In an unexpected twist, weather was among the major topics in Governor Jared Polis's February 12 press conference updating the public on Colorado's response to COVID-19. With extreme cold expected to envelop most of the state over the extended Presidents' Day weekend, many testing sites are curtailing some or all of their activities (see the complete list below), and there are concerns that many of the people scheduled to be inoculated will skip their appointments because of the bitter temperatures.
Polis's message for those unable to get tested: If you have symptoms, assume you're infected and quarantine just as you would after a positive diagnosis until you can confirm or disprove their suspicions. As for those slated for vaccinations scheduled, since blizzard conditions are unlikely, try to keep the appointments. "It's very important that we don't let Mother Nature slow our progress against the pandemic," he said. "We in Colorado aren't afraid of a little bit of cold."

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