500 million active accounts around the world, now all eyes are on the people behind the app. Two top senators targeting the Chinese Tech Company that owns tik tok. In a letter to the director of national intelligence, asking for an investigation into tik tok and other chinesebased companies warning they may pose a National Security risk. This is a threat to american security. When china has data on 110 million americans, who knows what they do with it. Trevor thats right. Chuck schumer wants to launch an investigation into tik tok. But i feel like hes just doing this so he can have someone come to congress to explain what tik tok is. Hes, like, i tried to subpoena my granddaughter she never returns my calls never returns my calls it would be very serious if the chinese can use tik tok for spying. With this information, china can learn of all of americas dance moves. You know, just going to be figuring it all out. Yeah, we figured it all out. Thats the thing thats kept the u. S. Ahead of china all the time. Chinas there, like, we have Nuclear Weapons and 5g but we cant figure out when to hit the whoa, when do you lock . Whoa laughter tik tok is 90 teenagers. Im not worried china is watch meg, im worried the dude from catch a predator will pop up and say, trevor, what are you doing here . Im just here for the memes i swear laughter lets just agree that every app is spying on us. Work under that assumption. Facebook, instagram, twitter, theyre all watching us. The only app that doesnt know your location is uber. That is the only one. cheers and applause they just cant figure it out. All right, moving on, if you were a young child just learning the alphabet, first of all, please stop watching this show. laughter seriously, i might say ~bleep at anytime. laughter and, also, it turns out you have been doing it all wrong. The new alphabet song getting many reviews. This version aims to get rid of the infamous lmnop and make it clearer for kids. Take a listen. Abcdefg hijklmn opqr booing laughter trevor oh, no. First of all, no. Secondly, hell, no. laughter and third, this new kanye album is a real departure. It went real weird. Who is this for . Who is this for . Because if my kid cant figure out lmnop, i dont want to make it easier for them. I just want to know as soon as possible so i can stop saving for their college. I just want to know. I dont want to waste my money. I mean, at some point, even as a kid, you would figure out lmnop are separate letters in the alphabet, theres no 40yearold whos out there, excuse me, for the wifi is it upper case lmnop because it keeps saying password incorrect. laughter an ex excuse for drunk dries. An mo ohio man had twice the legal amount of alcohol in his systems but the driver swore to police he didnt have anything to drink and turns out he was telling truth. Doctors say that map has a year medical condition that turns yeast in your gut to alcoholler called auto brewery syndrome. laughter trevor autobrewery syndrome. That is the coolist disease ive ever heard of. laughter essentially, when this guy eats carbs, inside his stomach, a team of tiny hipsters turns it into beer. Thats whats happening, you realize that, right . Obviously, im sure there are down sides, like forks one, he could never run a marathon. He would have a carb load and, actually, i want to skip the race because, bitch, i need to dance laughter in my eyes, getting drunk for free is a not a syndrome, its a superpower. laughter if a building is going to be on fire, some woman will be outside, all my stuff is in there but no ones drunk enough to risk their life to save it not so fast my good lady speaking like a drunk man ill freaking go in there but first a nap. Thats it fo the headlines. Top story. For the past few weeks, President Donald Trump has been having a not good time. From the impeachment inquiry to the chaos in syria to the controversy to hosting the g7 at his resort, plus its halloween, so people keep trying to put candles in him. On saturday night out of the blue, trump sweet Something Big, very big, has just happened. And with trump, that could mean anything. Did he buy greenland . Is h trade war with china officially over . Did trump finally learn lmnop isnt one long letter . We dont know. laughter well, on sunday morning, we found out what that Something Big actually was. Breaking news, President Trump announces i. S. I. S. Leader al baghdadi has died during a u. S. Special operations raid in syria. U. S. Has been searching for al baghdadi five years. It was information obtained obta courier to one of al baghdadis wives that led to the compound. Trevor they found him by interrogating his courier. Tip your delivery guide. 