Cost Of Fixing Signal Mountain's Immense Sewage Treatment Problems "In 8 Figures"
Tuesday, December 15, 2020 - by Gail Perry
The new Signal Mountain Town Council heard special presentations at the Monday night meeting about the immense problems with the town’s wastewater infrastructure. Executive Director of WWTA Mike Patrick and engineer Scott McDonald reported that the condition of the system that collects and treats wastewater is unacceptable, hard to fix and very expensive to do anything about. It is ranked one of the worst systems, Mr. Patrick told the council.
Most of the underground lines and pipes were installed in or before the 1970’s when many sewer lines and manholes were positioned in creek beds and ravines making problems both hard to diagnose and repair. Some of these locations would never be approved today, he said. To move them now will require tearing up the creeks and a lot of clearing, and then where could they be moved to? he asked. It will be a staggering cost and impact to the environment. To replace the entire system would be in the “eight figures,” said Mr. Patrick. The WWTA is now working on the concept and the economy of making repairs.