Abigail and Owen Carlberg were recognized for their 4-H achievements at 4-H Awards Night.
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Chautauqua County’s 4-H Youth Development Program celebrated a unique 4-H year at its annual Awards Night held recently at the Falcon’s Nest in Falconer.
Despite the challenges 4-H youth and volunteers faced by the coronavirus pandemic, Chautauqua County 4-H youth were still able to complete projects like community service and many animal projects. Youth were recognized for their efforts at the annual Awards Night Ceremony.
Awards Night usually takes place in November and is planned by the Teen Ambassador youth leadership group. Families bring a dish to share, enjoy games, and celebrate the 4-H year with their fellow 4-Hers. This year’s event was a “walk through” style, modified to accommodate social distancing best practices. Families arrived at the Falcon’s Nest and received awards for project completion and participation in fundraisers. They then walked to get a photo and to share their success with families who chose to participate virtually via Zoom. Youth who joined via Zoom were recognized for their accomplishments as well. All youth who participated received a 4-H mask sewn by 4-H volunteer Valitta Eggleston and a cookie from 3C’s catering.