20 for good service, 30 if youre trying to hide your location. laughter the details to have raid sounds like something straight out of a movie. The secret operation beginning 5 00 p. M. Saturday night. Eight Chinook Helicopters took off from a kurdishcontrolled area in iraq flying low and fast, taking on gunfire and returning the fire before landing in northern syria. Once on the ground, the commandos blowing a hole through baghdadis hideout. The front door had been booby trapped. You think you go through the door. If youre a normal person you say, knock, knock, may i come in. The fact is that they blasted their way into the house in a very heavy wall and it took them literally seconds. Trevor yes, yes. Instead of knocking on the door and asking i. S. I. S. In they could come in, the special forces instead chose to blow a hole through the wall, which must have been traumatizing for trump to watch. He was sitting there, like, no why did you damage that beautiful wall . cheers and applause that wall didnt do anything to anybody why would you do that . Now mexicans are going to pour into al baghdadis house and take all i. S. I. S. jobs laughter honestly, the one cool thing about donald trump is i like how the president hes never trying to communicate the gravity of this moment and keep the details to the minimum, no, he sounds like a dude on the local news who just saw some shit. laughter they blasted their way in and then all hell broke loose. He died after running into a deadend tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming all the way. He died like a dog, like a coward. He reached the end of the tunnel, as our dogs chased him down. He ignited his vest, killing himself. Nobody was even hurt. Our k9, as they call it i call it a dog, a beautiful dog, a talented dog laughter was injured and brought back. Trevor yes, yes i call it. A dog. laughter so baghdadi died like a dog, but a dog is also the here o. Very mixed messages about dogs in this story. laughter more importantly, its weird al baghdadi tried to escape through a deadend tunnel. Does no one find that weird . Why does a terrorist compound have a deadend tunnel . Isnt that just a cave . Who made the tunnel . Built by the same people who run the new york subway . laughter baghdadi running said, you said the tunnel would be finished by now look, buddy, a lot of things were supposed to happen in life. My wife was supposed to be a double date, turns out im gay and my husband and i are living out life. What are you going to do, buddy . applause this is a big win in the fight against i. S. I. S. , like trump or not. But trump is the only person who can turn a unifying occasion into a dick measuring contest. laughter this is the biggest there is. This is the worst ever. Osama bin laden was very big, but Osama Bin Laden became big with the world trade center. This is the man who built the whole, as he would like to call it, a country, a caliphate, and was trying to do it again. Trevor what are you doing . laughter you dont stro pretend this guy is a bigger get than bin laden. First of all, its childish. Secondly, hes not. Its not going to change the entire world forever. Its 18 years after 9 11 and i still cant take four ounces of owns on to an airplane. I go on vacation and my skin is dry as ~bleep . Thats how bad a terrorist bin laden was. All these guys are bad. You dont have to weigh them out but once again, trump has managed to turn a nonpartisan victory into a political fight who deserves more credit, trump or obama . Do president s even deserve credit for military victories . The whole conversation is ridiculous because we know who really made this thing happen, it was that k9. cheers and applause or, as i call it, a dog. laughter that dog deserves the highest honor america has to offer, which is its own movie. So we made a trailer for it. In theaters this christmas, the story of a dog who will warm your heart, and kill al baghdadi. ruf but first hell have to train. This is al baghdadi, go get him, boy trevor for whatever may happen. This is how they are torture you. So youre going to kill the leader of i. S. I. S. And piss on his bones . Bones . Because the only thing that stops a bad dude is a good boy. Zero bark thirty. cheers and applause well be right back. You need to take care of yourself better. Mom is scared. Shes drinking like the pirate. Why is my life so. Uh. Oh boy. Its good luck you know. What is . Getting pooed on by a bird. Can i help . My lifes a mess. Ow. You know you can just step aside. Wheres the fun in that . Last christmas i gave you my heart you cant be in here. Were leaving. Sorry. [ laughing ] you are so strange. cheers and applause trevor welcome back to the daily show. My first guest is a former threeterm congressman from texas who is running for president of the united states. Please welcome beto orourke. cheers and applause trevor good to see you. Thank you. Thank you. cheers and applause trevor welcome to the show. Thank you. Huge honor to be with you. Trevor before we start, i have to acknowledge that you have developed quite a reputation for having a potty mouth on the trail. People have said beto tells it like it is and he curses so, every time you curse, im just warning you, beto, im ready. laughter but lets talk about the road for a little bit. You have been on the campaign trail and, although you ran for senate, this is a different race. Are you holding up and is it everything you thought it would be is this. America is a lot bigger than texas laughter so a lot more counties, a lot more ground to cover, a lot more people to meet. But the basics of an election, campaign or democracy are the same. Youre there to meet people, to introduce yourself, and if youre doing it right, youre listening to them as well and youre reflecting back their stories and experiences and hopefully bringing new people into the experience. Trevor everyone knew the name beto orourke because you blew up in the race against ted cruz. You had people rallying for you even from outside the state. Beyonce gave you an endorsement. You won the race there, i dont know why youre still in politics. I would just wear a tshirt that beyonce chose me. laughter but the president ial race seems to be different. It seems to be in and around preconceived notions of leadership or what people think they know about you. Are you are you where you hoped to be in the president ial race . Look, i would love to be doing a lot better, thats for sure, but ive got to tell you, im so grateful for the extraordinary supporters and volunteers, some of whom i see here right now who traveled all the way to new york to be here. cheers and applause i wish that enthusiasm and dedication was reflected in the polls. To answer your question, i dont think the polling reflects the passion and the commitment and the resolve of our supporters, from all over the country. I likely feel it. But were also in this extraordinary field of candidacy. Numbers somewhere around 20. 