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Of the Smithsonian Museum of african art on the 50th anniversary. And aaron wolf on his documentary king corn. Monday night on the communicators, we will speak with the wall street journal Information Age columnist on why he thinks that washington is a danger zone for innovation. If you go back to earlier technologies like railroads the telephone monopoly, those were regulated as common carriers. They set terms, visit rules. Very set rules. The was very little innovation until they were deregulated and the common carrier statutes essentially unbound by congress. When it was clear that innovation was being suppressed and the u. S. Was falling behind, that was the backdrop for the bipartisan consensus in the 90s that the internet was going to be different. This was during the clinton administration. A clear consensus, democrat and republican, but unlike earlier technologies the internet was going to be largely unregulated. Monday on the communicators, on cspan2. Next, David Cameron takes questions from members of the house of commons. After that Hillary Clinton holding a town hall meeting in New Hampshire and janet yellen testifies before the Banking Committee on the state of the u. S. Economy. In his final question time session before the summer recess David Cameron answered questions on budget and economic expansion and the greek debt crisis. Invite others to discuss the bill further. Question to the Prime Minister. Question number one mr. Speaker. Thank you mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others, and in addition to my duties in this house, i shall have further such meetings later today. The plan was published this week shows prospects for young people have deteriorated since the conservatives came into conflict. In the Prime Minister explain why the reducing opportunity young people further by removing thereby reducing the opportunities . First of all where increasing opportunities for young people by making sure all young people have a job and get a candidate we see another decrease in youth unemployment down 13000 on the quarter, and 92000 on the year. In terms of students weve now got record numbers of young people going to university and because of the action were taking were able to take the cap off the university numbers and see increase in many more people going. In terms of replacing loans and grants with a low scum this is the right approach. Interestingly, interestingly there was a the approach taken in 1997 when the right honorable lady sat in the cabinet. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, its bad enough of the latest figures i have got 363 murders 106 murders in open presence in the last 10 years. These figures are shown for 179 offenders and open presence who were obscure from an open president will Prime Minister give a commitment to ensure nobody was ever absconded from an open prison is ever allowed back into an open presence . I state will examine his proposal. I can tell him we have already overhauled the process for allowing prisoners out of temporary license athletes with 39 drop in the number of those who breached their license conditions. Weve also seen the rate for prisoners who escaped from prison have reached a record low. As i understand it prisoners with a history of escape or absconded are prevented from transfer to open conditions other than in the most exceptional cases. What i will do is look at these exceptional cases and see whether there is a surrogate for the blanket ban patty talked about our right to him over the summer. Harriet harman. [shouting] cannot ask the Prime Minister a question about greece . Its important that a deal on greece mr. Speaker its important for the deal on greece has now been reached. The economic format is unprecedented in europe, this since the end of the federal corporate the agreement should implement in a way that is fair to the people of greece as will be acceptable to the creditors get it seems report this morning that the imf are concerned about whether the deal for greece is, in fact, sustainable. Can the Prime Minister tell us whether the chancellor had discussions with Christine Lagarde about how these concerns can be addressed . I think the right honorable lady is right to raise this entity we all feel for the greek people who have had a very difficult time and with no early signs of relief on the way. Talk to the imf on a very regular basis. The point they are making that there needs to be debt relief for greece might thats the right. The heart of the eurozone is an argument about whether this is a single currency where you have to look after each other said that and you have a physical union and the Banking Union antisocial union. Thats one view or whether you have to do the single currency as strict rules and cant deal with these things. In our interest for the eurozone to resolve these issues we are not involved in the debate directly because we are not in the euro but we do need them and were not going to join the euro. But they need to resolve these issues and the need to resolve them quite fast. Its important that deal is sustainable. Its interesting to the Prime Minister is the about a measure of debt relief has been necessary. Does he agree to with president putin waiting in the wings this is about more than just economics. Its got wider geopolitical significance. What is his view about that . I think the right honorable lady is right. Greece is a member of the European Union as well as a member of the euro. It is a friend and ally of britain, nato