Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) WHO Thailand Situation Report 175 - 26 April 2021
Today, 2,048 new cases of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 were announced by the Ministry of Public Health of Thailand. Eight new
deaths were reported today. In addition, 563 patients are in a critical condition, of which 150 are currently receiving ventilatory support
Of the cases reported in Thailand to date, 54.9% (31,593) have recovered, 0.3% (148) have died, and 44.8% (25,767) are receiving treatment or are in isolation: (20,461 are in conventional hospitals and 5,306 in field hospitals).
The 2,048 laboratory-confirmed cases reported today include
1,991 cases detected through the routine surveillance system: (testing of people presenting at a healthcare facility for a variety of reasons, including presence of COVID-19 symptoms, contact with a case, concern about a possible exposure).