do with it . In athey might do with it, harbor in one of our cities . It is just unbelievable. Look, i hope the senate is going to turn it down. Here is what has happened. I think the president and the administration felt they needed to have a deal. I dont know if you have ever gone out to buy anything but if you fall in love with what you went to buy, you pay a heck of a lot more than you should. I think the iranians would just now the iranians can buy the Ballistic Missiles after five years. The whole thing is really bad, lets see how this whole thing turns out. Yes, maam . With regards to the ban on assault weapons, they can protect themselves with a gun but they dont need assault weapons. That seems to be what the majority of the extensive killing has been in this country of innocent people. It is the assault weapons gov. Kasich that is a big, fuzzy definition. Ive been there already. It doesnt work that way. The end ofws at the day, people want to be a will to protect themselves under families, and im for that. I am not for eroding the Second Amendment. [indiscernible] the budget law and being balanced, i understand our current president has never signed a budget, just continuing resolutions. Would you actually have a budget process in the grand bargain that we used to have . Gov. Kasich what do you mean, the grand bargain . If it is a grand bargain that i have been watching in washington, i dont want to grand bargain. The idea is you have to get people together and on the road back to balance the budget, because you are a Financial Planner and you know that whether it is over regular edition, obamacare, debt hanging over our heads, that businesses have. Frank, which is strangled community and local frank, which has strangled community and local banks, midsize banks come all this has contributed to economic slowdown and we have the lowest job creation since world war ii because all of this has been gummed up. We need to have commonsense regulations and start repealing many of these things that are killing us in terms of job creation. We need to get on the road to a balanced budget. We need to provide Corporate Tax relief so they will invest in equipment. We need to make sure that we aggressively engage in workforce training. All of these things added together bring the profits of these companies from europe back to the United States. All of these things will help us to be in a position where we can have effective job creation because that is our most important moral purpose. Yes, sir, right here. You have made mention of the Medicaid Program at least twice. Now, as a medicaid consumer and as a summit who serves on a medicaid policy board i have figured something out. The main problem with the Medicaid Program is the Medicaid Program. Instantly doesnt work it something doesnt work. The answer to solving the problem is to allow states to opt out and create a voucher system that would go across state lines so i would be able to purchase my own plan with the help of the case manager, of course. The issue with that this tumbling block we have with regards to that is the medicaid enhancement tax. The state of New Hampshire good opt out if it chooses to but we would be on the hook for paying the tax and the 700 million would stay in washington. What do you suppose gov. Kasich what i would do, in a nutshell, is i would take the Medicaid Program and i would empower the states to design a program for the people who live in their state so the people who are poor and disadvantaged can have a model that fits them. But again, we would still be on the hook for the enhancement tax and still paying money gov. Kasich you would get your money back here, you see . All i would tell you is i think block granting that program, moving it back to the states to design a program that works, and i would say this the medicaid money shouldnt be used to pave roads. Pay ford be used to people. That would be the one requirement out of washington we dont want to take that money and use it for some purpose other than for which it is intended. Yes, sir, right here. You had an interesting point on corporate welfare. Could you elaborate a little bit about what you might do about ethanol and sugar subsidies . Gov. Kasich i think, first of all, the Ethanol Program and all those subsidies are going to run out in about seven years, and it is all part of this whole business of renewables. Look, i think that when you dont want to do is continue to subsidize programs like that. But in the meantime, where we are on that is fine. You can have a big fight over it, you are not going to win it, in my opinion, and at the end of the day come i think the way they have it set up in the timeline makes the most amount of sense. Yes . Right here. And then im going to come up here to the lightning. Yes, sir . Im really concerned about our nations fiscal issues gov. Kasich hes been at every town hall. I have not been at every gov. Kasich almost. I love it. He is a great guy. What is your name . Chase. Gov. Kasich you want to work at omb if i get elected . My concern is mandatory spending and interest is a cleansing the budget as a whole. What are the policy changes you would make to reverse that what weich again, like did with medicaid in ohio 2. 5 inthe growth rate our second year is we moved most people into managed care, where they have a shepherd to take them through the system. We got the people who provide the services, we shrunk the number so they competed for a larger part of the territory, which also brought about greater efficiency. We paid the bills exactly, we turned on technology and computers that allowed us to be a lot more efficient and we let mom and dad stayed home, if they wanted to, rather than to be forced in a nursing home, and in the middle of all that we were able to more align our nursing home reimbursements with what is happening in the rest of the country. Program that i a think is a replacement for obamacare, and that is to empower our primary care physicians to work with the providers and work with the Insurance Companies to drive a positive outcome in terms of polity medicine at a lower price, and i will give you one example. In our community, the Childrens Hospital has made an agreement with the Insurance Company around child asthma. Reasonss one of the big kids are hospitalized. They have developed protocols so that the kids are healthy but they dont have to be hospitalized. Therefore the hospitals get less revenue and the insurance Companies Get more money. Guess what, they are sharing the benefit of that. The Insurance Coverage is not get as much profit and the hospital gets some of what they have lost with high revenues. The kids are healthy and dont have to be hospitalized. We need to move to quality medicine away from quantity medicine, and that is the direction the country needs to go. He gets the last one, the last one right here. The Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage death do you think it is about time the Supreme Court televises their hearings . Gov. Kasich no. Look, i am all for openness, but let me tell you they think that if we open the answer to that is no. I think the Supreme Court ought to do with the way they do it. There are to be reports. I was going to make a comment about congress, im not going to do it. But to make a long story short, you dont want people playing for the cameras. And every thing doesnt have to be televised. There are very severe injury Court Decisions in this country where they banned cameras. I would say no. I havent thought about it before. You could make a case and change my mind, but at this point i would say no. Thank you very much and god bless you. [applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [chatter] how are you . Needed to get your thoughts

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