Group except Bin Laden its and it is attacked israel viciously over the last 20 years in the last year, completely unprovoked a day after Hamas Massacre on October 7, hezbollah began attacks against israel, which forced more than 60,000 israelis on our northern border to leave their homes. Becoming refugees in their own Land Hezbollah turned vibrant towns in the north of israel into Ghost Towns so i want you to think about this Inequivalent American Terms just imagine if terrorists turned El Paso and San Diego into Ghost Towns then ask yourself, how long would the american government tolerate that . A day, a Week Amman i doubt they tolerated even for a single day yet israel has been tolerating this intolerable situation for nearly a year well, ive come here today to say enough is enough citizens can return safely to their homes. We will not accept a Terror Army perched on our northern border, able to perpetrate another October 7 Style Massacre for 18 years because Balah Brazenly refused to implement un Security Council Resolution 171 which requires it to move its forces away from our borders instead, hezbollah move right up to our border. They secretly dug Terror Tunnels to infiltrate our communities. And indiscriminately fired thousands of rockets into our towns and villages. They fire these rockets and missiles not for military sites not from that they do that too. But they fired those rockets and missiles after they placed him in schools. In hospitals, in apartment buildings, and in the private homes of the citizens of lebanon they endanger their own people they put a missile in every kitchen a rocket at every garage i said to the people of lebanon, this week get out of the deathtrap that hezbollah is put you in dont let Nasrallah Drag Lebanon into the abyss were not at war with you. Were at war with hezbollah, which has hijacked your country and threatens to destroy ours. As long as hezbollah chooses the path of War Israel has no choice. And israel has every right to remove this threat and return our citizens to their homes safely. And thats exactly what were doing week the idf destroyed large percentages of hezbollahs rockets, which had built with iran funding for three decades we took out senior military commanders, who not only shared israeli blood, but american and french blood as well and then we took out their replacements and then the replacement of their replacements will continue degrading hezbollah until all our objectives are bay committed to removing the curse of terrorism the threatens all civilized societies but to truly realize the blessing of a new Middle East we must continue the path. We paved with the abraham accords four years ago. Above all, this means achieving a historic Peace Agreement between Israel And Saudi arabia yeah having seen the blessings that weve already brought with the abraham accords the millions of israelis have already flown backandforth across the Arabian Peninsula over the skies of Saudi Arabia to the gulf countries the trade, the tourism, the joint ventures, the peace, the Peace Id say to you what lessons such a peace with Saudi Arabia would bring . It would be a boon to the Security And Economy of our two countries. It would boost Trade And Tourism across the region. It would help transform the Middle East into a global juggernaut our two countries could cooperate on energy, water, agriculture artificial intelligence, and many, many other fields. Such a piece, im sure would be a true pivot of history. It would usher in a historic reconciliation between the arab World And Israel between islam and judaism, between mecca and jerusalem while israel is committed to achieving such a Piece Iran and its Terror Proxies are committed to scuttling it thats why one of the best ways to foil irans nefarious designs is to achieve the peace such a peace would be the foundation for an even broader Abrahamic Alliance and that alliance would include the united states, israel, current arab peace partners, Saudi Arabia, and others who choose the blessing of peace it advance Security And Prosperity across the Middle East, and bring enormous benefits to the rest of the world. With american Support And Leadership i believe this vision can materialize and much sooner than people think. And as the Prime Minister of israel, i will do everything in my power to bake it happen this is an opportunity that we and the world should not let go by ladies and Gentlemen Israel has made its choice. We seek to move forward to a bright age of Prosperity And Peace iran and its proxies have also made their choice. They want to move back to a dark age of Terror And War and now i have a question and i posed that question to you what choice will you make will your nation stand with israel will you stand with Democracy And Peace . Or will you stand with iran . A brutal dictatorship that subjugates its own people. Exports terrorism across the globe in this battle between good and evil there must be no equivocation when you stand with israel, you stand for your own values and your own interests yes. Were defending ourselves but were also defending you against a common enemy that through Violence And Terror seeks to destroy our way of life so there should be no confusion about this but unfortunately, there is a lot of it in many countries. And in this very hall, as ive just heard good is portrayed as evil. And evil is portrayed as good we see this moral confusion when israel is falsely accused of genocide, when we defend ourselves against enemies who tried to commit