Comtech Telecommunications Corp. to Showcase 911 Solutions for States and Local Jurisdictions at NENA 2021
July 26, 2021 By GISuser
MELVILLE, N.Y.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–July 26, 2021 — Comtech Telecommunications Corp. (NASDAQ: CMTL), a global leading provider of next-generation 911 emergency systems and secure wireless communications technologies, announced today that it will be showcasing all of the Company’s Next Generation 911 (“NG911”) solutions July 26-27 at the annual National Emergency Number Association (“NENA”) Conference & Expo.
With decades of experience, Comtech has developed an extensive portfolio of call routing, call handling, location data delivery and text messaging solutions and has strengthened its one-stop-shop NG911 capabilities for states and local jurisdictions. Comtech is the only company in the industry offering a one-stop-shop next-generation 911 approach that includes comprehensive in-house capabilities that cross the entire deployment and ongoing systems management.