And at this moment, we can tip the pendulum our way and there have been some small moments where that has been a possibility. He is in big trouble and we want him out. We want his resignation and not only that, but we know with him gone, his entire legacy will not be gone and we have a lot of work to do beyond him leaving. Everything from the terrible conditions in the jails and human right violations to the racist practices on parole to what he has symbolized and the trend he has set for the entire nation and what he represents for a very rabidly racist, conservative base in arizona and across the country. Many of the people who give him money are across the country, not just in arizona. You would be shocked to see how much money people put in to his campaign. We want him to be gone. We want justice for all his victims in terms of people like jose, like catherine and her parents and the thousands of lives he has devastated. We want tent city shut down. We want an arpaiofree az. Tomorrow, we will be outside the 4th avenue jail. We are kicking off the campaign. When you get arrested and you look like me, you get sent to an ice agent if you dont immediately give them an id. We have heard about the horrors. We will be demanding tomorrow ice out of the jail. To uproot the sickness we have been living with for the past 20 years and we hope you will join us. Thank you. [applause] carlos we have some time for some questions. If you will ask questions, please keep them short and please use the microphone. We probably have time for 3 or 4 questions. Say your name. I have spent some time in the jail also and i noticed even manipulating the system as a collegeeducated white girl, i was in there almost a week before i could figure out how to make a phone call. They gave me a handbook on how the jail operations work but at the first opportunity when you go anywhere but a search you. You have to do the whole of obnoxious thing. The first time i did that, they took all of the things in my pockets and did not give them back. The reason was because they noticed i had been making notes. If i was a spanish speaker, how would i figure this out . I was wondering if you could speak a little bit to that part of the experience where you guys are like double punished by not even being able to understand what is going on there. There is nothing in spanish, no translation. I can imagine it was just hell. You have so much respect from me. I know what it is like in there for me and i saw what it was like for girls like you and it was a lot worse. As bad as that is my situation was, i cannot imagine. You have my mad props. If you can talk about that special discrimination. I have a question about the specifics can everyone hear me . Ok, just making sure. If they took couldnt he have why didnt he get impeached long ago . [laughter] based on the fact how many Human Rights Violations there would have been. That is a human rights violation, probably a couple dozen policies. And then one of the people i cannot remember his name but a very important person chose to not come this year because he was too worried about him and his family getting assaulted by arpaio. Thank you. Great question. [applause] [laughter] [applause] my name is kimberly ellis. Yesterday, i went on the borders tour with carlos. It was transformative. I spoke with liz who also went and we have been processing the whole time. We consider ourselves informed and there was so much we did not know. It was very heartbreaking. It is like i cannot move forward in my life without helping to address this situation. I have two questions. The first time i heard about sheriff arpaio in a real and fluid way was with the jodi arias trial. I saw the racism in the jodi arias trial, and when i talked about it on twitter, i was attacked. I have never been attacked like i was when i said i sought a saw racism here. This is without knowing any of the other aspect. For me, for the people i work with back home, we associated dan brewer being a bad person. I did not make that connection between sheriff arpaio, jodi arias, and how it effectively served to ramp up White Supremacy and imagery, although she is not an undocumented citizen. So my question is, number one, i asked carlos, and he said it was disconnected. I wonder how you process how the jodi arias trial made things worse, or did it help . I dont really know. Number two, i was concerned about issues of solidarity. What is the background relationship here . How is there a discussion about haitian immigration and how they are treated in florida . There needs to be more working together, and there are ways to do that. She said on the stage that people raise money nationally for sheriff arpaio. We experience the same thing. People raised money for Darren Wilson and george zimmerman. But we can raise money nationally for our causes. We have to Work Together to do that. Carlos thank you. Maybe you could answer the question about what it was like for other women who didnt speak english and what they had to go to navigate the jail. Noemi when i was in there, i actually got to experience, one time, one of the guards, she started yelling at this girl because she had put away her apple for later in the day because we werent going to get any more food after that. She started yelling at her, and started saying, you stupid mexican, you need to get rid of your apple. The girl stood there and looked at her. She had no idea what she was saying. I went up to her, and i was like, she is not understanding you. And she was like, well, why is she here . Why is she in the United States if she doesnt speak our language . I was like, that is none of your business. But i can tell her she needs to get rid of the apple. But you dont need to insult her. She was just like, well, she has been here for a reason. She must be a criminal like everybody else. I was like, look, lady. There is no reason for you to call her a criminal. You dont know the reason why most of the people are in here. And she was just like, well, you are acting up. I will write you up and send you to the hole. And i said, it is not right, the way you are yelling at her. I think they take advantage of us when they see we are mexican or whatever, they are like, they dont speak english. I can insult them and they will not say anything. I saw that many times, and i dont think it is right. They dont understand, they dont know all the bad things they are being told. To them, it is like, oh, i have to do what they say. Or, i remember one girl, she said, [speaking spanish], and i wasnt going to tell her the mean things she was being told. But it is hard for them. They never understood what they were being told. There were times when they wouldnt get their food because they wouldnt hear their number. Thats how bad it was. They didnt know what number. We would go by numbers. We werent being called by names, we were identified by number. Sometimes they would miss their food because they didnt hear when their number was called. So it was hard, not being able to understand. Carlos thank you. Victoria, why does the food stay the way it is . Why arent we changing that . I was on the recall committee, we were wondering that as well. Victoria the issue of Language Access in the jails, it was raised by the department of justice or filed a lawsuit against the Sheriffs Office in 2012. One thing they raised has to do with access to resources, material translation for nonenglish speakers in the jails. But it has been a systemic problem in the jails. Certainly, noemis experience is commonplace. It is awful. Hopefully, we will see that remedied in some way, through the litigation. The question, i mean, i have to say, it is a hard question to answer. The conditions in the jail. Litigation can only get you so far, i think. We have been challenging the conditions in the jails for years. The case is 40 years old. It only gets you so far in terms of how you can change the conditions inside the jail, and what is minimally required to comply with the constitutional standards that you can raise in the litigation. It is not really an answer to the question, but it really is the reality of where you can get with litigation on some of this. We continue to monitor those conditions. We have medical and Mental Health monitors that going to the jails, and review what an mcso is doing. We continue to do that. One of the challenges when we are talking about jail and detention litigation is, how to bring some of that information out of the jail, and how to show litigation to the public, making people in the community, making people such as yourselves, aware of what is happening inside the jails. It is a difficult system to penetrate, unless you are in there or you have someone who is in there who is impacted by the conditions. To be able to speak to the change we want to see in there. Carlos alfredo, if you could talk about why he hasnt been impeached. Or, will, other spectacles we have seen with the jodi arias trial, and ending with the final question about politics in arizona. Alfredo i may be the only person in arizona who did not follow the jodi arias case. I made it a point not to. I cant comment on that. Why hasnt he been impeached . First of all, the term impeached, of course, refers to a process of removing him by other elected officials, in this case the board of supervisors. There is no such procedure available under the arizona constitution. Impeachment was not available. What is available, there were two other courses of action. One is for the board of supervisors essentially to deny him funding. Because it is through the budget that they can control independently elected officials. They were terrified of him. They were afraid of him. One of the settlements in the doj case is his admission of retaliation. They were afraid of him. That wasnt going to happen. The other factors, the voters. Remember this. He was, until recently, exceedingly popular in this state and in many parts of the nation. He declared that he was going to feed green