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Thanks to kyle i got a golden twinkle in my eye aw, shit aw, shit captioning by captionmax www. Captionmax. Com welcome to the daily social distancing show. Im trevor noah. Today is thursday, the 3rd of december, which means theres only 48 days left until donald trump is no longer president and can finally Start Building the first president ial library that has a ballpit. Anyway, coming up on tonights show drake wants to be in your house, ivanka trump wants to stay out of prison, and ludacris is joining me on the show. So lets do this, people welcome to the daily social distancing show. Announcer from trevors couch in new york city to your couch somewhere in the world, this is the daily social distancing show, with trevor noah. Trevor lets kick it off with the coronavirus pandemic. Its the reason you know what all your coworkers bedrooms look like without creating a problem for h. R. Right now, things are not looking good all over the world, and especially not in the united states. In fact, robert redfield, the director of the c. D. C. And man whose face got put on upsidedown by god, said yesterday that the next few months could be the most difficult in the Public Health history of this nation even worse than that sixmonth stretch when you couldnt go anywhere without hearing baby shark. We thought that was the pandemic the good news is that a vaccine is right around the corner, but you still need to get enough people to get the vaccine so that people are immune. And lets face it, in a country where millions of people refuse to wear masks, theres a good chance many of them will resist getting an injection, which is sort of like a mask that hurts. So thats why some highprofile people from across the political spectrum are forming a supergroup to promote the vaccine. In a show of president ial leadership in this health crisis, three former president s are ready to roll up their sleeves to bolster Public Confidence in the new coronavirus vaccines, barack obama, george w. Bush, and bill clinton all volunteering to get their shots on camera once the f. D. A. Authorizes a vaccine. Clinton and obama got on board after president bush reached out to dr. Anthony fauci and dr. Deborah birx to see how he could help promote the vaccine. Trevor now, that is some president ial leadership, offering to get the vaccine on live tv before everybody else to boost Public Confidence. Also, its a great way to sneak ahead to the front of the line. I see you, barry yeah, i see you. You and bill and george snatching those first shots no hate fellas, game recognize game you know the game is not going to stop there, because i bet there will be one smart secret Service Agent who will be like,did somebody say shot, ill protect you and jump in front of the needle and say i got vax napted for you. And you might be wondering, why hasnt President Trump also offered to take the vaccine . By the time the vaccines are available, hell also be a former president. But dont forget, he beat corona, so hes already immune. Also, he cant go before the other president s, because hell take all the lollipops. Im actually glad that trump isnt part of this event. Because you know he would find a way to make things awkward. trump im not getting the vaccine on camera. I dont want to show my butt aide sir, they can do it in your arm. trump too late. I already dropped my pants. Not to mention watching them get the vaccine on tv doesnt really help. What we really need to do is watch them 24 7 after the vaccine so we can see its safe so they all need to live together in a house where we can see them eat and sleep and hangout. Of course, until there is a vaccine, it will be more important than ever to continue following social distancing guidelines. Now, the good news is that a lot of politicians have been speaking out very clearly about the need to stay safe. The bad news is these politicians havent all been practicing what they preach. A number of Democratic Leaders apologizing or reversing course, after multiple occurrences of do as i say, not as i do. They have been caught not following their own coronavirus guidelines. In san francisco, mayor london breed facing backlash after it was revealed that she attended a Birthday Party last month at the french laundry, the famed and exclusive napa valley restaurant, with seven other people at her table. And when this party happened, such gatherings were discouraged by statewide guidelines. The day before breeds dinner at the french laundry, governor gavin newsom also attended a party there with at least a dozen other people from different households. In denver, mayor Michael Hancock told residents of his city to skip large thanksgiving dinners, and then he promptly appeared at the Denver Airport and flew to mississippi to spend the holiday with his wife and daughter. Before thanksgiving, the mayor of austin, texas, had