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The city said Cornwall Gravel had the best bid meeting the tender specifications for the reconstruction of First Street from Gloucester to Marlborough streets/reconstruction of Third Street from Gloucester to Marlborough Streets, at the total bid price of $1,579,932.
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Cornwall Gravel gets the nod for two street reconstruction projects Back to video
And, Cornwall Gravel was awarded the tender for the Brookdale Avenue North reconstruction, with a bid price of $857,457.
As for the Brookdale Avenue project, funding from the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) 2020-21 Connecting Links program covers 90 per cent of eligible costs, with the city responsible for the remaining 10 per cent, funded through the 2020 asphalt resurfacing on various city streets budget. Much of the 2021 budget for asphalt resurfacing comes from the money Cornwall receives from the federal gas tax fund.