Fast Facts:
Ontario reports 2,000 cases of COVID-19 for a second consecutive day on Wednesday; 41 new cases in Ottawa
The head of Ontario's COVID-19 vaccine task force says Ottawa "is not going to get left behind" as new COVID-19 vaccines arrive
Seven charges, 55 warnings for mask violations at Ottawa retail stores during holiday season
Fifty charges laid in Kingston for COVID-19 violations
COVID-19 by the numbers in Ottawa:
New cases: 41 cases on Wednesday
Total COVID-19 cases: 9,159
COVID-19 cases per 100,000 (previous seven days): 29.3
Positivity rate in Ottawa: 1.3 per cent (Dec 9-15)
Reproduction Number: 0.90 (seven day average)
Ottawa Public Health says there are four reasons to seek testing for COVID-19: