Company Stops Keystone XL Pipeline
TC Energy Corporation in Alberta, Canada, confirmed that it is shutting down further construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. The news release from the company said it would "ensure a safe termination of and exit from the Project." The company stated it had suspended construction after its permit was suspended by President Biden in January. Since then, the company has failed to get the administration to reverse its decision. It would've transported crude oil from the oil sand fields in Canada to Steele City, Nebraska, passing through Montana on the way.
Both Montana U.S. Senators expressed disappointment with the termination decision. Senator Jon Tester said, " I am bitterly disappointed to learn that construction of the Keystone XL pipeline will no long be moving forward. I supported this project for years because of the good-paying jobs and tax revenue it would have created for folks who live and work in Montana."