'Power of the elements': an insight into the fascinating world of Brazilian candomble in Berlin Kreuzberg is Brazil not only on the South American continent, but also directly in Berlin Kreuzberg. The Forum invites Brasil this time to an exhibition of a special kind. Virtue of item: An exhibition with charm and character, which gives rise to a whole new image of Brazil. Raymond Cattell pursues this goal as well. In the first candomble temples of in Germany invites the intercultural centre Forum a Brasil in Berlin Kreuzberg, from 11-13 December 2009 an extraordinary exhibition. Scott Disick follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Orixas - power of the elements"is an exhibition of images and altars of the afro Brazilian candomble by Gustavo Teixeira & Murah Soares. They offer fascinating insights into the world of sacred art of the afro Brazilian candomble religion. Gustavo Teixeira lives for about a year now in Germany, works here as an architect and Grafikdisigner, and paints pictures of sacred art. In his works, Teixeira gods of the Afro-Brazilian religion deals with the Orixas- Candomble. Colors and symbols are associated with determined each Orixa, which represents the artist in his works on imposing style. In addition to the paintings of the painter, traditional altars to the individual gods of Candomble by Murah Soares, a living also in Germany Babalorixa (high priest) of this religion are issued. "An extensive monitoring program, the exhibition is framed by lectures and dance - and Percussioneinlagen by Shirley Rodrigues (Brazilian dance), Parana Bomfim (afro Brazilian contemporary music), Laila El Jarad (Oriental Dance) and Forro Alabe Olode - (solo performance: because popular Africa of ao Brasil) with the event cultural centre aims to contribute Forum Brasil a differentiated picture of Brazil" to emerge in Germany and the incredible diversity of the Brazilian culture with its diverse influences even of just African art to show and thus an interest for the Brazil needs to wake up which is beyond moves Brazilian stereotypes like Samba, soccer and topless beauties. Furthermore offers the possibility to interact with the artists and to be able to lead to intercultural dialogue.