Whispering in joe bidens ear and donald trump might be racist . So lets do this, people, welcome to the daily social distancing show. From trevors couch in new york city to your couch somewhere in the world, this is the daily social distancing show with trevor noah. Now that weve all had a full day to absorb the first president ial debate, lets really sit down and talk about what we learned. You know, take some time to analyze the policy disagreement. Think through the important issues. Past the parse the newances. The red kal left. Would you shut u man. He graduated either the lowest or almost the lowest in your class. That is so. Hunter got thrown out of the military. He was thrown out, dishonorably discharged. Thats not true. He wasnt does honorably. For cocaine use. You get the final word. It is hard to get any word in with this clown, excuse me with this person. Nothing sported about you joe, 47 years you have never done anything. Are you the worst president america has ever had, come on. Oh snap, these guys were bickering so much canada called the cops to complain about the noise. I have never seen a debate like that in my life. To be honest i have never seen anything like that in my life. Honestly, it seemed less like a president ial debate and more like a fight that you overhear in a booth at dennys. Will you shut up, you clown, you got no class. I got no class, you got terrible grades. And your son is a coke head. You piece of shit, you dont talk about my son. You listen yeah, hi, could i get the moons over mihammy with the orange juice, please. Yeah, that will be all, doll, thank you so much. You got drunk and you hit on your own daughter i wasnt drunk. Trevor i mean some of these insults were way more personal than you would ever see in a debate. Especially biden calling trump a clown. Im sorry, man, that is not fair to trump. Right . Clowns wear weird makeup. They have clothes that are too big for them, they are deeply sad even when they dont show it. Does that sound like donald trump to you . Now lets just be clear. The reason that this debate was such a colossal trainwreck is because donald j. Trump was throwing grenades on the tracks. And usually in a debate the moderator is there to prevent things from getting out of handment but last night Chris Wallace it was about as successful at stopping trump as the popular vote. The country would be bet he better served if we allowed both people to speak with fewer interruptions am im appealing to you. And him too. Frankly you have been doing more interruptioning. I got rid of it. Im the moderator of this debated and i would like you to let me ask my question and then you can answer. Go ahead. Right now. Sir t is. I understand, you have agreed to the two minutes so please let him have it. Sir. There is no. You made a point, let him answer. Mr. President. Let him answer. The second subject is covid19 w is i an awfully serious subject. So lets try to be serious about it. True. You are going to have to. Gentlemen, i hate to raise my voice but you seem to be why shouldnt i be different than the two of you, you have been taubing back and forth. He made a statement. I would love to end it. If you want to switch seats. We could do that. Oh man, that is so sad. Trump was being such a child that Chris Wallace actually had to pull the, do you want to switch seats move that english teachers use with their students. And honestly im glad that trump didnt take him up on it, because if trump takes over wallaces job then wallace has to take over trumps scrob and i dont know if if he has it in him to kill 200,000 people. But i feel bad for Chris Wallacement any mod mod rater in a president ial debate is a wwe rev, you are there to ged body slammed every once in a while, people are criticizing wallace with how he handled the debate. But i dont know if another moderator could have done better. Whether you like it or not trump is the president of the united states. So what was wallace supposed to do, ground him . There was no way to stop trump last night. He interrupted biden. He interrupted wallace. And there werent any commercials last night, but if there were, trump would have interrupted those too. Are you tired of freak night time bathroom tribes well. Why is it just out of curiosity, the mayor of moscows wife gave your son three and a half Million Dollars. Trevor that guy is. So look, this is not a shining moment in the American History book. Right . Political observe ares refer to it as a shit show, a dumpster fire, the worse debate in history. And with all the interrupting and cross talking it might have even been hard to remember if anything important happened last night. But there was one moment that really stood out. Are you willing tonight to condemn White Supremacists and militia groups. Sure. And to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence and a number of big cities as we saw in kenosha and as weve seen in portland. Im willing to do anything, i want to see peace. Then do it. Do it, say it. You want to call them what do you want to call them, give me a namez. White supremacist. Proud boys. Who do you want me to condemn. Proud boys, stand back and stand by, but i will tell you what, i will tell you what, somebody has got to do something about antifa and the left because there is not a right wing problem. Trevor