Justin Crossley's rise to beer-media stardom at the Brewing Network began almost two decades ago with a gift from his then-girlfriend: a homebrewing kit he didn't know how to use. “Living in the Bay Area, I realized I was surrounded by brewers,” he recalls. “And if I could ask them all my dumb questions and record the answers, I'd be helping homebrewers out.” Having studied broadcasting in college, Crossley set up an online-streaming station in his Pacheco garage. He staffed it with beer-loving buds – a dentist who knew the science of brewing, a funny-sidekick homebrewer, his girlfriend who had the “added advantage of being German” – and started taking calls. “On our first show in June 2005, we had so many listeners tuning in live that we crashed my servers,” he says. Today, the Brewing Network is a titan in the beer-broadcasting world.