The Jamestown City Council discussed how the city will save some money because of accrued liability that was booked to pay retroactive pay increases to Jamestown Police Department employees.
P-J photo by Dennis Phillips
The city of Jamestown won’t be paying as much for losing the police arbitration case as once projected.
On Monday during the Jamestown City Council work session meeting, Ryan Thompson, city comptroller, told the council that because the previous administration, lead by former mayor Sam Teresi, had booked accrued liability to cover retropay increases through 2019 to police union employees, the city won’t be paying an estimated $1.1 million. He said because of the accrued liability, the 2% pay increase to the police employees for 2016-17 will impact the city only $220,000 for both 2020 and 2021, for a total of $440,000.