18 people running. So it pax sense it will be diluted. When you are running for president , though, you are in an interesting position because you are running against all the democrats but you are also running against the person currently in office. Today is a particularly interesting day because donald trump has come out and given a speech about the leader of i. S. I. S. Being killed. Because of the way he presented it, you know what, a conversation has now sparked from that, people now saying, oh, he wants to take credit or obama says he shouldnt take credit previously and whose credit, credit, credit. You tweeted out a congratulatory note honoring the troops involved in this. Do you think a commanderinchief should be taking credit for the achievements of the military and do you think thats their place or should they just be in the place of taking the blame and then moving on . I think it would be the place of the president to congratulate the Service Members and the k9, or dog. applause this raid was successful despite the president , not because of him. To turn his back on those kurdish fighters whose intelligence and help located al baghdadi in the first place and made sure that we were successful, his precipitous withdrawal, it created a void that turkey and russia, iran and i. S. I. S. And assad have all come in to. It is really a miracle that we were able to do this but it is really owing to our allies, our friends, our partners on the ground and those great Service Members who put their lives on the line to ensure there is justice for this country. cheers and applause trevor lets move on to a list of solutions you drafted and proposed today with regard to prison reform. This is truly one of the biggest issues facing america today, to have, you know, the population of a small country imprisoned is something thats been a black mark on americas record for too long, excuse the pun. Right. Trevor you have a Large Population in prison that seems like it wont dwindle soofnlt what do you think needs to be changed beyond the obvious and how do you begin changing that . Youve got to stop the flow that begins in school, and not in high school, the school house to jailhouse pipeline we hear about it. It starts in kindergarten when the child is five years old. In texas that child is five times more likely to be disciplined or expelled if they are a child of color. That child is defenseless against the system into which she was born. We dont just need equality in our schools but equity in the schools, the teachers need to look like the students in front of them, we will have better outcomes. Ending the incarceration epidemic we have now. 2. 3 million behind bars more than any other people on the plant. Disproportionate people of color. And for Profit Companies have a vested interest in that taking place. End for profit businesses and cash bail, theantd, legalizing marijuana, expunging the records for those who serve time, and make sure those who were arrested for selling weed, typically black or brown, are the first to have the licenses to sell marijuana when its legal in this country. Transformative justice. Trevor so good having you on the show. Iowa will be a tough one, good luck. Beto orourke, everybody well be right back cheers and applause surprise when you think about the best times. You werent bothered some people didnt know the rules. Or upset the weather chose today to not cooperate. You werent concerned your seat ended up being an exercise bike. And you clearly werent stressed about the clean up afterwards. Because when youve got the good stuff. You can focus on the stuff that really matters tostitos. Get to the good stuff. [ turn around, look at me there is someone walking behind you turn around look at me there is someone look at me paul Wireless Network claims americas most reliable network. The nations largest and most reliable network. The best network is even better . Best, fastest, best. Enough. Sprints doing things differently. Theyre offering a new 100 total satisfaction guarantee. I mean i think Sprints Network and savings are great, but dont just take my word for it. Try it out and decide for yourself. Switch to sprint and get both an unlimited plan and one of the newest phones included for just 35 a month. For people with hearing loss, visit sprintrelay. Com. Halloween is awesome. [trick or treat] yes, yes, yes, yes. [screaming in fear] yay. [laughter] yes thank you. [explosiahhh gunfire] what . Unlock 2xp with mountain dew and call of duty® modern warfare. cheers and applause trevor welcome back to the daily show. My next guest is a legend of the big screen. She can be seen in the new film last christmas. Sea say, where is c3 taking you. I have no idea. Trevor whats his name . I cant pronounce it. Lots of glottle