Construction Begins on World-Leading, Multi Million-Pound Centre for Robotics Research
Written by AZoRoboticsMar 4 2021
Construction has started on a world-leading research facility for robotics and artificial intelligence, which will be the largest and most advanced of its type in the UK.
Image Credit: Hot Tin Roof
Based at Heriot-Watt University’s Edinburgh campus, the National Robotarium is supported by £21 million from the UK Government, and £1.4 million from the Scottish Government as part of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal.
The National Robotarium will be a centre of excellence for pioneering research and is expected to open in Spring 2022. It will create innovative solutions to global challenges using cutting-edge research, product design and industry collaboration. Bringing together academics and global companies, the facility will provide a catalyst for entrepreneurship and is expected to deliver sustainable economic benefit to Edinburgh, the UK and beyond.