wow, there you have it, sphoak folks, trump had an opportunity, to be like white supremacist, i dont [bleep] with you. Instead he is like stand by, guys, you never know when im going to need you. Telling White Supremacists to stand down and telling them to stand by, are not the same thing, right. That is one little word makes a huge difference. Like the difference between a blowout and a blow job. Do not ask for the wrong one at supercuts. Again, for the staff at supercuts, i apologize, i hadnt slept and i didnt read the menu prorl properly and even for that condemn nation, trump to be dragged floo it. Like in president should ever have to be pressured this hard into condemning White Supremacists t is the easiest thing, trump did it sto grudgingly, he is like one of those guys who refuses to make real apology. What i am posed to apologize for tailgating at your dads funeral, fine, im sorry. Im sorry that you are unable to have a good time. Some of us are still living. And by the way, do you know that you truly boched your condemn nation of a hate group when that hate group says thank you for the endorsement. The proud boys, a far right Extremist Group immediately celebrating the president s comments on social media. They went on nuts on social media celebrating. They put out those words at a rallying cry, stand back, stand by. Within minutes the groups members were post on private social media calling trump, comments quote, historic. The New York Times reports that some Group Members labeled it as a tacit endorsement to their violent tactics. While another posted the group is already seeing a spike in new recruits. Yes, thanks to Donald Trumps failed condemn nation this hate group is now seeing an increase in recruits. Which means in the history of television, that might be one of the worst answers ever given. And that is coming from someone who once guessed the number 7 on wheel of fortune. I didnt know it had to be letters. I was new to america. The proud boys liked the answer so much, they are even adopting it as their new slogan. That might piss off trump because the one thing he definitely believes in is getting royalties. Well well well, nosh should be advocating the supremacy of the white man without giving donny his cut. I would be careful if i were the proud boys though because there is someone thing we know about doned a trump, once he invests in you, you have about five years until you go bankrupt. So yes, in a debate that consisted almost entirely of three old men trying to shout over each other, this one moment was horrifying enough to break out and get noticed. And you know it is bad when even trumps own supporters are left saying you done [bleep]ed up. The president would not condemn bhit supremacist. I agree that the president made a bader rohr. I think that was a huge gaffe. He was he was kind of like playing around. I didnt like that equivocated when he could have slam drunked that. I think he misspoke. I think he should correct it. I if he dp i guess he didnt sps meek. He proved the biggest layup by not condemning white spremmists. I dont know if he didnt hear it but he has to clarify that right away. That is like are you against evil. Why the president didnt just knock that out of the park, im not sure. Trevor yeah, why didnt the president condemn whit supremacy. Hmmmm, its a real mystery. Maybe he didnt hear the question. Or maybe he misspoke. Or maybe he thought they said sprite supremacists and is he really into sphriet, i cant think of any other explanation, watson. By the way did you notice that even when foxs people acknowledged trump said something really bad they still give him the benefit of the doubt. I wish i had frippeds that loyal. If i sh, t my pants in public none of my friends would be like trevor didnt shit himself, his butt misspoke. Trumps friends can play dumb about in all they want but i dont know why. I dont know why at this point. People are still acting surprised when he refuses to denounce White Supremacists because as you may remember, this is not exactly a new thing for him. I think there is blame on both sides. You have some bebad sides. They are white nationalists, rising threat around the world. I dont really. There are white supremacist groups and individuals like that who support you, some of whom you have seen retweeted. Well, that i know nothing about you i dont know aboute grouts that support pee. Whether you enequiv qulee condemn david duke and the groups that support you. T know t you are even talking about with White Supremacy or White Supremacy. You wouldnt want me to condemn a group that i know nothing about, i have look, if you would send me a look of the groups i will do research on them and certainly i would disavow if i thought there was something wrong. But you may. The ku klux klan. You may have people that would be totally fine and it will be unfair. Give plea a list and i will let you nose. Im talking about david duke and the you can ku klux klan. Honestly, i dont know david duke i dont bleef i ever met him, i just dont know anything about him. Trevor yeah, it is actually hard to keep track of all the times trump had the clans to be antiracist and didnt. The only thing he avoids more than condemning White Supremacists is paying taxes. And keep in mind, this is the same guy who has strong opinions on