This deal . Do you support it . Are you opposed . You can also send us a tweet. Or tell us what you think on race book. Com the phone lines are open so start dialing in. Atlanta journalconstitution says here are the details those are some of the details of the Iran Nuclear Deal. What do you think, should congress support or oppose the president on this . Christina peterson talks about the review process by congress. Lets begin with yesterday and the initial reaction from Republican Leadership who control both the house and the senate floor agenda. Guest Republican Leaders made very clear yesterday that they are not going into this with great optimism, that this will be a deal they can support. They were sharply critical of announcing justin that upon further expansion inspection if the deal is what they think it is, they will try hard to block it. Host how would they do that much . Guest the bill has 60 days in congress for review and by the end of that which will probably be when they return from their august recess, they are likely to take some type of boat. Leadership can decide whether that will be a vote to approve the deal or to disapprove of the deal. That is a decision they get to make and will influence what happens on capitol hill. Most likely, it looks like they would bring up a vote to disapprove the deal. It would be a joint resolution of disapproval. That would have to first clear the hurdle of getting 60 votes in the senate to pass. It will likely be easier for such a measure to pass in the house. And the president could the toe that if veto that. Were that to happen, it would come back to congress and the question would be whether there were enough votes to sustain the president s veto override it. Host lets begin with before we get to that point of a possible veto. Are there enough democrats on the residents side on this . Guest its a little tricky to tell. Democrats were very cautious yesterday. Most of them said they wanted time to study the review and talk to experts we expect there to be hearings on capitol hill. Very few people gave their outright support yesterday. But it seems particularly in the senate that its tough to imagine there being enough votes to override a veto. It is a bigger question about whether there would be 60 votes to pass a resolution of disapproval in the first place. Host Vice President joe biden is coming to capitol hill today to talk to lawmakers. Is he meeting with just democrats . Guest yes, from what i know so far, i believe its House Democrats. Certainly on the senate side im sure there will be other Administration Officials reaching out. The Vice President has been calling lawmakers already. He spoke with senator chris coons on tuesday. The president was reaching out to lawmakers monday night ahead of this deal being officially announced. The administration is definitely getting into sales pitch mode to convince lawmakers this is a deal they want to support. Host what does this do, if anything, to the monthlong recess . Guest i have heard different there is about this. On the one hand, some people say having this review period stretch beyond the august research recess gives critics a chance to oppose the deal. I have also heard the idea that lawmakers go home and talk to their constituents and have other issues on their mind at home and when they come back there is a little less of this deep resistance that we hear right now from republicans maybe that softens over the recess. Its hard to tell exactly right now but they probably will be in a slightly different frame of mind and where they are this moment. Host thank you for laying it out for us this morning. What do you think . Buffalo, new york, you support the deal, tell us why . Caller i support whatever the president does because he is our president and we should all respect and listen close to what our president says. Host so you give him deference because of his office . Caller because of his decisionmaking, i think he is an intelligent man and i think is america he has americas best interest at heart. Host houston, texas, you oppose, why question mark caller its because people are saying, like the president said, he will veto it. How can you say that when you have so many people opposed to it . All the people i have listened to i trust what they say. They say its a bad deal. I dont believe the president is thinking of the best interest of the United States of america. Thats my thought. Host you said everyone youre listening to, who are you listening to . Caller yesterday, i listened to there were 10 democrats, 10 republicans on national tv yesterday on cspan. The ones that are saying it are saying it is not a good deal because of all the things that we are giving back to these people. Right as we say this, an agreement is made and they are hollowing they are hollering in the background to kill americans. What is the purpose here . Why would we make a deal with someone who hates america . Host the president says this is a way to expose iran to western ideas, democracy and have the iranian people see more of the outside world and the way you cannot deal with a country and make them change if they are contained in isolated, that this is an opening. Now that youve got the Nuclear Weapon issue of the table, you have room now and a connection to do with iran. Host i understand all that. Are we going to be able to stop them from making a nuclear bomb to kill us . They will suffer from this if the bomb threat is continued. Host take a look at usa today people say that this now stalls a breakout period, the time in which they can get to a Nuclear Weapon. It will take them 23 months right now but under this agreement, it would take them one year. Woodbridge virginia, democrat, you support . Caller i support the president because like the gentleman said, he is our president. The point is, war is not the answer to everything. We make peace with their enemies. We dont make peace with someone we love. You make peace with your enemies. We went in there and took out Saddam Hussein and look what happened . Look what happened in libya. They wanted us to go into syria and take assad out . Host what do you say to people who say iran has always cheated and they will continue to cheat and you cannot trust them . Caller yes, you can trust them. Thats why we have the monitors over there. We have to be there 24 7 and monitor them. We cannot let them get away with it. Once you put the pen to the paper, they signed for it, everything is on the table. They cannot decide to back away from it. The whole world will support the United States on this. Right now, lets go for peace. Host mississippi, are you opposed . Caller yes, maam. Host you are on the air. Caller yes maam. Host go ahead. Caller i oppose it because we never should have went over there and started talking peace with them to begin with. All obama done is let them have everything open it wide open, and who knows if they dont already have Nuclear Capabilities . Like they said, china russia, they will be standing on their heels to get over there themselves with all kind of weapons. They can buy them because we will let it go back to them. We shouldve left alone left it alone. Like everything he does, he goes to our enemies and tries to make these make peace and we dont get nothing. Host ok, chicago, you support the president . Caller good morning, yes, i do. My message to congress is i hope they have the moral courage and decency to support this agreement and not oppose it just because president obamas name is attached to it. I saw last night coverage of the iranian people take to the streets in celebration after the deal was signed. They were raising up the american lack, not burning it and they were chanting death to no one, long live life. That is a take step in our relationship with iran. It is only a beginning step and it should go much further. We should have peaceful relations with iran. Host take a look at the front page of the Washington Times that with the dateline on the screen from the iranian people as the president was speaking. What are your thoughts on this . What is your message for congress but to mark they have two months to review this deal to either supported or opposed this and want to know what your message to congress is on this. Take a look at what harry reid had to say [video clip] the document is 100 pages long and my staff is not read it and i have not read it and i talked to the president last night and i think what i will do and i recommend this to all senators, lets look at what we have. I have a broad outline of the agreement i want to find out what will transpire at the hearings. The republicans said they will hold these hearings and we will have briefings in the white house that will be extensive. I will wait and see. Host one of those hearings will be taking place before the Senate Foreign relations committee. The Foreign Relations Committee Chairman is bob corker, republican of tennessee, and he, yesterday, came before the cameras and had this to say. [video clip] i would say the agreement has taken a downward trend. The arms and bargo issue, the conventional arms embargo will be lifted in five years missile defense, Missile Development in eight years, we will have the issue of anytime, anywhere is not that way. There are number 60 days, we are going to go through this in great detail. We will have a awful and deliberate process. Might guess based on timing as we will have hearings in the next two or three weeks and likely, what we will do is vote on this when we return from recess. I am very skeptical but i want to go for the process and make sure we fully understand what it is we are voting on. Those who believe that this truly is going to keep iran from getting a Nuclear Weapon will vote for it. Those who believe that that is not the case and the world is not going to be safer and in some ways it may pave the way for them to get a Nuclear Weapon, will vote against it. That is our responsibility i look forward to carrying out those responsibilities with other members of the senate and the house. Host the chairman of the Foreign Relations committee laying it out for congress. They have 60 days now to look it over and he said they will probably vote on this when they return from their august recess. We are asking you to send a message to congress on this. Do you support it or oppose the nuclear deal . This is the whip list. There are for sure five yeses from the democrats in the senate and those are the names. There are 11 democrats leaning yes. Youve got one democrat who has said no and that is robert menendez, the former ranking democrat of the Foreign Relations committee. He had to step down under an ethics investigation. These are the undecided democrats, 29 of them. There are 21 republicans saying no and they think its a bad deal. You also heard from the 2016 gop contenders saying the same thing yesterday. You do have some republicans leaning no what is your message to your members of congress on this . Owings mills, maryland democrat, do you support it . You are on the air. I will give you one more chance. Danny in frankfurt connecticut you oppose, good morning. Are you there . Whats going on here . Lets move on to rich in south end, indiana. You support it as a democrat . Caller good morning, the alternative is war. How many body bags do you want coming home from iran . That is the alternative is war. Host why the you say that the alternative . What about the economic sentience sanctions . Caller it didnt work. When bush became president , they had a handful of sub of centrifuges. Now they have 50,000 . You have verifiable treaty or you have a war. Does the American Public want a fourth war in the middle east in the past 25 years . That is the alternative. Host all right, the number of centrifuges is from the Washington Post. We will hear from joyce next in kokomo, indiana, you opposed this, good morning. Caller good morning, i dont believe we should make a deal with them. They cannot be trusted. Its the same as its always been. They support terrorism and i dont think its a good deal. I dont think its good for our country and its not good for. Israel host joel in texas, you support it, why is that . Caller i supportive because im tired of seeing our American Kids dying over there. Theres people who dont want to fight for their country. You have these republicans running for office, none of them have ever been in the military none of them. Im a vietnam veteran and their children have not thought. You look at walker, hes got lots of children. You look at bush, hes got all his children. Why arent they fighting for this country . Its pretty pathetic to watch them out there and having the war drums eating and supports of these kind of wars. What is the other option . War . Im tired of it and im 74 years old. Ive never seen a time in my life when there is no war thats pretty pathetic you to be 74 years old and think act from the Second World War and waking up at night and seeing my house mom from nightmares, i can still visualize it. To see these people every year with war, you cannot tell me a time there was not a war. That is pathetic and none of these people will die for our country. Im tired of protecting the trump towers and is rich in powerful people that are not willing to give up their lives. Thats what so pathetic. This is the best deal you will get and if you want to blow the place up number you will see the iranis stream into iraq. You will see an outbreak of war there that you cannot imagine. Who will fight it . The working poor. Give me a break. Its pretty pathetic in iraq that we could not get enough people to join the military. We had to pay 10,000 bonuses to these kids. I want to know how many of these kids are over there. How many of those kids have their legs and arms blown off . This is how pathetic the Republican Party is. Host ken in alexandria virginia, good morning. Caller i am for peace. We teach our children to turn away and turn the other cheek and not. Fight there is absolutely no interest except private interest in congress when it comes to war. It is appalling they would not give the president the support that he needs to open up our hands and peace. They are human beings, too. All the middle east stuff we lose more people here