The project has been a top priority for SLO County and the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) for over two decades and has received an immense amount of public support over the years.
–The California Transportation Commission recently approved funding recommendations for Cycle 5 of the Active Transportation Program, including $18.25 million for the Bob Jones Trail extension project.
The Bob Jones “City to Sea” Trail extension project will construct 4.5-miles of multi-use trail, separated from motor vehicles, and will connect the existing trail in Avila to the Octagon Barn at the South end of San Luis Obispo. This trail fills an essential link in the region’s north-south bicycle network and constructs facilities suitable for people of all ages and abilities, providing an option to safely bicycle or walk to work, school, and other critical services and access to nature and agricultural areas for recreation and exercise. The project has been a top priority for SLO County and the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) for over two decades and has received an immense amount of public support over the years.