bologna, that is, rotten bologna, to prisoners. It was a popular thing, when he closed them in black and white stripes, it was popular. When he started chain gangs, it was popular. When he started the homophobic practice of putting them in pink shorts, he started selling the pink shorts and they sold like wildfire in this county. When he began tent city 20 years ago, it was begun as a temporary facility while a permanent facility was built. It has been there for 20 years. Attracting celebrities of all kinds, you all know about Steven Seagal and other movie stars. The Catholic Bishop of Maricopa County has toured the facility and took his picture with him, and never, never raise the issue, never raised the issue of a concentration camp in the middle of a desert in arizona. It is his popularity, the only way and the ultimate way we are going to remove him is, actually, there are two routes. The most simple and direct is to vote. I have something to say to our people. We have never voted 40 of those who are eligible. I am not sure we could take him out, but we could come close, and we have not done that. The other course of action is the aclu suit. The contempt portion, we might remove him. He will run again. Assuming the devil doesnt call him sooner. He will run again. We will have that opportunity to defeat him. We have to make it real this time. Carlos i want to thank all the panelists. [applause] i want to remind you all to please come out and march tomorrow, and please tell others. We will need help. After the keynote speech by elizabeth warren, we will march together. Thank you once again. [applause] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] we will hear from a victim along with the Technology Expert whose as criminals are frequently outsmarting antiscam technologies. Eastern and at 4 30 we will open up the phone lines so you can give your reaction. This easement to be stored as its literary and Historic Sites across the nation to hear from local historians, authors and civic leaders. Stoies tou. N city today, the literary life of lincoln, nebraska come including a book about the removal of native American Children from their homes. Tonight on cspan, discussions from the annual Aspen Security Forum. Topics include isis and threats to europe and the u. S. Assisting attorney general for National Security talking about how isis targets young people for recruitment. Here is a look. Isis and its Business Model is encouraging people to commit attacks wherever they are and whether or not they have any isil, theyction with will claim credit for the attack could be seen a dramatic increase in the number of arrests. Prosecutions in the last 18 months. In the beginning, they tended to be foreign fighters. More recently, we have seen individuals inside the United States who want to conduct terrorist attacks here at home and they are being directed come encouraged to do so by isil made groups on social media. Social media, we are singing definite change in the democratic demographics of those we are arresting. Of theseeing now arrests, 80 are 30 years old or younger. Oldhose, 40 are 21 years or younger. Can see the entire discussion from the annual Aspen Security Forum tonight at 8 00 eastern. They will talk about isis and its use of social media and the u. S. Use of special operations forces. Q ahis sunday night on comments to for policy studies fellow and antiwar activist phyllis on u. S. Foreignpolicy since 9 11. The recent negotiations with iran and the war on terror. Who is isis . Wire that is so violent thats why are they so pilot . Why are they so violent . What is the u. S. Policy regarding isis . Why isnt it working . Can we really go to war against terrorism . Are we doing war wrong or is it wrong to say there should be a war against terrorism at all . Those are the questions that are the most important and will be the most useful. Polls are starting to come out on last weeks republican president ial candidates debate. Bloomberg politics looking at nbc news poll showing donald trump on top. 13 . Wed by ted cruz at suffix university has a bulletin at the earlier debate that same oll looking at the earlier debate that same day. Hillary clinton announced her Higher Education plan yesterday, dressing College Affordability and student loan debt. She spoke at a town hall meeting in New Hampshire. Members of the audience asking about health care, not violence, corruption and Early Childhood education. Gun violence, corruption and Early Childhood education. [applause] this is very exciting for all of us. I hate to slow your applause. Hello. Good to have all of you here. Thank you for coming out to exeter high school. My name is Alexis Simpson and im a state representative from here in exeter. [applause] rep. Simpson its my pleasure to welcome all of you to our home exeter and i will ask you, if you are able to rise and we will say the pledge of allegiance together. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Rep. Simpson please be seated. Before we continue with todays town hall i already said that. We are particularly glad to welcome secretary clinton back to our community today. To discuss her College Compact. College affordability is an issue that impacts New Hampshire in profound ways. New hampshire is what the highest levels of student debt in the country. Our stews graduate with on average 33,000 and student loan debt. As i said earlier, i am a state representative but i am also a to 2 young boys here in exeter. Also a mom to 2 young boys here in exeter. As a legislator, ive been examined this issue and working with the problem. As a parent it is frightening to me. I just finished paying off my own Student Loans. [applause] rep. Simpson that is worth a little clap. When that time comes for my boys going to college, they go face the process that of thousands of dollars of debt before they receive their diploma. Hillary understands this is a problem that requires true leadership. That is why she and her top policy advisers have made College Affordability and solving the student debt crisis a priority. She is here today to talk to you, families of the granite state, fulfill this particular economic issue acutely. She has a plan to topple the cost of Higher Education. And help reduce the burden of debt on our students. Hillary clinton wants to be the champion that families like mine and many of yours need in order to get ahead and stay ahead. [applause] rep. Simpson before we hear from secretary clinton herself, dan torrey in the midst of the struggle to pay down his Student Loans will speak. Lets welcome dan. [applause] dan hey, everybody. I hope you are excited. I am excited. My name is dan and im a student at the university of New Hampshire and i will be a senior. I studied Political Science there. I come from a humble background. My dad owns a Small Business and has been successful. My mom is in an accountant. We have a problem. Our problem is that me and my sister, it will be a struggle to pay for education. I am working three jobs my summer to pay debt and help my family because we work as a team for the problems we have in our house. We can barely afford it now and it will be a struggle when my sister has to go to school. We are really excited that a lot of the candidates this time around, hillary seems like she will do the most for us and trying to fight Student Loans costs. And one of the things ive been doing this summer that it does not does not come easy i think is dedicating a lot of my time, any spare time, to volunteering for the campaign. [applause] dan fighting every day to help solve issues for my family because i am not content with the status quo we have now and i want prices to go down. Please help me in welcoming the next president of the United States, Hillary Clinton. [applause] Hillary Clinton oh, wow. Thank you all so much. [applause] Hillary Clinton thank you. Thank you so much. I thought dan did a great job. Thank you for speaking for so many other young people like yourselves more hardworking and dedicated and deserve to go as far as the that ambition and effort of yours will take you. We will do everything we can to make it easier for you, your family, your sister, and the other young people here in New Hampshire. Let me thank representative Alexis Simpson for her introductory remarks. [applause] Hillary Clinton i loved it when she said i am a state representative, a mom with 2 boys and i just paid off my student loan. I know that is true for so many young couples and families. And we want people to be able to fulfill their responsibilities but we do not want it to be so hard that the debt they carry interferes with them able to start a Small Business or buy a home or get married which unfortunately is the case today. I wanted to recognize state rep patty lovejoy. Will you stand up . Thank you for being here. [applause] Hillary Clinton and executive counselor collin ostern. Where is collin . He works on behalf of the issues. Great to be back in exeter and at this extraordinary high school. I have been traveling all over New Hampshire from dover to nashua to window and people everywhere ask great questions. I think it is partly because you live and the first primary state. And one of the questions they asked me all the time is about affording college and being able to pay back the loans they take out in order to go to college. Now, this election is about the choices we make as a country. And those choices will shape our future for our children and our grandchildren. I have always believed in america, if you work hard and do your part, you should be able to get ahead and stay ahead. Thats the basic bargain that is always set our country apart. I want to make sure we strengthen that bargain and it holds true for the next generation and the next and the next. Thanks to the hard work of people across america, our country has come back from the worst recession of our lifetimes. We are standing again but we are not running the way we should. Corporate pockets are near death profits are near