every year to murder and violence by our own hand and we ever have to a terrorist or middle eastern group. I wholeheartedly support piece and anybody thats against peace just want war. Thats unfortunate. Host we want to get your take on the nuclear deal and what your messages to congress. Should they support or oppose it . They have two months ago over and we will talk with two members of congress coming up about this. We will begin with errol issa, republican of california who sits on the Foreign Affairs subcommittee on the middle east and north africa and then we will go to the senate side and talk to maryland democrat senator ben cardin who is the top democrat on the Foreign Relations committee in that chamber. We will get two different perspectives and take your comments and questions on this this morning. We will continue here with your message to congress. Do you support . Or do you oppose . Here are two different takes. We will begin with the globe and mail then you have this also in your newspaper this morning, the miami herald president obama is now on a Public Relations blitz to unite republicans on capitol hill and will call lawmakers and continue to do so himself personally. He will send his team as well up there, secretary of state champ john kerry and Energy Secretary are expected to go to capitol hill in the next few days and fill in the blanks for members of congress while they continue to read this more than 100 pages of a nuclear deal. Christine in texas, independent, you oppose . Tell us why. Caller yes, like you just mentioned, having the ability to go in and inspect if they feel they see something thats not right they might suspect that there is something being done that should not be done. Well, in the deal, as i understood it, listening to the committee that was speaking on it earlier in the program there is too much red tape. By the time the inspectors would go through the paperwork of them opposing and all this nonsense, they would have ample time to go ahead and hide or make it disappear if they were doing something that was against the agreement. That is one thing that needs to be looked at. I am not sure what the whole deal is but from what i gathered watching your program of the committee speaking with the ambassador and a couple of other gentleman asking questions about what was in the deal, there were a couple of things that need to be tweaked and have to be cleared. Also, lifting the sanctions and allowing the money to flow back into that country it finances terrorists. There is no question about that. Its ridiculous and not and thats another point not to address in the Government Department that deals with killing americans and suppressing their own and making them the under their regime that has to be addressed. There are other aspects that were not addressed that have to be addressed. It opened the door for us americans to have a conversation or get you an agreement. It does open the door and thank goodness for that. But the deal has to be tweaked. Host lets talk about economic viability for iran. Take a look at the Washington Post bake go through what each leader wanted and what they got. The paper this morning is talking about irans oil and what that will do to the oil market. Here is usa today take a look at the wall street journal many people believe the iranian people, especially the unemployed will welcome this and hope for a Better Future there. The Financial Times says it will take a while for the newspaper this morning for iran to see economic prosperity. Robert in nashville, tennessee go ahead caller my understanding is when bush was in office, they walked away from a negotiation about this when i ran at 100 know, when hundred centrifuges and now they have 19,000. So the republicans seem to be incredibly hypocritical in their criticism of obama. Obama is trying to come back around and fix the mess that was left because of the air against of bush and being israels lapdog. There is a lot of hypocrisy here too, for example, this bit of israel has Nuclear Weapons, but they wont let anyone come in and inspect them. So, you know, you have to look at the other side and think about how iran feels and if they feel threatened. So, i support this. I have voted many times republican. But im very disappointed with the Republican Leadership and to their air against. I think they need to realize that they are their constituents are not on board with their complete support of everything that israel does. I support the state of israel, but im concerned about their democracy and not allowing in other was, if if host robert. Some say that they will defend themselves against iran, so there is, you know, guest israel caller israel says they had the right to defend themselves when they are blowing up 2200 people in gaza. This is just, you know, this is their excuse for everything. They have the right to defend themselves. Of course they have the right to defend themselves, but so does iraq. Host ok. That is robert in tennessee, his take on this. What is your message to congress on this Iran Nuclear Deal . This is spilling over to the 2016 president ial race, and Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state was a part of these negotiations, was up on capitol hill yesterday talking to democrats about her economic message. She did, for the cameras and talk to reporters about this Iran Nuclear Deal. Here is what she had to say. [video clip] Hillary Clinton having been part of the coalition that brought us to the point of this agreement, i think well have to immediately, upon completion of this agreement and its rigorous enforcement, look to see how we build a coalition to try to prevent and undermine irans bad behaviors in other arenas. I will be talking as soon as i leave you with the other secretaries of state and other National Security advisers to get more details. But as i say, i think this is an important step that puts the lid on Irans Nuclear program. And it will enable us then to turn our attention, as it must, to doing what we can with other partners in the region and beyond to try to prevent and contain irans other bad actions. As so, all in all, i think we have to look at this seriously every alley waited evaluated carefully, but based on what i know now, this is an important step. Host the former secretary of state up on capitol hill yesterday. She was there to talk about her economic message. She did address the nuclear deal there. Senator sanders also back to work up on capitol hill off of the campaign trail, he, too, talked about the nuclear deal. [video clip] Bernie Sanders i applaud the president , secretary kerry for their efforts in a very crazy and dangerous world to create an agreement with iran, which prevents iran from acquiring a Nuclear Weapon. This is a huge breakthrough. Obviously, the devil is in the details. We are going to study those details, but this is clearly a major step forward. Host senator sanders, you sow what Hillary Clinton had to say and what senator sanders had to say. Both buying for the democratic nomination. Take a look at what republicans were saying. Some messages on twitter. Lindsey graham saying this is the most dangerous irresponsible step i have seen in the history of watching the mideast. That the former Texas Governor rick perry, president obamas decision to sign a nuclear deal with iran is one of the most instructive foreignpolicy decisions in my lifetime. And the former pratt governor jeb bush the Nuclear Agreement with iran is a dangerous, deeply flawed, and short sighted deal. And ted cruz, Congress Must stop the deal that puts iran on the path toward a nuclear bomb. Scott walker from wisconsin, to ensure the safety of america and our allies the next president must restore bipartisan and International Support to irans legal program. Some of the reaction from the republican contenders. David in new york, a republican, you support, david. Good morning to you. Caller yes, good morning. Yes, i do support the agreement. It is the longest period of Critical Engagement with another country based on negotiations. And diplomatic brings men ship. It has led to a most comprehensive treaty that i have read in detailed in detail and i know every single aspect about it. As a chemistry professor, i understand most of the technical aspects of it. We havent given an inch to that government at any time that they do not comply with what they have agreed on, we can pull it back. However, this prevented having waged another unilateral war of aggression in that region. The past two have been very futile, not only for us in terms of human and capital costs, but also for the region. It is about time that the people of iran will finally be given an opportunity to achieve and for fill their longing for democracy reform, transparency, and apparent accountability. And through this, i certainly hope that iran could play a much more constructive role, true Critical Engagement with the u. S. And the west, to really once and for all well and quench isis which ironically, those who do mention iran having proxies in the region, they selectively fail to remind themselves that isis, al qaeda and the caliban and the likes are the types of terrorist organizations that are sponsored by our socalled ally, the uae qatar, and especially saudi arabia, through tens and tens of billions of dollars of expenditures. So that is where we have to draw the line. That is the major problem. As far as israel is concerned, i think after having tried to secure, rightly so, a seven country called israel while giving, you know, equitable rights to the socalled palestinians in the region, we should really once and for all tried to advocate for one country, one person, one vote, and have that entire region declared as one unified country that is not really just based. If it is a jewish state or Islamic State, it cannot be democratic because you put you know you basically say unless you are jewish or unless you are islamic, that youre not going to be entitled to democracy. Host all right, david. This is from the Washington Post, jeb bush, the florida former florida governor, attacks trumps trumps vitriol in part of iowa. And then the front page of the Washington Post has a lengthy piece this mining about scott walker, the wisconsin governor. Interested in scott walker fight out more about him, read the front page. Back to capitol hill, the highway funding will deal remains elusive. Lawmakers need to come to some sort of deal, a longterm one, or in other shortterm solution by the end of this month. The program is expiring at the end of july. Each chamber was cramming to build support then there is also this this morning in the papers, the usa today story out of new york, erica garners family receives 5. 9 million and is still pressing for charges. They found no cause to indict, but the family there urging that charges be brought. Back to your calls. What is your message to congress this morning on this nuclear deal . Scott in indiana, you oppose. Caller yes, thank you. Thank you for your time this morning. I think my message to congress if we really want to spread peace around the world, we are looking at selling Renewable Energies to these countries and green energy, as opposed to Nuclear Energy. We have overlooked fukushima and a nuclear pollution. Lets look away from Nuclear Energy and create positive democracy and the rest of the world. Host all right. Paul in san antonio. You support this. Paul, go ahead. Caller yes, i do. Good morning, greta, and thank you for taking my call. Like the last caller said, we need to get all countries away from the nukes. There has been a lot of hypocrisy between our tea party republicans, particularly between they keep saying that iran will be getting arms sold to them. They have been well known for supplying and selling arms for years. And they dont support this deal. I think this is a big case of hypocrisy. Host some other quick headlines for you. Obama calls for efforts to fix a broken system of criminal justice. The president was speaking tuesday, yesterday, in philadelphia to the naacp. He outlined changes he said congress should consider to the broken criminal justice system. We covered that. If you want to watch what he had to say you can go to our website, cspan. Org. He will be speaking thursday at an Oklahoma Detention Center talking more about that. Then also, this on the front page of the denver post. The first closeup of the dwarf planet, the new horizons spacecraft flies past pluto taking this photograph, which was released yesterday. Usa today also has the story on their front page. They say in the nearly 10 year wait, it paid off. A price take of 720 million. That is what the mission has caused. By the way, nasa will be talking more about this today at 3 00 p. M. Eastern time. You can go to our website and watch it there at 3 00 p. M. Eastern time, cspan. Org. Lets get another call in. New jersey, a republican, you support. Go ahead. Caller hello . Host good morning to you. Caller good morning, greta. I support the treaty and i just have a question for cspan and for the American Public. Where are we going to have a program for production of why israel has the right to have Nuclear Weapons and when outgoing have discussion about the lobby and how they influence congruence congress and always vote in favor of israel . Host you say always. We have had lawmakers on this show. They say i dont always support what they have to say. So are you making a blanket statement . Caller the question i have is when are you going to have a show on israel . And the crimes they have committed. You know, host ok. We have discussions about Foreign Policy on the show all the time. We are going to have a discussion taking a look at Nuclear Weapons, where they are in the world and who has them. We have done that in conversation, as well, here on the washington journal. And we will continue as congress is set to review this nuclear deal to continue to have that conversation. And you will see hearings on capitol hill. We will keep talking about this this morning and get different perspectives for you. We will first talk with republican representative darrell issa. He will give us his perspective on this. And how he plans to vote. And then later we will continue the discussion