59-year-old Penny Randolph-Bailey appeared in Wayne County Court on January 12th, pleading guilty to a charge of Retail Theft, and a charge of Unlawful Delivery of Methamphetamine. Randolph-Bailey was initially arrested on the charge of Retail Theft, a Class A Misdemeanor, on February 10, 2022. She was again arrested on March 3, 2022 for Unlawful Possession of Meth, a Class 2 Felony. In the Retail Theft case, Randolph-Bailey was ordered to pay a total of $250 in fines and costs. In Wayne County Court Tuesday, 43-year-old Paxton D. Bruce pleaded guilty to a charge of unlawful Meth conspiracy of more than 15 grams, a class x felony. As a part of s plea agreement, the prosecution decided to drop charges of unlawful possession of meth and fortification of a residence. Bruce will serve 10 years in the Illinois Department of Corrections with credit for 127 days for time served. All money, ammunition, and weapons seized belong so Wayne County. The value of the seized assets was $2245.00.