this message for his city you need to stay home if you can, do everything you can to try to keep the numbers down. This is not the time to relax. But it turns out, when he gave that warning, mayor steve adler wasnt home. He was on vacation in the swanky mexican resort of cabo san lucas. Trevor man, come on. What is it with these democrats . Hey, everybody, its your mayor here, telling you do the right thing and stay home. All my boys at the pool know what im talking about say whats up, everybody we livin that cabo life, bitches im sorery man, everyone has given up their lives and theyre hypocrites. Do you guys think corona respects your office too much to come after you . Because if it got the president of the united states, its not going to be starstruck by governor hair gel. And, yeah, i know republicans are also having big indoor parties. I know that. People say, what, about the republicans . Everyone expects them to the official Republican Party platform now is just. loudly coughs . In fact, in a way, these democrats are even worse than antimaskers because of their hypocrisy. At least when those dudes break the rules, theyre open about it. Antimask people are Walking Around in bars breathing into each others faces. Do you have any covid in you . Would you like some . But you know what . Its not healthy to dwell on the bad news all the time. Theres definitely bad news. Its 2020. For the next few minutes, lets make like donald trump and pretend coronavirus doesnt exist. And what better way to do that than another episode of ray of sunshine. Our first ray of sunshine comes from the moon. And i know some of you are thinking, how can you have a ray of sunshine from the moon, because the moon reflects light from the sun. Thats what moonlight is dont you remember thirdgrade science . i actually tonight remember it, either. I just googled it now. Anyway, heres whats happening on the moon right now right now, a chinese robotic craft is collecting samples on the moon. Its touched down where apollo and the sputnik missions have never ventured. Chinas Space Administration says for two days, it will drill, it will collect samples. The goal is to bring back four pounds of dust, of rock, debris, later this month. And the samples will be brought back to the earth in 44 years. Its been a while since weve done the moon exploration. Trevor wow, we havent collected any moon rocks in 44 years. Ill bet tatheyve changed a lot since back then. They probably graduated moon college, met another moon rock, and had some little moon rocks of their own. Then they started moon rock drinking and developed a gambling problem. And the one moon rock tells the other to get their act together. And tells him to get his goddam act together, and hes all like, why dont you mind your damned business. Anyway, it will be nice to catch up. But thats right, china is sending a robotic craft to the and this is pretty slick of china to do this now when everyone is still angry at them over the pandemic. Hey, china, for real, did you try to hide covid when it started in wuhan . Id love to answer your questions, but we have to go get rocks on the moon. Also, i just want to put it out there maybe this isnt the best year for humanity to be visiting the moon . I cant even travel to vermont without a quarantine. Maybe we shouldnt be sending humans to touch thungz in space. I dont want aliens coming down in two weeks like, what the hell, guys. You gave us covid19. human were so sorry it helps if you just put a mask alien dont take away my freedoms but lets return to earth for some news from the United Nations. Its where all the worlds most important leaders gather together. For a slummmmber party and the organization that brings nations together now has something to bring to the party. The United Nations has now removed cannabis from their list of most dangerous drugs. Marijuana had been categorized by the World Health Organization as a socalled schedule 4 drug. Heroin is in the same group. Well, now a panel voted to move cannabis into a lower category known as schedule 1. It includes drugs that are still considered highly addictive but can also be used medically. Many countries look to the u. N. Classification for policy guidance. Trevor thats right, the United Nations has officially removed cannabis from its list of mostdangerous drugs, which is fantastic. Because if any group could mellow out a bit, its world leaders. I mean, right now, israel and palestine hate each other so much, but if they smoked a little weed together, couldnt they become friends . The answer would be no. Theyd probably still hate each other, but would they want to get off the couch to do any world leader smoking pot would be awesome, because they would be like. Ya, mon, that be some irie kush right dere. Uh, sir, youre the Prime Minister of sweden. Dyats how ya know its good. I will say this, i would not be want to be a u. N. Translator