with senator ben cardin of maryland, the senior democrat. We will get to that right after this short break. Booktv is television for serious readers. Join us this saturday starting at 11 00 a. M. Eastern for our allday live day coverage of the harlem book fair. With author talks and Panel Discussions featuring historians and journalists. And on sunday, august 2, author and code pink cofounder medea benjamin. Saturday, september 5, we are live from the capital for the National Book festival celebrating its 15th year. Followed sunday with a live, indepth program with former second lady and senior fellow at the American Enterprise institute, lynne cheney. That is a few of the upcoming live programs on booktv. This weekend on cspans road to the white house two Major Political events from iowa. And the only place you can watch a lesson to these events in their entirety. Friday night, the Iowa Democratic party hell of a bidder. It will mark the first time that all five Democratic Candidates share the same stage. And allday saturday beginning at 11 00 a. M. Eastern we will be live for the family leadership summit, when i leading republican candidates are scheduled to speak. Id cspan, cspan radio, and cspan. Org. Cspans road to the white house 2016, we take you there. Washington journal continues. Host we want to about go will we want to welcome back to our table darrell issa. Congressman, your position on this nuclear iran deal. Guest i oppose it. This is one of those challenges where we have had more than three decades of this country not being trustworthy, and we now will have what appears to be a less than full capitulation. As i said in my brief statement when this came out, no country has ever abandoned its Nuclear Ambitions without agreeing to abandon its Nuclear Ambitions. This defined sort of a 10 year timeframe in which they will continue to have the material is it theoretically for peace of purposes, but this is a country with a single economy. And just to put a perspective on it a great oil expert in country, we understand that. They dont refine enough of their own oil to take care of their gas needs in country. So if you are going to be an investor and look at what iran should be investing in, Nuclear Energy or just being able to make your own gas or diesel fuel . Clearly, this is not an investment based on the highest priority. It is an investment for military purpose. Host what is the alternative though . Because right now, the breakout period for them is two to three months. Under this deal, the breakout period is one year. Meaning the United States and its allies would have when you to react and prepare. Right now, it is two to three months. Isnt this a better situation . Caller the president going into this never said it was two to three. This two to three months is a new figure. The reality is that they are not giving up. No material is leaving the country. Yes, some centrifuges are going to be shut down, but they will still have more centrifuges than pakistan or india had at the time that they made their bonds. So lets not kid ourselves. This is about a feelgood first step in the hopes that there is a second step. Greta, before we take callers maybe one way to look at this is the president just opened up diplomatic relations with cuba. He has the right to do that, he did that. It is very five years, 36 years since 1979 when the followers to control of our embassy, held our diplomats hostage for over a year. If you want a first step, putting embassy back there. If you trust the iranians to not kidnap our people again, not break International Law that is a first step. This is not the logical first step. Eliminating sanctions, allowing them to have a huge windfall without a full of abandonment of Nuclear Ambitions really doesnt make sense. Host i want to get your reaction to what the president had to say yesterday when he addressed the country in the morning. He talked about what guest i assumed he was talking about europe. My constituents were still sleeping. Host through, it was 7 00 in the morning. [video clip] president obama i have been president were over six years now. Time and again i have faced decisions about whether or not use military force. The greatest decision any president has to make. Many times in multiple countries, i have decided to use force. And i will never hesitate to do so when it is in our National Security interests. I strongly believe that our National Security interests now depend upon her venting iran from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon, which means that without a diplomatic resolution, either i or a future u. S. President would face a decision about whether or not to allow iran to obtain a Nuclear Weapon or whether to use our military to stop it. Put simply, no deal means a greater chance of more war in the middle east. Moreover, we give something up by testing whether or not this problem can be solved peacefully. If in a worstcase in error, iran violates the deal, the same options that are available to me today will be available to any u. S. President in the future. And i have no doubt that 10 or 15 years from now, the person who holds this office will be in a far stronger position with iran further away from a weapon and with the inspections and transparency that allow us to monitor the iranian program. For this reason, i believe it would be irresponsible to walk way from this deal. But on such a tough issue, it is important that the American People and the representatives in congress get a full understanding and review of the deal. We have had some of the finest Nuclear Scientists in the world working through the details. Host congressman . Guest well, details matter. And we are still reading, but the details appear not to have an abandonment of the Nuclear Ambitions. A clearly lifts sanctions, they say not immediately, but as soon as, quote, a first step is taken. But lets go back a little bit on iran because the very idea that you can make a deal with this country and they will keep it lies in the face of a series of events. And if we go back, first the hostages taken 35 years ago then a series of murders in lebanon, including the blowing up of our marines at the barracks there and our embassies, twice, followed by a series of kidnappings that very clearly could be traced back to iran, 30 years ago. Now you go to 20 years ago. 20 years ago, they are behind the blowing up of our airmen in saudi arabia. Then you go 10 years ago, they are weapon i think that helping kill americans in iraq as we are trying to liberate that country for partisan reasons. You then go just a few years ago and see two actions. One, they are taking off iraq and taking a piece that was fought for by my marines at Camp Pendleton and others and turning it upside down by oppressing sunnis and creating the foment, if you will, that has allowed isis to grow in the region. Then you go three years ago right here in washington dc, irans attempts to assassinate saudi arabias ambassador. Right here in the United States in washington dc. So, do we trust them enough to put an embassy in toronto teh ran . No. We trust them enough to lift the sanctions, get the economy rich enough to buy weapons and support terrorism . Remember, nobody is taking them off the list of statesponsored terrorism. Host the president said yesterday, though, he is not trusting, he is verified. Guest that is nice to say, but he is trusting enough to lift the sanctions as though they are going to keep it. The reality is the sanctions were working. Under george w. Bush, not known to be great at depomed exhalations, we discover Nuclear Materials heading to libya. The president made a simple choice. Maybe it was going to have to face greater sanctions than they already did and the possibility of military force, or they could abandon their nuclear of patients ambitions. They abandoned their Nuclear Ambitions. It was the result of a if you are going to abandon your Nuclear Ambitions, you had to do it. Not agree to do it over at your over a oneyear break out period. Host travis, a democrat, you are on the air. Caller good morning. Great things to watch out for. I was curious how long you have to bring this up to congress until the bill is finalized to bring your criticisms forth and say, hey, we have to watch out for the stuff so exactly verified . Guest that is an interesting point. We will have a much longer time to look at it any much would a window to have a vote. Because of the 60 day requirement for when it was brought and it is not officially presented to us. In a few days, the clock will start taking. The history of the long august recess probably will cause a little bit of debate. We had a hearing in the Foreign Affairs committee yesterday. We will probably have a long debate with the American People over that 30 days. Townhall meetings, Interest Group meetings on both sides and then we will come back in Early September for the vote. And my expectation is that the house of representatives is going to vote no on this. Host anthony, you are next. Independent. Caller yes, i would like to address the congressman on the issue of the disagreement. This is a first step that we the United States, a making a step to have some kind of peace with the iranians. And he hasnt read anything yet. When he reads it perhaps it will change his mind, perhaps it will not. But he is coming with all the skepticism. He totally neglects the facts that in 1953, the United States and the cia with the British Secret service over through a democratic Islamic State in iran and put in a regime that oppressed the people terribly. I know that smirk on her face doesnt say that you know what is going on because you dont. Guest sir, my smirk was with a not agreeing with you. I was born in 1953. As i began looking at this issue throughout my military career my travels in the region, and then my time in congress, i am acutely aware that the british, the french, other colonial nations and the United States over the years have missed divided and operated with intrigue, sometimes for good intentions, sometimes part of that to teaching decision about the good and the bad of the soviet union. There is plenty of history, no question at all, in this region. That doesnt change the events that have occurred since 1979. And it is really since 1979 that iran has had three decades plus to normalize its relations with its neighbors, both sunni and shia neighbors, arabs, and other groups. They havent done is. So, yes, you can have a look at the u. S. Cia in 1953. Im 61 years old. Im acutely aware of the year i was born. But we cant go back in history infinitely and retry that. And, quite frankly, most of the countries, most of their neighbors and all the neighbors that they work with were not there at that time. And their inability to normalize and have good relations with their neighbors versus their expansion mystic activities, i have in the of lebanese ancestry. Ancestry. Since the 70s, im acutely aware of what has been going on there. If they have been an active part of destabilizing the country since 1979. Their embassy, their support for hezbollah, many people talk about hezbollah relative to israel. I often remind people it is a cancer on society of a lebanese democracy. Lebanon is a democracy. It is not without foreign influence. First among the foreign influence is the iranians and it has been that way since the ayatollah took over. Host have you read this nuclear deal . Guest i have read three sets of presentations to it. I have not had the level of breathing rate you go through the 100 pages and they go point by point. This is one of the challenges we have. Yesterday, the individual was the the individuals had been given the opportunity. 100 pages has to be linked to over 1000 pages to understand it. It is one of the reasons it is not that im against every aspect of any deal. The reality is there were key points that looked bad and were that from the start. I had a lot of my statement ready before this came out for a reason. I only had to look, i believe that the most important thing for members to look at, can we live with the premise of the deal. They are not abandoning their Nuclear Ambitions but there is some sort of a breakout time and consideration. As you know, the question of any time, anywhere inspections. They will still be using this material. That was given up. The items i look or in the deal when i went through it, inspection regime, do we have anytime anywhere, the answer is no. We have an agreement to agree with the iranians on where and when it is necessary to inspect. That guarantees delay at a minimum and tonight a possibility. A year or two denial possibility. A year or two down the road, denial. When we were getting our briefings and when the president was talking about what would be in the deal, anytime anywhere inspection if they were going to have any missile material, that was part of it. That has been denied. Lets look at it in the sense of lots of parts of this deal, we can go to 100 pages. Do we have all the tools to guarantee verification . If we dont, do you think we will have the snapback provision if what we are arguing about is were be denied access in a timely fashion to someplace while they moved their material out of it . Host have you been told how you will be briefed by secretary of state john kerry . Guest we expect secretary kerry to break the committee. Those are public shows. The fact is we will have classified and unclassified briefings between now and the august adjournment. Our committee people, many of them with the clearances to know some of the other material, are pouring through this and trying to connect that 100 pages with perhaps thousands of pages necessary to understand it fully. Host we will go to henry. What city are you in . Caller fort gasset. I tell you, im glad he went over the history. Lets go into some history. Ask at the native americans if they trust the White Supremacists who made hundreds of treaties with the indians and went back on them. Ask black americans who were kidnapped, forcibly brought to this country brutalized and murdered over hundreds of years ask them if they trust White Supremacist Movement here. If i have to choose between believing a car these over my president who is a harvard graduate