record highs but most paychecks have barely budge. Costs for basically everything has also gone up. They are rising faster than wages. No wonder then Many Americans feel the deck is stacked in favor of those at the top. Weve got to do better and we have to get income rises again so more hardworking families can afford a middleclass life. That is the Central Economic challenge of our time and it will be my Mission Every day that i serve as president. We need strong growth. [applause] Hillary Clinton we need strong growth, fair growth, longterm growth and we want a new era of prosperity that a shared by all. Works for everyone. Today, i want to talk about one of the most important ways we can ease the burden on families. And one of the single biggest ways we can actually raise income. By making College Affordable and available to every american. [applause] Hillary Clinton for millions of americans, a College Degree has been the ticket to a better life. My grandfather worked his entire life in the lace mills. He retired at 65. He always believed by working that hard, all of those hours that life would be better for his children. And my dad made it to college, made it to penn state. Made it to the Football Team back in the 1930s. And then when he got out, he was able to start his own Small Business. He worked really hard. He scrimped and saved and it made a huge difference in our lives. Then, my parents saved for years for college. They knew that would be one of the ways they could set to me on a path to a better future. College still holds that promise. A lot has changed in this country but that hasnt. Parents who never had the chance to go to college themselves like my mother dream of seeing their children get that degree literally from the moment theyre born. That is what they are hoping for. They emphasize the importance of education. Highschoolers even middleschoolers are taking College Prep Course and some are studying for the sat. Fulltime workers are taking courses online, even if that means heading straight from an eighthour shift to a pile of homework. If thats what it takes to get a better job to give their kids better than they had, then theyll do it. But heres the problem. States are slashing education budgets. And colleges keep raising prices. Instate tuition and fees for Public Colleges increased by 42 between 2004 and 2014. Whos incomes were raised by 42 . So families are left facing a painful choice. Either they say, we just cant afford it, and pass up on all the opportunities that a degree offers or they do whatever it takes to pay for it, even if that means going deeply into debt. Now, for most people, the return on investment of a College Degree is still worth it. I want to emphasize that. On average, people with fouryear degrees earn over half a Million Dollars more over their careers than people with high school degrees. But student debt is increasingly holds people back. 40 million americans have Student Loans. Together, they owe 1. 2 trillion. New hampshire carries one of the highest debt loads in the country. Millions of americans are delinquent or in default. Even if they do everything they can, they just cant keep up. I was talking to some young people before i came out and one was saying, it is a real stretch. I hope i never get sick. I hope i do not get a laid off. I hope there is not a family emergency. Yes, people are doing Everything Possible to pay those loans but sometimes life and fate intervened. The cost of this debt is real and not just on balance sheets, but in peoples lives and futures. When i talk to young people, they say they put off buying a house or changing jobs, or starting a business. A woman cannot afford to live in massachusetts so she commutes 2 hours and lives with her parents. She cannot make it work to have the job, started off her career and paying back her dad. Debts. Ive met parents and grandparents whove cosigned loans and end up draining their savings or ruining their credit because they tried to help the next generation. There are students who take out loans to pay for an expensive degree from a forprofit institution, only to find little support once they actually enroll, or they graduate and when it comes to getting the job they were promised, their degree is not worth what they thought. Then there is still to Start College but never finish. Theyre left with debt and no degree to show for it. The worst of both worlds. Over 40 of College Students still havent graduated after six years and many never do. Its time to show some tough love to colleges and universities that let significant numbers of students fall behind and drop out, year after year. Heres the Bottom Line College is supposed to help people achieve their dreams. But more and more, paying for college actually pushes those dreams further out of reach. That is up a trail of Everything College is supposed to represent. It is about whether or not america creates the greatest workforce in the world in this century just like we did in the last century. The rest of the world, make no mistake about it is working as hard as they can to outdo us. Chinas own a path to double the number of students enrolled in college by 2030, which means theyll have nearly 200 million college graduates. More than our entire workforce. I believe American Workers can outwork and outinnovate anyone in the world. If given the training and education they deserve. [applause] Hillary Clinton that is why i am proposing it is time for new College Compact were everyone does their part. We need to make a quality education affordable and available to everyone willing to work for it without saddling them with the decades of debt. As ive been talking with people, i have reached out to students and families and educators and legislators and experts including young progressive activists who point to the issue of debtfree college and affordability at the top of the agenda. Today, im announcing my plan to put College Within Reach for everyone. Were calling it the new College Compact. We are posting it on our website, facebook, snapchat, just about everywhere we can think of. Or you can text the word college to the number to learn more and i hope you will check it out. For now, here are the basics. Under the new College Compact, no student should have to borrow to pay tuition at a Public College. [applause] Hillary Clinton schools will have to control their costs and show more accountability to their students. No more 42 increases over 10 years, way above the rates of inflation of anything else. States will have to meet their obligation to invest in Higher Education. [applause] Hillary Clinton the federal government will increase its investment in education, and will not profit off Student Loans. [applause] Hillary Clinton and everyone who already has student debt will be able to refinance it at lower rates. [applause] Hillary Clinton now, this is my plan. I know it is ambicious but i think we should be ambitious because it is achievable and would make a big difference in peoples lives. The new College Compact comes down to two big goals. First, well make sure that cost wont be a barrier. Under my plan, tuition will be affordable for every family. Student should not have to take out loan or tuition at their states Public University. Well make sure the federal government and the states step up to help pay the cost, so the burden doesnt fall on families alone. But here is an important additional point i want to underscore about my compact. Tuition these days is not the only problem. The cost of living and attending college has also been increasing. So under my plan, students who qualify for pell grants will be freed up to use them for Living Expenses and middleclass students will have an easier time paying for Living Expenses as well. [applause] Hillary Clinton were also going to make Community College free. Thats president obamas plan we are adopting get. [applause] Hillary Clinton if students start at a Community College and transfer to a fouryear school, we will make sure your credits count your transition is seamless. [applause] Hillary Clinton and we want more Community Colleges to offer twoyear degrees and Certificate Programs that are valued by employer so students know that, if they do the work, theyre in good shape to get a good job. We will work closely with historically black colleges and universities and hispanicserving institutions, because they serve a lot of very bright and needy students. We will offer special help to College Students who are already parents, because when you help parents get an education, youre helping their children. [applause] Hillary Clinton and well make a promise to students who perform national service. If youre willing to spend years tutoring americas kids or cleaning up our parks or helping communities hit by disasters, well guarantee that you can attend your Public University or college debtfree. [applause] Hillary Clinton so thats the first big goal. Heres the second well make sure that debt wont hold anyone back. For the millions of americans including many of you live already has student debt, my plan will give you the chance to refinance at lower Interest Rates. It just makes sense. If you can refinance your mortgage or your car loan, you should be able to refinance your student loan. [applause] Hillary Clinton its just wrong that people are locked into College Loans at 8 , 9 , even 10 interest. If you do end up taking out a loan for example to go to a private college, we will cut your Interest Rates, so the government never makes a profit off your loan. Well make it easier to enroll in incomebased repayment programs, so youll never have to pay more than 10 of what you make. And your debt your debt will only last for a fixed period of time. It wont hang over your head forever. We are also going to help borrowers who are in default get back on their feet. And we will make sure colleges and universities have more skin in the game. If they load students up with debt for programs that dont lead to goodpaying