Are influential members but they have one vote. Since the speech, with gotten potentially more votes in support of the deal. That is an indication of how persuasive the president s speech was in the case he is making some members of congress and the American Public. The number one democrat in this and it and again [indiscernible] are they classified as objection is . President took on directly in his speech is that the individuals who are advocating for the defeat of this agreement are the same people who made the same argument in 2003 and the march to war against iraq. This includes people like Mitch Mcconnell and john boehner and john mccain and recent newcomers like tom cotton and dump truck. That is dump truck. The group of people supporting the agreements are people like the president of the United States opposed the iraq war from civicginning or who had knowledge the congressional vote in support of that march to war was a mistake. And i mentioned to some of their names already. Senator gillibrand and baldwin are two of the newcomers. There are people like nancy pelosi and dick durbin who have strong records on these matters. Anyone, markedly in this category. Anybody covering politics would recognize the default lines of this political argument area it is not new. Difference of opinion that president obama and senator schumer have had dating back to 2003. That all said, that is why i would describe this as an announcement that was not particularly surprising to anybody here is the white house. Even if it was disappointing. It does not change our confidence we will be up to mobilize substantial majority of democrats in both the house and senate in support of the deal. If necessary to sustain it has been a year since the Police Shooting of Michael Brown and ferguson, missouri. A conversation about holy shooting of unarmed black man. Heres a brief look. I do not think we wanted the police to entirely go away or disappear but a lot of people want of the police to be more accountable. That does something positive. I have been trying to think of things that been positive. One of the positive as of late and a baltimore, ferguson, and other places, people are demanding more accountability from their Police Forces and politicians are coming on board. One mayor signed an executive order instituting the police, civilian review board. People have been asking for that since 1965 when the congress a racially quality was demanding a civilian review board pretty it kept getting kicked down the road. It was put in place just recently. New york state, governor andrew cuomo, not a huge fan of his policies usually, but he said police officers, if the local prosecutor will not pursue a police issue then the state to well. Theres been some positive movement in that direction to hold police more accountable. The entiresee discussion on Police Shootings tonight on cspan at 8 00 eastern. Sunday night on q a, kevin or talks about detroits financial issues. If detroit had taken that 1. 5 billion in 2005 and 2006 one. Market went down to 6700 and invested in an index fund, standard and poor whatever, stock market trading at eight 18,000. It not only would have tripled their money, they couldnt pay the pensions and four and got back in the business. Pensionsould pay the and get back into the biz on the 13th check. It could have fixed is self if there had been management going for. If you have some strong leadership as some focus leadership you can resolve these problems but it takes a lot of effort. On cspans q a. Stomach dontairs set down with mike allen of politico to discuss the challenges facing his department and approving medical care and other services. This is 45 minutes. [applause] thank you very much for coming in. Secretary mcdonald it is a pleasure to be here. She would. To have are honored here va employees across country. Maybe you should say hi. Secretary moniz that secretary mcdonald secretary mcdonald i would like to say hi to them. They do a great job taking care of our veterans and there is no higher calling. A number of them are veterans caring for veterans, or as i like to say, heroes caring for heroes. Mike you came into government, you were at the top of the corporate world and people at the v. A. And people knew things would be different from the first day. A little disruptive. Talk about the conversation in the elevator. Right when you got the job. Secretary mcdonald at the time i was nominated, i was going back and forth to capitol hill with senators, making sure they knew what i wanted to accomplish. I was in the elevator on the way to my office. I saw a gentleman there and i said, hows it going . I like to talk to people in the elevator. You learn what is going on. He said, im breathing. I said, well, i am kicking ass, and you better be, too. I just felt that we were not providing good service to veterans and all of us need to be kicking ass to provide better service. Mike at the end of july, you were in the job for a year and we appreciate you marking it with us. One of your innovations has been my va, bringing the Customer Experience mindset to serving veterans. How is it going . Secretary mcdonald we are in the beginning. Right now, as we speak, our Leadership Team is offsite working with noel. He is a dear friend at the university of michigan. He was jack welchs mentor at ge. We are working with him. It is the longterm transformation we need at the a. Strategies. Number one, put the veterans first. We are learning about Customer Service, the very best Customer Service organizations in the country. People like disney, starbucks, others. Number two, we have to do a better job taking