everything. I mean the man tweet ford a month about Robert Pattinsons love life, aka twilight but when it comes to White Supremacy i dont get involved in other peoples business, you know, do your own thing. This is it, people, sometimes not having an opinion is having an opinion. If someone like i dont know Osama Bin Laden so i am not going to say anything bad about imhad. You should stop talking to that person or at least dont get on a plane with em with them. So i tbet why his supporters want to act like trumps proud boy moment was some kind of accidenteddal unintentional gap but if you see someone making the same mistake over and overao accept that it is not a mistake t is their belief. Were going to take a quick break, when we come back we reveal which candidate was we aring an earpiece during the debate. Spoiler alert t was both. Well be right ban petey ah there he is everything you need, when you need it most. Introducing the toyota venza with standard allwheel drive. Toyota. Lets go places. Introducing the toyota venza with standard allwheel drive. Hersheys. The original cookies n creme. First, theyre sour. Then theyre sweet. Sour patch kids. Sour. Sweet. Gone. the Black Bear School of chess. Speed players. Trash talkers. You wanna come inside my house how about i come in your house and through defeat, he learned. You can beat every bear in the forest, but the game is never finished. To Severe Plaque Psoriasis uncover clearer skin that can last. In fact, tremfya® was proven superior to humira® in providing significantly clearer skin. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. Tremfya®. Uncover clearer skin that can last. Janssen can help you explore cost support options. Been there, done that. Twice your cousin. From boston. Karen, im just gonna say what everyone here is thinking. You look smokin. Total smokeshow. And they never did find his finger. They had to close the pool for like an hour. I brought a date. Names sam. Dig in. Love is like boston lager. Rich, complex and its over too soon. Right, chrissy . Oh my god. From an archaeological standpoint. Yes, we didnt find an earpiece but we did discover this vase from the shang dynasty. Flow as usual, everyone ignored trumps crazy Conspiracy Theory but in fact the daily show can exclusively report that joe biden was in fact wearing an earpiece. I know its shocking, people. But not only that, it turns out donald trump was also wearing an earpiece. And we have the behind the scenes footage of what they were hearing during the debate. Welcome the republican nominee president trump. And the democratic number knee, Vice President biden. All right plrks biden, i will be here to guide you, now just remember, president s are leaders, so lets be calm and dignified. All right, mr. President , you and me are going to [bleep] this guy up. Lets spread and show. How are you doing, pan. All right, that is done all strmp strong. Im the one that brought back foot balm, by the way i brought back big ten football. What . No, your biggest accomplishment like oh shit. But those this states. I want to move to another subject. Okay, trump hates big laughed laugh at him. Clank it up, big laugh, like you are watching whatever people your age watch, three stooges laugh. It is true. Nobody shows up to his rallies. They are in the military so dont tell me about that. Im threap to talk about. Thats right, keep talking. Keep talking. Remember, if you dont talk for more than ten seconds, you die. Because. The question is, the question. Will this guy shut up. Will you shut up, man. I didnt mean por you to say, that nobody is going to shut vote for a president without manners. All right, were about halfway through, lets take a quick nap. All right, thats enough, back up, back up. Are you willing tonight to condemn White Supremacists and militia grouches and to say that they need to stand down and not. Hell no, White Supremacists are half your base. You cant denounce them. In fact, do the opposite. Proud boys, stand back and stand by, but i will tell you. Ksh. Perfect, that is what i am talking about, lets go white wave. President trump are you holding a large rallies. We have had no problem whatsoever. It is outside. Bring up herrmann kaine, slam dunk. It is totally irresponsible. Way in which he has handled the social distancing, poom wearing masks, basically encouraging them not to. All right, then is he a fool on this. Come on what am i on mute or something . Oh, sorry, i was on mute. Can you hear me now. Holy shit were an hour in and you never mentioned hillary once, what are you waiting for. You saw what happened with Hillary Clinton when it was a whole big con job. Thats right, that will four years ago. Got rid of the mandate. I am not i got rid of the individual mandate which was a big churng that is i dont understand why is chris well as being so helpless . Mr. President , are you doing great. The moderator is total leigh helpless. Got stuff in traffic, sorry im late, mr. Wallace, how are we doing. I would like to shall. Oh shit. Im out, im out. I would like you to let me ask my question and then you can answer. Trevor i hope you fine better advisors next time, guys. Time for us to take a short break but dont go away, because when we come back i will be speaking to the reverend al sharpton and then john cena is still coming up. Dont go