member, trading partners. It is not for britain to bailout eurozone countries and we wouldnt do that but as a member of the European Union if greece were to leave the euro and wanted humanitarian assistance im sure that this house and the British Public would take a more generous of you. Sorting out the problems of the eurozone which weve always warned about the dangers of the eurozone is a matter for eurozone countries, but shes right about the dangers of russian involvement. What happens in the eurozone aspect of this country and therefore, its important that we are fully engaged. Turning to the budget, we are all concerned to see todays rise in overall unemployment. But for those in work the chancellor said that he is a changes on pay and tax credit will make working families better off, but they wont. The institute for fiscal studies have now made it absolutely clear that the idea that a higher minimum wage will compensate for the loss of tax credit is a rhythmic adequate impossible. Will they now admit that as a direct result of his county tax credits, millions of working families are low income will be worse off . First albany comment on the unemployment figures. Shes right theres mixed messages. Its disappointing that the claimant count has gone up having fallen for so many months in a row. Is told at the lowest level since 1975 a longterm unemployment is down, youth unemployment is down. The rate of employment for women is set a new record high, and interestingly when you look across the last year you can actually see all of the rise in implement in the last year has been people working fulltime. Interestingly in light of the debates we had in the last parliament, wages are up by 3. 2 in these figures compared with the inflation figures yesterday that 40. In terms of the budget i remember her ask me from the dispatch box making the point that reform and welfare would not work unless the increased minimum wages by a quarter. I can tell if we are not going to. We are increasing them by a third for the National Living wage. [shouting] he is refusing to accept the fact which is being clearly established by the institute for fiscal studies that the minimum wage increase will not compensate for his cut in tax credits and that takes me to another claim the Prime Minister made about the budget. He said that he would protect the most vulnerable. Well, you are obviously vulnerable to get the conditions like parkinsons or youre being treated for cancer. But changes in the budget mean that the support people like that will get will be cut from 100 pounds, the 70 pounds. We agree that the deficit needs to come down. What kind of government is it that thinks the way to do that is to get people who through no fault of their own are suffering from life the debilitating illnesses. Thats what is budget is doing. Let me give her that they could get a family with two children where both parents work full time on the minimum wage, they will be better off by 2020 by a full 5500 pounds. I dont think the Party Opposite has fully grasped the importance of this nation living wage. They bought an election on a path by the next election but its going to be over nine pounds by the next election because of the action of this government. She wants to ask questions about welfare, and i welcome what she said. She said this week we wont oppose the welfare bill we wont oppose the housing benefit cap. She said we wont oppose restricted benefits and tax credits for people with three or more children. I welcome that. What a pity the rest of her party doesnt agree with there. She asked specifically about employment and support allowance and i think this is important we get this right to the are two groups unemployment and support allowed, the support group will continue to get extra money, more than on jobseekers allowance and will continue to get that for as long as they need. In terms of future claimants into work related activity group, existing claimants keep exact existing amount of money but for new payments i think its right they should get the same amount as job seekers out loud and then get all the help that we do the job seekers to help them into work. People asked why. I will tell you. We want to get people into work. We want to give people a chance. We want to give people a life. Thats what this budget was all about. [shouting] he talks about new claimants but it dont think he understands the reality of the situation because a lot of these people, a lot of these people are in and out of work because they want to work but they can only work intermittently. Every time to go back into work when they come out of work they will be treated as a new claim it. Quite frankly mr. Speaker, i dont need to be sorry mr. Speaker, quite frankly i dont need to be about not understanding the minimum wage. We introduced it. And the fact of the matter [shouting] and the fact of the matter is 3 million families will be at least 1000 pounds a week worse off. A year, a year. The minister was on the radio this morning talking about [shouting] the minister was on the radio talking about Party Funding sing government curb on trade unions donations were not an attack on working people and the labour party. But it doesnt look that way. Theres an issue about the money and politics but its got to be done fairly. So will the Prime Minister commit that he will not go ahead with these changes unless its on a cross party basis . Will he include the issue of individual donation cap . Its not acceptable for him to be curbing funds to hardworking people to the labour party