Community’s nonagenarians honoured
Friday, July 2, 2021
Dev Nadkarni
The Auckland Indian Association honoured senior members of the Kiwi-Indian community who have crossed the ninety-year milestone of their lives at a heartwarming function on Sunday 27 June.
The Association, which itself is in its centenary year, hosted a lunch for twenty-three “super seniors” that included a married couple and a centenarian, Mrs Ramiben Parshottam, a great-great grandmother aged 102. Also in attendance were a couple of hundred family members, friends, and community leaders.
The function began with an inspiring speech by Pandit Devrambhai Raval, priest of the Radha-Krishna Temple. While paying respects and expressing gratitude to the seniors for their long involvement and constant guidance in the workings of the Association, he underscored the importance of staying healthy in body and mind, particularly by staying connected and communicating regularly with friends and family.