Good show. But first, what an exciting weekend in new york. The u. S. Open finished up. Rafael nay del beat out a south african in the final, so screw him. laughter but the story of the open was undoubtedly that of Sloan Stephens who started the tournament unseeded and ended the week boiling out of control. All that hard work, to hand you a prize money check for 3. 7 million. cheering sloan, having done this once, does it give you a hunger to win another slam, to do this again, feel this feeling again . Of course, girl, did you see that check that that lady handed me . Like, yes trevor oh, man i love her so much. I love it finally a sports person who just tells it like it is nonof that, oh, yeah, for the love of the game. Did you tee see that paper . Ill be back ill be back laughter so congratulations, sloan, on winning the open and 3. 7 million, which may seem like a lot of money, but have you ever tried to pay for tennis lessons . Its like five lessons top. Spend it wisely, sloan. The big story this week, Hurricane Irma, left damage in the caribbean and 60 of the state of florida without power. Luckily, most people evacuated except for marco rubio who stayed and said, water finally, water so thirsty laughter before irma touched land in florida, the governor ordered everyone to evacuate. There is a reason florida has a reputation. This man making the mistake of getting an up close look at irmas strength knocked off his feet. This is stupid. These two guys going out in the rain in the storm. First of all, i dont know how theyre staying up on two wheessments do not do that. Despite governor scotts warnings for people to get out while they can, i mean, this family is just going back into the ocean. It is really just unbelievable. laughter trevor im going to take a wild guess and say that family is not vaccinated. laughter wild guess. If your parents run with you into the hurricane, i would love to know what the rest of their parenting looks like. Listen to me, scott if your friend tells you to jump off the cliff, you better invite me, buddy im your dad second but bro first, yeah it wasnt just really stupid people who stayed behind to see the storm up close. There were also incredibly smart people. What do you think about the storm and the vie rossty and your own safety at this point . Im glad to know the storm is due south of us about 220 miles as we speak because its crossing the 80th meridian which is 80 degrees west longitude. It was 275 degrees. Thats only 1 15 above due west toward true north. laughter trevor all right, all right, either that guy is super smart or he is really high on bath salts. laughter one of the two. Who is he . Where is he from . Because he knows way too much about florida to be from florida. I dont know who that person is. laughter also he knows a weird amount about the hurricane. In fact, i wouldnt be surprised if Hurricane Irma changed direction just to avoid him. Like if the storm was like, ooh, ooh oh, man. Oh, bleep , its that creepy hurricane guy. Oh, oh, dont see me, dont see me, dont see me. Oh, yeah. I blew him, like, once. Hes been obsessed ever since. Oh, dont see me, dont see me. applause now, with any walltowall coverage of a disaster, theres bound to be a few awkward moments or slipups, but its not usual they come from the studio. Were seeing the tops of trash trashcans flying around, and this wind, i am not a small woman, as you know, don, im a chunky girl and it is blowing me around when the gusts come really, really hard. This is nothing to play around with, everyone has been told that over and over and over again that you really have to respect this win. Thank you, sarah, you are a beautiful woman no matter what size you are, and theres nothing wrong with having a little curve. laughter trevor wow. Okay. That was a bit weird, because, don lemmon, that reporter said nothing about being beautiful. Shes just, like, im a chunky girl i wish the camera would have cut back to sarah to say, yeah, don, i never said i wasnt beautiful. Don would have to overcompensate saying, yeah, but i just said because youre curvy but i never said anything about beauty. But i never said anything about beautiful. But im just going to quit now. Lets move on. laughter no one expects a hurricane to hit expect the family with polio. laughter but you have to admit when watching the coverage of the storms its a little fun watching News Reporters getting voluntarily water boarded. All right, here it comes. Oh irma oh, here we go oh there are those gusts youre talking about. The branches are starting to come off the trees next to us. Only a matter of time. There is a strong argument to be made that standing in a storm is not a smart thing to do. We do it so you dont have to. Trevor wait wait. No, no. Wait. Did this guy just suggest that if reporters dont go out into the hurricane then well have to do it . laughter nobody has to do it. Its like if the guys from jackass were, like, well, if some guys going to let the rattlesnake bite their penis, well do it so