jobs, it shouldnt just be the students and taxpayers should not be the only ones left holding the bag. Colleges deserve some of the responsibility and they will have to fulfill it. [applause] Hillary Clinton and well crack down on predatory schools, lenders, and bill collectors. If you defraud students, overcharge veterans, or mislead borrowers, were going to do everything to hold you accountable and stop you. [applause] Hillary Clinton i want to strengthen the g. I. Bill so more veterans can get their degree [applause] Hillary Clinton and i want to make sure that colleges spend federal dollars on things that benefit students, like teaching and research and not Marketing Campaigns or big salaries for administrators. [applause] Hillary Clinton and finally i want to encourage innovation. People are increasingly rebooting their careers through online programs, yet many students cant use federal student aid to pay for them. If earning online badges, specializations, or nanodegrees helps people improve their job prospects, we should be making that option easier and more affordable. And under my plan, more students will be allowed to use student aid to pay for highquality programs particularly online. And well make sure that rules about accreditation dont keep out promising Online Education companies. We want to keep quality high without stifling innovation. Now, the reason i call this a College Compact is because it goes both ways. Everyones going to have to step up. We cant fix the problem of rising costs and rising debt just by throwing more money at the problem. We cant expect the federal government just to pay the bill for free. Thats not how america works. States will have to start investing in education again. Colleges will have to do better by their students. Students have to make a contribution of working 10 hours a week, americans will have to work hard to put themselves through school to out learn and outhustle our competitors just like will always have. From my perspective, this is just common sense. If youre going to hear people in this Campaign Talk about improving the economy, helping incomes rise, ask of the what they are going to do to make College Affordable and begin to deal with the debt burden that is holding too Many Americans back. [applause] Hillary Clinton i want every young person in america to know if you work hard, you can get ahead and i want america to have your back just like it did in the past and like so many of us believe. I had a loan to go to law school. It was a government loan. It was at a very low Interest Rate and i paid it back as a percentage of my income over time. So did my husband. We worked hard and all of the time, extra jobs, extra opportunities to earn money in order to pay our way. That help from our government made a huge difference. I am asking people, you have to do your part. You have to work hard to do everything you can to make your contribution but we should have your back. I want every parent to know that his or her child can get a degree or you can get one yourself. That is the country i want to help build for this generation and all generations to come. I look forward to talking with you about it right now. [applause] Hillary Clinton thank you so much. [applause] Hillary Clinton thank you so much. Please, please, sit down. We have got folks in the audience with microphones. If you raise your hand and i call on you, there will be a microphone over to get you. Where shall we start . There is a man in the red shirt. Yes, sir. Thank you for being here. Really excited about the college initiative. I know education has been important to you here and around the globe. Right now, Early Childhood education is a key part making sure people have an unitopport to go into the future and eventually go into college. Around the world, 58 million kids who cannot step foot inside a grade school. Kids suffering from malnutrition. I will love to see and asking you if you would be willing to launch it and initiative for Early Childhood that would focus on nutrition and getting all kids in preschool and grade school. [applause] Hillary Clinton thank you. Well the answer is yes and yes. The first yes is in our own country. We have got to do more here to get more children prepared to be successful in school. And i feel very strongly about this. Some of you have heard me talk about it before. Because we can do, everything i outlined and get more kids into Affordable College and get at the debt load down and we could do a lot to work with Great Schools like this and others to help more students succeed. Zero to five years set the pattern into many kids come to school behind already. This is not something that i am saying just because i care deeply about it and i am a new grandmother and reading the talking and singing to charlotte. Brain Research Shows that. 80 of your brain is physically formed by the age of three. And kids stimulated, have good Early Childhood programs, whose families have the time and energy and understanding to help prepare their own kids, they will do well. We also know from the research that by the time kids get to kindergarten, kids like my granddaughter will have learned 30 million more words than children from less advantaged backgrounds. The achievement gap will literally start on the first day of kindergarten. For those of you who are teachers and i hope we have a lot of teachers here [laughter] Hillary Clinton you understand this. You will do your very best and the classroom and the school and try to help every kid fulfill his or her godgiven ability but it would be a lot more successful if we had universal prek a good Early Childhood in our country. The second yes is both as a first lady and a senator as secretary of state, i worked on the Development Goals and work hard to make sure that our country which is such a generous country did what we could to help the smallest, most vulnerable of children and we have made progress. We have more kids into schools and Elementary Schools and cut the infant mortality rate and weve made progress. We still have too many places in our world where kids die too young. Where they are stunted from poor nutrition. As they are not given adequate education. I have made this point. I write about in my book, i have made it in many speeches around the world. I believe what the United States does through our government and through our philanthropists, faith communities and individual charities is just astonishing. You know, we are a generous, caring nation. And we have to recognize it really has made a difference the work that americans have done around the world. And i started a program when i was secretary of state called feed the future and it represents my views and became one of president obamas biggest initiatives. It is far more important to help people learn how to feed themselves and create a market economy around those crops than to always have to be providing emergency food aid. What we did with feed the future was to create more opportunities to go after malnutrition. We still have emergency help for malnourished children. We are doing more to help people have the tools to help themselves and their kids. A problem you did not mention but one i will throw in is clean water. We have one billion people in the World Without access to clean, safe drinking water. These are not only important charitable opportunities. Also Economic Opportunities because we have Great Companies in america are really good at knowing how to do this. If we can continue to link of our private and public sectors in dealing with these problems, i think we will go far in meeting your goals. Thank you for raising that. [applause] Hillary Clinton right there. Here we go. I am an educator. 13 year public education. [applause] thank you. And as a ninth grade teacher, i see kids coming from eighth grade without having the summer opportunities to continue. It is an investment in our future. Nieces, themy family has the resources to keep them engaged and stimulated. A lot of families are not so lucky. What do you have on that measure Going Forward . Ms. Clinton first of all, thank you for teaching and for karen what happens to your students yearround, for carrying about what happens to your students yearround, not just euros. We should look at the evidence, and what works. A lot of people have arguments , butthe right things to do they often dont reference the massive amount of evidence we have about what works, and you have just put your finger on one thing that really works. Kids who dont have the opportunity that many of us try to provide for our own children over the summer actually lose ground. You can work really hard all student, as a family that supports the student, and particularly as a teacher. And then youve got three months, and then you have other say, your you rightly nieces and nephews, they are going on trips to the museum, talking about this and that and there is a lot of stimulation going on. A longer school year, summer programs, a longer school day are especially helpful in closing the achievement gap between the kids who do not have all of the opportunities that you are talking about and those who do. Honestly, a Good Summer Program can make a huge difference and i think that is something that districts should look at, particularly for kids who might not otherwise have good alternatives during the summer. Thank you for raising that. That is great. [applause] the young woman back there with the long yes, you, right there. Doing in hereback of service for americorps in los angeles. [cheers and applause] one thing i noticed that really bothered me was that there was no school nurse and very few opportunities for the students. And those opportunities that were offered were provided by philanthropist and not by any government agencies. I wonder what you would do in reduction in Health Care Costs around the country. First, thank you for being part of americorps and doing your service. [applause] we have 75,000, mostly young people, in americorps