it, ill trust my president , to whom you have been very racist and on accommodating to. Host making a lot of charges against the huntsman against the congressman. Guest to siena heights and adrian michigan. I did not go to harvell i did not go to harvard. I do not have the credentials of the president. I was never a community organizer, i was a businessman. That is not change the fact that he took an oath and is trying to do the best job he can. I took an oath and im trying to do the best job i can. Some of my opinion is from a history. I was an Army Lieutenant when they took our embassy hostage. I watched as they lied to us. I have an opinion about the lack of trustworthiness of this regime. The trust but verify, reagan meant verify he he meant negotiation and verify. Iran has not had reason to be trusted anymore the north korea. What i have supported a deal in which they agreed to abandon all of their Nuclear Ambitions . Allowed anytime anywhere inspections related to nuclear and lifted appropriatel sanctions, yes. All these years in which they have murdered americans, they have fomented events around the world in yemen lebanon and obviously some of the deaths in other places. They are making iraq into a puppet state that oppresses kurds and sunnis. Our girl in our goal in taking saddam out was to stop the suppression of one group by another. We failed in that because of irans support for a shia regime that is denying the other two major religions in the area any kind of fairness. As, if you will, a middle eastern christian, but goes beyond the fact that the other christian related groups are fleeing in vast amounts. When i look at the failure in iraq, the most recent in which iran had a hand, i am looking at history appropriate to the steel. Appropriate to this deal. I am the first to say andy jackson should be taken off the 20 bill. Wish not be putting women on the 10, we should be putting them on the 20 bill because andy jackson was the man responsible for the trail of tears. His oppression leading to the death of countless native americans, we have got pieces of history but i think the caller is looking at history that is not germane to the safety of the world and the American People in this deal. Host when it comes to irans role in other places outside of the country, usa today says this. The agreement buys valuable time that can be used to work to end the challenge from isil, the store restore normalcy in iraq and syria and resume peace talks between israel and palestinians. All these are more difficult with the specter of an imminent iranian bomb hanging over the world. Now that that is off the table it opens up other discussions. Guest that is a good point. That is probably the one point where, if this is a done deal, we can take the next step. That next step requires that hezbollah and hamas stop provocative activity that the absence of the ability to get a deal with the israelis and the the push the israelis harbor has every thing to do with weapons smuggled into these groups, paid for either directly by iran or through their surrogate, syria. There is a link but a link in which, where do we believe that a country that has been doing it since its modern founding in 1979 is going to change . Or do they have more money to do the same . I think that opinion piece is thoughtful. I will take the world as it comes to me. If this deal is approved or not approved, i will continue to work on the middle east peace initiatives, including the palestinian israeli issue. Host joanne is watching, republican. Caller i certainly hope the deal is not approved. I think this idea that after their goals of death to america and israel, all of a sudden iran will be an ally with syria is preposterous. Im hoping the congressman the congress will look at the monitoring of this 160 page deal. And looks very byzantine. And looks like it looks like we cannot go in when we want to. We need even going to the un security council. I think what we have currently people forget they are part of the nonproliferation treaty. They have to undergo inspections now. I think this is why this has been a false choice to the American People saying we either go on this deal or iran can do whatever they want. That is not true. Host joanne agrees with you. According to the papers before this moves forward, the iranians have to make a deal, sign off with Nuclear Weapons inspectors, the International Agency atomic agency. They have to undergo that review first before this even takes place and inspections can continue. Guest what they have to do is own up to the activity that they have not owned up to. They have not admitted that their Nuclear Ambitions have been leading to a bomb. That they have been trying to violate their last agreement. They have not admitted it as a precursor. They have said is they will disclose. They will disclose that is geyer their desire for medical purposes. They continue to deny that they were heading toward a bomb. Pakistan india, north korea all denied it until they had their bombs. We have a history of dealing with aspirates. Pakistan and india have managed not to be either major exporters, although pakistan has been, of Nuclear Technology once they got it or used their bonds. Their bombs. North korea was a state sponsor of terror. I mention that boat heading for libya, it was north Korean Nuclear military a heading there. Nuclear material heading there. Qaddafi was the highest bidder. Iran has relations with a number of countries. During the Bush Administration israel was forced to bomb in northeastern syria, a nuclear plant. That plant had to be paid for by somebody. It was an attempt to create plutonium and other Nuclear Materials outside the country and move it. It was not an aspiration of a ssad. Another example of the export of Nuclear Technology. Irans willingness to export terrorism. The ability for them to do it. The last caller had an interesting point. And you had an interesting point. We are in a strange situation in the middle east. It is not one i think people have become comfortable with or understood. Today, on the lebanese border, you have the armed forces fighting a sector. Another sector next to them perhaps geographically but also religiously different, hezbollah. They are both fighting isis. You have what has become a war in which, at times, iranian money is being spent to fight isis. Bear in mind this is a fight in which we have very little to gain unless we can not only defeat isis but we can stop shia aspirates. At as one of our challenges, if you going to syria today our goal was to have a Free Syrian Army that would change the character of syria. That is the weakest of the forecast. Of the forces. The strongest forces are the shia hezbollah led military operations and isis. That is a terrible situation. One i take no happiness in this happening. I know today we are here to talk about the nuclear deal, but the nuclear deal is part of a Bigger Picture of, do we really have the ability to get a peaceful solution in these areas. We have the ability to stop expansionism by iran in addition to fighting isis expansionism . They are linked. The growth of shia extremism and their attempt to influence multiple countries with in the region, including iraq, lebanon syria, yemen, is also part of the justification that sunnis flock to isis. I think we have to look at should reengage iran and get them to change their way . Mi against the steel yes mi against the steel, yes . The ruling push me to of all Nuclear Program precursors, which is not in the deal. Host steve on twitter says no reasonable sovereign nation agrees do anytime anywhere inspections. United states would never do that. Guest we have had the luxury of limiting that but we allow International Inspection of Nuclear Facilities. Lets take that point. Huge parts of the former soviet union have relinquished Nuclear Ambitions, including ukraine. We promised to defend them as a result, including cousin stan where the only Nuclear Materials in cosan stan are the ones that have not been cleaned up from the devastation of the soviet union period. We have had a number of countries who recognized who had Nuclear Materials in said take them away. Libya did not need inspection because they were willing to have a one time get it all out of their and then there was no further need. This is a country who signed a treaty, broke the treaty and was attempting to make a bomb. It is not the United States. Host robert, independent. You are now on the air. Caller thank you. You already touched on my question already. I wanted to ask, is there a possibility that israel is taking military action against the Nuclear Facilities in iran as they have done in the past . Guest good question. The reality is israel is in a tough spot. They have a wait and see they will have to do. Is there some good that comes out of it . Will centrifuges lead . Prime minister netanyahu and others have been very forthcoming. If they see this existential threat heading toward them from a country that has pledged to use these weapons against them if they get them, i believe they will act. I dont expect them to act in the next weeks or months, mostly because this period of time will be one in which at least some positive things appear to be happening. If that is right that there is only two months to break out, if they see a sleightofhand where they say this stuff is leaving the bear using these months to get Nuclear Weapons, israel has said they would act. Just as the United States would act if we felt imminent attack against us was possible. Host Prime Minister netanyahu saying he has vowed to block it. His way of doing it is to reach out to lawmakers on capitol hill to build opposition to it. Do you expect to hear from him . Guest he is a pretty effective lobbyist in his own right. I think people misunderstand this deal. This is not about israel. Yes, iran is an existential threat to israel but it is really the global work we are dealing with throughout these last 30 minutes, ive been talking about iraq, libya yemen. This has an effect in israel and it is detrimental to any peaceful solution for the palestinians to give them a homeland of their own and a government that is fully recognized. It is important but it is the growth of this shia led movement from iran that is the reason for their Nuclear Ambitions. What they want to do is they want to be able to do with impunity what they have been doing for 35 years. Nuclear ambitions gave them that. I do not believe iran wanted a bond so they could fire it. I could be wrong and that is one of the reasons you try to stop these things. Even if im right, it is clear that having the bomb with that them do what they were doing without fear of reprisal. What they have been doing is exporting terrorism and destabilizing countries using oil wealth. They have not given it historically to their people. They dont even build enough refineries to refine the oil people need for their own gasoline. It is not a priority. Their priority is the expansion of ideology. Host falls church, virginia. Amir, republican. Caller im so proud of darrell issa. Someone said something bad about him. I want to say, im 100 opposed to the steel. Two this deal. I spent more than five years in jail in iran under torture of the exact same regime which right now is coming as a trustful rizzi trustful regime. I do not know why the Obama Administration wants to trust them. I remember a couple of months ago, the Iranian Foreign minister who had been leading this negotiation asked about political prisons he says, we do not have any. I was under torture for five years because i was an activist and a writer. 10 years ago i came to this country, i love this country after 10 years i am teaching political crime and teaching constitutional law. This is exactly the land of opportunity. Iranian people, 78 million iranian people, they love the United States. A small group of diverging. We cannot call them iranian. The people of iran want to have a great relationship with the United States. The iranian government hate the United States. Were talking about a small layer of not talking about the iranian people. We should remember one single point. Iran just wanted one single thing from this deal, to have 150 billion frozen assets. Guest i suggest you come up to capitol hill. I suggest known will call you a puppet of benjamin netanyahu. I think you need to be heard. Who is the real regime . I was in the green room before i came on and you were talking about the ahmadinejad. Pluto. Period. We keep having hope and those hopes ultimately are dashed either reality we see after the fact. It is one of the reasons you have to assume after 35 years youre not going to see this leopard change its spots without a real reason, the International Pressure that was on but will now be released with this deal. I think it is a bad deal. No deal for a period of time can be the right deal. During the jimmy carter period there was an engagement and get in which we gave them free wheat and all we found out in retrospect is we kept a regime alive a little longer. During the reagan period they said as long as you are who you are we are not going to support you economically in other areas. It ultimately led to the toppling of that regime. Putins billing it back again but the reality is the soviet threat is not what it was. We have to have a balanced approach. We reward good conduct . Yes. The we eased sanctions in return for incremental improvements . Yes. Is this deal that . No. Anytime anywhere inspections on people who have lied and almost gotten a bomb, that does not work. Either a lot of details are there a lot of details . I think the important thing is, who is iran . How have they been responsible for the death of americans or the attempted death of americans . The fact that they were going to assassinate a diplomat in georgetown washington, d. C. Host i want to ask about the investigation in been ghazi. In been ghazi. It is now in the hands of the select committee. Hadi think they are doing . How do you think they are doing . Guest chairman trey gowdy is the right choice. He was a leader on my committee. He has been able to take what was an investigation by multiple committees did not see a problem, there was also Foreign Affairs. Chairman