you dont have to yeah laughter i get the value of showing how strong a storm is. You dont have to send the reporters out there. You can just show is trees blowing in the background. We get it. You can put a cnn jacket on one of the trees and it would have the exact same effect. We would get it. We would be, like, man that storm is crazy, and look at the curves on that tree, still beautiful, really beautiful. Beautiful, though. Beautiful. cheers and applause so beautiful. But then again, i will say this, with all the Cable Networks providing such dramatic coverage of the storm, the daily show wasnt going to be left out. To desi lydic, everybody, in florida thats right, trevor im out here covering the tail end of Hurricane Irma, and i cannot stress enough that every human being should be indoors right now. Not like i am. And definitely not flying a kite onehanded like i am right now. Trevor wait, desi, why are you flying a kite . So that you dont have to, trevor oh, the storm is getting closer and if storm gets bad enough, i could be in grave, grave danger of going viral and possibly even getting my own prime time show trevor thank you for your commitment, desi. Well go now live to hasan minhaj. Hasan, where are you right now . As you can see, im being lowered deeper into an active volcano and i cannot stress this enough, Everyone Needs to stay inside and watch me as i experience the volcano firsthand. Ah the lava is very hot and so are the ratings. Trevor god speed, hasan. Finally, ladies and gentlemen, live to roy wood, jr. roy wood, jr. cheers and applause roy how are you doing . Trevor whats going on over where you are . Trevor, i dont want you to panic, but this is probably the scariest situation ive ever been in in my life. Trevor oh, no, roy, what is it . Is it a hurricane, an earthquake . Even scarier, trevor. Im a black man in a white neighborhood about to put on my hoodie. Trevor no roy, roy what are you doing . Stay indoors, Trevor Trevor i will, roy. And youre so beautiful, man. Take the hoodie off, roy take the hoodie off, roy cheers and a we just got to take it one game at a time. Next question. Odell can you repeat everything you just said . My livestream wont load. blows whistle technical foul wrong sport. Wrong network. See, you need unlimited on verizon. Its americas largest, most reliable 4g lte network. It wont let you down in places like this. Even in the strike zone its the red zone. Pretty sure its the strike zone. Here, use mine. All right. See you on the court, champ. Heads up vo when it really, really matters, you need the best network and the best unlimited. Now plans start at 40 per line for four lines. School. I think its time we mixed things up. Oh yeah, in your face and in conclusion, cats. Four flavors, four shapes. Cheetos xtra cheesy mixups. [bees swarming] canelo be bold come on canelo be bold be bolder sly. Tecate light born bold. These fruit of the loom breaare perfect. Wear they need a name just as perfect. Cools gold. The pant snorkel. Brrriefs. House of meshresentatives. Shiver me trousers. Pantarctica. Fruit of the luge. Thank you marvin. Breathable underwear . Mr. Meshy goes to windyngton. Breezy fo sheezy. Youre a genius. Well call it breezy fo. Uhh. No. Were going to call it breathable underwear. By fruit of the loom. cheers and applause trevor welcome back to the daily show. Its been almost a month since President Trump fired steve bannon, his chief strategist and human sloppy joe. laughter trevor now, during his time with trump, bannon operated from the shadows, but last night he braved the lights of 60 minutes to give his first major tv interview and everyone immediately said, okay, this bleep should have stayed in the shadows. The republican establishment is trying to null fythe 2016 election, thats a brutal fact. They need illegal aliens to fill the churches. Where does the end . Does it end in taking down the Washington Monument . I dont need affirmation of the main stream media. I dont care what they say. They can call me antisemite, racist, they can call me anything they want. Trevor wow, its like donald trump took a dump while he was tweeting and wished for that dump to be a real boy. laughter i will name it steve. laughter last nights Bannon Interview wasnt particularly eye opening. Mostly he just willingly confirmed he is who we thought he was, a radical nationalist who believes donald trump will be instrumental in tearing down the establishment. But one moment really showed how allin he is on trump. The campaigns biggest crisis was an october surprise when an 2005 video surfaced of mr. Trump using vulgar language to describe encounters with women. He made those remarks on a bus to tv host billy bush. Billy bush saturday to me is a litmus test. When you side with a man, you side with him, okay . The good and the bad. You can criticize him behind but when you side with him you have to side with him. Trevor man, thats loyalty. Even after trump fired bannon, hes still going to fight for him from outside the white house. If