stops. When i try to say it, i sound like a cat with a fur ball. Ive decided to call him boy. At least your name is easy to pronounce. Youre not really called center. No, i called it for the shop. When i worked at the pet shop i called myself kitty. Really . Mmhmm displ. Mmhmm. Trevor please welcoe Michelle Yeoh cheers and applause trevor welcome. Are you always like this . cheers and applause trevor are you always here . I think the answer speaks for itself. Welcome to the show. Thank you. Trevor such an honor to have you here. Lets talk about the new movie first. Last christmas. It feels like it is a coming together of everybodys favorites from everything into one movie. Thats what it feels like. Crazy rich asians, one of the biggest movies in the world that everyone fell in love with. Then you have game gam gamef thrones everyone was in love with. You put it together and watch it for christmas. Is that what it felt like on set . Definitely. We were like the two dragon ladies, right . applause and then we had so much fun. Amelia is just wonderful to work with and i really, really enjoyed it. It was a little daunting when paul, he called me and he said, i want you to play santa. And i went, santa . I know i champion for gender equality and all, but, really, im going to put on the ho, ho, ho red outfit and that . He goes, no, no, no Emma Thompson wrote an incredible script trevor right. Emma thompson, right . cheers and applause i mean Emma Thompson, amelia clark, henry golding. I was, like, okay, im there. But please explain what is the santa . And ive never ventured into a comedy. Crazy rich asians is a romantic comedy but i played the most serious role there. Trevor very serious. But in this one i actually get to be funny. Trevor is that a big departure for you . I grew up watch you can movies, and i only knew you as an action star. That is the only way. It was like you, jet lee, jackie chan, that was my world growing up. Then i moved to america, and i was, like, Michelle Yeoh, and they were, like, yeah, more dramatic. And i said, no, action star. They said, action star . But a lot of people dont know you were a huge action star in asia. Then you had to cross over to america and start again from scratch. cheers and applause but when i crossed over, one of the first movies i did was tomorrow never dies. Trevor of course, yes. So we do appreciate that youve take that effort to come and watch us. So when you do come, i want to give you a surprise, and i hope that last christmas will be a fun surprise for you. Trevor let me ask you this, then when you move into comedy, a lot of actors said its actually one of the most difficult disciplines because being straight is being straight and fighting is fighting and comedy is riveting. Was that difficult for you . I was terrified. I would have rather beat down eight guys. Just bring them on. laughter when paul said, you can do it. I said, you realize ive never done comedy before, he was obsessed and relentless and said you have to try to do this. Emma thompson wrote this character inspired by herrell daughterinlaw who is an immigrant from china and moved to england and i think her story is very much about the immigrants who have come. And with santa, they came and were determined to fit in. So my character, santa, when she worked at the pet shop, he she wanted to blend in but not because she wasnt proud of who she was or her ethnicity. If you watch the way she dresses, its got the chinese element in there. But then like the flamboyant western panache. Trevor right. And she would call herself kitty at the pet store or muffin at the bakery. So as far as amelia clark is concerned, she said your name is santa, then i would say my asian name. Trevor im going to call myself hosty from now on. laughter thanks for being on the show. Congratulations on your first comedy. Lots of luck. Last christmas will be in theaters november 8. Michelle yeoh, everybody well be right back cheers and applause smoke alarm halloween is awesome. [trick or treat] yes, yes, yes, yes. [screaming in fear] yay. [laughter] yes thank you. Hey aaron and todd, what do you guys do on a buy week . Buy a pizza, buy some wings, buy a pzone. Buy your own. Call pizza hut now. Get two or more of your favorites from the 5n up lineup, starting at just five bucks each. mom vo its easy to shrink into your own little world. Especially these days. dad i think its here. mom vo especially at this age. big sis where are we going . mom vo its a big, beautiful world out there. little sis whoa. big sis wow. See that . mom vo sometimes you just need a little help seeing it. vo the threerow subaru ascent. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. cheers and applause trevor thats our show for tonight. Thank you so much for tuning in. Now here it is, your moment of zen. Washington is a leaking machine. Baghdadi and the losers who worked for him, and losers they are, they use the internet better than almost anybody in the world, perhaps other than donald trump. I wrote 12 books, all did very well. Frightened puppies. Osama bin laden tall, handsome, very charismatic. I got to watch it as though you were watching a movie. Demi lovato dresses a terrifying pennywise for halloween. That is a good news, demi, white face is the safe way to go. Nobody gets mad at white face. Dont rock the boat. applause captioning sponsored by Comedy Central applause and now david spade spade hey

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