Tuesday was the first day Orange County residents age 65 and over could get a COVID-19 vaccine.Cars lined up by the hundreds on the north side of the Orange County Convention Center."I've been locked in the house since March and I want to go out,” Robert Faber said.Faber, 76, is a retired doctor and his wife a nurse. They believe the vaccine is their ticket to more freedom for themselves and others.The vaccination site is being run by Orange County's Health Department and is only for Orange County residents age 65 and older. The vaccination is free and you must pre-register for an appointment before you come. As of Tuesday, all vaccination appoints have been booked.>> VACCINATION INFORMATION FOR CENTRAL FLORIDA COUNTIESEveryone who gets a shot is directed to an EMS-staffed parking lot where they must wait 15 and 30 minutes to be sure they don't have any allergic reaction.Those who get a shot are also given an appointment to come back in 28 days to get the second dose.There was confusion Tuesday morning as to where to enter the vaccination site due to lack of directional signage. Officials promised to improve the signage. They also hope to shorten the line of cars waiting to get in by asking people not to show up too early before their appointment. Officials said you should show up no more than 30 minutes before your appointment in hopes to alleviate traffic.