gary has been able to bring all those together and he has representatives of all those committees and he has been able to get a consensus that there was a problem. The basic concept, the allowing of that facility to be there the misuse of it, the approvals by Patrick Kennedy of the use of that facility, it although people were living there, in violation of what it was supposed to be. It was supposed to be a waiver from an office building. That is technical stuff but it is part of the reason everyone to make sure the diplomats do not go into harms way without safety precautions. Ambassador died there. If the investor had not been there, others would have still died there. Chairman gary has shown there were chairman gallery has shown leaving no doubt the false narrative that this was somehow a video was known by the administration at all levels in time to of not spread the false narrative that it was not a video. He is faced with a tougher situation. Hillary clinton was violating rules she knew to be in place keeping what turns out to include classified information in her home. Even though there were letters requiring it be maintained during her watch and subpoenas both during and after, she left with those documents. Further than that, she destroyed those documents. This is no longer just a been ghazi investigation. I think it has become about Holding Accountable entities when there is a tragedy to preserve documents and provide them, not just to congress. There was a review that was denied these documents that never got to interview Hillary Clinton. The arv the arv was shown to be one that takes care of the problem. This problem will hound Hillary Clinton until he is forthcoming. I hope she can truly deliver the full documents that should have been there when she left office in government hands according to the federal records act. Host a headline from world report. Issa kicked out of private benghazi meeting. Reporters outside of that hearing saw you interact with the chairman trey gowdy. You want off, what happened . You walked off, what happened . Guest he said he knew there was no reason for me it was in on situation, a room with no preroom. You opened the door anywhere inside. At that point, a staff person for the democrats objected to my being there. I said, i will not hang around. Chairman gowdy had not said anything and i said we would take care of it later and i left. Trey and i are friends. He was very concerned he had not explained it to me, i did not know they were going to object so he came after me to say i am sorry. This is not a big deal. The fact is, every member of congress is interested in trying to get to the truth. I was going to be on the record on another show and i thought it would be worth at least being able to say i was in the briefing but it was not the end of the world. Trey remains what my closest friends in congress. Host you were seen throwing a cannon to the trash and you walked off they can into the trash and you walked off. Guest you can see the video and misunderstanding. I finished my diet coke and threw it in the trash can. Im not a basketball player but i can toss a can. I wasnt upset. This was not an upsetting thing. I have lots of things to do. It was something where there was a misunderstanding. Chairman gowdy did not know of a problem and there was not an ability to cross the threshold and be told that in advance. Trey was coming out in abundance of trying to say, let me explain. It is not that big a deal. Is it frustrating that democrats did not want me sitting in the corner of a room listening . Sure. You know that was not a Single Member a single democratic member in their at a time. They were going in and out so they could do press avail but they were not actually there to listen to what i consider to be a somewhat unlawful confidant who had a conflict and was advising hillary or using her private email. A lot of questions being asked in that interview to the extent that they covered me going in and out, rather than covering the fact that you had somebody who had been undisclosed who clearly had conflicts within part of this nexus between then secretary clinton and the Foundation Activities that continued and Business Activities in libya, those are concerning and i hope people get back to the fact that chairman gowdy, on a professional basis has been pursuing what he is charged to pursue in the most nonpartisan professional way ive ever seen. Host i was the testimony of sid blumenthal. Compass and issa, i appreciate your time. Congressman issa, i appreciate your time. Sure to have more discussion about this Iran Nuclear Deal. Thank you for talking to viewers about it. Next we continue this conversation. We will talk to the top democrat in a Foreign Relations committee, senator ben cardin of maryland. The cspan cities tour travels across the country with time warner cable. To learn about the literary life and history of lexington kentucky. In the mid1940s if you had asked who is a bright star in american politics, on a national scale, someone who will be senator, perhaps president , a lot of people would have said ed prichard of kentucky. He was one of those people who worked in the white house in his early 20s. He seemed destined for great things and came back to kentucky in a 1940s and was indicted for stuffing a ballot box. Went to prison. That incredible promise flamed out. We also visit ashland, former home of senator and secretary of state henry clay. The mansion is a unique situation. Clays original home had to be toward down and rebuild. His son found it cannot be saved so he rebuilt on the original foundation. What we have is a home that is essentially a fivepart federal style home as henry clay had with architectural elements etc. An added layer of aesthetic details added by henry clays granddaughter, greatgranddaughter in so on. See all of our programs from lexington saturday evening at 6 30 eastern on American History tv. Washington journal continues. Host we are continuing our conversation on the iran the their deal with senator ben cardin. Nuclear deal with senator ben cardin. A statement you put out yesterday that it is in irans National Security the u. S. s security guest two years of negotiations to get to this agreement. We know our teams were in vienna two months. Many members made the decisions within two hours. It takes more time to understand the document. We have 60 days thanks to legislation i helped marshall through the congress where the review by congress. We need to take our time. Have open hearings, explanations on how the inspection regime works. Houseknecht back houseknecht back houseknecht back sanctions would work. There is a lot of questions we have. We should try to understand it and answer the question, will this prevent iran from becoming a Nuclear Weapon state. Host how would you know the answer to that when under this deal it is 10 to 15 years down the road . You do not know what is going to happen. Guest there are protocols that exist after the time limits. Sanctions were imposed because iran was violating current commitments. There are nonproliferation requirements iran has. Additional protocols to enter into. There will be commitments that go beyond the 25 year time limit. Host dennis ross writes in the Washington Post, the iran deal he writes that because iranians are not required to dismantle there in richmond infrastructure harkin are allowed to continue research and development on centrifuges and will be permitted to build as large a program as they want after your 15 after year 15. Guest very limited research under this agreement. They are not allowed to do research into more advanced centrifuges. They are restricted on what they can have up and there is tenuous monitoring to make sure it is not moving toward Nuclear Great material for weapons. As explained, there are restrictions on research and development and there can be no advancements towards a Nuclear Weapons. Those comments are of concern so we will be reviewing it. Host when do you expect to hear from secretary of state commentary secretary of state john kerry . Guest they have been using the telephone. We expect to have them on the hill as early as next week. Senator quirk and i have had hearing conversations about the hearings. I expect hearings will go for at least two weeks. Want to do as many of those in a public setting as we can. There will be opportunities for classified briefings. Host what stands out to you . What made you say, i could support this or any have to oppose this . Guest we know it is challenging. The point i think that has been stressed is that but for what we did on the sanction regime, but for the fact that the Obama Administration was able to get the national the International Community to work with us, that is when iran was in a crippled position where they have to come to the table. It has been our leadership that brought us to this point. It is important that we maintain International Support. Host cameras set up on capitol hill this morning when for Vice President joe biden to walk through the hallways of congress. He is expected to meet with host immigrants in hopes meet with House Democrats. Will he be talking to all of you on the senate side today . Guest i talked to the Vice President yesterday and he has offered to come up on the senate side as well. Joe biden has a lot of critical libby a lot of credibility on capitol hill. He as is well known among our colleagues and he is a straight talker. He would tell us the good parts and the challenging parts of the agreement. I think he is a great deal of credibility and his comments will be important. Host we want to get our viewers involved. Democrats, 202 7488000. Republicans, 202 7488001. Independents, 202 7488002. Center ben cardin, our next get senator ben cardin, our guest. He says, obama argues dealing with iran will be easier if the Nuclear Issue is off the table for the next 10 years. The iran problem will not vanish with is accord. Iranian behavior becomes the core issue. Having played the dealmaker obama must now press iran to become a more responsible neighbor. How does is president do this with a little over a year of his tenure left . Guest we assume iran will not behave. This agreement is not based on trust, it is based on verification. The ability to enforce. It has a singular focus, to prevent iran from becoming a Nuclear Weapon state. There are other issues of major concern we have about irans conduct, including interference with its neighbors, its support for terrorism, its gross violations of human rights. All of those are issues of concern to the United States interNational Security. Disposal mystics its Ballistic Missiles program violates National International agreement. I think what that article was stressing, if this agreement moves forward on a positive racist, does that give a positive basis, does that give us the right to change other issues with iran . My guess is it will take additional pressure to do that. We need to make sure we take steps to make us less honorable to those types of behaviors. Host eric in georgia, a democrat. Caller i have a comment in a question. Mr. Cardin looks like a regular white guy, nice guy whatever. In actuality, he is a jewish white guy and if the public was informed of that by cspan i think they would take his comments differently. Host why does it matter to you . Caller anybody that gets on tv, youre supposed to tell your audience you supposedly care about whether or not they may have a conflict of interest with you. Because this guys jewish, that means he is concerned about israel, which is only right. Host i want to give the congressman a chance. Guest i normally are pretty tolerant to people who make question would take questions. Our concerns are to america. Our religion is our personal business and she had nothing to do with an evaluation as to our objectivity as to issues concerning america. I stand by my record. I find your assumptions offensive. Host Frederick Kagan writes in the wall street journal. The director of the American Enterprise institute. He says the current embargo was implemented by two resolutions. The first barred the sale of transfer to iran of technology that might be useful to a Ballistic Missiles program. The second does the same for battle tanks, large artillery systems, etc. A resolution that illuminates previous sanctions would allow russia and china to provide iran with any military technology they choose eliminates previous sanctions that would allow russia and china to provide iran with any military technology they choose. Guest the genesis of those embargoes were the result of their new their program. Passed as part of resolutions because iran violated National Agreements on developing, moving forward towards a Nuclear Weapon. They included conventional arms issues. Russia has started negotiations with regard with iran with regards to how much relief should they get from the arms embargo . In regards to conventional weapons, the u. S. The u. N. Would provide relief after five years in regards to Ballistic Missiles equipment, after eight years. It is true they came about as a result of the Nuclear Program in iran. We are concerned that removing these restrictions and with Additional Resources be given to iran, whether they would use those resources to arm groups that are causing problems in that region. Host debbie is next. Go ahead with your comment or question. Caller thank you for taking my call. Representative cardin, we remember during the obama care debate we were called we were told if you like your policy you could keep it. That proved to be false. Now we are told we can have inspections anytime, anywhere. Once again we change the definition. That does not mean at that particular moment. As far as changing behavior, by hoping that reaching this deal will change other peoples behavior, an old saying, if a frog had wings it would not bump its derriere when it jumped. We need to remember congress and the governments first responsibility is our safety and security. Not protecting one person, our president. You alls responsibility is to protect all of us. Guest thank you. Maybe i will be invited back to talk about obamacare. The inspection regime, youre correct. We are evaluating this agreement because of