away. The timeless comedy of last nights debate is finally available on dvd. Featuring your favorite bits like i can finish. Mr. President , request you let him finish. He doesnt know how to do that. Stop yapping, clown. Keep yapping, man, it is hard to get any word in with this clown, excuse me, this person. And biggest mask i have ever seen. He could be speaking 200 feet away and he shows up with the biggest mask i have ever seen. Critics called it a shit show. Now you can watch that shit show on repeat. Order now and well send you 2016s best of debate dvd special. No puppet. Its pretty clear. Order yours today. At chipotle, carne asada is back. The cumin, the coriander, mix it in with that fresh lime juice and that cilantro and it just brings out those flavors. Its very tender. When youre cutting it its tender. When youre eating it its tender. Its bomb steak. Finally the crispiness of ritz and the bold taste of cheese. Together in one perfectly critzpy bite. Well, a few bites. 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We talked about the first president ial debate and the lessons that he offers up in his new book, rise up. Reverend al sharpton, welcome to the daily social distancing show. Thank you, im glad to be with you, trevor. Trevor your new book is called rise up, confronting a country at a crossroads. And you write in this book that america has two choices, basically. Either america continues being a progressive country that moves to make peoples lives better and tries to better itself, or it goes back to a time when all that mattered was the color of your skin and how much money you had. Do you really think that is the choice is that stark and what do you think that means for america. I think the choices are that stark. In the last half century we had an incremental sometime started moving towards a more Inclusive Society in terms of voting rights, in terms of the rights of ending some of the economic barriers, in terms of gender equality, in terms of lgbtq rights. All acrosstheboard. And in terms of dealing with Climate Change and i deal with all of it in the book. And then all of a sudden, after eight years of barack obama as president , there was this backlash, almost likeafter reconstruction in the 19th century in this country. And that backlash was per sonnified personified by donald trump, and what i go through in the book is my journey, i started as an activist when i was 13iers old. In my journey i have seen that upward fighting all the way to up ultimately seeing Nelson Mandela walk out of jail, to barack obama becoming president. And then i see this challenge where donald trump won on denying that barack obama was a real american. Hes not one of us. And governing in that way. And im saying we where at a crossroads. Weve got to decide, are we going to continue the traits that dr. King and mandelas all the way to my generation and the generation behind me were headed or are we going to let this take us another way. And ironically it couldnt have been more plain than in last nights debate where you have a president refusing to denounce White Supremacy, even saying when he says who are we talking about and the fox news anchor who is the moderator says the proud boys, he says stand back, stand by. Well, i dont say stand by, i say rise up, that is the name of the game. Trevor lets talk about rising up. 2020 has seen a slew of protests like never before. I would think in the united states. Now you are the one person without could almost say that definitively because you have been part of the movement in this country from the very beginning. In terms of you know marching for civil rights, getting out there and fighting for equal rights. When young people are out there fighting for freedom, there was a constant battle between how the protests should be managed, what the protests should be. Now you were part of a movement that was fon violented but at the time was still considered to be one of the most agitative protests around it is not like people were hugging you for doing what you are were doing. Would you, what advice would you guff to the young generation today who are trying to start another type of protest in how they manage, how the protestors sea and what the outcomes of that protest should actually be. I tell them because of im still out there protesting with them. We just had probably the biggest march in washington a few weeks ago, of the year. And i say to them, first of all, there is nothing new going on because when i was young we used to challenge the older way of doing thing it. S dont foar get that dr. King was challenged by those in the black power movement. You had dr. King and malcolm at the same time and there were tactical disagreements. So i say oh, you just havent studied. Weve always said that. And what i say to them is you must set the vote, what are we trying to achieve. And the tactic must compliment the achievement of the goal. If you are trying to get support in thecriminal justice system, to give justice to a george floyd or a Breonna Taylor or Ahmaud Arbery or whoever we are fighting for now, how he i behave, what i do to raise attention and put focus on that, am i doing it in a way that would leave a jury to see that thises with a peaceful lawabiding person or am i acting in a way that a jury would read oh, theyre out