every year. I want to get that number of two 250,000. [applause] part of that is because i really believe in service and i believe in either national service, military service, some servers that a young person can do to give back to our country, and thank you for doing that. Again, we are not always being smart about how to make better investments that will save us money. School who are in have some kind of medical or health issue if it is not taking care of, it can often not taken care of, it can often interfere with their learning. I have seen that with child advocates and families. You know, kids to dont know that they cannot hear, those who are not doing well, those who have accessed who cannot see cessedthose who have ab teeth. We have a lot of kids in schools who have Health Problems and we have steadily cut back on nursing care programs. I am so grateful for philanthropies that pay to send a nurse to 10 schools. But we have Something Like 10,000. How do we get a service that will actually get the kids to be healthy and do as well in school as they can . The only way to do that is to have a much more Supportive Program from the government, from the local, state, and federal level. But hes but you see, i know this saves money in the long run. Putle say, then we have to a nurse in every school. You could have a nurse covering two or three schools. You could do that. But what is the alternative . Dont do who often well and will drop out because they are behind. They may never live up to their potential and very well might become a financial burden in some respects on the rest of us. About how get smart we spend our hard earned money so we actually get the best results. Thank you for your service and thank you for raising that issue, because i hear about it across the country. Are very concerned about it, the lack of health care continuity. Now that we have the Affordable Care act and more did our more kids are eligible for treatment [applause] a fundingeast have stream to take care of problems that are identified. Oftentimes now, the issue is how to get them identified. Who will be on the front line . A child spends seven or eight hours a day in school. That is a great place to identify problems and treat those that can be treated inexpensively. Thank you for that. Oh, my goodness. Here we go. How about you . Matt from nashua, nashua, New Hampshire. I am currently part of a program called youth works. Ice it i work specifically with boys and young men and transidentified individuals who are targeted for commercial trafficking. That is usually the response i get. Massachusetts department of children and families have partnered with other states to offer them college, which i think is amazing. Se kids go through my through so much. I think your plan is great. I was wondering if you could implement anything to support what dcf does . Ms. Clinton thank you for doing at work. [applause] and you know, for dealing with a group again people who are particularly vulnerable, the exploited, the marginalized. Is no doubt that some groups of kids need more intensive help, so thank you for doing that. I really think weve got to do more to deal with these vulnerable groups of kids. I would just maybe list a couple of them, kids in juvenile facilities. You know, a lot of kids, they make a mistake. Then they are put into a facility where they often get worse, not better. Often dont get adequate education. They often dont even get added nutrition, exercise, anything else. Them out and we wait for them to do something worse, because what do you know, theyve never been given the support they need to do better and they dont see much of a future. The foster care system. [applause] you know, in so many places you are in care until you graduate from high school or turn 18, whichever is first. I have worked on foster care issues for a really long time, going back to my Childrens Defense Fund days. I have advocated for legal changes as first lady and work across the aisle to help get changes for foster kids. But it still just breaks my heart. I dont know how many of you have ever known foster kids. Ive known many of them. So many of them just need some support and permanence and predictability. Along comes the age of 18 and in some places in our country, the social worker shows up with everything they own in a black garbage bag and says youre on your own. If they turned 18 and they are in the middle of high school, if they are lucky enough, the foster family says stay here until you graduate. Sometimes they are not. And they are literally sent out the door. I had to help and intervene as a senator and with other people to help kids who are sleeping in bus stations who wanted to finish school and have nowhere to go. I have talked to foster kids who by the most intense effort got themselves into college but then when everybody else goes home for thanksgiving or christmas they have nowhere to go and the dorm is closed. What is going to happen to them . I mention this because we could never forget because as challenging as it is for many people now, economically and it is, there are groups of people, particularly children and young people in our country who are really in trouble. [applause] so i want to do what we can to do more, to help them and i will look for ways to do that. [applause] my goodness. Oh ok. I was going to go this way and then come back. Is that ok . Ill be back. I promise. I promise. Ill be back. Ok. The gentleman in uniform back there. [applause] good afternoon, hillary. I appreciate your time. I served 22 years in the United States navy. I live right here in New Hampshire. [applause] my son is an active duty Gunnery Sergeant in the marine corps. This is not about education but about the problems going on with the v. A. Recently there was this dentist that killed a lion and there was this outrage that was unbelievable. You have over 8,000 veterans a year committing suicide because they cannot get access to the v. A. Because of the corruption going on at the v. A. To put that into context for you, that is the equivalent of a world war ii baton death march every year. Where is the outrage for that . That is just the suicide victims. Whistleblowers, 47,000 veterans a year. 47,000 for other reasons. If you have 47 townships in New Hampshire with 1,000 people in every one of them being wiped off the map every year, what would that be called . Where is the outrage . What we want as veterans and im a leader in this aspect. You want to know what is going on in the community . We started a Facebook Page called v. A. Is lying. There is over 8,500 of us there. Were working the leadership of the v. A. The undersecretary knows my name on the veteran benefits side and on the administration side. They know who i am. We are working hard to get this corruption straightened out. This is our v. A. We are going to clean it up. Ok . But we need help. And what we need is to see some of these people who are corrupt in the v. A. , who are hurting us. Be that it and go to jail. That is not happening. The office of Inspector General is covering it up. How can there be 47,000 veterans a year dying and no one has been indicted . This has gotten to the point where it is ridiculous and we need help. We are doing what we can. Because warriors never ever give up. Ever. We adapt and overcome. We will clean up our v. A. But we need our help. Your help. You will have it. You will have my help. You will have it. [applause] you know [applause] thank you for not only explaining what is happening, but for being committed to helping us end it and to clean up the v. A. So that it operates as it should for you and for every veteran including your son, when he eventually is no longer active duty. [inaudible] thats right. Thats why youre a patriot. Thats why i appreciate what youre doing. I will be your partner in this because i believe strongly that [applause] there is no excuse. Absolutely no excuse. No excuse for corruption. No excuse for negligence. No excuse for any kind of mistake or oversight that in any way harms one of our veterans. So we will follow up with you. [inaudible] ms. Clinton let me have someone talk with you after this. To get more information. We will look at your website. I cant comment the laws may need to be changed. I cant comment on legal matters without knowing. You give us information. You got it. You are well prepared. I can tell. You are an excellent member of the United States navy. Thank you. We will follow up with you. [applause] we will follow up and i will make sure that we have good information with from you and to discuss with you. Thank you. [inaudible] [laughter] [applause] ms. Clinton you know i just knew that there was something i saw in you when you stood up. Well get it done. Thank you very much. My goodness. Wow. That was great. Thank you. Yes, maam, right here. I hear a challenge and i think that is wonderful. You look great, by the way. My question is for undocumented children who graduate from high school, go to accepted at college but then they dont have any they are not capable of getting any kind of aid. Do you know anything about this . Ms. Clinton yes, this is a problem that we have got around the country. Some states are beginning to deal with it. They are beginning to offer instate tuition to undocumented High School Graduates who want to go on to college. Some states are also working to provide financial aid. I want to encourage more of that. I think that is important. Because i want comprehensive Immigration Reform which will give us a very [applause] i want to make a slightly different argument. It goes back to my point about china. One of our advantages, and people dont always recognize this, is that immigrants start more businesses. By a very big proportion. I want more americans to start more businesses, but immigrants start more businesses now. We have more young people who are immigrants, both legal and undocumented. That is one of our economic advantages. It is also an advantage for older people because we