County Officials Unveil Chautauqua Lake Memorandum of Understanding
County Executive
PJ Wendel was joined by County staff to unveil a
Chautauqua Lake Memorandum of Understanding Wednesday night. The M-O-U follows the 2019 Chautauqua Lake Memorandum of Agreement, which ended April 30th.
Wendel said most would agree that the 2019 M-O-A was a success with a number of initiatives achieved,
“A combined effort to improve near-shore cleanup utilizing Mobitracs, Barges, and Harvesters; an increased ability to move more quickly respond to the stakeholders’ needs; the use of a new
herbicide, ProcellaCOR, product to control
Eurasian Watermilfoil; the use of satellite-based Geographic Information System technology to track the movement of equipment and the location of herbicide applications on the Lake.”