right now, because that job is about to get real strange. It is with this that the. giggling i lost it. And. laughing i cant. I cant. Whoa you guys see that . Trevor moving on. From the world of diplomacy to the world of hip hop and home decorating. Yeah, thats right, the new drake just dropped, and i cant tell you how it sounds, but i can tell you how it smells. Sure smells great. Here is a unique holiday gift. Have your home smell like drake, bill. The singer has released a series of scented candles, and the scent called carby musk claims to smell like the canadian rapper himself, filled with notes of musk, ambers, cashmere, suede, and velvet. It costs about 80 bucks and includes a marker for you to write the recipients name on the candle. Trevor whoa, eighty bucks . i love drake, but i feel like hes really overestimating how much i want my house to smell like an emotional rapper. And even if i do agree to spend 80o a drakesmelling candle, i need ton which drake smell im talking about. Because you smell different at different times. Am i getting drake before the concert or drake after . Because one smells like blueberries with a hint of egyptian musk, and the other smells so sweaty you can tell his balls are stuck to one leg. And finally, the queen of england. Shes the titular head of the United Kingdom and the reason every british actress has a job. And she has a job opening. Heres a job opportunity that does not come around very often. Queen elizabeth is looking to hire a new personal assistant in the office at can the buck. The person will be in charge of managing requests, coordinating meets and appointments and drafting correspondence. It comes with a twoyear contract and a salary of almost 50,000 a year. Trevor okay, fifty grand a year is a decent salary, but not enough for the queens personal assistant, because youre the assistant. Youre going to know all the queens secrets. If she wants to keep her meghan voodoo doll under wraps, thats got to be worth more than 50 grand more. And the queen better not say its because the economy isnt great. Thats a weird excuse to make when youre sitting in a castle. queen i wish we could pay more, but money is tight right now. cockney your Diamond Crown is crooked, you majesty. queen sorry, its because of all the diamonds. And, look, on some level, it would be fun to work for the queen managing her appointments, having tea with her, telling the cops you were driving after she runs someone over. But its also got to be a super stressful. Theres so many tasks to keep on top of. Every day its like, wait, was it feed the corgis and behead the traitor, or feed the traitor and behead the corgis . Oh, what have i done of course, a celebrity assistant these days is basically just a 20something who manages social media accounts, which is going to be confusing for the queen. queen so i dont quite understand this latest tweet from us. What is the it that idris elba can get . All right, we have go to take a quick break, but when we come back, desi lydic will explain why the trump kids deserve a pardon. Yeah, i know. And then roy wood jr. Is going to check out the year in movies and ludacris come on over here amanda nunes wears hers with pride. From standing up for herself against the doubters, to being the only woman in her mma training gym. Amanda refused to let stereotypes get in her way. Whether inside the octagon or out. Since 1925, weve proved that it doesnt matter where you come from, it matters what youre made of. Modelo. The official beer of ufc. Hey, tracee, i cant hear you over this flamin hot crunch. Oh, crispy, airy, tasty poppables. Stax. Im totally tubular. Lays. A little joy with every bag. Lays. Thgreat stocking stuffers. Ke but how about rightnowinyourmouth stuffers. Happy holidays to your mouth. Not sorry. Reeses. Trevor welcome back to the daily social distancing show. In just 48 days, President Trump will lose all the powers that come with the presidency, like vetoing bills and getting to pick the inflight movie on air force one. But even worse for trump, hell lose the power to pardon people. So he might take advantage of it while he can. In another sign President Trump is preparing for life after the white house, multiple sources telling nbc news he is considering preemptive pardons for his three eldest children, his soninlaw, and other close associates. Trevor yup, you heard that right. Trump might preemptively pardon ivanka, don jr. , eric, and jared, which is groundbreaking. Because this could be the first time trump gives all his kids the same gift, because when they were growing up, they would get different presents. Like, ivanka would get a horse, and eric would get a shovel to scoop up horse shit. But the big question is, is it legal for trowsm pardon his own children . To help me answer that lets turn to our own senior legal correspondent, desi lydic. Desi, this seems really shady. If trump pardons all his