genocide against us we see theres two when israel is absurdly accused by the icc prosecutor, of deliberately starving palestinians In Gaza what an absurdity we held bring in 700,000 tons of food into gaza thats more than 3,000 calories a day for every man, woman, and child, and gaza we see this moral confusion when israel has falsely accused of deliberately targeting civilians we dont want to see a single person, a single innocent person die. Thats always a tragedy. And thats why we do so much to minimize civilian casualties. Even as our enemies use civilians as Human Shields and no army has done what israel is doing to minimize civilian casualties. We dropped flyers, we send text messages, we make Phone Calls by the millions to ensure that palestinian civilians get out of harms way. We spare no effort in this noble pursuit we see at another profound moral confusion when Selfdiscipline Selfdescribed Progressives march against the democracy of israel. Dont they realize they support the Uranium Backed Goons in cars in tehran and In Gaza the goons who got down Protesters Murder women for not covering their hair and hang gays and public squares. Some progressives according to the u. S. Director of national intelligence Iran Funds and fuels many of the protesters against israel. Who knows, maybe, maybe some of the protesters what even many of the protesters outside this building now Gentlemen King Solomon who reigned in our eternal capital, jerusalem, 3,000 years ago, proclaimed you protect something that is familiar to all of you he said there is nothing new under The Sun well in an age of Space Travel Quantum physics, and artificial intelligence. Some would argue thats a debatable statement but one thing is undeniable there is definitely nothing new at the united Nations Iceberg first spoke from this podium as Israels Ambassador to the un in 1984 thats exactly 40 years ago. And in my Maiden Speech here, i think its the same podium by the way my Maiden Speech here i spoke against the proposal to expel israel from this body. For decades later i find myself defending israel against that same preposterous proposal and whos leading the charge . This time . Not hamas, but abbas palestinian Authority President Mahmoud abbas. This is the man who claims he wants peace with israel yet he still refuses to condemn the horrific massacre of October 7 he is still paying hundreds of millions to terrorists who Birder Israelis and americans its called pay for slay. The more you murder, the more you get paid and hes still wages unremitting diplomatic warfare against users right to exist. And against israels right to defend itself. And by the way, they amount to the same thing. Because if you can defend yourself, you cant exist. Not in our neighborhoods, certainly. And maybe not in yours standing in this podium 40 years ago i told the sponsors of that outrageous resolution to expel israel. Gentlemen, check your fanaticism at the door tell president abbas, and all of you who would chain fully support that resolution check your fanaticism at the door the, singling out of The One And Only Jewish State continues to be a moral stain on the United Nations. It has made this once respected Institution Contemptible in the eyes of decent people everywhere but for the palestinians this un House Of Darkness is home court they know that in this swamp of antisemitic bile theres an automatic majority willing to demonize the jewish State And Anything in this antiisrael flatearth society any false charge, any outlandish allegation can muster a majority in the last decade. There has been more resolutions passed against israel in this hall at the Un General Assembly then against the entire world combined actually more than twice as many. Since 2014. This body condemned as well, 174 times. It condemned all the other countries in the world. 73 times thats more than 100 extra condemnations for the Jewish State what hypocrisy, what a double standard, what a joke so the uns or silly all the speeches you heard today, although hostility directed at israel this year its not about gaza its about israel its always been about his israel, about israels very existence and i say to, until israel, until the Jewish State is treated like other nations, until this antisemitic swamp is drained. The un will be viewed by fairminded people everywhere as nothing more than a contemptuous parts ill give him the antisemitism at the un it should surprise No One that the prosecutor at the icc, one of the uns affiliated organs is considering Issuing Arrest Warrants against me and israels Defense Minister the democratically elected Leader Leaders of the democratic state of israel. The icc prosecutors rush to judgment. His refusal to treat israel with its independent courts the way other democracies are treated its hard to explain. Buy anything other than pure antisemitism Ladies And Gentlemen the real War Criminals are not in israel theyre in iran theyre In Gaza, in syria, and lebanon, in yemen those of you stand with these War Criminals those of you who stand with evil against good with a curse against the blessing those of you do so should be ashamed of yourselves but i have a message for you israel will win this battle well win this battle because we dont have a choice after generation after generation in which our people were slaughtered remorselessly, butchered. And No One raised a finger in our defense. We now have a state. We now have a brave army, an army of incomparable courage. And we are defending ourselves as the Book Of Samuel