care of the employee. There is not a good Customer Service organization in the world that does not care for its employees. You have no hope of caring for the veteran if you do not care for the employee. We have not done a good job at that. Number three, our internal support services. Our language is in cobol, a language that i wrote back in 1973. Our scheduling system dates back to 1985. It looks like green screen ms dos. We need a culture of continuous improvement. We are training so they can lead the change in the systems that they work on and last but not least, number five, we are creating strategic partnerships. There is tremendous goodwill out there to care for veterans and were trying to embrace that. We are in the midst of our summer of service. We started with 75,000 volunteers. We had open houses. We want to get up to 100,000 volunteers. Theres another ethical reason for this as well, which is by law, we are not allowed to care for 15 of veterans who got less than honorable discharges. Chuck hagel and ash carter are looking at all of those discharges to see if they should be reevaluated. In the meantime, we need those external partners because we want those veterans cared for. Mike if you are joining us in live stream land, tweet us your questions. We will ask your questions. What was the very best tip that starbucks gave you about Customer Experience . Secretary Mcdonald Howard schultz is a dear friend. Mike is he going to run for president . Secretary mcdonald i dont know. Im not a political person. My Political Party is veterans. All i do is think about caring for veterans. Howard, in his book onward, he writes about his experience of when he came back to be ceo any when he walked into one of his stores and the smell of the place was burned cheese rather than coffee. Obviously, appetite has a lot to do with scent. They introduced a breakfast sandwich. The cheese would melt in the oven and the smell would pervade the store. Rather than try to convince him to buy febreeze, i think what that instance demonstrates is the importance of the ubiquity of experience. What we have got to do is make sure every veteran we touch feels the warm embrace and the ubiquity of it. Whether it is the music we play, the way we meet, greet them at the door, whether it is the starbucks we have in our facilities where they like to meet with their buddies, men or women. Its that 360 degree ubiquity. Mike what did you learn from disney . Secretary mcdonald i think with disney, the importance of the cast member. They do a great job taking care of their employees. They call them cast members. And the importance of the knowledge as you leave the disney area, you are on stage. This is actually replicated in our new orlando medical center. We have all of our exam rooms on the periphery and our patient care teams meet in the middle. We have a unique system we used to care for veterans, patient care teams, so its not just the primary care doctor, but the other people who work with the primary care doctor and they are all inside this area, meeting before they go out on stage to be with the patient. Mike the v. A. Leader reembracing the customer. You have met internal resistance. Secretary mcdonald it is natural, mike, when an organization is in crisis, the natural response is to turn inward. You stop caring for your employees. You forget about the customer. The leaders job is to go into a situation like that and be disruptive, but be disruptive by going external. I have been to 190 v. A. Sites. I meet with the leadership, the union leadership, the stakeholders. Because im going to know what is going on and use that input in the transformation plans. Mike you have a problem. In the best case scenario, obama will be gone in a year and a half. How does that affect this organization . Secretary mcdonald people say that. I do not know i will be gone. I not acting like i am going to be gone. When i came in and we put together strategies. One was rebuild trust, improved metrics, but the third one was to do the right thing for the longterm. My v. A. Is all about that. I bring private sector expertise in. I always marry them with someone in the v. A. , so if we go, there somebodythere will be sndoctrinated and understand Customer Service. Mike i asked one of my colleagues who is a veteran what should i ask the secretary secretary mcdonald any name . [laughter] i like names. Thats why i give out my cell phone number. I like to talk to veterans. Mike he pulled a reverse Lindsey Graham and gives his real cell phone number on cspan. Secretary mcdonald yeah, sure. 5135098454. Mike innovative young reporters are dialing that secretary mcdonald i look forward to talking to them. Many people passed it out. I did that for a couple reasons. I did that deliberately say to the organization to let them know that i was available. The number of calls shifted. Originally they were about i need help. Now they are you changed my life. We were led by a very capable lady named debbie. She has a team of people do case management. This is not the Sustainable Way we want to care for people. We have hired an officer, tom allen, who has over two decades of experience at mcdonalds. And has run several businesses and he is helping us. We have set up an external advisory board. One of them is fred wayne who wrote a book called if disney ran your hospital. He is helping us as well. Mike one of your leadership principles, going back to your days at west point, always let your soldiers eat before you do. What is the government analog to that . Secretary mcdonald i think the government analog is to put the needs of your organization above yourself. I