while turning a blind eye to donations from hedge funds to the tories. Finally mr. Speaker, we see were all these questions were going. The labour party can go round and round and round but it always comes back to the trade unions. [shouting] let me answer all the questions that she asked. First of all on the National Living wage if the labour party is so keen on a why did he vote against it in the budget last night . Second of all, on employment and support allowance the number of people coming off a jobseekers allowance is more than seven times the number of people have come up in capacity since 20. We want help to get these people back to work. She asked about the issue of trade Union Funding for the labour party. I think thats a very simple principle. If you want to give money to a party, should be an act of free will. Not something that is taken out of your pay packet without you being told about it properly. If this wasnt happening in the trade unions the labour party would be saying this was appalling ms. Seliger to do is time for consumer protection. What is there such a blind spot even with the honorable lady when it comes to the trade union paymasters . There is no simple principle. There is a simple principle which is it must be fair. What hes doing is its one rule for the labour party for something completely different for the tories. To be democratic about this the Prime Minister must not just acting interest of the tory party. Instead of helping working he spent his time breaking the rules of the game. Now he wants to go even further attack the rights of working people to have a say about fair pay and conditions. Thats on top of already having changed the rule to gag charities and trade unions from speaking out. The Prime Minister says he wants to govern for one nation but instead he is just governing in the interest of the tory party. The law for Company Donation was changed years ago. Trait genes have been left untouched but the principle should be the same. Whoever youre giving money to it should be an act of free will. It should be a decision that you have to take. That money shouldnt be sequestered away from you without being asked. Mr. Speaker today weve seen it all. I thought she was the modern one and the leadership contenders are the ones who were heading off to the left. What we heard from them, because everything went of our antistrike laws, oppose everything went over welfare changes, some of them described terrorist groups like hamas as their friends. Mr. Speaker, in a week when were finding out more about Political Risk likely to to colonize the red planet. [shouting] finding out more about pluto thank you very much mr. Speaker. On monday two men were tragically killed in an in dash of explosion in my constituency. The families are devastated and the thoughts everyone is with them and their friends and colleagues of the two workers. Emergency services worked tirelessly and investigations are ongoing. Will the Prime Minister join me in expressing our deepest sympathy and assuring the relevant house government is all they can to support my constituents at this difficult time . This is a very sad case and i will certainly join my friend and send them my condolences and all those in this house to family and friends of the two. It will be a difficult time for the family. No words can do justice to the loss felt by those affected understand the Emergency Service or continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding this incident to get to the bottom of what happened. There will need to be a proper investigation and proper answers for these families. Rape is a horrific time. Crime. The department in the governments budget have been asked to and i quote develop protections for women who have a third child as a result of rape or other exceptional circumstances under the Prime Ministers plans to restrict child benefits, two children commuters. Can the Prime Minister explain how this will work . We are happy to look very closely at issues like this because there is no intention to penalize people who have been treated in this way. But the principle, the principle we are applying is a principle i think set out very clearly by the right honorable lady the leader of the labour party when she said this come anything she puts it extremely well. When i was going around the country talking specifically to women, so often they would say weve got one child, we got one child, we would love to another the witches cant afford it. They are working hard and theyre treated unfairly other people can have families they would love to have. Weve got to listen to the. I think the right honorable lady was absolutely right. Is something all of us here but, of course, in cases like those he raises will have to look carefully to make sure we look after them. Rape is one of the most underreported series of crimes in the uk. It is believed 85 of the victims of rape do not confirm that to anyone for a bright and very, very understandable reasons. Women against rape said the following, asking women to disclose very difficult information and expecting them to be able to prove it in what is frankly a very hostile environment when the dwp is trying to take their money away will have appalling consequences. Can urge the Prime Minister to look again and to think again about what impact his proposals will have on rape victims speak was i ken fischer the right honorable gentleman because he is reading from the budget a book that sets out this issue and the fact that we do need to look very carefully and think about and make