March 12, 2021 11:30 AM
L.A. Unified School District Superintendent Austin Beutner (center-left) and United Teachers Los Angeles president Cecily Myart-Cruz (center-right) lead reporters on a tour of Panorama High School on March 10, 2021, to show off safety preparations made to welcome students back in the spring. (Kyle Stokes/KPCC/LAist)
Juanita Garcia doesn't think her opinion counted for much in Los Angeles Unified School District's decision to reopen campuses next month. Garcia, whose adopted grandchildren attend San Fernando High School, believes LAUSD students are returning because parents from areas more affluent than the East Valley have demanded it.
"What we can see from this district and from the union is that our students don't count," Garcia said in Spanish through an interpreter. "And we don't either. What really counts for them is the money."