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Presidential endorsement that both candidates have been angling to lock down for weeks now. And it turns out neither one of them is getting it. An an election that is marked by an allout fight for Blue Collar voters. The teamsters silence rings louder than really any endorsement could tonight. The leadership declared during that theyre not backing Vice President harris or former president Donald Trump. The republican Nominee Tonight tried to claim otherwise earlier today, i was honored to receive The Endorsement of the Rankandfile Membership of the teamsters. I love that endorsement comes from the leadership of the teamsters, but well talk more about that in a moment. But just to give you a sense of how much trump was trying to woo the Teamsters President Sean Obrien, he gave him a Prime Time Speaking Slot at the republican national convention. Any reaction with the Teamsters Decision not to endorse know they are. I particularly daughter is there not going to endorse the democrats its a big thing and this is the first time that i guess 50, 60 years, and thats happened. Democrats automatically have the teamsters. They took a vote and i guess i was at 60 center more and thats a great honor i should note, thats not exactly right. That democrats automatically get the vote. Teamsters did endorse both Reagan And George hw bush. But the importance of the Teamsters Decision is evident and just how badly both sides wanted it i remember Vice President harris just met with a Unions Leadership on monday, but she walked away with that endorsement. Still dangling in the air. And the Team Teamster stand out. I should note from what so far has been a clean sweep of major Labor Endorsements for Harriswalz Ticket but their focus may be more on whats happening inside the nearly 95,000 Rank And File teamsters who were in the state of pennsylvania. The problem for the democratic ticket, the teamsters own fingers according to them showed that a majority of their members prefer trump. By lead source. Tonight is the head of an influential labor group, one that has endorsed the Harriswalz Ticket. I should note, united auto Workers President shawn fain, and its great to have you here, shan, because when you look at this this is the first time the teamsters have not endorsed a president ial candidate since 1996 do you see this as a blow to Vice President harris not really. Look its not a Trump Endorsement and you know, look, weve done polling in Working Class People Union or not, and especially in our union. And i know the other unions mirror the same numbers but going back to 2008 and forward, i mean, its literally been an average of 65 vote democrat, 32, 32 vote republic, and thats pretty consistent all across the board and even though im not going to get into their leadership and their decision making, but i mean it was pretty apparent today when the michigan teamsters joint counsel 43 245,000, retired an active members endorsed Kamala Harris the joint council 42 that includes nevada 300,000 members endorsed Kamala Harris and walz and local to 37 in New York, which is their biggest local, also endorsed harriswalz teams. So i dont read into that too much. I mean, i believe their Union Dislike Argument and most other units i know of in his country are going to vote heavily for Kamala Harris and tim walz. Yeah, weve heard from the Pennsylvania Faction of it, although and of course, you know, overall, if youre sitting at home wondering about this teamsters, they got 1. 3 million members. A lot of them are in michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania, and they do a lot of credibility with truck drivers, freight haulers. So those rail workers, i mean, you know that better than anyone. So youre right that its not an endorsement of Donald Trump, but without the amount theyre knocking on doors, that kind of Muscle Power that they have. Do you think it could hurt her race . I dont think so because i mean, i believe locals that have endorsed him are going to theyre going to do the work theyre going to be boots on the ground and thats where thats thats thats thats thats where the troops are you know, i look at the same with us like we had a weekend of action last weekend all over the Country And Uaw locals and our regions. So we plan on doing that throughout the entire every weekend and throughout the weeks, throughout this entire election process. So i believe the boots will be on the ground regardless because its a clearcut choice. So who stands with Working Class people . And who doesnt i mean, Donald Trump wants to fire Striking Workers and Kamala Harris stands stands out there with Striking Workers on a picket line. Its its a really clear choice whos with us and whos against us well, its interesting to hear you say that because Sean Obrien, whos the head of the teamsters, remember after trump was kind of laughing in seeming to agree with Elon Musk talking about firing Striking Workers Sean Obrien called it economic terrorism from the trump campaign. He was defending his decision that his