says in the bible nhtsa, He Saw lawyer, shakir, we opportunity a visual will not falter peoples Epic Journey From Antiquity in our odyssey through the tempus and upheavals of modern times that ancient promise has always been kept. And it will hold true for all time to borrow a great Poets Phrase Israel will not go gently into that good night we will never we will never need to rage against the dying of the light because the torch of israel will for forever shine bright and to the soldiers of israel. I say, be strong and of good Courage Excuse the school vm2, the wrong with him. He i dont know who outlet he loyal the lawyers with Ami Style high, the people of israel live. Now tomorrow forever. Thank you right. Youve been listening to israeli prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is speaking in front of the United Nations general assembly not the entirety of the general assembly as many of those delegates walked out at the beginning of this very fiery speech from the israeli Prime Minister at one point, he referred to the United Nations as an Anti Semitic swamp and he said the real War Criminals are in iran, gaza, and lebanon. So some very fiery word its from netanyahu. Let me get out to Alex Marquardt at the un. Alex, your assessment of the prime Minister Speech does not sound like the region is on a path to peace right now, if you go by what the Prime Minister just said no, youre absolutely right, jim i think that when you listen to the Prime Minister there, that is not someone who is ready to agree to a Ceasefire Deal. Lebanon or a Ceasefire Deal In Gaza. Frankly, this was a defiant speech it will a wide ranging speech. You started by saying that he came here to the United Nations that he wasnt planning to combat. He decided to come to counter what he called the lies and slanders of other countries during the course of this week, he was speaking to a largely empty chamber it was empty and mth before it he got there and then as you noted, there were a couple of walkouts, including according to our teams inside from malaysia, Indonesia And Iran there was a lot to get to in this speech. Theres, theres a lot of Fact Checking that we could do, particularly when it comes to his claims about the amount of aid getting into gaza, his claims about what theyre doing to keep civilians safe In Gaza. But jim, by enlarge, these were familiar themes when it comes to netanyahu and the un, much of his focus there, against talking about iran and their unremitting aggression he talked at length about the need to continue the fight against hezbollah in lebanon and hamas In Gaza. Asa, he slammed the palestinian Authority President Mahmoud abbas, who just spoke yesterday calling what is going on In Gaza a genocide. And then as you noted, he also railed against the United Nations, claiming that it is an antisemitic body and anti israel body calling it hey contemptuous farce. So again, this is not someone who appears to be on the verge of accepting this 21 Day Ceasefire for lebanon, that us and other officials have been working on this week. I just want to quote one thing you said as long as hezbollah chooses the path of war, israel has no Choice And Israel has every right to remove this threat. Jim, he did frame this broadly as a choice between curses and blessings, and he held up maps, he brought props as he has done in the past the curses would be the the power of iran to reach across the region. He held up a map of showing iran and its tentacles as he called it, his its proxies all the way to the west of the mediterranean sea. And then he talked about the promises of normalization with Saudi Arabia. But frankly, that normalization jim, is a long way off as we continue to see these conflicts play out in the middle please. Jim. No question about it. Art Alex Marquardt. Thank you very much. I want to bring in democratic congressman jake auchincloss, congressman, youve been listening to some of Prime Minister netanyahus speech, your reaction. I mean, he had some obviously very fiery language aimed at the United Nations and the people he sees as the enemies of the state of israel. What, what, what did you make of that . The Prime Minister has always been a powerful order and i agree with his strong defense of israels right to protect itself and its citizens. I agree that israel seeks Peace And Trade and iran seeks the destruction of israel. I agree brie that hamas must have no role in postwar gaza, but right now what israel needs is not just an Order Israel needs to strategist. Israel needs somebody who can connect the righteous objectives of their war repopulate northern israel, get the hostages home, have postwar governance that excludes hamas In Gaza . They need to connect those objectives with the tactics of the idf. Thats what political leadership has meant to do. Heres what were trying to fight for. Heres how were fighting, but then heres how were going to get that done. And there had been an insufficiently coherent and multilateral strategy from the Prime Minister. And he needs to take this opportunity to put one in place. And when he says were going to fight until we achieve total victory In Gaza. I mean, that does not sound as though a Ceasefire Deal as anywhere on the horizon that i mean, how how can the biden administration approached this now, i mean, it seems netanyahu has laid his cards on the table. I think total victory In Gaza needs to be defined just as much from sinwar is perspective thats from netanyahus perspective, which might sound like a startling