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Community Connection: A lot doing and a lot coming up | News, Sports, Jobs :
Community Connection: A lot doing and a lot coming up | News, Sports, Jobs
Hello, North Fort Myers. It’s so good to be able to give you the latest. There is a lot doing and a lot coming up: -- Ellsworth Heating & Cooling has p
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Danny Ballard
Melvin Scroggins
Keith Zumar
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Terri Fay
Monica Stevens
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Fort Myers Academy For The Arts Elementary
Fort Myers Recreation Center
Civic Association
Rec Center
Fort Myers Academy For The Arts
North Fort
Ellsworth Heating
Drag Queen Bingo
Victory Lane
Hancock Bridge
Bayshore Elementary
Ali Hunt
Hancock Creek Elementary
English Elementary
Littleton Elementary
North Fort Myers Academy
Arts Elementary
Tropic Isles Elementary
Parts Middle
North Fort Myers High
North Fort Myers Recreation Center
Fall Festival
Angel Tree
North Fort Myers Santa Run
Holiday Giveaways
North Fort Myers Neighbor
Recreation Park
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