Leadership Team made today. Listen to what he had to say about this call the democrats have always taken for granted that theyre going to get our vote no matter what the republicans a fancy themselves as the working parties. Working Peoples Party i think right now, both sides have to take a step back and really reevaluate what their commitment is to working people. And thats what we did this process what do you say to that . That idea that democrats are taking Laborers Vote for granted well, i mean, as i said, when i took over as president , that our endorsements are going to be earned, are not going to be freely given i dont disagree with that. I do believe you know. After you know, after eight years of reagan and four years of bush won, i believe that the Democrat Party slid toward the middle and not on that. All of them, but some and the Trade Deals and after past democrat, you know, some democrats supported all republicans did and it left working workingclass people scratching their heads. That are back and i think its important that we make him earn our endorsements. But you know, you look at Donald Trump, we have a Track Record with him when he was president , he left workers behind. He didnt do a damn thing when plants, he he claims that he cares about autoworkers. And its insulting that man showed up in flint, michigan of all Places Yesterday a city has been devastated by the corporate class taking those jobs out, driving a race to the bottom over the decades they have and doubly sickening is the fact that the Republican Party in michigan poison the people, the citizens of flint so thats a party that left Working Class people behind long ago. And the one thing about the harriswalz team, Harris And Biden team after they swift it, sorted out the pandemic they went to work with the american rescue plan. They saved pensions they went to work with the ira to create and the chips act over 30 factories or ive been built are planned to be built in, are being built in the united states right now. Thats an investment in industry. Donald trump didnt bring a damn thing here when he was president. He had the chance, he didnt produce. Can i ask you what you make of him saying just before we came on the air tonight, the he got the Dog Horseman of the Rank And File of the teamsters what sure dont look that way when all those joint councils, i just repeated in michigan and nevada, and New York, all endorsed Kamala Harris and tim walz. So thats over half million members right there. So i id say hes hes a little off on his assessment, but but like everything he says, hes a little bit off so shawn fain, thank you for your time tonight thank you. Great to bigger. Great to have you. And i want to talk about the political impact of all of this. So we have to political sources here on set with us the democratic strategist, i usha mills and the republican strategy strategist, Shermichael Singleton what to both you think of what this means because it is well beyond what he said about trump there. Shawn fain, obviously not the Donald Trumps biggest fan, i think to put it generously. But, but what impact does this have for democrats . Well, i just want to reiterate what was just said because while the national may not have endorsed at The End ended the day, teamsters 245,000 of them in michigan, as well as in wisconsin as well as in parts of pennsylvania and philadelphia. Also in western pennsylvania and representing northern west virginia. All of those teamsters have come out and support of Kamala Harris. So when you think about the fact that these Battleground States really matter all politics is local and its about organizing boots on the ground to get the word out, to get people to vote. Those critical states that were talking about, the teamsters are going for Kamala Harris. I think that this conversation about the national narrative is absolutely true. In fact, that the nationals decided to sit this one out, but where she actually needs its the people who are going Door To door and getting their members out in those critical Battleground States. Kamala harris has what and you Cant Look at that without looking at the numbers that were also seeing today about those, those three states, the Quinnipiac Poll that, that came out today, harris is up in pennsylvania, 51 to 45 michigan, 50 . Donald trump has 45 wisconsin, no clear leader there. I mean, you are just seeing so much of this within the margin of error. You see it there. 3. 3 points when youre looking at these numbers and assessing how they get those three important states. And we look, its within the margin of error. Im not surprised at the races. A lot tighter and closer than it is because of the enthusiasm for the Vice President. I get it. But you also have to factor in when considering the math that Donald Trump is typically underestimated in his overall performance. And thats also with considering the three 3. 23 0. 