donald trump ever killed someone, bannon will be the guy driving the white supremacist bronco. laughter i dont know if you noticed, but bannon has a very interesting way of rebranding the infamous donald trump pussygrabbing scandal. Billy bush saturday to me is a litmus test. Christie because of billy bush weekend was not looked at for a cabinet position. You took names on billy bush sunday. I did. He wasnt with you on billy bush weekend and therefore doesnt get a cabinet position. Thats what billy bush weekend. laughter trevor billy bush weekend . Billy bush was watching the video saying, come on, man i was just on the bus you cant name something after someone who happened to be there. Thats like jask assassination motorcade drivers bad day. You could describe it that way but thats not why its famous. Bannon known for opposition to immigration. He did not budge. People have been able to come here, find a place, contribute to the economy. Thats what immigration has been in america. You couldnt be more dead wrong. America was built on her citizens. Were all immigrants, except the native americans. Thats leftist. Charlie, thats beneath you. America is build on citizens. 19th century, control of borders. Economic nationalism is what this country was build on. Trevor in the recipe of how to make america, i feel like steve bannon left out a crucial ingredient. Hes like an economic nationalism closed borders. Thats what this country was. If he was making a cake, why was the cake not oh, slavery i forgot the slaves. They took down the statutes and steve bannon forgot the history. They were right. laughter i dont know why hes fighting about this. We all know america is a nation of immigrants. Just for one, we called a professional genealogist who found out Steve Bannons great great grandfather Lawrence Bannon arrived in the u. S. From ireland by the 1850s at a time when americas borders were so open irishmen could walk into the country with no passports, no visas, no background checks of any kind. So in many ways, Steve Bannons great grandfather was a dreamer. Yeah, and his greatgrandson is a bleep nigh nightmare. laughter cheers and applause anyway, bannon held his own in last nights interview, but there were times when you could tell charlie rose was getting under his skin. Just look at his face when hes asked questions he doesnt like. You know this White House Leaks like nobodys ever seen a white house leak and thats where the reporters are getting the story, and theyre getting the story about conflict between you and h. R. Mcmaster, stories about conflict wean between you and jared kushner. laughter trevor what the hell is that . Like, what is that . I almost felt like if this interview had gone on any longer, i would have been seriously worried about the safety of charlie rose. Trevor and thats where the reporters are getting the story. Theyre getting the story about conflict between you and h. R. Mcmaster. sound of lizard trevor wow well be right back. cheers and applause mom, i just saved a lot of money on my Car Insurance by switching to geico. I should take a closer look at geico. You know, geico can help you save money on your Homeowners Insurance too . Great geico can help insure our mountain chalet how long have we been sawing this log . Um, one hundred and fourteen years. Man i thought my arm would be a lot more jacked by now. Im not even sure this is real wood. Theres no butter in this churn. Do my tris look okay . Take a closer look at geico. Great savings. And a whole lot more. Remember 2007 . Smartphones . O m g ten years later, nothings really changed. Its time to snap out of it. Hello moto. Snap on a jbl speaker. Put a 70 screen on a wall. Get a 10x optical zoom. Get excited world. Hello moto. Moto is here. The new moto z with motomods. Buy the new moto z and youll get a free projector mod. Im here to tell you about kfcs Honey Mustard bbq georgia gold. No, tell them about Nashville Hot who said that . Georgia gold. Nashville hot ahhhhhhhh try both delicious flavors at kfc. cheers and applause trevor welcome back to the daily show. My guest tonight is an Award Winning actor whose new film is called the mountain between us. Are you okay is this. Couple of bruises, few scratches, couple of cracked ribs, i got lucky. How longs it been . 