have to keep replenishing our revenues for Social Security and medicare so the more people we get legally into the workplace, the better it will be for our economy, for our programs like medicare and Social Security and it will give us an advantage in competing against countries that are actually now starting to age faster. I think we have got some real opportunities here. So thank you for asking that. Yes, this young woman right there. Yes. Here it comes. Hi. This summer we have seen a lot of violence in charleston, chattanooga and lafayette. We no longer feel safe in our schools, our churches, our movie theaters, and despite the fact that most americans feel that we need to change our gun laws, our leaders have not taken any steps to protect our communities. What would you do to help us feel safer and address the gun violence that is killing 88 americans a day. [applause] thank you. Ms. Clinton well, i will be fighting with you right by your side to do what we can to try to prevent these terrible killings and you just mentioned a few of them, as you say 88 People Killed by guns every day in america. Now, from everything i have ever seen, a majority of americans and a majority of gun owners support universal background checks. And part of the challenge is to overcome a very entrenched special interest that does not represent, as i say, the majority of americans or the majority of gun owners to get, number one, a background check that actually worked and we have too many glitches in it right now. Thats how the young man who massacred the nine people in charleston at their bible study, he should never have gotten a gun. They didnt get all the information in and there is a threeday limit and he got the gun, and we know how he used it. I feel very strongly about this. You know i just dont think , there is the kind of contradiction that some on the other side try to argue on behalf of the Second Amendment with sensible gun violence prevention measures and protecting peoples rights to bear arms. I will take that on. I know that it is politically challenging. [applause] but at some point, this you know, we have to regain our senses. Our country lasted for a really long time and in fact, it was only relatively recently that you know, the Supreme Court decision began to reinterpret the Second Amendment. What about the rest . What about the young mom with her two kids who was in a supermarket and some guy gets to come in with an ak47 over his back because he got a new permit that permits him to walk around and threaten and intimidate and scare the heck out of that young mother and her children . I dont get it. [applause] ms. Clinton so we have work to do. We still have a lot of work to do. It is good work. It is important work. Oh, my goodness. There are just so many hands. Ok. Yes, sir. Do you have any suggestions as to how to get the overpaid and too numerous administrators at universities out of the way so the faculty can do their work . [applause] ms. Clinton well, can i say that i hope with my compact, the idea behind the compact is that we will provide incentives for states to do more to be able to cut the cost so that young people can afford a Public College or university, and among the lists of things i would like to see done is deemphasizing layers upon layers of administration and reemphasizing teaching. [applause] and part of the problem here i i have been meeting a number of young people. Phds, in areas of scarcity, wholl not they are not being hired. They are not being put on a tenure track because the University Says well, we dont have any space for you. And they are making 22,000, 24,000 a year. Barely enough. Well, they certainly cant pay off their debts and they are having a very hard time supporting their families. So i just think somehow our values and priorities got out of whack. You know, i cant speak to any particular college or university, but i have heard enough stories to believe that we could do a better job streamlining the top, saving money and putting money into faculty, particularly young faculty because it is the young faculty that are being most disadvantaged by either not being hired or not being paid adequately so that they cant really do the job that they have dreamed of doing. Im with you on that. We have to see how we can make that work. [applause] ms. Clinton ok. Any man with three stickers including one on his forehead hello. Thank you so much for being a champion for children here at home and also globally as well. I believe as regardless of where you are born, you should have every child should grow up to have the opportunity to reach their potential. When we create partnerships that will invest in these kids, then we can build independent people. If elected, will you bring these countries and the private sector together to show that we have universal access to education to quality Early Education for the poorest children . [applause] ms. Clinton thank you. Thank you so much. You know, i do think that we have a stake in trying to improve education around the world to try to create conditions for people, peoples economic fortunes to improve. To create middle classes around the world, which is tied to education. That is good for us. That is good for our economy. That is good for our democracy. So i want to make sure we do what we can and it will have to be a partnership because it is a partnership between governments, the private sector, academic institutions, charities, faithbased groups and a lot of other really important partners. Ill tell you a little story that your question kind of prompted in me. You know, ive been when i was secretary of state, i went to 112 countries for you. And there were a lot of places that [applause] you know, that were still developing, that were very poor. One of the reasons why i worked hard to create an opening to burma now called myanmar is because it is very strategically located but also had been so isolated for so long. It was apparent,under military dictatorship, the very top had done very well. There was no middle class. And then there was just different degrees of poverty. And when you see that, and you realize how Vulnerable People are to disease and to other, you know, both health and educational problems, you know, it really does give you a great perspective on how blessed and fortunate we are and we have to keep investing in the our own people and we have to keep doing better because we have so much to be grateful for and we have to offer it to our next generation. And i think when you look at the world from that perspective, i didnt go anywhere in the world that people didnt want to know what was happening in america. And even those who would publicly criticize us were really interested in how we were solving problems and given the fact that president obama became president and he asked me to become secretary of state in the midst of the terrible economic crisis, there was a lot of anxiety about the United States economy because it still is the basic driver of what happens in the world. And i could just see people saying it is so important for the United States to get it right. You have to get it right. You have to keep holding up the banner of freedom and opportunity and equality for everybody because without you, were really going to be lost. I think that is true. I just have to tell you. You know, people who say those the years for American Leadership are behind us, i think they are wrong. It is not somebody elses leadership. It is nobodys leadership. That would be a very Dangerous Development in the world where you dont have the values, the interest, the ability to bring people together to solve problems that we have basically led for the last century and need to do again. So your question, what can we do about kids living far away is connected to how well we take care of our kids right here today, because we can only be as strong as our economy is, our peoples dreams and aspirations are and thats why in this campaign, what im trying to argue for is to build on what makes America Great and make it even greater so that our best days are ahead of us, not behind us. But that causes us to have to ask ourselves hard questions about what were going to do and how were going to do it. I think were up to it. I wouldnt be running for president if i didnt think we were up to it. [applause] ms. Clinton thanks for the hair compliment before. I didnt stop and thank you. [laughter] no, im calling on another lady, but i didnt thank you for the hair compliment. You know, since who knows what my hair will look like from daytoday. Any day that it is good, i appreciate you noticing it, thank you. Hillary, i thought you might like my tshirt, and i have a bit of good news for you, which is that my daughter survived stage 4 kidney cancer. [applause] she is 4 years old and you took time out at your 2014 reunion to speak to us, and i really appreciate that. So, thank you. Ms. Clinton thank you for the update. Thank you so much. She is doing fine. The thing is she is black and unarmed black people keep getting shot. And black lives matter and [applause] you know, she survived stage 4 kidney cancer. I need her to graduate into a world that is more just and fair. [applause] ms. Clinton oh, bless you bless you [applause] ms. Clinton im thrilled to hear how she is doing and please give her a big hug. Give her another big hug from me, please. The last month, many months now, we just had the anniversary at ferguson and another incident occurred, someone else being shot. We dont know the circumstances, but the facts are, across the board, concerning we have deep unaddressed systemic race and justice issues and it is important that [applause] that we honestly talk about them and try to bring the country together around dealing with this. It is not enough just to, you know, say were concerned. We have to take the next step and say were so concerned. Here is what we are willing to do. From my perspective, there are a number of proposals that i have been talking about from the very beginning of my campaign. One is we have to take a hard look at mass incarceration because it has been [applause] it has, unfortunately, been one of the root reasons why so many families, particularly africanamerican families are torn apart, undermined, never formed and there is no doubt there is just no doubt. Nobody wants to return to lack of safety or rising crime. So lets just posit that. Nobody wants that. But the evidence is clear that if youre an africanamerican man of whatever age, teenager and up, you are more likely to be arrested, to be convicted, to be imprisoned for doing exactly the same thing as a white man who will not be. [applause] and that is not you know that is not something that anybody wrote down in a law. That is just something that has grown up over time where people make those decisions. And we have to do a better job working with law enforcement, working with the entire criminal Justice System so that the system and individual Police Officers respect the communities they serve and the communities they serve respect them. And there is a lot of work were going to have to do. Some of what i proposed, body cameras, that is a way of at least Holding People accountable, but there needs to be more training, more awareness of peoples own individual feelings or maybe biases. We have a lot of work to do. I think that these terrible incidents of a the past year, they go way back, but certainly in the headlines of the past year really call on everybody in every Community Just to say hey, we need to do a very clear assessment about where we stand. Now lets rid ourselves of bias and prejudice and discrimination and make sure our Police Officers are well prepared for the difficult jobs we ask them to do. Lets try to work with communities so that they can provide more support and opportunities for young people, particularly young men. We have a lot of work to do. But we cant do that work if we dont admit we have a problem. And i think we have a problem and were going to have to do it and yes, of course black lives matter. There is no doubt about it. [applause] ms. Clinton thank you. I have got time for one more question. Anybody on college . Ill talk about anything but i want to make sure since people came to talk about college, i want to make sure we get a college question. Ok. Why dont you ask . Hi, hillary. I wanted to be able to make sure that people Going Forward will be able to afford college better. My family were a family of four , kids. My dad worked all of his life. We all had to take out private loans. Me, my sister and soon my younger brother will be living at home paying off huge amounts of debt. When i graduated i had about 140,000 in debts. When i hear that the average is 30,000, i really want to know where they are getting that number from. [laughter] because and in graduate school. With graduate im at 250,000. Yeah. And i have loans that when i applied for them said i would be at 8 . They knocked them up to 12 . Ms. Clinton first of all, im really sorry that that happened to you. That is just wrong. I dont know the details but i will say without fear of contradiction, that is wrong. With the variable rate interest that they kicked up on you. Well, you are going to be helped by my plan. I can tell you that. Because we are going to be able to refinance all of your debt to bring it down to where the Interest Rate is right now. Who did you borrow from . Were those government loans or private loans . [inaudible] ms. Clinton so you have government loans plus three private ones. Well, all of them can be refinanced. We have taken into account, when we did the numbers on this, the way we will pay for it is by closing the loopholes and the deductions for people at the top and we will go and in one instance, we will go back to where it was when president reagan was in office. You know, i think the republicans should love and embrace. [laughter] and we will take the money that we save from closing those and then we will use it to do exactly what i said. To refinance loans. 40 million people. Youre one of them. Who have those loans that desperately need refinancing. Youre a good looking young man. You ought to be out in the world making your way and i hope you can be. I know how challenging it is for you have to have those kinds of debts and be back at home after you have finished your education. So we want to refinance the loans and then we want to make it more affordable on the front end so people dont ends up where you are. I also want to put a limit on the number of years. Because at some point it is just counterproductive for you to keep working to pay off debt instead of working to build a business, to build a family, to buy a home, to help the economy in other ways. [applause] so were going to help. Thank you. Thank you all very much thank you [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] ms. Clinton welcome to exit her. Xeter. Before i begin, i want to say once again that my thoughts are with the people of ferguson as they mark this painful anniversary and with the continued violence we saw last night, you know, violence has no place in our streets and we for peace be working and justice there and everywhere in our country. I would like to make two quick points and then take your questions. First, in announcing my plans to make College Within Reach for everyone, the new College Compact, im emphasizing the two parts of this College Compact. No family and no student should ate to borrow to pay tuition a Public College or university. And everyone who has student debt should be able to refinance it at lower rates. Cost wont be a barrier and deaths wont hold you back debt wont hold you back under my plan. Students carry one of the highest debt burdens in the and obviously much more from the last man that i called on. And the cost of Community College here is nearly twice nextpaid next more door in maine. The governor is working to decline the cost of education that has shifted onto students and families, but that is only the beginning. The federal government has to be a partner in moving this compact forward. Im looking forward to discussing this further tomorrow, and then next week in iowa and elsewhere. Secondly, i want to add my voice to all those who have expressed inrage and disappointment the decision last week by the executive council to cut off funding for planned parenthood in New Hampshire. That three men sitting in the chambers of the executive council would deny women across the state the health care they need and deserve. Why we need again more leaders like governor hassan and senator shaheen who are willing to stand up for women and just how out of touch and out of date Republican Leaders are. That is what we saw at the debate on thursday night. None of the candidates had solutions for how to make College Affordable or raise incomes for hard working families. They dont even talk about the real pressures facing american families. And while what donald trump said about megan kelly is outrageous, what the rest of the republicans are saying about all when women is also outrageous. They brag about Cutting Health care for women. They say they would force women who have been raped to carry their rapists child and we dont hear any of them raising the minimum wage, paid leave for access to quality childcare, equal pay for women paid leave for new parents, access to quality childcare, equal pay for women or anything else. Jelly is a strong woman and more than capable of defending herself against donald trump. Im worried about what republican policies would do to the rest of americas women. Im happy tuesday speak about that today and the rest of this campaign for the white house. With that [indiscernible] ms. Clinton im good. How are you . [indiscernible] ms. Clinton you know, im. Ooking forward to debating first, my colleagues on the democratic side, and then finally having a chance to debate the republicans about whatever their nominee has to say. I will show up for the debates as they are scheduled and i look forward to having a robust, Good Opportunity to exchange views with my fellow candidates. [inaudible] ms. Clinton im not going to get into scheduling. I will just show up when im told to show up and im looking forward to it. [inaudible] ms. Clinton you know, im just going to leave my comments where they are. I thought what he said was offensive and i certainly think it deserves the kind of reaction it is getting from so many others. But i think if we focus on that, we are making a mistake. What a lot of the men on that said wasthat debate offensive. I want people to understand that if you just focus on maybe the gest showman on the age the stage, you lose the thread. Republicanss the are putting forward some very radical and offensive positions when it comes to womens lives, womens reproductive health, womens employment, womens opportunities. We will let the republicans go back and forth with each other, but i want to point out there is really not much difference in the policies they are proposing when it comes to american women. [inaudible] ms. Clinton i consider him a friend. We were colleagues in the senate. I have the highest regard and affection for him. I spoke to him at his sons funeral. I think we should all just let the Vice President be with his family and make whatever decision he believes is right for him. And i will respect whatever that decision is. [inaudible] ms. Clinton the republicans get to choose their nominee. They will have to make the that decision. I respectfully disagree with you. When one of their major candidates, a much younger man, saysnator from florida there should be no exceptions in fact, incense that is as offensive and troubling a comment as you can hear from a major candidate running for the presidency. The language may be more colorful and more offensive, but the thinking, the attitude toward women is very much the same. It is just delivered in a different package. I dont want people to be confused here about the outrageous comments by one