statement. But what i mean if sinwar doesnt fear Death And Destruction In Gaza, indeed, he welcomes it. What he fears is reconstruction. He fears an alternative to hamas that offers an agenda of economic Redevelopment And Security and infrastructure investments in education for the palestinian people and if israel was able to arkansas Tact A palestinian led aerobe supported western backed alternative to hamas. That is victory In Gaza. He has yet to do that and, you know, when he refers to the un as an antiisrael flat earth society. I mean, obviously not known for his diplomatic language, but to go into the United Nations and throw that kind of rhetoric around i mean, whats your response to that . The United Nations has decades of a shameful doublestandard regarding israel behind it. And so some of that rhetoric is justified by the u. N. s actions its shameful that you end delegates couldnt even see fit to sit and listen to a democratic Nation Talk about its vision, and its right to defend itself and its goals to unite the Middle East and Peace And Trade. Those delegates should have been sitting there and they need to stop excoriating israel to the exclusion of iran and syria, north korea, and venezuela and other states that dont receive nearly the same opprobrium that the Jewish State does. All right. Congressman jake auchincloss, thanks for coming in. We appreciate it. More Breaking News right now, its very busy morning. Ukrainian president volodomyr zelensky, Donald Trump just wrapped up a meeting in New York, will talk about what they said in just a few moments. Thats next ive been saying publicly what people are saying themselves. I have enough money. I could just shut up, but you back i Cant Car saturday, October 5th on cnn whether youre moving across town or across the country, you can count on pods for liver when we say we will which is why we were voted Americas Number one container moving company. Hook your Move Today at pods. Com. This is my coffee shop. 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What if we end up in a state where ivf is no longer legal . What will we do then . Im Kamala Harris and i approve this Message Cnn special event, the Vice President ial debate. Tuesday at nine i just want me to go at Trump Tower in New York city. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with former president Donald Trump. They spoke okay. To the press just moments ago. Lets take a listen to that oh, thank you very much. Its an honor to have the president with us and hes been through a lot and through a tremendous amount, like probably Nobody Else, almost Nobody Else in history, if you really get right down to it. And were going to have a discussion see what we can come up with, but great honor to have you thank you very much. Thank some lawsuits, ryan. Thanks so much for this meeting five years yes we had maintain hearing New York in september. And now dry lot of challenges children ukrainian is and of course i want to discuss with you i think where we are together. I think we have common view that the war in ukraine has been stalled and Putin Cant Win and ukrainians have to prevail. And i want to discuss with you the details while clouds that will be thanks to much thank you very much, everyone. Thank you. Thank you very much. Do you have a question for the precedent . Why did you decide to meet . I think to me both off okay. Thank you so much. Festival well, its very important to share to share all that path, all alice taps how we can stress in ukraine and of course, we have decided . No. Because after november, we dont know who is on the american decide who will be the president. But we understand that deal november. We cant stop putin we have to do it, will try on the battlefield without our heroic soldiers and their a standard after november, we have to decide and we hold that the stress of united states will be very strong and we count on it. Thats why i decided to meet with both candidates with all down. Thank you. Residents doesnt so what they excavation about this meeting. So what i expect to hear from the President Zelenskyy who the patient a little louder what is the patient from this meeting . Appeal stuff to hear look, this is a meeting and we have a. Big race going on right now. I guess 37 days left and relieving in the polls. So well see how it all works out hopefully it will work out, but it does move that i have worked very much with both parties to try and get this settled and get. Worked out it has to end at some point it has to end. Hes going through hell in this country has gone through hell like few countries and never like its happened to anywhere. I nobodys ever seen anything like it. Its terrible the whole situation. And i will say i have had a great relationship. It was very honorably. I dont even know, you know this, but when they did the Impeachment Hoax, it was all hoax. That democrat hopes which we want but what are the reasons we wanted so easily is that when the president was asked it was over a Phone Call with the president and he said he could have grandstanded and like cute and he didnt do that. He said President Trump did absolutely nothing wrong. He said it loud and clear. And the Impeachment Hoax died right there. He could have said, well, i dont know that. I dont know. And i never even talked to you this too be honest, when he was it was like a piece of steel. He said President Trump did nothing wrong we had a very nice call. He congratulated me on is it just one and i remember that remember that he could