Comanche County to vote on Sales Tax Extension
Comanche County to vote on Safety Tax extension Tuesday
By Tiffany Bechtel | March 1, 2021 at 9:47 PM CST - Updated March 2 at 8:58 AM
LAWTON, Okla. (TNN) - On Tuesday, Comanche County residents will be voting on the Safety Tax Extension.
The previous resolution was approved in 2014 and directed two-thirds, or roughly 66%, of money from sales taxes towards improvements and operational costs at the Comanche County jail.
If the new resolution is approved, if would increase that amount to 80%, which is an additional 14% from the previous resolution.
The remaining 20% of the sales tax money would be split between five entities, like the previous resolution. Those entities include Volunteer Fire Departments, the Fairgrounds, the Sheriff’s Department, Capital Improvement Continency Fund, and the Comanche County Industrial Authority.