will not ask anyone in v. A. To do anything i would not do myself and i will work as hard as they do, if not harder, to demonstrate to them they are more important than me. Similarly, i am going to fight for them. If someone does something wrong, we will take disciplinary action. On the other hand, were not going to get involved in the politics of the situation. We will keep focused on veterans and we will fight for our employees. Mike what about congress . Secretary mcdonald what about congress . [laughter] congress has a role to play as well. We Work Together to identify what the needs of the veterans are. I do not have much tolerance for using veterans as political pawns. Mike do some members of congress do that . Secretary mcdonald that is for you to judge. Im about caring for veterans. Mike my colleague said to ask you about the immensity of it all. The v. A. Is the Biggest Health care system that cannot get its head around obamacare insurance. Secretary mcdonald the v. A. Would be a fortune 10 company. The Procter Gamble company when i was the ceo had 120,000 employees and sales of about 85 billion dollars. It is a large organization. As i studied it, this Country First of all, veterans cannot do without the v. A. American medicine cannot do without the v. A. And i would argue the American Public cannot do without the v. A. Members of congress have said to me, why dont you blow up the v. A. And give out vouchers . It is a strong three legged stool. Leg one is research. 1. 8 billion in research, three nobel prizes. Who did the first liver transplant . The v. A. Who invented the first implantable pacemaker . The v. A. Who invented the nicotine patch . V. A. Who knows about posttraumatic stress . I could go on. I wont. We train 70 of the doctors in this country. Who will train them . We provide the internships. We are the largest employer of nurses in the country. This work and training is very important to the american medical system. The third leg is, of course, the clinical work we do for our veterans and omar bradley set this system up in 1946, 1947 and aligned the v. A. With the best medical schools in the country. Our veterans love the care that they get at the v. A. We are making it more accessible. Mike lets talk about the demographics. Who are the patients . What is the average age and income . Secretary mcdonald you raise an excellent point. In 2014, if i asked you, what do you think caused the crisis at v. A. In 2014, most americans would say was probably the fact we have been fighting wars in afghanistan and iraq from within for more than a decade. My Business Analysis says that is not the case, but its instructive. The year i graduated from west point in 1975, we had 2 million veterans over the age of 65. 2017, we will have 10 million veterans over the age of 65. Thats a five times increase from 1975. So, what actually occurred is the aging of the veteran population, which put tremendous stress on the system. This is happening in u. S. Medicine. But its happening slowly and is less visible. My point excuse me lets meet finish with this thought. We have to build the capability today we will need 20, 30 years from now with the afghanistan and iraq veterans who age. If we do not build that capability today, we will not have it. Mike what is one stat about your current demographics . Secretary mcdonald believe it or not, we are still serving about 100 descendants of the spanishamerican war. My point is, it does not go away. The war does not end. V. A. Does not become inessential. The way you look at v. A. , you have got to think about 20 or 30 years hence. We have a sacred obligation to the veterans who fought the wars in this country. That sacred obligation is for their life. The army likes to say, a soldier for life. That is the way we think about it. Mike your staff gave me some stats and facts about how the v. A. Has improved in the last year. And everyone in this room knows this is one of the most troubled departments in government. There were a lot of problems. Backlog of claims which peaked before your time 11,000. Secretary mcdonald march 2013. Mike the day that you walk in there was 269,000. Have you get to zero . Secretary mcdonald we continue to follow the same strategies. We need to build on top. Digitize the process. We got rid of five tons of paper. Everything is digitized. We are doing great work with our veteran service organizations. When we get the claim, it is ready to be processed. The other things we have done in terms of digitizing the process is creating the vbns, the Computer System that allows us to do it in an automated way. That allows us to move those claims around the country depending on which of our centers have capability. The other thing we have done, we have asked our people to work mandatory overtime and this is the part i dont like. We have had employees working mandatory overtime to process these claims. The average time wait now is less than the 125 day standard. We are trying to get out of that. The problem is, we have more people in the budget. Most recently in the choice act, we had more people in the budget for accelerating these claims and when Congress Went to pass the choice act, they stripped these people out. Were back with the 2016 budget asking or more people for the claim portion. They are having people work from so the two hours they used to commute, they can do claims instead. Mike questions from twitter. Playbookbreakfast. Is the secretary aware that 35,000 combat veterans are incorrectly listed as pending for Health Enrollment because of a means test . Secretary mcdonald if the individual would give me their name, i would be