the statute we passed as to whether this is in our best security interests. We do not trust therefore we need to verify. We can only verify if we can inspect. What are the restrictions . As i understand it, im learning about the agreement. We have had it for 24 hours. As i understand it, the iaea the Monitoring International group that will do inspections will have access to any location within iran. If iran denies them that opportunity to inspect there is a process they go forward with in order to be able to enforce inspection. At the end of the day, the western powers have adequate numbers on the commission that decides it, that will allow the iaea access to any location they have reasonable suspicions that Nuclear Activities are taking place. It will take some time to get access, time in matters of days, not months. Is that adequate or not . Host to create a commission to decide if there is sufficient evidence. What you are saying is russia, china and iran cannot team up to block something. Guest western powers have the majority on the commission. If our allies in europe agree with us or we agree and there is a reason it is very clear that if iaea believes they need to inspect the have the support to be able to inspect. They take some days before the can get there. Host no american inspectors are allowed . Guest because of the restriction issues. From what we understand, the iaea has ample expertise and has the support of the knives dates. Has the support of the United States. They will have our technical and political support. Host akron, ohio. Tom. Caller greetings from tropical ohio. I will make it brief and take my answers off air. It comes down to congress be telling this vetoing president obama vetoes and you override in congress, does he have the pen with the executive order to make this go through . Im a protestant. I am trying to understand this. Why wont israel declare how many nuclear arms it has . It seems everyone else is willing to come or. Come forth. I think israel pasta position would be accepted more by us and not be israels position would be more accepted by us and would not be as skeptical. I will take my answer off air. Guest there are several countries that have nuclear capacity. Certain protocols countries follow that have Nuclear Capabilities as far as Weapons Systems are concerned. They follow what are known as protocols. That includes safety issues knowings about the program. The two major countries not falling that, iran not following that, iran and north korea. We want to make sure that countries are following the protocols for safety. That their use is within acceptable means. We are not only for nonproliferation, were for reductions of mythic capacities globally of nuclear capacities globally. We have seen a move toward a safer world and we have to continue that path. Host possible executive order by the president if the congress would to override a veto. Guest if congress were to reject the agreement, the agreement will not be able to go forward. The president can take executive actions and he can do some laborers. S. I think the support the International Community is looking for is that the United States be part of that. I think that would have a major impact moving forward. Lets take a look at the reviews and see how it goes. The statute does not require congress to take any action. It can vote for or against but the president will have the right to decide whether he will sign or veto legislation. There are other i think it is premature to talk about what happens if Congress Rejects it. Host what is your prediction . Guest i think there are a lot of questions. Some have already been brought up. We want to get that answer. One of the most important responsibilities i have. I equate it to voting for the use of military force. This is an incredibly important decision. I know most of my colleagues will make this decision based on what they think is in the best interest of this country, not party affiliations, loyalty to president or disagreeing with the percent. With to do what is right for the country. Host you think there is a chance the president could get senator corker on board with this . Guest senator corker has indicated he is raised several concerns. I know him to be a person of high integrity. He fought hard with me that we had a legitimate congressional review. I think he is an individual studying the agreements carefully and will make a judgment when he feels comfortable. Host plainview, new york. Republican. Caller in reading the wall street journal this morning they indicate that iran would be able we need permission to inspect and if they object is goes through various processes all the way of to the un security council, which could take weeks, or months. We also may not be able to inspect military on the ground facilities. This deal, to me, was set off an arms race in the middle east. I dont think saudi arabia and some of the other countries will it still. Will sit still. Guest let me point out the inspections can take place, as i understand it, anywhere in iran including military facilities. I understand it does not go off to the United Nations security council. A joint commission in which the western powers have the majority and can obtain the right to expect to inspect. At most it will take his days. I think the maximum time period is about 24 days if there is no agreement at all. I must tell you, that is based upon information in the last four hours. I read the agreement last night the last 24 hours. I read the agreement last night. It appears it does not go beyond the commission the right to inspect anywhere in iran. We want to know what other countries want to do, particularly Strategic Partners among gulf states. We will be listening to the saudis and the uae, all of those will be important countries to understand what repercussions are to their security and their views on what they need to do to protect themselves. Host how long did it take to read the deal . Guest a lot of annexes. Annexes are a lot of. I cannot tell you i know all of them. A lot of questions raised and references. It is not as easy to read through it. In a couple of hours you can read through the agreement. When you understand it, no. Will you understand it . It will take some time. Caller good morning. I want to go back to the guy you were offended by. What he was saying was, most of us americans out here are tired of our congressmaen hawking for israel. Guest my interest is the United States of america. That is the country i took an oath to protect. I find it offensive if you believe that someone, because of their religion or ethnic background, that those reasons if you believe they are not acting in our countrys best interest, i find that offensive. This is a country that welcome grandparents here over 100 years ago. I find this country to be a strong country that accepts different views and protects everyones writes. That is the country i defend. Host this has been not just members of congress of the jewish faith but other members of congress, this sentiment from the American People in some of our viewers that aipac has too much influence. Guest this is an open society. Anyone can petition their government. There are pro israel groups that work strongly in favor of the agreement. We just finished a contentious battle over a trade issue in which we had strong interests working both sides. Labor same, you better vote against it. There were democrats and republicans defying labor and the chamber. That is the beauty of our system. You can organize and lobby. Youre not going to be intimidated as a result of our open system. Each of us need to make decisions based on what we believe is in the best interest of the country we love. Host springfield virginia. You on the air with senator ben cardin. Caller if you look at United States and you look at and iran, there have been drastic changes and that is why whoever the president obama was elected and he said he would talk. You see iran elected rouhani and he also came to the table to talk. You would see that the partner was to talk to iran. Israel is losing out by netanyahu. What saddens me is how israel and i know that the senate is talking about how offensive he is. He shouldnt be offended by this. I am a democrat. Israel has interfered in every policy in the middle east in the United States government and congress. And that hasnt given a legitimate right to work in the middle east. Host ok, we get your sentiment. Guest elections matter a great deal. Who we elected as president , who we elect to our parliament, the same thing in israel. So it does matter. Their leaders will have, with certain priorities, it will make a difference. Iran is not a democracy. So yes, we welcome different views within their political leadership, but the Supreme Leader calls the shots. It is not a democratic society. It is not subject to the same types of input that we have in israel or the United States. So i dont think that comparison works. Look, countries will protect their interests. Particularly democratic countries. We lobby the world for policies that we think makes sense for global stability. Once again, a country needs to do what it thinks is in its nations best interests. He needs to be a responsible partner in global affairs. Host we go to albuquerque new mexico, a republican. Caller yes. There was a caller earlier who asked you a simple question. You were even a sieve and nonresponsive. He asked you how many Nuclear Weapons does israel have . Guest i dont know. I dont know if that information is available, i just dont know. Host rick in baltimore. Good morning. Caller good morning. I would like to put my two cents in. I would like to say that it wouldnt be that bad of a deal maybe even a good deal, if we could come to terms with our as far as Nuclear Artillery. I am a Firm Believer that Nuclear Artillery will not be used by any country on the face of this verse. There are other ways, this planet could be incinerated without man pulling the trigger. For one thing, this planet would leave its access, it would freeze or melt. Host we got your point. Guest the purpose is to prevent a country, iran, from becoming a nuclear diplomacy. It could have a major impact on the stability of the world. That is our singular focus. We dont want iran to become a Nuclear Weapons state. By all of the stakeholder and global interests, if iran did the right thing, they would get relief from sanctions. As simple as that. So now we have to evaluate. Does it achieve the objective . Does it prevent iran from becoming a Nuclear Weapons state . That to me, is how we have to evaluate it on the hill. There are a lot of ways that we can harm people or harm our neighbors. Iran has actively engaged in a lot of those activities. The way that they interfere with their neighbors support terrorism, human rights. Those issues are horrible. We are not going to give up on other ways to make that region safer. But our focus in this agreement is to prevent iran from having a Nuclear Weapon. That changes the equation in the middle east. Host what about the hostages that the middle east has . Here is a tweet. Why arent democrats concerned about hostages . Guest we are very concerned about hostages. We have appointed a person to deal with the hostages so that families have someone to talk to with everything in regards to that. We are very concerned about the hostage issue. We have two concerns. One is to prevent iran from becoming a Nuclear Weapons state, and the other is to get back our hostages. The commitment that we would get from iran would not be as strong. Lets focus on one issue. A nuclear iran. We will continue to work for our hostages and get them home safely. It is a high priority for the country. Host we will go to judy in california, a democrat. Caller hi, my question is, all of the sanctions, are they monetary . Where in the settlement do they start getting the monetary sanctions lifted . Is it in the beginning, the middle, at the end . To me, lifting those sanctions is giving them money to support the terrorists. No matter what kind of agreement we have. Guest there are many different parts to the sanctions. Some of them are denials to our or they are inking systems. Some deal with products that are not allowed to be sold to iran or purchased from iran. I deal with the Energy Sector as to what we will do with regards to their oil. Some have to do with weapons precious metals, there are all different types of sanctions that have been imposed over the years. Some have imposed by the statute of congress, some have been executive action, some have been imposed by europe. There are a whole group of sanctions that have been imposed over the years. There are additional sanctions that have been imposed over iran because of terrorist activity. Because of their violation of human rights. Some are monetary, some are sector, as far as commerce and participation. The relief given to iran is only the Nuclear Related sanctions. It takes place when iran has completed its responsibilities under the agreement and verified by our monitors. That is when they get their relief. We dont how long that is going to take, we have to get the Nuclear Material out of iran. We have to reconfigure their enrichment facilities. They have to have the inspections, it all has to take place first. Then they get the relief. That for a. Of years, there is an ability to snap back the sanctions if they violate the agreement. There is a process to do that. That is the framework we are working under. I want to understand that, im not trying to endorse it. There are questions about how the snapback of sanctions work and how the sanctions will be calculated. Not just financial sanctions but also sector sanctions. Host there is a lot more discussion to have on this. And we appreciate you, in the first 24 hours, for coming on and talking to our viewers. Guest my pleasure. Host we are going to continue this conversation. What is your message to congress on this iran deal . Should they support it . Should they oppose it. Those are the phone lines on your screen. We will continue this discussion on your wednesday. Washington journal continues after this. This sunday, mollie crabapple on her use of drawings to tell investigative stories from around