kids, isnt that basically admitting that theyre criminals . Of course not, trevor. Sounds like someone didnt go to law school i didnt either, but ive partied there. But the fact is these pardons are preemptive. Right . That doesnt mean theyre criminals. It means theyre precriminals. And in a way, were all precriminals. I mean, are you telling me you know for sure that you would never get into a bar fight or help a friend knock over a bank. Trevor yeah, i know im not going to knock over a kneang. All right, ill find someone else. Trevor desi, what about the fact that this could be a blanket pardon . It could cover literally any crime. Thats a good thing. See, we dont know what theyve done, but they might not know, either. There are so many crimes you could commit without even realizing it. They could go after don jr. For not filling out every tax form perfectly, or hunting a rhinoceros because it was in the zoo. And thats not right, trevor. In america, we dont want to send innocent people to jail. This isnt Africa Trevor wow, okay. Okay, let me ask you this, disezy at the very least, you have to admit this is hypocritical. Trumps whole deal is hes the law and order president. Now hes using his power to subvert the Justice System. Right, but this is law and order. Hes bringing the people outside the law, back into the law, which allows them to order lunch, because they wont be in jail. Law and order. Trevor that is not what law and order means. Again, trevor, youre not a lawyer, and im on the board at columbia law school. Theres a cork board that says, if you see this woman, call campus security. Trevor but, desi, if all the trump kids are so clearly innocent, then why cant they just trust the Justice System . To prove it . Uhh, are you kidding . Because once joe biden takes power, he and the democrat deep state are just going to use the Justice System to get revenge, thats why i mean, thats the way it works around here. In america, so many innocent people get sent to jail. This isnt africa now, if youll excuse me, i have to go. Ronnys waiting for me at the wells fargo. See, hes a real friend trevor desi, please dont rob a bank with ronny. No, no, no, trevor. Its fine. Coworkers dont have to testify against each other. Its the perfect crime trevor desi, i dont think thats true, i might have to testify man, i have to stop asking her for legal questions. All right, when we come back, roy wood jr. Takes a look at the movies and Television Shows we all watched in 2020. And ludacris is still coming up stick around. Somebody needs to call ronny and pennsylvania, winning the white house and denying President Trump a second term. Donald trump built his brand on being a winner. You have to think like a winner. Now he cant stop losing. Joseph r. Biden jr. Is elected the 46th president. Certified joe biden as the winner. Day after day. A federal judge appointed by trump himself dismissed the president s efforts to throw out votes. After day. Election night that turned into election week. Election day is stretching well into election month. Election month, election two months. What the hell is going on . From the people who brought you, ill release my taxes when the audit is finished, and ill release my Health Care Plan in two weeks. A Beautiful Health care bill. Comes from a man who lost again. Trump lost wisconsin again. And again. He keeps losing court cases, recounts, and certifications. And again. He keeps relosing the election again and again and again. Over and over and over. Come see the spectacle critics are calling. I didnt know when i was going to run and i had to run again, every week i had to run again. That wasnt the deal. Donald trump, joe biden, the elite Strike Force Team and chris elliott. They are now one in 40 in court. Probably not now. In election day. For over 30 years, lexus has been celebrating driveway moments. Heres to one more, the lexus december to remember sales event. Get 0 financing on all new 2020 and 2021 lexus models. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Hey, tracee, i cant hear you over this flamin hot crunch. Oh, crispy, airy, tasty poppables. Stax. Im totally tubular. Lays. A little joy with every bag. To shodo you need power . Lays. Or this. Optimum power. Because duracell optimum makes this rc truck. Even faster than coppertop. No announcer we have a winner. duracell chime but to someone who wants to bring a little bounce to their house. Hey, google, play this on all my speakers. Its the google whole home funkifier. Introducing nest audio from google. So this aveeno® moisturizer goes beyond just soothing sensitive skin . Exactly jen calm restore oat gel is formulated with prebiotic oat. And strengthens skins moisture barrier. Uh i love it aveeno® healthy. Its our nature. ™ daily social distancing show. 2020 is almost over and i think we can all agree that it has been a fantastic year. So much great stuff happened. And