have played cute and he didnt play cute and so i appreciated that we have a very good relationship and i also have a very good relationship, as you know, with president putin. And i think we went, i think were going to get it resolved very quickly. Very worried. I really think were going to get it Martin Luther nations will but, you know, It Takes Two To Tango and we will have a good meeting today. And i think the fact that were even together today is very good sign and hopefully, well have a good victory because the other side wins and dont think youre going to have victor is with anything to be honest with yourself, were going to sit down, just discuss it and if we have a win, i think low before i before January 20 before i would take the presidency. Its January 20. But long before that, i think that we can work out something thats good for both sides. Its time right . Like the president knows that too. He wants to get something done. He doesnt want to do this and so we look forward to having that mean, i look forward to being with a but what i said is true. He was he was a piece of steel gave a very honest straight answer and that it it really ended essentially ended Impeachment Hoax and i appreciate that. Thank you very much, everybody theres former president so Donald Trumps standing with the ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Theyre meeting right now at Trump Tower. They had some comments there to the press. I do want to just make sure that we fact check a couple of things because the former president referred to to his first of his two impeachments as an Impeachment Hoax. Thats obviously not the case. He was impeached over his decision to withhold Military Aid from ukraine as a way to pressure Volodymyr Zelenskyy to investigate former Vice President at that time, joe biden, who was thought to be obviously trumps main opponent in the 2020 election, biden went on to beat Donald Trump. So he was obviously very worried about what biden might have in store for him politically speaking, but that past being prologue, let me go to doug heye, who is with me right now. Arent former rnc Communications Director i guess. Lets talk about the politics of this and Zelenskyy Kind of injecting himself into this camp and paying with whats less than six weeks to go when you think of that, well, this is for all the marbles for ukraine and as i told you earlier, i was at the polish economic forum earlier this month, a lot of people from ukraine, there are probably some russians as well. This is topic Number One. They take it very seriously and poland moldova, countries like that. Obviously of course, ukraine and its important for or President Zelenskyy to communicate with both parties. And what i try and focus on is not the tip of the iceberg that we see, especially when it comes to trumps language. And i sat down with a ukrainian Official Yesterday Era ukrainian national yesterday who told me that the Phone Call from a few weeks ago between Zelenskyy And Trump was and this is a quote the best Phone Call that theyve ever heard. And maybe it wasnt the best of all time, but that they were that positive about it tells me something. I mean, one of the things that i think zelenskyy is feeling right now as a real sense of urgency because this race right now, this president ial race here in the us could go either way at this point and Donald Trump has been out on the campaign trail. Hes just this week saying things like ukraine has gone and he just said a few moments ago that the country has been through hell and something. He essentially said something got to give so you do have to wonder to what extent behind closed Doors Trump is saying to zelenskyy, you know, this war, needs to end, which you know, as trump has been saying, as j. D. Vance has been saying, you know, that that could play into vladimir putins hands. So zelenskyy has a lot on the public language from trump and vances as no problem. Thats why im trying to focus where i cant on the private. I also know from conversations i had both in poland and yesterday, theres concerns in either way that doesnt look like if youre if youre ukraine that one result is a Slam Dunk for you versus the other. And thats why theyre trying to communicate with both sides. And id say real quickly also communicate differently right . If you go to towns in ukraine or polin, there are no jews left. How do you communicate that to america . You talk about the persecution of christians. You want to win republican support. Evangelical christians will communicate or will respond to that kind of message. Yeah and a lot riding on this race for Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the ukrainians Vice President Kamala Harris made it very clear yesterday if she is elected president , she intends to stand with ukraine. Doug heye. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. In the meantime, yes, we are tracking Hurricane Helene as the storm rips through the southeast. This is the city of South Pasadena and the tampa bay area. Take a look at this Fire Ripping through a home in that area as rescue because were searching for stranded residents by boat. It has been a hellacious 24 hours for this part of the Gulf Coast more on all of this, we write got news for you tomorrow at nine on Cnn Theyd get it. They know how it works and most importantly it works for them. I dont have any anxiety about money anymore. I dont have to worry about a Voice Payment every month. It allows me to live in my home and not have to make Payments Lynda Darna joanne mary, different people, but they do have a couple of things in common. They love their home and they know their stuff. They all talked about the counseling. They got sure they knew how a Reverse Mortgage worked and how it could be a reancial solution for their retirement. If youre 62 or older and own your own home find out how you could access a portion if youre Home Equity to give you cash. 