Connecting the Dots On the Plot to Oppose the Globalist Takeover By Returning Trump to Power (Part 2)
Submitted by Dave Hodges on Monday, May 17, 2021 - 14:54.
I am going to present a paradoxical set of circumstances and allow the reader to connect the which emanates from the facts and circumstances presented in Part One.
After reading Part One, have you connected the dots? If note, please consider the following facts:
Revelation From Part One-Election Audits and An Important Court Case
The Maricopa County Audit and Paul Preston’s law suit against California for using illegal ballots is making the enemy of the American people visible. Both of these audits could prove successful, but there is nobody to enforce the rule of law. They are all Democrats. Remember, a target is being painted on those who stole the election on behalf of the Biden administration.