for the rest of the month, well be remembering all of 2020s best moments, starting with roy wood jr. And a look back at the year in streaming video. Hey, whats up, everybody . Its roy wood jr. 2020 was a huge year for streaming, which is kind of like sake 1903 was a huge year for airplanes there were no real airplanes before then. This year all the streaming sites came out left and right. Like most of you all, ive been streaming my ass off in my house, streaming on my phone, streaming on my tablet, streaming on my tv. I have even been streaming on my peleton bike. Technically its not a peleton bike. Its an ipad i take to the handle bars of a bike i stole. There are plenty of places to watch it. Lets start with the classic, netflix, the o. G. Of the game. Oldschool netflix, they would send a dvd to your house and you would go get it and open up the mailbox and go, oh, boy i got me a doid. Firestone up play station two. Hbo, you have to get it up to hbo and hbo max, quality shows. You have black women figuring out their lives, white women trying to figure out how to kill their husbands was it their husbands they were trying to kill or setting up their husbands bottom line, if nicole kid man is looking at your ass without smiling, youre in trouble. We had a ton of new streaming services, which if im going to be honest im a little suspicious of all these companies dropping during the same year we had a pandemic. You telling me you had nothing to do with corona coming out . Its like they were sitting around bored like, as soon as march hits, hit the 5g button and start the corona. We had quibi, which promised to revolutionize the game, which stood for quick bytes, and it was quick and bit the dust. A moment of silence. And of course theres cbs all access where you can watch star trek with a black woman in charge and if thats too much to handle we have an animated version. And apple plus, one of my favorite new streaming sites. If you dont like the show on the apple plus you can go to the apple store and complain at the genius store. I got this show, and they said it was steve carell and he said can you get him back to ainchgor man status. And also, my shuffle broke. We got amazing content to watch this year. Remember when tiger king came out. This is how crazy people were. We were only a month into quarantine when tiger king dropped. And people like, mect heads doing animal abuse . Give me more whats that . It bit off an arm . Give me more. Whats that . Shes going to be on dancing with the stars after maybe killing her husband. Give me more. Another hit show was the queens gambit. That didnt do it for me. Im supposed to be impressed because this lady beat all these professional chess players. Thats cool, but she didnt play the black dude in the park in new york. You cant do that and be the queen. You know who im talking about, the black dude in in the park playing chess by himself. Another huge show from 2020 last the dance. Oh, my god, finally a documentary to prove how good Michael Jordan is at basketball. It also showed us that Michael Jordan is the Michael Jordan of lawg on the ipad. Hes the Scotty Pippin of wearing oversized suits, and the bill wittington of hiding his liquor on camera. Somebody told me the greatest british baking show was good. I tried to watch an episode but it was just people baking, nobody was fighting or backstabbing. Thats not a reality show. Thats my grandmas house. Disney plus had hamilton but i was watching hamilton on tv and didnt get the real live experience like on broadway so i threw 900 out the window so i would know what it felt like. Were getting so used to watching good content in our homes will we be ready to go back to theaters when the pandemic is over . I get to watch bloc busters like wonder woman the same day they come out. I can make my apartment like a movie theor pop popcorn, sit close to the screen, have a kid behind me that wont stop talking and spill soda all over your carpet ensuring you dont get your Security Deposit back. And thats the year in streaming. And please, for the love of god, stop saying i look like the dude from the movie soul its not me its disrespectful and its hurtful to my family. Trevor thank you so much for that, roy. You actually do look like that guy. Stick around. When we come bac trevor welcome back to the daily social distancing show. Earlier today, i spoke with grammy awardwinning rapper and actor ludacris. We talked about his brand new educational platform specially designed for kids, his new charity campaign, and what life is like without vacation. Ludacris, welcome back, but this time to the the daily social distancing show. How you doing, my dude . Im good, man. I feel like were brothers from another mother, especially why our afros growing right now. Trevor right, this is like eye feel like you starred yours first. I remember seeing you growing it out, you know, during all those vacation