happy to figure it out. Usually you get those claims and accusations when someone has an issue. Customer service is about oneonone care. Mike so, email or tweet secretary mcdonald or you have my phone number. [laughter] mike what role does telehealth play in increasing access for vets. Secretary mcdonald yeah, telehealth is huge. We had 700,000 employees. We are the leader in telehealth in the country, perhaps in the world. Telehealth is basically using broadband and Digital Technology to deliver health care as much as possible. For example, i was in one of our facilities and the nurse i was with, nurse practitioner, had a stethoscope that was connected with the wifi and the internet. She was taking my pulse, listening to my heart, and that was being read across the country. That kind of thing is possible. It is something we are doing already. Another aspect of that is Mental Health, doing Mental Health appointments in telehealth, providing the confidentiality and security a lot of veterans like. So, we like to use it for Mental Health as well. Mike just a minute, we will bring you into the conversation if you have questions. This is a question from my colleague. Secretary mcdonald, you expressed confusion about the blue button initiative. Do you think the v. A. Needs to change the name or get other steps to get Patient Engagement and improve their care . Secretary mcdonald i was not confused. I was talking to a group of people working on our electronic vehicle records, opensource and open system. We want crowd sourced innovation. The blue button is a device on our website where you can click there and get your entire medical record. My only point was, sometimes we pick names that are confusing to consumers. If i went to a veteran and said, what is blue button, they would have no idea. Our websites have unusual names. Ebenifits. What were trying to do, lets look at everything from the lens of the customer. Lets make our decisions that way. Make things easier. Heather has a question for you. Lets try to get a microphone. While we are doing that, you went on 60 minutes and they asked you, is the worst behind you . I will ask you, what is the worst problem that remains at the v. A. . Secretary mcdonald as you approach these targets we set, ending homelessness, the claims backlog, gain access to care, it is such a large system, you always have one left. How do you get every Single Person . It is the starfish story. The old man throwing the starfish into the sea. He may not be able to clean up the whole beach, but it matters to each throw fish he throws in the water. I need to clean up the beach. If there is one homeless veteran, that is one too many. Mike the claims backlog projected to get to zero. Secretary macdonald by the end of the year. Mike that will be on your watch . Secretary macdonald yes. Mike hello, heather. Thank you for your extraordinary leadership. [indiscernible] scheduling was a pillar we talked about. Im curious as to secretary mcdonald scheduling is a really big issue. We have taken a two track approach. One track is to put in fixes to our Current System knowing that is not the solution. My first trip to phoenix, i sat down at the computer screen and worked the scheduling system myself. It really is a green screen. Like we have to make things simpler for veterans, we have to make things simpler for our employees. Putting fixes into the system is the fastest approach. We are going for an off the shelf system you are going to implement as quickly as possible. We are going to start putting this in place. It will take some time to do it. The third thing we have to do is make sure our people are trained. This is why i am eager to have a simplified system. While there have been things that have gone wrong and we are Holding People accountable for those things, for example, there was a person who manipulated data in georgia who was indicted two weeks ago. As times goes on, these measures of accountability will come out. I believe we have to make things simpler. There are veterans today complaining about our execution of the choice act. There are seven different ways of getting it outside. Congress has passed laws and these laws get layered on top of each other. That is incredibly complex for the employee to understand. We need to simplify that and congress has asked me and we are suggesting we simplify that one system. What im looking for is we have to make that scheduling system simpler. We have an app now and we just have to make it easier. Mike when you went on meet the press in february, chuck todd asked you about how many people have been held accountable of the problems and he said none 900 people had been fired since i became secretary and two weeks later, few people lost jobs with va in scandal. Has there been enough accountability . Secretary mcdonald the number now is over 1400. Peoples that have been terminated. Part of this is a layered approach. There is disciplinary action the fbi takes, well over 100 people be investigated now for scheduling issues. As those investigations come out, the fbi investigation takes priority. Then you will hear about the things happening but for all of our critics, accountability and organization is more than firing people. What we have to do is make sure there is a sustainable system in place so people are rewarded when they do well, held accountable when they dont do well. We are providing feedback. I sat down with the chairman of our House Committee and took them through the relative performance readings over 2014 of the the va top employees. What i showed him was number one, nobody in Veterans Health administration is getting a performance