sure we get it right. At the same time im sure he would welcome what was in the budget about investing in womens refuges and Rape Crisis Centers to make sure that we look after people who have been suffering such an appalling crime. My right honorable friend has indicated over the weekend that he would like to see greater use made of in the fight against terrorism. But is he aware that for every terrorist taken out by drone between five and 10 innocent civilians, especially women and children, lose their lives . Will be accepted as we seek to win hearts and minds in this conflict against the evils of terrorism we need to bear in mind this affect . Of course we always had to think very carefully before we act but the rules of engagement of both britain and america and follow our to limit Collateral Damage to the absolute minimum. If hes asking me should britain give up the idea of using the drones in extremists to take a people that are threatening our country and terrorism on our street, i would say very firmly know. But i would Say Something to that im sure we both agree with, which is a second general secretarygeneral ban kimoon, and ms. Up until Good Governance that it is good and strong governments that can kill terrorism. [inaudible] all places synonymous with the use of the ira with explosives applied by the Libyan Government to maim and murder thousands of innocent people in the United Kingdom. The American Government has secured compensation from the libyans for the victims of statesponsored terrorism in light of the recent political agreement and libya with the Prime Minister now commit to present the case for uk victims of statesponsored libyan terrorism to be given compensation as well . First of all let me commend the honorable gentleman for raising this issue time and time again that hes right to do so. The fact is it was libbey an syntax that was userfriendly could still be being used by ira groups because it was so much but delivered by colonel gadhafi and his hateful regime. Yes, we have raised with the Libyan Government and the past this issue try to seek compensation and went there is a Libyan Government, does not yet won a place we will certainly raise it again. Last week thousands of my constituents, millions of londoners and business to london were inconvenienced by the [inaudible] they will welcome a government published proposals for changes to trade union rules, but what my right honorable friend go further and actually stick state to the south and the people of this country that strikes an essential services should absolutely the last resort and not a negotiating tactic . Shopvacs. I think the whole country will agree with my honorable friend these should only ever be a last resort when it comes to the services the people people driving the strength of wellpaid, getting a pay rise and the chance of a bonus. I think it is absolutely right we publish this trade union bill today and we take these important steps, that we say there, strikes should not go ahead unless theres a 50 turnout and in essential services there should be an additional threshold of 40 support for the strike. I know the Party Opposite will not like this but the fact is and to talk about threshold, people affected by this the fact is this. People affected by these strikes dont get to vote. That is why its right to have these thresholds and i think the whole country will see a labour party unduly in hock to the trade union and it was a conservative government wanting to solve this out for hardworking families. Could be Prime Minister wont be aware of the we saw in belfast this week where Police Officers were seriously injured and a 16 year old was hospitalized as a result of disgraceful violence related to brady. A car was driven intentionally into the protest grew. Will the Prime Minister join with me in calling for the loyal order to accept particularly those in engage in direct and meaningful dialogue and to reach an honorable solution to the dispute that exist there and hopefully other disputes around parading . First of all i agree with the honorable gentleman that the sorts of things are deeply damaging to northern irelands reputation and to their future. We all want to see the situation sorted out and not occur in the future. Overall this years fourth of july was overwhelmingly peaceful, peaceful celebration in most areas of northern ireland. I agree with him where its possible for people to get together and solve these problems of course that is the best thing that can happen. In the meanwhile, the Parade Commission need to be they are the ones that run the adjudication process. Can i welcome the recent enactment in the budget this government is pledging [inaudible] Medical Center my constituency waiting two years for the green light for the expansion. Can my right honorable friend arrive with an update regarding the progress of their bid . I think my honorable friend is right that the 8 billion effectively 10 billion you think of the 2 billion already put in for this parliament that is a real vote of confidence from this government into the nhs and money that will make a real difference. I know hes been campaigning to expedite the situation of the Medical Center the untold it is a priority development. I hope that can form part of the work would integrate a genuine 70 nhs 70s for people to access the nhs and always get the same level of high quality treatment. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Gp practices across sheffield serving patients with are threatened by the withdrawal of minimum practice and guarantee and a personal medical bring you. Will the Prime Minister as nhs England Review the impact of these decisions to ensure no practice should close and help Health Ministers to meet with me to see what can be done to support Effective Practice of . Im sure the sect for health and his team listen carefully and see they can speak to the honorable gentleman. Whats happening in the city is the number of gps is increasing. This year nhs a Sheffield Group is getting 780 Million Pounds which is an almost 2 increase out of town almost zero inflation. What we need to do is get the negotiations on this contract right. That means making changes over time but the contract has got to deliver the quality of patients deserve. The Prime Minister i know is aware of the tragic death of Corporal James dunphy, Lance Corporal and my constituent on a selection exercise two years ago this week. Yesterday a corner said of the death was a result of a series of gross and and a catalog of very serious mistakes by those involved in planning and running the exercise. Nothing can turn the clock back for the stomach but will he assure the Armed Service inquiry which will now get underway does everything it can to recognize a course so they can train the best armed forces want to bring whatever changes are made to prevent this never happened again and see those responsible are held to account because im sure i speak to the whole house and develop into an isil our hearts go out to the families of the three. Having seen first and 76 were there things our special forces to do and the bravery of people that volunteered to join and the training they do, i know how vital it is but its a tragic case to understand the m. O. D. Is accepted if it is, identified and has apologized for the to understand a number of changes have been made to this particular exercise but we now need to study the conclusions very, very carefully and make sure this cant possibly happen again. I know the army will also hold its own Service Inquiry essence all the civil investigation have been completed its a tragic case and we will learn from it. [inaudible] newport has 400 rossdale has a 780 at the constituencies of the Prime Minister, the chancellor and the home secretary have a grand total of only three. Is this a fair and efficient way to locate asylumseekers . I believe are operating the the dispersal system is in what it was operated from a years under the last Labour Government but i will look very carefully at the points he makes. [inaudible] oldest recording down in britain, also the Fastest Growing unemployment count is down 57 since 2010 but we want to go for the. Does my right honorable friend agree there is much needed investment and local road and rail infrastructure, can we get things moving . Let me welcome my honorable friend to the house and i remember campaigning with him how much he talked about the importance of these infrastructure schemes. Thats why weve asked network rail to look at the options because we want to deliver reduce time. Weve approved a series of major upgrades that are vital and im sure now that he is speaking of we will be able to do more. The secretary of transport has refused to say when he first told of the Prime Minister that they electrification of the lines couldnt go ahead. Theres huge concern about my constituency and across the north. Was the Prime Minister told about this before the general election, yes or no . I was told about after the election. As we said that before but the point is that when you do everything that we can to get to the bottom of the overspending and the engineering difficulties that are. Frankly, weve committed far some someone a 38 Million Pounds program in terms of rail and i think instead of griping and taking these grievances allows should get behind this program and make sure we get on with it. With the threat level at an unprecedented high, with my right honorable friend 2 gdp of the Defense Budget that we will to fund frontline forces as constituents asked me to ask Prime Minister . I think my honorable friend is right. Because we made the pledge in our manifesto that there be no further reductions in Armed Services numbers, and i think thats right. With a visit to present him with the extra commitment we are making throughout this parliament we can now have a strategic defense and security review that looks at options for how to make this country even safer. The way the chancellor of the defense secretary have set it up is to make sure we include in this looking at options for counterterrorism, for intelligence and security as well as defense assets to make sure we do everything we can at this time of heightened security to keep a britain is safe. A combination of changes made to the state pension in 1995 and 2011 will mean that many women born in the 1950s will not have the kind of retirement that they hoped for. Given a senior Civil Servants and the judges and even members of Parliament Within 10 years of the normal retirement pay cut their pensions protected from is the time for the Prime Minister to look again at this group of women to make sure that they have fairness in the system . What i would say to the honorable gentleman, i looked her up at the question you ask it is right to raise the pension age, one of the most important longterm changes that enables us to go on paying very generous pension. It has enabled us to the triple lock because the triple lock means the pension will always go up but earnings are 2. 