pictures. laughs and im not going to dry, it was always you and your wife and you would be on vacation like a beautiful island. And i was like, man this guy goes on too many vacations. And 2020 hit, and i was like, man, i should have gone on more vacations. I have to stay in the sun as much as i can, me being on islands is pretty much home for me. Thats what i have to do. laughter i gotta keep this can i tell you something . I remember the first time, like, when i first get to new york, it was my first year. I never lived like this. The days end at, like, 4 00 p. M. Because someone changes the time and some bullshit happens. All i know is i wasnt getting enough sun, the same amount of sun i got in south africa. The makeup man said you need to start standing outside. Otherwise i am going to use white people makeup on you. I literally stay on the island so i love it. Trevor i feel you, man, i feel you. But this year has been really different, man. Its funny that youre here because i remember wondering, what is ludacris doing . I was thinking ludacris the rapper. Ludacris the actor. Everyone has danced to your music and watched your movies. Youre here to talk about, honestly, in my opinion, one of the most amazing initiatives called kid nation. Tell me what its all about. Man, we always want to do things that we want to see the change in the world we have to be that change. And i wish i had this when i was a kid. Weve been working on this. Obviously, theres so much craziness going on in the world. Kids and parents need their supplemental entertainment, as i call it. I created a platform thats a safe haven and safe place for children and all original content, videos and music. Im talking about math, talking about science, talking about good grade, about manners. You name it, we have it. And, obviously, its like current music, hiphop, pop, rock n roll. All different genres. Its almost recreating the Music Industry but literally having nothing but educational and Fun Entertainment content for children. Thats what kid nation is, kidnation. Com and the app that just got out. There you have it. Trevor i wont lie, when i first heard about it, i was like, man, this is going to be corny. This is going to be trash. This is going to be ludacris trying to act like hes friend with kids. This is going to be horrible. For real, though, i was worried. And its amazing. Ill tell you why its amazing. First of all, we take for granted how important it is to give kids literally safe spaces where they can learn and have fun. Today on the internet, you click one video thats a kids song and the next thing you know theyre in a deep conspiracy theory. Secondly, its actually good mush. A lot of people think kids dont know what a beat is. And you made actual good music for kids to learn about life, to learn about racial equality, to learn about math. And some of the things you even made with kids. Tell me this bthat experience. Man, its literally facilitating their voice. And i feel like we have to listen to kids a lot more, man. They have this innocence and this canneddedness about themselves and they just shoot you straight and they tell bulove. They can reteach you. Because, you know, we go through life, we become adults, we start having all these responsibilities and our minds get distorted a lot. And thats another reason i created this, man. And i im glad that you get it because its so important right now, especially right now with everythings thats going on, that we give them something that they can literally just stay on. And the parents love that its not going to take them somewhere else where theyre looking at something we dont want to see but we all know that kids want to more listen to the adult content which, you know, which is kind of ironic because i make adult content, so im almost balancing my karma from all the adult content im making trying to help facilitate the kids. Trevor what i love about the project as well, especially in a time like were living in today. Parents are desperate for any help they can get. So many kids are not in school right now. Like, i always tell people, were desperate to get schools open again. For me, before bars and restaurants, get the schools open, man. You can figure out a way to pay a bar. You cant fick figure out how to pay a kids education. Thats their time. So many parents will appreciate what youre doing. It helps teach their kids. It makes it fun. It makes it interesting. I think what people will appreciate, even if theyre not parents, youre allowing people to participate with an amawzing prize on the other end. Talk me through some of that. I heard something about a ford bronko. I heard something about 50,000. And i was like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Theres 50,000 in this thing and lunch with ludacris and flying to los angeles. Walk me through some of it. Some of it sounds luke a lie. It sounds too good to be