bonus for 2014. Nobody is rated outstanding. How can you be rated outstanding if your secretary has to resign . We have the best distribution in government of those ratings from top to bottom and i would argue the best distribution compared to private actor. Private sector. I ran a company in the private sector. Accountability is a lot more than just firing people and accountability is also the fact that when i came in, i found the doctors salaries were 20 below the market so we raised the salaries. Accountability has to be more holistic than firing people. Mike my colleague has a question. A lot of people still dissatisfied. A conservative group gave me a 10 page document. What facility are you still most concerned about . Secretary mcdonald you have to understand the political nature of the concerned veterans of america. I met with pete many times. I know people that fund his organization. We are not in favor of privatizing the va. One of my biggest concerns, i met with Sylvia Burwell on this recently, is how do we inform the doctors we send veterans to in the private sector to always ask the question have you served in the military . If im sending a veteran to the private sector and that doctor does not know the military culture, that could be dangerous for the veteran. I have to make sure those people are informed. The idea of privatizing the va. It we didnt train 70 of the doctors in the country, who would . That is not in their proposal. You have to look at this rationally from the standpoint of the veteran and those veterans who have rest of their their lives for our country and what we owed them. Mike let me ask you, what is the most legitimate for many criticism of the va . Secretary mcdonald i think the criticism is of me, not the va. I take responsibility. I think the criticism is im not moving fast enough. If there is one veteran without a roof over their head tonight, it is my fault. If there is one better without the disability claim handled today, it is my fault. The first day, you have four answers to any situations. Yes, sir, no, sir, i dont understand. I tried that answer a lot. They thought i was hard of learning. They thought i was a slow learner. The fourth is no excuse, sir. Anytime a veteran is not getting the care they need, it is my problem. Mike my colleague has a question. I wanted to ask you [inaudible] secretary mcdonald one of the things i noticed when i joined the va is i did not think we were embracing the goodwill of the American People enough, including contractors. I found that one of my first trips was to boston. I went to Harvard Medical School to recruit doctors. I also went to boston to market our facilities. There, i visited an Organization Called home base. Home base is a wonderful organization. I was told by those who run it and buy a dear friend who owns the new york mets that we were seeing Major League Baseballs contribution to veterans as competition. Rather than as complementary. I wanted to make sure we saw it as complementary. We have established a strategy. It is all about strategic partnerships. We hired a guy from the private sector. He was the mayor of flint, michigan at the age of 28. He has run several companies. He has come in to help us set up these partnerships. His name is matthew collier. Anybody who wants to work with the va, we want you to. We know we can speed up the process if we have all of the help everyone can give. There is also the ethical issue i mentioned. Home base can treat the 15 of veterans with dishonorable discharges. We cannot. We believe in strategic partnerships. Mike we have a question here. Thank you. Please just say who you are. I work for the congresswoman. I will much of the conversation is focused on health care, which is understandable given the immediate crisis. Homelessness i know is it can turn of yours. You were in los angeles at the opening of the blue butterfly village. What other steps are you taking to alleviate that concern, that crisis . Secretary mcdonald we have been working very hard on the woman eliminating veteran homelessness. The president is all behind it, the first lady, funding. One of the things i discovered when i came in the job as there were a lot of unfinished business. We have a lawsuit going on in los angeles for overclocked or years that paralyzed us. Four four years that paralyzed us. I had to solve that lawsuit. Working with partners, people i knew, we created an agreement. We are all working together as a community. We in the federal government cannot do it by ourselves. Partnership is important and we need to get all levels of government working together. We need to the local mayors, governors to help us. Every time i go to the city, i meet with the mayors, the governors, and we make sure we have a plan. One of the biggest issues we face in highrent cities is getting the landlords to rent for the voucher amount. What we do is the mayor and i, we have a mayors challenge. We get all of the landlords and a room and talk to them about how this is Good Business to rent to veterans. We surround the veteran with care, whether it is Mental Health care, medical care, addiction. We surround them with peace workers so the veteran becomes a good reintegration in the community. Hi, leo. Hows your daughter . Good. 4 00 a. M. To yesterday. You said you are not a political person and you mentioned your outreach efforts to congress. Do you feel you underestimated the political aspects of this job . We still see plenty of anger and conflict between va and congress in recent months. Do you feel you need to recalibrate that relationship . Do you feel there is warroad to grow . More room to