there wild and restless, maybe the victim was that way. And the police had no choice. You have the if you dont have the moral explain to me the i was in minneapolis, explain to me why if we go and burn that store down that is going to get the you dobts have to have my moral code. Explain to me the tactic of that . If we are just venting our anger, and nobody is more angry than me, have i been doing this for 40 kreers but if we are just venting our anger, are we really exploiting the youth of the victim to vent how we feel or are we really trying to change what we are angry about. That is what i tell them. And that is what i challenge them. Trevor you have been part of the biggest movements that have helped to shape america today. What do you think the next 40 years is meant to be. What do you think the next fight should be . I think the next fight should be first observe what was established in voting rights, the right of people to have economic opportunity, Educational Opportunities and the right acrosstheboard gender equality, lgbtq and Climate Change. And then we must build on that so that we equalize society. Where we dont have a society with the top 1 percent, only everything they exploiting, the water and the air, we need build and hold what we have, and then go forward. Otherwise were going to be in a contaminated planet that we cannot inhabit and were also being to have an inequality that is real fabric of society is going to divide and i think the next 40 years, i see for the first time a lot of people, young people even in my own organization, black and white, i see more whites than i have ever seen that are out there, that give me hope that we can go to the next step because it is not going to take any singular we are going to have to learn to intersects. And that is what i write in the book, what with is a being issue because if we dont have an intersectional movement we cant fight the powerful forces that we face. Trevor reverend sharp thon sharmton, thank you so much for joining us on the show. Thank you for that, refer rand, when we come backk i will be getting too the ring with john cena. Metaphorically, not for real, im not stupid, come on dont go away. Daily social distancing show, earlier today i spoke with wwe superstar and actor john cena. We talked about his New York Times best selling childrens book, how he gives back to his community, and why the guys so damn amazing, john cena, welcome to the daily social distancing show. Thank you very much. It is good to be connected with you, at a distance. Trevor last time i saw you was in person. And i gave you a hug and i feel like i should have hugged you for longer because i didnt he no that might be the last hug i ever get to give you. It wont be. Hey, man, you have to have hope t wont be. We will hug each other again, i dont know when. I cant tell you when but you got to have hope, man. Trevor okay, lets say in 2020 i probably wont get to hug you but before we get to the work weve been doing, what is john cena been like how has john cena been keeping himself motivated, excited, optimistic, the john currenty that we know, how are you keeping that going in the 2020 that we are all experiencing . So before you answer, can you look slightly higher. I can trs perfect. Its really difficult not to look at you and to look at my microcamera but im going to adjust to the surroundings. I know the situation has been different for everyone. For me the way i go about life hasnt changed. I look at it more like the rules have changed. So because of what has happened we have to live a hundred different rules. But i guess the ethos of my life is just trying to earn every day. So that has, the perspective of that has changed but i have been able to kind of stay true to who i am just by operating under the constraints of life as a gift and earn every day. Trevor i feel like you rarely earn every single day. One thing i admired about you is not just what a good person, but man, you work so hard. I mean you are in the new fast furious movie, in an hbo krinoseries. That nobody has even seen yet. Trevor you are also hosting are you smarter than a fifth grader. I mean do you have the same 24 hours that i do or am i measuring time incorrectly . Well, see here is the thing. And this is a i dont want to create a gross misconception. When i say earn every day, i mean if i wake up completely lazy and i cant do anything, that is my earning the day. Like take the day to relax and do nothing. So i am not, i dont believe in the concept, i did as a younger, a yoinger man but i done believe in the concept of like grind 24 7. I do believe in the concept of seizing opportunity and understanding when st at your feet and going out to get it. But a lot of that is you have to be passionate about these opportunities. And you have to put yourself in them. And if you cant alter your course to be able to make the most of it, the opportunity is going to fall short, the product is going to fall short and are you going to deliver bad entertainment. So i rest and i kick back and do nothing like nibbles. So its not that we have a different set of clocks. We maybe just have a different way of looking at it you are a new york tames best selling author. Last time you were on the show we were talking about one of the earlier books in the season and we are back