5 whatever is at the lowest. If you go down the path that he is suggesting of not changing the pension age, pretty soon you find you cant pay proper attention to that is always the labour way. You take the easy way out. You dont the difficult decisions and then you cant pay. Is my right honorable friend aware that 120,000 europeans 140,000 noneuropeans in this country and 2013 . Does he agree that the uk government has to control the number of migrants . Yes, i do and that is why we took so much action in the last parliament to cut net migration from outside the European Union. Augusta inside the European Union there is a the freedom to go and work in another european country. One of the reasons were focusing on the welfare issue is of the people who come from europe to the United Kingdom 60 of them are jobseekers, not people already with a job. To our proposal of saying you wont get benefit for the First Six Months of being here committed another job after six months you have to go and get debate into the system before you get out of the system. Those will make a real difference. Thank you very much, mr. Speaker. My constituent is the home care oncall six days a week or shoe works every single our constants but needs tax credits to help make ends meet with the Prime Minister be honest and admit with even higher minimum wage cut tax credits will make her worse off a . There will be care workers happened in the country who are currently on the minimum wage and getting no more than fat who will benefit not least from the 50 p. Increase in the National Minimum wage of a National Living wage that will happen straight away next year. We are only able to do this because we are cutting taxes for working people cutting taxes for business, making welfare affordable and introducing a National Living wage. Let the whole house focus on this. Last night the labour party voted against the National Living wage. Put that on your leaflets. [shouting] youth unemployment in worcester over the last two years is down twothirds from its peak under labour. With this one nation government investing in a partnerships by half, with the Prime Minister back my longterm plan and have 15,000 apprenticeships a year by 2020 . First of all let me thank my honorable friend probably does to support apprenticeships. I think there are 4490 have been created since 2010 but hes right to say the challenge of the fugitive are going to the number of apprentices and the quality of apprenticeships thats what it is right to introduce a levy on larger firms so that they get the money back if they invest in apprenticeships but i have to put up to do. I think i will be one of the key ways we achieve our goal of 3 million apprentices in this parliament. Last but not least sir michael spent if this is such a great economic recovery, why are wage is still 6 below the precrisis level of seven years ago . Why the growth rate and less court and your. 4 . What is productivity been flat for five years of . What is uk investment in a proportion of gdp one of the lowest in the world . [shouting] and what is the balance of payment of trade in goods now in deficit by 100 billion pounds a year . If you want to know why, two words. Ask gordon. [shouting] [laughter] but if he wants to know them if he wants to know whats actually happening in our economy let me tell him. The deficit has been speeded order, mr. Mcdonald, calm yourself, man. Take some sort of soothing medicine. You will find it soothing. The deficit is down by half. Weve seen the fastest growth of any major advance become in 2014. We grew by 3 last year. Economy is 10 bigger than when i became Prime Minister. They are 2. 2 million more people in work and just today you can see inflation at zero, wages growing by over 3 5 cut in gas prices for 7 million customers. I would call that a longterm economic plan that is working. [shouting] added to that, just this week was introduced a national National Living wage come build an welfare system that rewards work cutting taxes for working people. That is a conservative Party Standing up for working people and a living on the one nation agenda. [shouting] order. [shouting] you have been watching Prime Ministers questions. On the cspan. Org you can find other British Public affairs programs. Monday night on the communicators, we will speak with Information Age columnist gordon on why he thinks that washington is a danger zone for innovation. I think if you go back to earlier technologies like telephone and railroad of regulated as common carriers and regulators set prices and terms and rules. We all know what happened. There was very little innovation in railroad and 14 and telephone television were deregulated trucking and telephone until they were deregulated. It was very clear that the u. S. Was falling behind. That was the backdrop for the bipartisan consensus in the 90s that the internet would be different. This would be the clinton administration. A clear consensus, democrats and republicans, but unlike earlier technologies the internet would be largely unregulated. Monday night at 8 00 eastern on the communicators, on cspan2. Cspan gives you the best access to congress. Live coverage of the u. S. House press conferences, bringing new events that should public policy. And every morning washington journal is live with your comments. Cspan drama created by americans Cable Companies and brought he was a Public Service by cspan, created by americas Cable Companies and brought to you was a Public Service. Next room Hillary Clinton at a town hall in New Hampshire. And then janet yellen before the Banking Committee. And it is definitely iran nuclear agreement. A