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Youre wearing about your home and then thanks, Dedi Tie theres a lot less to worry about feel secure enough to let others in with trusted187786 7866 at 5 55 tv On The Edge sunday at nine on cnn following Breaking News right now, Hurricane Helene is pummeling the southeast, the deadly storm now, dumping dangerous amounts of rain across several states sustained winds of 60 miles an hour are lashing communities and threatening millions. Helene already leaving a path of destruction, tearing through tampa and tallahassee. This is brand new video that youre looking right now from the Big Bend of florida cabins up ended and scattered some houses just washed away the category four hurricane slammed into the state with 140 mile per hour winds and ten feet of storm surge. Lets get right to cnns isabel rosales. Shes an asheville, North Carolina where theres some unprecedented flooding happening right now. Isabel, the story of this storm is not anywhere close to being over yet. Oh, not by far, jim, in fact, ive been reporting from down there this road for a couple of hours this morning, but i cant anymore look at this thing. The floodwaters have just dramatically gone up. You cant even see the road anymore. And if you look back there, you can see that little trailer, the Taco Trail Filler certainly has taken on water or the car behind it that has been flooded out. And jim, the story here with this particular type of flooding, what makes it so tricky is that even when the rain has gone away, as were seeing right now, it has really eased up this flooding is just going to get worse and worse because all of this water has to go somewhere, right . Its going to go back into the rivers, back into the streams, and continue to overflow the banks until eventually it does ease up and its incredible these numbers out of the swannanoa river. Its risen about 12 feet in the last 12 hours its expected to go to over 21 feet and surpass a record. Now that river is typically only about two to four feet deep, so its really unprecedented flooding that folks here in the asheville area are seeing. And as you think of the geography of this area, its surrounded haunted by mountains. And then youve got asheville in the bottom of this essentially a bowl, a Catch Basin is what the asheville Fire Rescue Chief told me. Where all of this Water Cant be soaked up into the ground. Its got nowhere to go, so its just going to be trapped there. So this flooding well just be an increasingly more serious situation catastrophic flooding is imminent, is what forecasters have been warning people over and over again. Now, the Fire Chief also told me that hes extremely worried about one other thing out here by the mountains and thats landslides. He is concerned that the sediment cannot take all of this rain, all of this water, and it will lead to the collapse of buildings. Obviously that would be a very dangerous situation. I spoke to one Asheville Resident who was coming out of his home to Take A Look around and see what was going on. Heres what he told me. Well get to see pretty dramatic Win Blow in the trees. So ive lost a couple of trees around my house. Fortunately, nothings hit. Anything. Torrential flooding, lots of lots of Puddles Rain falling and sheets not a lot substantially, just really biting rain wednesday into thursday, so a totally different system that was not helene. They had over eight inches of rain. That is two Months Worth of rain in just 24 hours. So imagined by The End of this by helene, just this incredible amount of rainfall that theyre going to get none of this is helping out the flooding situation. Jim yeah. As well. I mean, just a few moments ago, we were showing some of the footage of that area behind you when it was full of water and you could see sort of looked like water bursting out of a manhole or out of some sort of Storage Store Storm drain. What was that . All about . What was going on there . And i have to assume that that that meant that that area was pretty dangerous at that point jim, i dont know if we can see pass a trees over here you cant see that Storm Drain anymore. Thats because its completely underwater. I think that was one of our first clues that something was quite rapidly going wrong. We could see that the Storm Drainage system was taken ahead clearly overwhelmed by all of this water, jim and again, situations, unfortunately, just going to get worse. Alright, absolute good, good day for people to stay indoors in that area. Isabel rosales, thanks. As always, we appreciate it. Well be right back. Five good things. Listen wherever you get your podcasts. At the cabin for three days, could im trove our short upon weekend no. Either as a blonde weekend would pay calm employees do their own payroll. So you can fix problems before they become problems get pay calm, and make the unnecessary, unnecessary. 