talking about it again elbow greece you have been updating the series, kids love t kids love parpting it with their parents, there it is. Tell me about the new book. The third book is called fast friends and introduced a character called chop are and chopper possesses all the skills of the five brothers. But she is better than all of them combined. So the book doesnt strai away from the core of the book this book is supposed to be big and animated and fun and use words like gumption and and because you have Young Readers and you want to be able for them to use their imagination and you know, loose themselves. But what i really wanted to try to do was offer the ability for parents and Young Readers to a proach topics you normally wouldnt talk about. Like selfworth and facing failure. And facing fear, and being proud of who you are. And what to do when you see someone that is more skilled than you. How do you react when you see someone that is better than you, not judging people by simply how they look. Oh, she is a girl. She cant do that. Only to find out that chopper is better than not only juster one of the brothers at their specific best skill. Better than all of them, and all of their skills, so it is reallyk you can take from it what you want, i want Young Readers to go back and read the books and maybe enjoy the pictures but also if you are a parent, teacher or a young read are and you want to lean into some of this stuff you dont usually talk about, it is all there but it has been a very meticulous process with all three of the books. You cant be out there in the same way but you found a really creative way to prothoat promote this book, tell me about what you are doing. Yeah, so normally are you right, do i autograph signs, we get the wort out about the become and you get to meet people, interact with people and those are some great moments. So once again the rules have changed. And rather than say like man we cant do that, i was saying what can we do to substitute. In an autograph signing i would shake peoples hands, maybe have time for a question or so. Can we set up that interfaith where they can make nair name, and can i give them a video. So for the past month i have been doing a lot of videos which is awesome because pem enjoy not only the book but it is a chance for people, maybe at a time when they just need to hear somebody, which is awesome. You never know what you your interaction can mean to someone. I look forward to the day that we can actually go places and pete people again but this is what we got. If people didnt love you enough for everything that you do in front of the camera or that you do in the street for people, then you read in the news that john cena donated half a Million Dollars to the los angeles department, fire department, helping firefighters out in l. A we have seen how desperate they are for help and john cena said you know i will step up and donate to black lives matter, matching what and stepping too the fray, i wonder like what is it about the issues of the world that make john cena go man, im going to step in, you seem like that kind of guy, but a lot of people that seem like that, what makes you do it . The bts army matched btss 1 million donation am i have a member of the of the bta army and was very glad to contribute to that clung but i was only a contributing chunk. The bts army was responsible for matching. So you are part of the bts army. Yeah, of course. And i was proud to be part of that initiative. But i think the take away here is that this group of korean pop fans stepped up, came out of their wallet and decided that they wanted to use resoues to help change the world. And i was, i was inspired byas y from not only bts for bts army r matching in in 24 hours, i believe. You have a gift for coming on the show. Thank you so much again for joining us, look after yourself. I look forward to seeing new person. Trevor i will hug the shit out of you so you know. It will be a long bro embrace. I miss your mask musk man,. Trevor thank you so much, john. Thank you. Trevor thank you so much for that, john. We will take a quick break but we will be right back after this. Show for tonight but before we go, please remember, the west coast is battling horrific wildfires that are destroying millions of acres of land and displacing thousands of people. L solutions for Climate Change and other environmental threats is the Environmental Defense fund. If you can help them, and would you like to join this their cause then please visit the link below and donate whatever you can. Until tomorrow, stay safe out there, wear a mask and remember, if someone asks you to condemn White Supremacy, just say yes. I stand back and stand by. Wow. Thats harder than i thought, i swus want to say yes and i said here it is your moment of zen. Is that john . Hey what is going on. I cant see but i can hear you. I am on my thing. Trevor i thought were you im going down to south park gonna have myself a time both Friendly Faces everywhere humble folks without temptation im going down to south park gonna leave my woes behind ample parking day or night people spouting howdy neighbor headin on up to south park gonna see if i cant unwind timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy timmy, timmy, timmy

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