discussion of the iran nuclear agreement. On thursday Hillary Clinton spoke in New Hampshire about her corporate Profit Sharing plan. This is 90 minutes. Wow. We will have to adjust the microphone a little bit. I was everybody doing this afternoon how is everybody doing this afternoon . [cheering] george a lot of you do not know me. I am a former commissioner. I want to thank you for coming out and we all know why we are here but i wanted to take a minute and talk if i could about dover and the special police it plays in the clintons lives. You know, this is the first town hall in New Hampshire for hillary. [cheering] and i cannot think of a better place to do it. How about you, do you agree with me . [applause] george one of the things i wanted to mention, i was told to mention a lot of things that i am not going to do that. That long History History is the only thing we have to rely on when we dont elect the president. Go to elect the president. President. I want to tell you that through my experience in the last 40 years of being in the public light i have never had a group of individuals like the clintons who worked hard for the middle class throughout their entire lives. [applause]. So hillary is here today to talk about economic growth. She is here to talk and take your questions regarding our economy and you know we had this whole promise here in america and that promise is that if we all work hard, and we play by the rules, that we can get ahead. For the few folks who dont know me ive run a business for 40 years. I run a poor mans marina here in dover. I can tell you that the old saying that a rising tide floats all boats, i can tell you that the greatest expansion in peace time since world war ii is during the time that the clintons from arkansas occupied the white house [applause]. I dont know about you but in dover we are still members of the workingclass and middleclass families and we need an ally. We need an ally in the white house. They wont forget where they came from and i can tell you you have my word, that, that they have never forgotten where they came from. [applause]. So as i mentioned earlier a rising tide, im in the boat business so i know this, rising tide floats all boats, we need a new rising tide in america and its my privilege to introduce you that person will bring that tide. Hillary rodham clinton, the next president of the United States [applause]. Thank you, thank you. Thank you all very much [applause]. Thank you all so much. Thank you wow. Thank you very much george and i do have a really soft spot in my heart for dover. There are a lot of young people here which im thrilled to see. It looks like some of them werent born in 1992, the first time i came to dover, but i remember it so well. Thank you for gathering today on this beautiful summer day for this town hall. Right before i came in i was told that the Dover Babe Ruth under 16 Girls Softball Team just won the state [applause]. I played softball a long time ago. The last team i played on in high school was sponsored by the local candy distributor and the candy distributor got to name the team that he sponsored so we were the good and plenty. [laughter] he kindly suggested that we wear a uniform that correspond to the color of the candy. Black, white and pink. Remember . We did. Im especially pleased that that team is now at regionals and i wish them well. I hope today to talk to about the economy and hear from you on that issue or anything else that might be on your mind. Some of you may know that i gave a speech this past monday about what is at the center of my economic agenda and that is raising income for the American People. [applause]. Making the middle class mean something again. Helping people who are stretched so thin with their budget be able to meet their daily a expenses and save for the future. This is the worst fiscal crisis since the Great Depression in america. It took a lot of hard work for people to pull themselves out of the ditch we were in. It also took good leadership from a democratic president and i believe i believe pres. Obama doesnt get the credit he deserves for digging us out of that ditch. You know, in fact there is a pattern here. We have had, have had, in the last 35 years, five president s. Each of the democratic president s inherited problems. Economic economic and other problems but focusing just on the economy, from their predecessor. I remember very well when right after the election my president s said to be that deficit is a lot worse than they told us. I remember meeting with president elect obama about a week after he won and he was asking me to be secretary of state and he started by saying you know, the economy is a lot worse than they told us. We know it takes a lot of hard work to get the economy moving again. As you heard george say, im very proud that during my Husbands Administration we did have the longest peacetime economic expansion in american history, 23 million new jobs. Im very proud that now pres. Obama and the hard work of the American People reversed losing 800,000 jobs a month. We recovered more than 12000 jobs. Were on the right track. Were were standing but were not running yet. Its going to be up to the next president figure out how we take the game of the two terms of president obama and build a Strong Foundation for raising income for hardworking americans. That is what i want to do. Ill tell you what the contrast is because thats what this election, in many ways, will will be about. Everybody running on the other side has a different economic philosophy. They really