CoR: EU budget deal can turn crisis into opportunity - time to put new resources at the service of our people and businesses in regions, cities and villages
Press release
| Multi-annual financial framework (MFF); EU annual budget
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Statement of
Apostolos Tzitzikostas, President of the European Committee of the Regions and Governor of the region of Central Macedonia, Greece
I congratulate the German EU Presidency and the EU institutions for the historic deal. The agreement opens a new era and can help turn the crisis into new opportunities. As major beneficiaries of EU funds, regions and cities, are committed to urgently put these resources at the service of our people and businesses. The European Union is demonstrating solidarity and responsibility, based on the respect of the rule of law, as demanded by the European Committee of the Regions. All levels of governance - EU, national, regional and local - are called upon to join forces to turn the €1.8trn investment into reality. The recovery must be fair and based on social, economic and territorial cohesion, fostering green and digital change and boosting innovation. This is what our citizens expect and what we all need to achieve to turn the challenges into opportunities".