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Community profile: Care about the cause — Roaring Fork Valleys Salvation Army director eager to beat last years fundraising record :
Community profile: 'Care about the cause' — Roaring Fork Valley's Salvation Army director eager to beat last year's fundraising record
Racks of used jackets sit near the front door. They’re smaller in size, mostly fit for women and children. Staff say men’s jackets are hard to come by at this point. Near these garments is...
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Cristina Ruiz
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Roaring Fork Salvation Army
Salvation Army Red Kettle
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Glenwood Springs Branch Library
Glenwood Springs Salvation Army
Salvation Army Roaring Fork Valley Service Extension
Amnesty Health Services
Salvation Army
Red Kettle Kickoff
Glenwood Springs
Salvation Army Roaring Fork Valley Service
Red Kettle
City Market
Red Kettle Drive
After Saturday
Christmas Eve
New Year
Denver Based Intermountain Divisional Brass Band
Glenwood Springs Branch
Roaring Fork Valley
Amnesty Health
Mind Springs Health
Glenwood Spring Pregnancy Resource
Intermountain Divisional Brass Band
Jebel City Market
Springs City Market
Spring Walmart
Castle City Market
Village Clark
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