36 hours. You okay . Got plenty of water as long as we can melt the snow. Got four packets of almonds, couple of candy bars, halfeaten sandwich and some cookies. What kind of cookies. What . Trevor please welcome idris elba cheers and applause thank you very much trevor welcome back to the show. Thanks, man. So nice to see you. Trevor good to see you again. Just occurred to me that the answer to that question is obviously your cookie. laughter sorry, im going to get fired now. Trevor you know whats funny, idris got to the show early, hanging out backstage. I said youre early. Youre, like, yeah, man, wheres the booze . Im like i pray you dont come out drunk. I was hoping you would come out and be just like idris speaking like a drunken man laughter i told you i was going to do the drunken man thing. Its a skit. Its new. Look, look, trevor, these guys laughter give me more love. Trevor you could be anything. Lets talk about the film, the mountain between us. I dont want to give away much in the film, but it is a story that is set we see it in the trailer, so im not giving too much away. Its a plane crash. Yourself and kate winslet play these two people who are flying on a tiny little plane that crashes and then you begin the journey of survival. Yeah, i mean, its a simple story, it really is, about survival and trust, and its about two people that are very, very different who discover themselves. They have very different approaches to survival, and they discover themselves and then, you know, eventually, they make whoop whoop and then, um cheers and applause trevor what hes saying is what hes saying is they make a Musical Instrument that you play whoop whoop whoop whoop no spoilers, but it is a love story. Trevor right. I think, actually, in this day and age in filmmaking, films are a great way to, you know, express an idea, and i think we need films that express love. I think we really do at this point. And this movie is about that. Its about the perilous Journey Towards trust when you dont know someone. And, of course, you know, you put a man a black man in minus 38, you know, there is some drama going to happen. laughter trevor is it just a movie about a black man fighting snow . laughter thats essentially what it is. laughter oh, man. But i really enjoy making it. We shot it in canada, in minus 38. Trevor right. And, you know, there was no green screen. I mean, it was real. Kate winslet, shes a pro, a goddess of an actor, and we had a great time. Trevor can i tell you, so, like, i went to watch the movie with a woman, and then i didnt appreciate you being as sexy as you were. laughter because its not, like, nice to sit next to someone who the whole time in the movie is just, like, mmm. laughter and im just, like, i hope you will choke on this popcorn. laughter then idris will have to come save you. laughter was it different for you playing this . Its subtle and really beautiful and you were mad sexy in this story. Thanks, Trevor Trevor in ways weve never seen you before. Thanks, man. laughter trevor come on come on thats a compliment, thank you very much. You know, the truth of the matter is the film wasnt designed for me to be sexy or anything in it. Trevor right. I think, though, there is something beautiful about two people who fall in love in the face of adversity and cold and all that. Trevor yeah. And boning. laughter but, no, there is something beautiful about the simplicity of it. Listen, youre right. I play extreme characters. This isnt an extreme character. Hes a brain surgeon, actually. Trevor right. See . See . I do know what im talking about. Hes a brain surgeon, and, you know, hes no survivalist. Trevor right. Shes the survivalist in the movie. But his logic gets him to a certain point and her heart gets him to a certain point. Trevor before i let you go, what are you excited about coming up in the feature . Youre directing, acting, fighting all over the world. What are we looking for . Honestly, rest. Trevor right. Im actually really truly doing some comedy, man. I shouldnt say it but im doing a show that surrounded by my deejaying and its a comedy. Trevor im super excited. Comedian deejay. Looking forward to it. Thanks for being on the show. I love you. Trevor the mountain between us will be in theaters october 6. You want to watch this movie. Idris elba, everybody. Well be right back cheers and applause ever wonder whats in a beer . If its a bud light, its four essential ingredients barley, rice, water and hops. heres to the beer you can always count on. Brewed to be americas favorite light lager. Heres to the beer you can always count on. Sfx tmobile mnemonic sfx tmobile mnemonic sfx tmobile mnemonic tmobiles unlimited now includes netflix on us. Thats right, netflix on us. Get four unlimited lines for just forty bucks each. Taxes and fees included. And now, netflix included. So go ahead, binge on us. Another reason why tmobile is americas best unlimited network. Sfx tmobile mnemonic cheers and applause trevor thats our show tore tonight. Thank you so much for tuning in. Join us tomorrow night at 11 00. Now here it is. Your moment of zen. He did not answer all the questions we had for him but he said a lot of things we didnt know he would say. That was very clear. He was very candid, i will say that. Charlie would never say it, but did you walk in the building from comedy centrals world news headquarters in new york, this is the daily show with trevor noah cheers and applause trevor welcome to the daily show thank you so much for tuning in im trevor noah my guest tonight Fashion Designer zac posen is joining us, everybody cheers and applause but first, as you know, Hurricane Irma hit the caribbean yesterday and because of the storm all planes headed to the area were forced ton