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Com if you or a Loved One have mesothelial not well send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and well come to you 808 to 14000 finally, this hour after a week of pretty heavy news were to take a moment to decompress for just a moment. Snl premieres tomorrow for its 50th season. Just in time for election season, were already up to speed in terms of who will be playing, Vice President Kamala Harris, Take A Look. But you know what thats not do that tonight im not going to worry about the polling numbers. Im just gonna have fun and see if i can get some viral Moments Mama needs a jif going to tell my kids this was michelle Obama Will Reprise her role as the Vice President Executive Producer Lorne Michaels teams that james Austin Johnson will continue to play. Former president Donald Trump, but we still dont know who will play senator j. D. Vance or governor Tim Walz. Ive got an idea how about about Comedian Matt frien joins me now im just here for you. Could you thats it. Thats it. Thanks for having me back. Absolutely. No, its always great to have you here and i understand you have been working on a Tim Walz and personnel. Yeah. We know what Tim Walz hes very cocci ive done this on your show before, but hes kind of moving his hands like this all the time. Got to Jazz Hand Thing going on hes gaze very, all i say is whenever Tim Walz knows, he wins the election, takes a gallon of gatorade, throws on kamalas face. Hes going to put bill belichicks to shame with the big Coach Energy that Tim Walz has given off. Yeah. And the debate should be interested, should be something like that. Lorne michaels, if youre watching here we go, right here. Yeah. Well see. Yeah. But we just saw Donald Trump at the beginning of News Cast yeah, hes with zelenskyy there. I was interested. That was interesting. Well, i think Donald Trump is upset about a number of things, but Number One is possibly chappell roan. The singer is doing a horrible thing, jim, its really sad. Whats happening . She refuses to endorse me. She says im a nasty guy, but i invented the pink pony club. Jim, its a tremendous song. I invented it and shes heard you hate schouler, Swift Say that again. I hear you hate to taylor swift. I dont Like Taylor either. I used to like her a lot, but taylor has gone a little sour, which is its surprising. I think she liked me a lot so that sat right. Yeah no, but, you know, listen, you much material, these too much a lot of material to work with. Yeah. I mean, my impression of my rudolph coming back very excited as very excited, and cant be he cant beat that. Shes shes like the goat of it was made aid for its almost like Tina Fey being made for sarah palins. Like youre made for that. Thankfully, im not made for mcconnell. I just had the glasses with me wherever i was going to say because earlier this week we heard trump talking about his tariffs than Mitch Mcconnell came out. Mitch mcconnell said not so much into the tariffs. Yeah, im not really sure what he shared lotion. I dont need a prosthetic to morph myself into whatever creature this becomes. Just need the glasses contort your face and stopped moving completely and. Anyway theres a phrase that was the phrase that you need to get with Jim Acosta. Dont know american flight, as newshour, we dont want to dont want any acosta impersonations. Yeah. Were me speaking in the third person but i mean, as as this election is winding down, it is what are you whats on your mind . What do you think in here . I am thinking about the material will continue to flow. Theres been a lot in the news. Theres been a lot in the news that debate should be interesting. Lets see how many times j. D. Vance mentioned his mimo and his people on his way. You what either i shouldn for america, who is letting j. D. Vance in these weird circumstances, he goes into a donut shop. He was in j. D. Vance and running for Vice President and then No One looks interested around him. I dont get why his campaign is allowing him to be at this situation but that the material the united States Government provides infinite material for me i will tell you and why is walz of fun Character Flight . Because hes very animated, moving his hands, hes almost like some sort of a broad way. I dont know whats going on here, but as soon as i saw him, hes like Gold Material for comedy. Absolutely. But trump, the trump impersonations were put you on the map and i just saw in the last 24 hours, hes now selling watches. Have you seen these . Why didnt see that to all cnn viewers if youre interested . Didnt purchasing one was selling a great brand new trump watches the beautiful they put rolex to shame. Trump watches to rolex what cnn is to newsmax okay. Youre going to want to buy a trump watch, and thats the only way you couldnt tell time. Thank you. Well a Qanon Vc Something like that. He went on veasey exactly matt as always, i need to go quickly. My friend. Thank you. We needed that. I was very therapeutic yeah. We will bring that up. Because suddenly were out of time. Yeah you very much for joining us this morning. My friend did not give me trouble, so im gonna get out now. Im Jim Acosta next hour of newsroom with Pamela Brown starts after sure. Break. Have a great weekend over. Tim Walz And J. D. Vance in their first and only Face To Face To be and cnn has covered with the best political team in the Business A Cnn special event, that Vice President ial debate, tuesday at nine on cnn. 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Are live in the cnn newsroom. Im Pamela Brown in New York and right now, helene is battering the South East as it pushes deeper into the region from atlanta to asheville, from southern cities, they arexp