the world. She might be drawing as text patterns or having a tattoo. The pelican bay isnt alone in this. Around the country, you can land in solitary for your art, your gender status, your friends, your sexual status. I go around with a notebook and draw. It is to build a report with people. When you have a camera in between you and a person, you are taking images and they cant see them, it is van buren. When you draw, it it is a vulnerable thing. If it sucks, they can tell you. Most people havent been drawn before. Most people are delighted to be draw. So a lot of times i draw people because they like talking to them when i do it. Sunday night at 8 00. Washington journal continues. Host we are back, continuing our conversation with all of you. Congress has been two months to look at over and decide whether they support or oppose the deal. We want to hear what you think. Do you support it or oppose it . We will get to your phone calls in just a minute. We want to get to the headlines. Beginning with the Washington Post. A Landmark Nuclear Pact with iran. And then you have the New York Times headline. World leaders strike agreement with iran to curb nuclear ability and lift sanctions. And then in the wall street journal, iran deal ignites fierce fight. You also have a picture of obama and netanyahu. And in the Financial Times iran comes in from the cold with a deal to end 12 year nuclear standoff. We go to george in illinois, you supported. Caller i do support it. If there was a credible alternate, i would maybe disagree. I would also like to convey the opinion that there is nothing to lose here. We should test the waters, if it doesnt work out in 12 years we have the opportunity to reduce the stockpiles of Nuclear Weapons, we would have had inspections, we would have learned a lot more about what is really going on out there. And we would have learned more. If we are not satisfied, we can go back to the current status. The skepticism about whether we can corral the rest of the International Community to continue with sanctions. I think it is a legitimate question. But there is no harm for the United States, they maintain the control. They could slam down again on iran in six months, 18 months, however long it takes us to learn what their true intentions are. Really, we should be looking at the interests of the United States as opposed to objections coming from the tel aviv. Host what do you say to people who say the sanctions were working. If you could ratchet them up even more against iran, you always have the threat of war in the background. But you ratchet up the sanctions , cripple their economy more, and that would make them concede to have no Nuclear Weapons ever. What do you say to that . Caller there is some merit to that argument. On the flipside, you have to think about it carefully. If the Iranian Regime collapses, you risk another region in the middle east that becomes unstable. Youre adding to the confusion that already exists. The hardliners within that state would gain more power because the public would support the hardliners much more because of the actions. They would blame the International Community, and the United States in particular. This is a historic opportunity to learn in iran. Iran has a High Percentage of young people who are positively disposed towards the United States. There have been Public Opinion polls where the United States is viewed more terribly in that country viewed more favorably in that country than by allies. Host im going to cut you off. Joe biden is making his way through. Reporters are shouting questions at him. Asking what he is doing up here. He will be fielding questions from House Democrats on capitol hill about this nuclear iran deal. The president has dispatched him there. You saw him Standing Shoulder to shoulder with the president yesterday when the president made his announcement from the white house yesterday morning about the nuclear deal. Joe biden is serving in the senate for a number of years joe biden served in the senate for a number of terms. He will be up there taking lawmakers questions and filling in the blanks as congress has 60 days to review this nuclear deal. Then they have to decide if they are a yes vote or a no vote. So we want to know what you are telling your members of congress. Our last viewers comments about the iranian population, the Washington Post says that on paper, the countrys allure is undeniable. 60 of residents are under 30. They have an affinity for western brands. Some shops in affluent areas are stocked with everything from western made sunglasses and designer jeans to laptops. We will go to rodney in brooklyn. You oppose this. Caller i think because of the administration that, the previous actions, but on personal bills. The misinformation the lack of clarity, it leaves me to believe that i oppose this now. Not to say that we cant get this deal, but on the face of how things have been done in the past. The manipulation in the way that laws are passed. Obamacare and leaving out key elements and the portrayal in certain media aspects that favor one side. I cant get a clear trust factor here. I cant do that now. I have to oppose it because of past practice. What you do yesterday it matters today. All of the things in the last six years in congress, and all of a sudden, this is to be excepted . Host marie in new jersey. Democrat, you supported . Caller yes, i supported. Host marie, i apologize to hear you. Call back on a better line. Adam, you oppose . Caller yes, i extremely oppose it. Iran is an Islamic State. They have they sponsor islam and terrorism. They have that can reach the western world. A put us at risk. They have tons and tons of desert. Why cant they use solar power . The only intent for them to develop Nuclear Power is so that they can make a bomb. Whether it is a dirty bomb to give to terrorists or a bond to reach the west. Ayatollah has said that they have had protest in the street, death to america. This is about enforcing sharia in the western world. Host taking a look at the times this morning. Here is the breaking news all Iranian Nuclear sites will continue activities. This was broadcast live in iran until it was interrupted by their own president. It says that iran will continue uranium enrichment. And then you have Supreme Leader is agreements wildcard. Host that from the wall street journal. We will go to karen in ohio. You supported . Caller i do support it. I support the president. I believe that he has done diligent in figuring out this deal. He is not alone. There are other countries that are in on it. The u. N. Is in on it. We have to do something aside from war. Aside from surrendering. What is the long game here . Iran needs to be a country just like israel, iraq, all of the other middle eastern countries. We dont agree with or understand, but they are part of the world. Saudi arabia can take care of itself. They have a huge military. We do have lots of checks and balances in this plan. For all of these military leaders and these intelligent well versed people to say that this is a good plan, i have to believe that. We as the American People, what do we know . Except for what they tell us. For anyone to tell us to think that iran is going to dupe us, again, we have to take that chance. Just like russia. Host i understand your point. Avery in alabama. Caller i want to make three points. The first is the United States has a lot of nerve to determine who obtains Nuclear Weapons since we are the only country who has used them twice. Number two, pakistan and india have Nuclear Weapons and we forbade them to do it but they did it anyway. Number three israel is sitting there with Nuclear Weapons that they dont even have to report to anyone. So why should we be in arms over who gets the destructive weapons and who can use the energy, when we are the only country diabolical enough to use them to begin with. Host anthony in washington d. C. , you support the deal . You Want Congress to supported as well . Caller i do, greta. We cannot be a nation of potential war. That is my statement. Host ronald in north carolina. He opposes it. What is your message to congress . Caller i hope they dont pass it. How can you deal with anybody when you are in a process of negotiations and youre sitting there having demonstrations that say death to america, death to israel. Also, mr. Made a statement the guess you had on tv the other day said that the arms embargo should not be dropped. So for him to say that it is false. Host you mean because they included the arms embargo . That was part of these negotiations . They didnt include the hostage stuff. Caller right. The general you had on tv the other day said that they should not drop the arms embargo. And then they put that in the negotiations. They also could have put the hostages in. Host this is from the Washington Post, it says the unconventional weapons and missiles negotiators have split the difference. The new u. N. Resolution will include an ongoing eightyear missile and missile band. Host that is what the negotiators did on that. What is different between lifting it and keeping it indefinitely. Nothing youll in florida, a republican. You support this. Why is that . Caller there are several reasons. One is, what choice do we have . Do we want to go to war . The answer is no. We have lost enough lives. They are giving them a better chance by finding out where we can go from here. The problem i am having is, we have become defendants for israel. Israel can say anything it wants and we must oblige them with their request. Host why do you see annex . Caller because of the way it is going down. They know that we are best friends and that we will do anything to honor that friendship. Because of that, it is almost like they are like they are Prime Minister can tell the United States of america what should and can be done. That is sad to see the way it is playing out. We have become a very Strong Society with our youth of america today. That is what you are seeing uprising right now. Host nathaniel, you might be interested in this piece. It was written in the Jerusalem Post yesterday, it takes a look at the two lobbyist groups in d. C. For the jewish americans. One is jay street and the other is apex. Aipac is warning that it may support the sponsor of terror. And jay street says the deal blocks pathways to Nuclear Weapon. It is not all coming from aipac. They are the liberal jewish lobbying group, jay street. They have congratulated the president. Netanyahu did have a statement yesterday. He talked to reporters. He called it a historic mistake. Our concern is that the militants in the Islamic State of iran are going to receive a short path to Nuclear Weapons. Many of the restrictions that were supposed to prevented have been lifted. I will get a jackpot of iran will get a jackpot of dollars. This is a bad mistake. Of historic proportions. Host that is the Prime Minister of israel responding to the nuclear deal that has been put forth by the administration. Congress has two months to look it over. You have heard from two members of congress today. Joe biden is behind closed doors with House Democrats, answering their questions. We talked with the wall street journal this morning, we talked about Congress Review process. Republican leaders made clear yesterday that there that they are not going into this with optimism. They are sharply critical of it. They suggested that if upon further inspection, if it matches what they think it is, they will try hard to block it. Host how will they do that . Guest there are 60 days for lawmakers to review it in congress. It will probably be when they return from their august recess. They will take some kind of folk. Leadership can take a vote to decide whether to approve or disapprove. That will influence what happens on capitol hill. Most likely, at this point, it looks like they would bring up a vote to disapprove the deal. A joint resolution to disapprove of the deal. That would have to hurdle clear the hurdle of getting 60 votes. The president has said that he will veto that if that is what ends up passing. Were that to happen, it would come back to congress, and the question at that point is whether or not there are enough votes to sustain the president possibly to. Host are there enough democrats on the president s side on this . Guest it is tricky to tell at this point. Democrats were cautious yesterday. Most of them said they want to talk to experts, we expect there to be a lot of hearings on capitol hill. Very group very few people gave outright support. But it seems like in the senate its tough to think there would be enough votes to override a veto. Host Vice President joe biden, coming to capitol hill today to talk to lawmakers. Is he meeting with just democrats . Guest yes. Just House Democrats. On the senate side, there will be other Administration Officials reaching out. The Vice President has been calling lawmakers already. He started with senator chris coons. The administration is definitely kicking into sales pitch mode. Theyre trying to convince them that this is a deal to support. Host what does this do to the monthlong recess in august . Guest i have heard a different theories about this. On one hand, some people say that having this review. Stretch into the august recess gives critics time to marshal their ammunition. But i have also heard the idea that lawmakers cut go home, they have other issues on their minds, and when they come back there is less of the deep resistance that we are hearing from republicans. That might soften. It is hard to tell exactly right now. The will probably be in a different frame of mind. Host that was kristina peterson, a wall street journal reporter. She was talking about the review process. They have 60 days because of legislation that they passed earlier. The president has said that if they oppose it, he will veto it and send it back. He would need 13 democrats to side with him. We will go to detroit in florida. You oppose this . Caller yes, my real question is , is this program you are having disingenuous . Host why do you say that . Caller because we all know that whatever congress does, approve or disapprove, congress has no bearing. It is a u. N. Proposition. It will go back to the u. N. Anyway. Congress