A neighborhood that found itself in the hot zone during a COVID-19 spike is administering more vaccines. Continuing Coverage: Coronavirus in WisconsinOn Milwaukee's south side Wednesday, the vaccine site at Sixteenth Street's Parkway Clinic was more active than usual. It's the first day the health center teamed up with Ascension Wisconsin to provide hundreds of more vaccines to eligible patients.The health center has the access to the vaccine, receiving doses directly from the federal government."We just needed the help with the hands to be able to take care of our patients, and so they brought in vaccinators, observers and to help prepare the vaccine, so we're working together on this," Sixteenth Street clinical manager Itza Vargas said.Ascension said it is providing 22 clinic positions five days a week for the next six weeks.Right now, the focus is vaccinating eligible Sixteenth Street patients.Many are from the 53204 ZIP code, which is now a priority area for Milwaukee County."We serve the underserved, right. It's not the only ones we serve, but we're in a location that was hit hard in the red zone of the coronavirus and our ZIP codes always popped up as ones where coronavirus was prevalent, so we're excited to be doing this for them," Vargas said."People are hopeful in getting the vaccine, they're excited. It means they might be able to visit with friends, family, grandchildren, and so it's just really exciting to be a part of that," Ascension Wisconsin community nurse Brenda Buchanan said.If you are a qualified patient, Sixteenth Street said to call 414-672-1353 to schedule an appointment.Sixteenth Street's Parkway Clinic is located at 2906 South 20th Street in Milwaukee.The clinic manager hopes to expand beyond just patients in the future.Sign up for coronavirus email alerts from WISNGet breaking news alerts with the WISN 12 app.Follow us: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube