Vaccine sites welcoming walk-ins as demand for vaccines slows
Beshear said the goal is to start shifting from the mass vaccination sites to getting vaccines to local doctors' offices, grocery stores and health clinics.
Author: Dennis Ting
Updated: 5:58 PM EDT April 27, 2021
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Vaccine sites throughout Kentucky and Indiana are welcoming people seeking to get their coronavirus vaccines to come without scheduling an appointment.
The UofL Health mass vaccination site in Cardinal Stadium's parking lot is one of many sites around Kentucky that have been allowing walk-up appointments.
"We didn't want to say no to anybody. Anybody that wants to be vaccinated, we wanted to provide that to them, so we set up our system to where it's best to have an appointment, it makes it easier, but we took walk-ups from the very beginning just because we knew we wanted to provide it to anybody who wanted it," UofL Hospital Associate Chief Medical Officer Dr. Hugh Shoff said.

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Indiana ,United States ,Jefferson County ,Cardinal Stadium ,Kentucky ,Tammy Monroe ,Hugh Shoff ,Andy Beshear ,Uofl Health ,Jefferson County In Health Department ,Health Department ,இந்தியானா ,ஒன்றுபட்டது மாநிலங்களில் ,ஜெஃபர்சன் கவுண்டி ,கார்டினல் அரங்கம் ,கெந்‌டகீ ,தம்மி மன்ரோ ,ஹக் ஷோப்ப் ,ஆண்டி பெஷர் ,ஊஓப்ல் ஆரோக்கியம் ,ஆரோக்கியம் துறை ,

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