The Town of Zionsville (the “Town”), Indiana, is seeking qualifications from interested consulting firms to update our Comprehensive Plan, this shall be inclusive of land use, transportation, utility, and economic development strategies. There have been additions and modifications throughout the years to the Town’s Comprehensive Plan (last updated in totality in 2003). The Town seeks to update this document to keep it forward-thinking and knit Zionsville into one holistic jurisdiction with one clear vision. This vision shall establish goals, policies, infrastructure, and future development recommendations. It should enhance what works well in Zionsville, address current and future needs, and incorporate additional goals for all strategies. This living document should be adaptable and react to changes within the Town over time. The Comprehensive Plan update project goals are as follows: Update plan content to reflect recent Town-wide strategic initiatives, including Climate Action Planning/Stormwater/Environmental Planning, Utility, Transportation, Economic Development, Land Use, Resource and Rural Area Planning, and other Comprehensive Plan amendments as required by the state code. Ensure equity is integrated into the engagement process and the updated plan content. Improve Plan usability by clearly articulating prioritized goals, incorporating metrics for tracking progress, and applying a modern, streamlined document design. Assign priorities and action items to appropriate agency to assure accountability of implementation. Incorporate a vast amount of community input to determine priorities and goals. See the town's website for more information.