Netflix gave the greenlight to a fourth season
Cobra Kai in October, so fans sweeping the legs of season 3, which premiered over the New Year’s weekend, did so knowing there was more story to come. But with so many cameos and callbacks already made, and a finale more nuanced than a straight-up cliffhanger, what does it leave for season 4, exactly?
[Ed. note: Spoilers for the entirety of
Cobra Kai season 3 follow.]
Cobra Kai episode 10 ends with Johnny’s dojo of exiles training alongside Daniel’s charges at Miyagi-do HQ. Kreese, meanwhile, has full control of Cobra Kai, with Tory as his second-in-command, and Johnny’s kid Robby joining the team out of spite. Daniel, at last, kicked Kreese’s ass in the Cobra Kai dojo, but was unable to have him evicted from said premises. Kreese has also called in backup, army pal and wealthy benefactor Terry Silver, whose character dates back to the lesser-known