CPS launches ‘POP-UP’ community vaccination clinic on Saturday, April 24
CPS launches ‘POP-UP’ community vaccination clinic on Saturday, April 24
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On Wednesday, April 21st, The Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor (VSA), Omar Ottley decided in consultation with the Department Head of Collective Prevention Services (CPS), Mrs. Eva Lista-de Weever that CPS will host a ‘POP-UP’ COVID-19 vaccination clinic on Saturday, April 24th, in efforts to increase the vaccination numbers throughout the community. The vaccination clinic will be open between the hours of 10 AM- 2PM at the Vineyard building.
This clinic will be open to all persons residing on the Dutch side, who have not already registered to be vaccinated. Upon arrival, persons are required to provide; a Sint Maarten ID card, a driver’s license or a Dutch passport. A non-Dutch passport holder with the latest immigration entry stamp dating back 6 months or longer,