Like the song says, "Should Old Acquaintance be forgot, and never thought upon." While 2020 might be the year that no one wants to think upon ever again, the Standard-Times asked community leaders to reflect on the unrelenting year asking what they took away from it and what they are looking forward to in 2021.
“This past year has illustrated the best of the human spirit and worst. The lessons learned are numerous. We need to appreciate priceless memories and exhibit patience, tolerance, and an open mind to the perspective of others. We must recognize that life is fleeting and precious. We need to continue respecting each other and reinvigorating the basic tenets of humanity: honesty, individual responsibility, and integrity. These must all rest on a solid foundation of love and kindness. The best of us is in our hearts and we need the courage to love strangers. We are all interconnected dependent on each other. Life is a gift and it is short.” — Chief Joseph Cordeiro, New Bedford Police Department