Council rejected the project last year in a 4-4 tie, following a public hearing and a discussion about the best way to solve the city’s housing crisis, with councillors Ben Isitt, Jeremy Loveday, Sarah Potts and Sharmarke Dubow opposed to the project.
On Dec. 10, council reconsidered the decision and directed staff to work with the developer to address housing affordability.
The proposal has not changed from what came before council previously, a staff report says, but the developer indicated they intend make a charitable donation to support homeless youth ahead of a public hearing.
The eight councillors who previously voted on the project before a Dec. 12 byelection to fill a ninth seat on council maintained their positions Thursday. A vote in support by Coun. Stephen Andrew, who was elected in the byelection, pushed the overall vote to 5-4 in favour of going to another public hearing.