has nothing to do with this. This is a typical obama procedure and political maneuvering. He knows this. Yet he likes to let the American People think that he has Given Congress the opportunity to do something about it. He knows that that is absolutely false. He is pursuing it. It is disgusting. Host the president will be making his pitch to the American People and lawmakers when he goes before the reporters and cameras at 1 00 today. We will have coverage on that on cspan3. Chuck in illinois. You supported. Good morning to you. Caller good morning. I enjoy you. There is a lot you can say about this. I put i do believe it is time to start something different. Yes, these people run around saying all of this stuff like they are going to kill america when they are protesting. Those are just threats that are coming. That is about all i can think. It is time to do something different. Host ok. Kerry in harry in indiana. Caller good morning. I do oppose the deal. I would like to explain first there are too many people thinking unrealistically about this. The iranians are a proud people. We have the resources and population. They have the intelligence if they want a Nuclear Weapon. It is going to be very hard to stop them. That doesnt mean it is going to be impossible. People on the other side say that this deal is better than the alternative. What they are saying is that any deal is better than the alternative. That is not true, either. Excuse me there is an insistence on destabilizing the region around them, anyway they possibly can. Host ok. For those of you who are interested in how this vote may go down, we dont know yet. Congress has 60 days. They are likely to pick it up after the august recess. But on the hill, they have put together a with list. They report that there are five yes it is, democrats have come out to say that they will support the deal. You have 11 democrats who are leaning yes towards the deal. And then you have one democrat who has said no. And 29 undecided democrats. On the republican side, 21 republicans already say no. There are 24 republicans that are leaning no. You can see the list there. And if you go to the hill. Com you can see that there are nine republicans who are unclear, undecided. That includes the chairman of the Foreign Relations committee. Rosemary in ohio, you oppose it. What is your message to congress . Caller i would like to say that this administration has to stop making wrong right and right wrong. They are out there to make everything that is wrong in gods word, right. This is an abomination. We have to watch out for russia, in the bible. If you want to see what is going to happen to the United States look at chapter 18 in the bible. A lot of wolves coming down here People Better be ready. This is wrong. Host travis in kentucky. You oppose . Caller i do oppose. Can take a Nuclear Weapon and hide it in a bale of hay. Anybody can hide a Nuclear Weapon. Another reason i hope they oppose is because if you bring the authorities in, they are going to defend themselves. Then, just like the bible says, nations will come to israel and that is what will come out of it. There will be between israel and the palestines. Thank you. Host we will take a look at the reaction from the 2006 contenders to the deal. Marco rubio put out a statement saying that he has said from the beginning that he will not support a deal with iran. Chris christie has tweeted out his statement that says after three years of humility daring of humiliating concessions, the president should have walked away. Carly fiorina has said that iran has demonstrated that behavior. And then mike huckabee, he said shame on the Obama Administration for agreeing to a deal. Democrat jim webb has said that this is an important moment in terms of the future of american foreignpolicy. I look forward to reading the agreement. Lincoln chafee, i salute the potus and kerry in this historic breakthrough. That is what the former rhode island governor has to say. Some reactions from the 2016 contenders. Hillary clinton was up on capitol hill yesterday. She was talking with house lawmakers about her economic message. She also talked about the Iran Nuclear Deal. She said it was a good first step. Host chris in new york. A republican. Caller anybody is crazy to make a deal with iran. They are looking for to come back. They believe that all they have to do, that is their messiah all they have to do is start a war and do certain things to help bring about their messiah. This is their religious view. They have no problem going around new king around nuking israel and america. I dont understand anybody who would want to negotiate anything with very severely religious muslims who believe in armageddon. They want to help bring about armageddon. It is a clear about how they feel about america and israel. It is about us, too. We will be dragged into this nuclear warfare. I dont think these people ought to get these types of weapons. They are very passionate about their beliefs. Host they have the infrastructure and technology, from what you have probably read about experts, they are on the way there. What is the alternative if we dont negotiate . Caller we dont need to get involved. They are going to use the Nuclear Weapons no matter what. That involves ourselves. To go on board and say that we agree with iran, we want to be there with you and we support your Nuclear Weapons, we are going to the war to say that we were in on the deal. Host ok, i have got your point. Take a look at the reaction on twitter from the iranian leader. Host robert in for jr. Beach you support it. An independent. Caller i support this path forward. It is time that we begin to bring some stability back into that region. We wrecked it. As colin powell said, once he went in with our troops, he said that if we destroy iraq, you are going to own it. And so now we have created this instability throughout the region. I just think that this is a path forward, to try to bring back some stability. When we removed saddam, we created the instability. I think we are at fault for the conditions that exist. Host and you think this is the first step to bringing peace . Caller i do. You have to engage. You have to engage your enemy. It was clear that iran was going to go forward with their plan anyway, regardless of what the sanctions and hardships it brought on the local people. It is time to try a different approach. Host cam in west virginia, you supported as well . Caller oh, no. I do not support it. We should not give americas hard earned money to enemies. Host what are you referring to . Caller iran. Host that is money that has been frozen. It is their money that has been frozen under the sanctions, it would be released back to them. The billions of dollars that people are talking about, they are afraid people will use it to sponsor terrorism. Caller well, our president goes and snubs our friends, israel. He bows to the muslims. I dont think he should be involved, i cannot wait until he is gone. Host Vladimir Putin has put out a statement on the nuclear deal. This is what it says. Host becky in tennessee, a republican. You oppose . Caller yes, i oppose. One thing about the democratic speaker said earlier, about other negotiations during the Iran Nuclear Negotiations would have weakened it. No it would not. They should have negotiated to have the prisoners released. That was not a good deal at all. Regardless of the biblical view of this, because i agree with that also, i do oppose this because it puts america and the middle east in harms way. Host bea, you supported . Caller yes. I am not looking for the congress, the republicans, to agree with the president , or israel. Because when you oppose something and go through all kinds of tactics to stop it even before you have read the deal, why would i expect congress or israel to agree . They havent even read it. Republicans were over there having their elections in israel. One thing the media isnt saying is that its as far as the prisoners in iran, they are is really americans they are israelli americans. Host one of them is a reporter. He was covering a story for the newspaper. Do you want them to support it or oppose it . We have 10 minutes left. The front page of usa today. Greetings pluto. For the first time in its 4 billion years life, pluto got a visit from earth. It is 10 years in the waiting it has finally paid off for the scientists. The mission has cost and the denver post is now saying that the United States is the only nation to have visited every planet in the solar system. Nasa will be talking more about this today at 3 00. And then in usa today, there is this headline. Donald trump has taken the lead in the gop race. Donald trump is leading, followed by jeb bush, scott walker, then ted cruz, marco rubio, ben carson, rand paul, mike huckabee, and Chris Christie is trailing behind with 3 . You oppose this deal . Caller good morning. I am opposed. Particularly with the anytime anywhere in section. Anywhere inspections. Before i continue on that, i would like to comment about the tragedy in south carolina. How refreshing it was that al sharpton the one who always pops up in these situations, that he was out of the headlines. Host claudia in florida. You support this nuclear deal. Caller yes, good morning. I do support the deal. I am proud of our president obama. I am proud of the committee that worked so hard to come up to the table and sit around and come to a deal. To me, it is wonderful. As long as we can keep talking, we will be ok. I am happy that the sanctions will be lifted on the iranian people. They have suffered throughout this whole thing. I just support it. Any time that people come together and try to work things out is a good thing. For the people who have been quoting the bible, the bible also says, blessed are the peacemakers. Host all right, claudia. Here is a tweet from one of our viewers. Sanctions only hurts the poor not those in power. John you support this. Good morning. Caller good morning, it is great to talk to you. I do support this. The United States has been a bad actor in the middle east for many decades. The United States overthrew the iranian governor. They have shot down one of their Passenger Airlines in 1988. The u. S. Shot it down and never apologized. We supported Saddam Hussein, he used chemical weapons. The history goes back so far. I think the iranians have come a long way. I dont, i am an american. I believe this country is on the wrong track in the middle east. If anybody has caused disruption , the United States with the invasion of iraq has caused a lot of problems. Following everything that netanyahu wants iran is the bogeyman for netanyahu. I think iran will be a good player in the region. They have helped us in afghanistan and they are helping us fight isis. I think we can do more and find more to Work Together in the future. Host some viewers on twitter are skeptical of the role that congress will play in this. Host another issue before lawmakers before they leave for the august recess is the highway spending bill. The wall street journal reports that the highway funding bill deal remains elusive. It could test lawmakers ability to Work Together. Host in the senate, the majority leader has been seeking leads to extend the plan. He discussed funding operations with fellow gop senators at a closeddoor caucus meeting yesterday. Mary you oppose. What is your message to congress . Caller this thing about war is the only other solution, no, sanctions were the solution. They should have kept the sanctions and they should have kept them up stronger. First of all, we should have gotten our people out of there. They have no business being kept there. That should have been before they started talking about this mess. I think it would be very smart to have who happens to be lebanese, he made a whole lot of sense. Also the caller from iran who is living here now and teaching, they made a great deal of sense. It has nothing to do with israel. There are many other countries in the region who oppose this deal. They are the ones who will have to live with it. Also, there are plenty of sand for them to have solar power. They have all the oil they could need. They are not distributing the money down to the people. What theyre going to do with the money when they get it back is continue to strengthen the arms which is why france and germany and russia are all behind this deal. Because russia is going to sell them Nuclear Technology. France is going to sell them arms, as well as germany. That is why they are for it. The only reason why they should be why there should be intercontinental ballistic weapons is to reach here. The lady who called from new york was correct. These people want their own caliphate. Theyre going to continue to disrupt the whole region, they are the ones who want the caliphate. Host ok, mary. Other Business Opportunities being noted in the newspaper is airlines the Aircraft Companies could benefit from opening up iran, as well as the automotive industry. And then as far as iran and their exports. That is noted in the papers this morning as well. That could hurt u. S. Farmers. Harvey, you oppose. Tell us why. Caller i am opposed because of the money that has been in the holding all this time, when they release it, im sure a lot of that money will go to the terrorists. They need to really look at that and watch that. They need to promise that they will never fire on israel or on us. I know that promises can be broken. Host what do you think of the economic argument, that if you open it up, you relieve sanctions, and other countries are able to trade with iran, that they will take that money and i am so sorry, the house is about to gavel in here. But the conversation will be continuing as the 60 day review goes on in congress. Thank you for watching and tuning in. We are preyou live coverage of the house. We are bringing you coverage of the house. Senator santorum the house will be in order. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. The clerk the speakers rooms, washington, d. C. , july 15, 2015. Irhereby appoint the honorable john r. Moolenaar to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. Signed, john a. Boehner,

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