grow . Secretary mcdonald there is unanimity around veterans issues. Arguably, we Work Congress did recently to give me the Financial Flexibility to use, money set aside for committee care was a good thing. I have said many times that we way government runs is not like a business. I have over 17 line items of budget. In this case, we needed 3 billion to pay for care in the community that was a budget up to 10 billion. We have given the veterans choice. They all have choice. I dont have choice in moving the money so i have to keep going back to Congress Every time, asking permission. It gives them another opportunity to talk about mismanagement. This year, its getting too many veterans into care. That aspect, that transfer was a fourmonth fight with some nasty accusations against you. Secretary mcdonald i will take the accusations as long as we get the job done. Again, i am not a politician, i am not running for anything most of the purpose is to care for veterans. I think what you will see as over time, congress will work with me to run this more like a business. This was what they asked for. They said run like a business and im trying to do that but i need laws passed. Mike the resistance to the destruction and the business Oriented Approach has also come from the hill. Secretary mcdonald i probably get five letters a day from members of congress about you should do this, that. They are all about giving additional benefits. No member has written me about taking away a benefit. They pass the loss to give benefits, the appropriate the money to pay for those. When you have a mismatch there, guess who gets caught in the middle and blamed . I have to work with members of congress and there is tremendous unanimity. We have to Work Together against the common objective. Mike when you explain that, they say what . Secretary mcdonald most of them agree. If you watch my hearing, there are pretty Good Business explanations of what is going on. The Financial Flexibility, generally in the appropriations committee, members have agreed. We will see. Mike when you were at Procter Gamble, you emphasized valuebased leadership. My favorite is you say Companies Must do well to do good and must do good to do well. Explain. Secretary mcdonald playing on the private sector in particular, the purpose of the proctor and Gamble Company is to improve lives. The employees are inspired by that purpose. You cannot create products that improve lives and trash the environment at the same time. One of the things i was most proud of is the Clinton Global Initiative a few years ago, i made the commitment for Procter Gamble but by 2020, we would save one life an hour by providing clean drinking water. We invented a chemistry that allows us to clean 10 liters of water in developing countries in 20 minutes. Water is a huge issue. The average woman walks 14 kilometers a day to get water and firewood. It is a huge issue. Over 2000 children die a day from drinking unclean water. If you have a purpose for the company of improving lives, you have to make that purpose pervasive in the country. It has to be a part of your philanthropy and what you do commercially. Mike reading your manifesto, it is clear your Christian Faith is important to you. Secretary mcdonald it is. I am a devout christian. Spirituality is part of my life. I wrote it in a secular way. I was leading a large, global company. It is an important part of what we do in the va. We have chaplains. You choose the faith you want to follow. The spiritual nurturing of our patients is as important as the physical. They go hand in hand. I dont think it is a surprise when you serve in the military, you have a chaplain that goes into battle with you. In my case, the chaplains we had were dear friends and once who ones who helped care for me spiritually and helped make your spiritually for the men with me. Mike you are from cincinnati. Ice cream, chili . Secretary mcdonald can i have all of the above . Mike what is your favorite food . Secretary mcdonald graters ice cream is incredibly delicious. It is chocolate raspberry. The chocolate chips are the size of candy bars. It is a great country. I like the philanthropy of la rosas family. If you go to the reds game, i think that our 11 strikeouts in the game by the reds pitcher, everyone gets free pizza. You cannot imagine what happens in the stadium. I worry a fan will go out and grease the bat. When you get that free pizza, it is great. Mike you want to a real deal fantasy camp. Secretary mcdonald i turned 60 years old and for my birthday dinner, my family played a joke and they gave me a letter from the reds saying they had drafted for fantasy camp. My son turned 30 years old. I never got to play with him so we went together. We played two games a day with professional uniforms, umpires, on special fields. My coaches were two great guys. The only problem was my son is very active on social media and while i love playing with him, i really didnt appreciate him putting on his Facebook Page that he hated that our hotel room smelled like bengay every night. I think all of you for watching dash thank all of you for watching. I thank all of you for watching. Thank all of you for coming out so early. Thank you, mike. [laughter] on cspan, anight discussion about the history and causes of urban lives. And event marking the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights act from the american bar association. Congressional profile interview with congressman will heard of taxes of texas. Zocalo Public Square hosted a discussion about the history and causes of urban riots. Analysts include author robin dg california state senator