and just say we are focused on this and we are going to let the fact that there should be no exceptions for rape or infest go unnoticed or unmentioned. I will not let that happen. [inaudible] ms. Clinton now, andrea, i said it was offensive and outrageous. I stand by that. I think more people should say the same. The Republican Party will have to deal with him. Us i just want to remind ,hat what they say about women not one woman who is perfectly capable and incredibly impressive and able to take care of herself, but all of these for, that i have fought sura four, advocated for, and want to be president for stood up for, advocated for, and and to be president for, who may lose the right to exercise choice if the republicans were to be successful, i dont want that forgotten. I know it makes great tv. I think the guy went way overboard outrageous, offensive, pick your adjectives. What marco rubio said had as much impact about where the Republican Party is today as anyone else on that stage. It is equally troubling, and it should be to the press, not just to those of us who have been doing this work for so long. [inaudible] ms. Clinton [laughs] look, it is entertainment. I think he is having the time of his life being up on that stage saying what he wants to say, getting people excited both for and against him. [inaudible] know himon i didnt that well. I mean, i knew him, but and i happen to be planning to go to florida and i said that i would go because he was always entertaining. Now that he is running for president , it is a little more troubling. [inaudible] ms. Clinton not at all. I was proud to be endorsed by the American Federation of teachers. I have been proud to work with nurses for many, many years on health care and better treatment for nurses. Im a strong advocate for nurses and i look forward to working with them when im president. [inaudible] ms. Clinton nick is the man. Im sorry, he is the man. Ive got to let nick do what he does. That is his job. Ok, guys. [laughs] [inaudible] really . Ton oh, what does donald trump have to say about College Affordability . I really wonder. [inaudible] ms. Clinton yes, yes. [inaudible] ms. Clinton right. [inaudible] ms. Clinton first of all, that is why you have a campaign. It will be at the center of my campaign. I hope people running for congress, both the house and the senate, will latch onto it because i want to get more democrats elected. That would be a big help in dealing with the issues you are raising. I also want to make it clear that what im advocating, just as what president obama advocated, goes back to theident reagan, what status was under president reagan i want them to have to answer to the American People why they dont want to make college more for lan why they dont want to refinance college debt. More affordable and why they dont want to refinance college debt. This has to be a choice. Then i will be looking to see what their response is and then lets have an election about it. Lets have an election about real choices that will actually affect peoples lives. That will be interesting. And once i get to the white house, i will do as ive always done when i worked across the aisle as a senator, when i worked as secretary of state and first lady lady, i will work to get the votes together that are needed to try to get this passed. I think there will be a huge constituency for it. [inaudible] ms. Clinton well, we are in the middle of an election. I dont know that we will hear that yet. But i will say this, some of what the republicans in the senate are trying to do is very connected to my plan. If you look at what editor Lamar Alexander has been advocating, i have been advocating for republicans as well as democrats. That is where i get a lot of thoughts about College Accountability and risksharing. If you are getting people that are not employable, then you have a risk for that. I have known senator since he was a governor and i think he and i would have a good conversation about that. He has to do what he has to do between now and the election, but i think there is an opportunity to Work Together to move forward and i look forward to it. Thank you all. A number of polls came out today about the impact of last weeks president ial candidate debate. Asked whoowa voters impressed you the most . this graph showed marco rubio was most impressive, followed by ben carson. Least of all, senator ran paul and new jersey governor chris christie. Most Republican Voters with the lesserknown candidate said they improve their opinion most of Carly Fiorina and 66 said she won the debate. Louisiana governor bobby jindal and rick perry of texas came in a distant third. Telephone scams aimed at seniors. Says criminals are frequently outsmarting with technology. We will open up the phone lines to get your reaction. Visits Historic Sites across the nation to see historians and authors and other local leaders. Congress on its summer recess, we are showing the cities tour each afternoon at p. M. Eastern. Today, the literary life of lincoln, nebraska, including the letters of novelist willa katter abouter and a novel native American Children and their homes. At the aspen security form, topics include isis, special operations and threats to europe, and also the assistant attorney general for National Security john carlin talks about how isis internet as abig group and as recruitment tool. Take a listen. What the terrorists will do there put it out there for hundreds of thousands to access. They then bombard it with thousands of messages every day that are propaganda. The messages run across the board. We are all familiar with the shocking images. It is despicable what they will show of public executions. But what they are also doing is bombarding the same audience with microtargeted messages the same way advertisers do. Youngill show a handsome actor in one video literally handing out candy to children. Corner will have the brand isil in the same way would be with a television show. In another video you might have a terrace with a gun in one hand, but in the other hand, a kitten. And in addition to the videos showing them holding out candy to young children, they will show the life here in the cattle kate in the caliphate. With these largescale bombardment of images, can they get some on the hook and start to reel them in . All of that at the aspen security form coming up tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern. This sunday night onto a day, the institute for policy studies hello and antiwar activist on 9 11, thes recent negotiations with iran, and the war on television. Who is isis and what do they believe . I will address all of those questions tonight and in the book. What is more important is what the u. S. Policy is regarding isis. Why isnt it working . Can we really go to war against terrorism . Wrong or is the war it wrong to say we should be at all . Ith terrorism at in some ways, those of the most important questions and the most useful. Sunday night at 8 00 p. M. Eastern and pacific on cspan skew a day. Andext, top show hosts executives talk about the radio talk show industry, trends, digital technology, and the changing landscape of talkshow host. It was part of the 25th anniversary conference. This is a great panel and this is the big picture. We have already talked about the big picture. We will do it like a tv show. No long answers, but short soundbites. The man who knows how to do soundbites, allan combs, we will start with you first. But first, alan combs hosts fox radio and fox news channel. Martin hook, one of the smartest men ive known. He is a consultant. Karen hunter, i once did a radio show as her cohost in new york and she taught me how to wrap on the air. It was fun. Chris oliverio, talk about smart. There is a fellow who worked his way up from i believe being an intern to being one of the most important executives in all of radio. He is in charge of programming at cbs radio. Shop, who is new to a lot of you, please say hello to joe. And tom shattuck is here with the boston herald. They are doing something ive been talking about for years and i have the honor of them actually asking me for my advice and they take it. They put a Radio Station on a newspaper platform. The newspaper is the other stick. Owners cannot give you a place to do radio, what other place what better place to do news talk or sports radio than a big metropolitan website . They are doing it and it is her markable. Abc newg from the view york from wabc new york. He is kind of the forgotten person in our industry. ,he Program Director for wabc there have been times in my career where i have sat with the Program Director for wabc i remember rick. You shook in your boots. There is a long heritage there. I want to find out what is going on in that job. Is the bestbot, who marketing person ive ever met in this business. Im at her when she was about 19 years old. Im 21 now. [laughter] and she is the president of premier networks. Soundbite, what is the stuff that we keep coming back to . It seems to be the mainstay of debate, partisan tykes, and yet we always that partisan politics, and yet we are we always talk about how it is dead. Partisan politics and yet we always talk about how it is dead. I thought it was very interesting what mr. Dickey said in that there is so much more that you talk about if youre at a Cocktail Party if you are just talking to your radio can and should be that. Im happy to see that there is so much more that radio is becoming and as the paradigm changes, we are doing a lot better with much more information coming in. We have much more opportunity to talk about so many Different Things on so many different platforms. I dont think the leftright thing is the future of talk. Even though i am on the left. I do so much more than that. Any radio show that just does politics, i think its missing a great opportunity to get a much broader audience. Michael or perhaps the radio is much more than left versus right

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