Indonesia have reached 54.000 cases per day and it’s slowly declining. Everyday more people die because of the virus. For the record, there are 86,835 persons died because of covid. Due to high number of deaths, the government applied PPKM for several weeks. Although PPKM may decreases the covid cases per day, but the death rate of covid in Indonesia is still high. Indonesia is now known by other country because of the high case of coivde-19. More people get infected each and every day. As the death rate gets higher, cemeteries in Indonesia run out of space. New graves are being dug every time. Ambulance comes and goes all the time. There could be at least 10 ambulance queuing. Grave diggers dig more than 100 graveyards a day. It means that there are more than 100 burials a day.
The actual death rate Is three to five times higher than the governments figures. “Most of those who died in isolation had trouble accessing the hospitals. Their condition deteriorated, they tried to go to hospital, but they are full, so they died at home,” said Ahmad Arif.
Although most of the locals have already been vaccinated, it does not reduce the fact that covid death rate in Indonesia is still high. The viruses now attack most of the children in Indonesia. “Our numbers are the highest in the world,” the head of the Indonesian Pediatric Society, Dr. Aman Bhakti Pulungan, said of the death rate. “Why are we not giving the best for our children?”