still believe that if you cut taxes on the wealthy if you lift regulation on corporations that somehow Economic Activity will trickle down to all the rest of us. Well, we have tried that. We. We tried it and it didnt work. You know the old saying, fool me once shame on you, for me twice shame on me. We are going to have a big debate in this campaign about what Economic Policy to follow. I think its very important to be engaged and the as informed as you possibly can. Theres no place more important to do that than right here in New Hampshire. Thats why on monday, i laid out a three strategy for strong growth. I dont think you can have growth or fairness you have to have both. The way we do that the way we do that is getting back to basics. Of course there will be a lot of important recommendations that i will be making throughout this campaign about what worked, what the evidence about what works is and how we can hopefully Work Together to implement those and give us a good middleclass lifestyle and we were able to realize the basic bargain in america where you work hard and you get your reward. You do hope that your children will do even better than you. That is what we have to restore. When it comes to fair grov there are a lotw of things that we have to do like raise the minimum waget and enforce laws like overtime. Make sure we finally did women for equal pay for equal work. [applause] [speaking in native tongue] and i am going to say this is not just a womens issue Hillary Clinton this is an economic issue. This hurts the Small Business and found that does not get enough customers because people cannot afford what they are selling. So when i talk about work, i really mean that that is a Growth Strategy as well as a fairness strategy. The more that we equalize what people are according to their own effort, the better off we will be. On the longterm strategy we have to make investments that will grow the economy and research and development in infrastructure. It is just beyond my understanding that we are having a partisan battle in congress over funding infrastructure. We are in a global competition. Other countries are investing in infrastructure. And i do not just mean the physical infrastructure, as important as that is. Roads and airports and bridges. I also mean the virtual infrastructure. We need to get affordable broadband to every place in the country just as we got electricity to every place in the country in an earlier time. [applause] now, theyre is one particular issue i want to talk about. I reallyi really think our corporations are missing a big bet. Because credible studies quite a number of them actually got through that profitsharing with your employees is good for the employees, good for the businesses, good for the economy. Ii want to incentivize more companies to do just that. We havewe have some great examples are New Hampshire. One you are familiar with. You know market baskets provide profitsharing for employees who work more than a thousand hours a year. For both fulltime and parttime employees. Ii am pretty proud of that and think that it makes Good Business sense. And what you here from companies that you no what, this increases productivity, loyalty of employees. It gives you a bond with your employees. They will work harder, look for more things to do to improve what is going on in the stores. That is just common sense. Treat someone like to have a stake in your business and they will stand up straighter, work a little harder, make a difference. A difference. Theyre is another company here in portsmouth pack world investments. And joe started this company as an Investment Company and is also a big believer in profitsharing. He provides profitsharing to his employees. So i want us to try to convince more companies to do just that. I am proposing a rising income sharing profit tax credit that would encourage more companies to provide profitsharing by giving those companies a 15 percent tax credit of the amount of the profitsharing for two years to get that started and to see that it works like so many of the other companies that already do it [applause] you know, i think that by providing examples and incentives and comparing what works to what does work just like economic policies that work and dont work corporate policies that work and dont work we have got to do a better job using information as a tool for changing corporate behavior the purpose. Itit is a big part of what we can begin to implement when im president. And i believe that if we do more of that we will send a very stronga very strong signal. I we will have more to say about corporate purpose next week about we need to get businesses back looking after there employees and there customers and there communities and our country notcountry, not just their executives and shareholders. Theyre has got to be [applause] theyre has got to be a recognition that there is more in it for all of us if we do it like that. And soand so therefore i am going to be presenting a lot of plans that i hope will find favor 1st with voters and then as president with those who i am going to try to influence by incentivizing but eventually by changing laws if that is what it takes so that we have more have an economic approach that reflects how lucky businesses are to be operating in the United States of america with all the we provide the support we give, the rule of law that is part of our National Economic climate in the forward it to work more as partners and not have an adversary relationship

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