true but literally during this time im trying to help people. All people have to do is go to winabronco. Com. And im going to hand over the keys when its safe and fly people to los angeles to get this car. And literally the wow its all going it benefit, when you sign up for this, the boys girls club, Everybody Knows about that. Its helping underprivileged families. Its helping withitute org can kids doing school right now. And to top it all off theres 50,000 cash someone is going to win. So im just here to let you know this is nothing but goodness that were spreading on all fronts from kid nation to this bronco to 50,000 cash. Its literally what everybody needs, especially during the holidays, and in 2020, this year that has thrown everyone for a loop. Trevor so youre not just, you know, youre not just sitting around during the pandemic. I know youre one of the hardest working people i know. And thats why you go on so many vacations because you work hard, and you play hard. And you love living your life that way. Youve got a new movie on amazon prime. Yeah. Trevor and im not going to lie, i was a little thrown because the title of the movie made me think maybe this is a fast and furious spinoff. Its called the ride. Oh, yeah, its going to be crazy. And it was crazy but in a different way because you play a dad who is part of a family who adopts a neonazi white kid. Yeah. Trevor and, i mean, its a its a powerful movie. But i was like, man i was not ready for this. I was ready for a car chase and i got something really deep. Talk me through the film. Listen, man, i think a lot of people understand by now they literally try to do things this this Entertainment Industry that people are not ready for and always try to do something different. And this is definitely different. But its based on a true story, and thats one of the reasons i gravitated towards it. You pretty much named it, man. Being a parent thats thats helping to foster a child that was raised as a white supremacist. And i think this story is all about second chances. Its all about, you know, if you can be taught tahate, can you be taught to love . And it raises so many great conversations. So i could talk awe lot about it, but when people check this movie out on amazon prime i think theyre going to form their own basis and opinion and i guarantee it will make some people cry. Trevor before you go, i remember when i was a kid there were books my mom got me. She couldnt afford to buy me books so we had a lei away program where my mom could give a little money and they would send us literally one book a month, thats all we could afford, one book. And i remember one of the series that changed mylife was called what it means to be. And it was what it means to be kind. What it means to be loyal. What it means to be a good friend. What it means to be funny it was just like just and i will never forget those lessons. And i got a similar feeling going through what kid nation is all about. And i appreciate that from you. We take for granted how shaping kids as you said, you can teach kids to hate but are we going to take the time to teach them to love. I appreciate you for, that man. Listen, those words coming from you, especially, you have no idea how much that means. Its all about legacy for me right now, and you just stamped that approval on all the hard work i have been doing with all these different people just by saying and stating what you just said. Means the world to me. Cant wait to see you again in person. Cant wait to hit these islands larry, my man. Trevor lets hit the islanding. Lets get some of the color back. Lets get some of the color black. All love, man, appreciate you man. Trevor have a good one, man. Dont forget, to win all those awesome prizes and support local boys girls clubs, go to the website below. Okay, were going to take a quick break, but well be right back after this. You trevor thats our show for tonight. Thank you so much for tuning in. Before we go, i want to remind you there is a special Runoff Election coming up in george. If youre watching from the peach state, the deadline to register to vote online for that election is december 7. And if youre not in georgia, you can still help by supporting groups like 18 by vote 23 young people who could not vote in the general election can vote in the runoff. Until next time, stay safe out there, wear a mask, and please, guys, i know its tiring but dont go on any crazy vacations. Lets stay safe, and try and stay indoors as much as possible. Now here it is, your moment of zen. All right, are we clear . Lets get rid of the fake apartment thing. Give me a mojito, man im hitting the pool where are the ladies at . Where are the fellas at . Lets do this thing. Thank you. This may be the most important speech ive ever made. This election is done. The constitutional process must be allowed to c

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