3 typical margin of error. So if im looking at a state like pennsylvania, where i think our recent Cnn Poll a week ago suggests at 16 of the voters. There are still undecided. Im trying to figure out where are they are there in bucks . Are they going to Erie Lizard and other parts of the state . And what is necessary for the former president to penetrate those 60 of those voters who are on the fence, who are not yet behind the Vice President , i think theres still an opportunity to do that. And on top of all of this, trump is here in New York today, and he was asked earlier when he was at this Bar Talking about crypto, about what the fed did today, making that huge Rate Cut a more aggressive than some experts, even expected. He did not seem exactly thrilled this is what he had to say yes, it shows you economy to kind of buy that much assuming theyre not just playing Politics Economy would be very bad, or theyre playing politics, you want to the other, but there was a big gut what did you make of that . I mean, look, the fed said that we have not necessarily defeated inflation yet. He also mentioned Housing Costs is still a persistent issue in this country. I dont necessarily think the foreign president phrases properly, but this is clearly still a real issue for a whole host of americans. And i think its still the reason why, though the Vice President has improved her margins on this issue compared to president biden. He is still leading on it. He needs to talk more about it and explain to the american people, get going back to that 60 of pencil the venue what hes going to do if given another four years. And one of his advisers is clearly wanted it to be maybe a 25 cut now in 25 points in after the election, that was Steve Moore who said that to a reporter. I mean, this is good news for people who are trying to buy a home or refinance or credit card debt. But it also does Kholod Id with the politics of the moment, right . And lets take the politics Out Of It for a moment. I want to quote you guys a couple of things here. Are pretty much all economists agree that Donald Trump would be horrible for the economy and that literally if he were to win again within months of him taking office, we would see inflation go up. So according to a moody study, trump, he would cause a recession by Mid2025 Goldman if youre looking at jpmorgan asset management, theyre saying at this Tariff Plan that he talks about that Kamala Harris is essentially calling a tax on the american people. Thats actually going to lead to more inflation. If you look at goldman Sachs Group economists, there are gaming seeing this out and theyre saying, well, the u. S. Gdp faces a hit in the case of a win for Donald Trump. Every trusted economist is saying that this guy is bad for the economy but i think one of the senior is x at goldman sachs actually pushed back a little bit on that i watched an interview a week ago on cnbc pertaining to that, he said this isnt exactly from musk. These are some guys working with an outside group and this is their analysis with that said, the biden administration. The Biden Ministration. Did the Biden Ministration did keep in place some of trumps tariffs now do i necessarily agree with the approach of the former president as it pertains to china . Not necessarily. And i do think he should probably rework this a bit more and i think some republicans would probably agree with that in terms of having a fair balance, in Terms Of Trade overall. But im not convinced necessarily that the three that you mentioned have given the former President And Opportunity to really elucidate, i suppose what his exact plans would be because hes going to get in because he has concepts doesnt have any plans. He has concepts of a boy i want to get both deals take on something thats happening while both of these candidates are ferociously out on all of these states that were talking about, trump was doing a Town Hall with Governor Sarah Huckabee sanders Last Night of arkansas, where she talked about how her kids humble her all the time every day. And she said she made this dig if Vice President harris saying that she she did he doesnt have anyone to humble her. Was the quote, doug emhoff, the second gentleman is responding to that tonight. I just want everyone to listen to what he had to say about it. So my kids keep me humble unfortunately, Kamala Harris doesnt have anything the keeping her humble they said that somehow because Colon Aloe Arent calm, was quote, unquote, biological children that she doesnt have anything in her life to keep her humble as if keeping women humble, whether you have children or not, is something we should strive for all right so i dont understand. I dont understand the strategy behind this. Republicans will have any very real issue with a women. This is certainly not going to help im a conservative. Weve always talked about the importance of family, right . And we understand that there are some women who have issues bearing Children Ivf other issues i would support that. Right. Because you you dont want to i was going to get to that next. Maybe some women just decide they want to focus on careers or other things, but they do become Step Moms sometimes theyll Step Moms become the second mom, or they become the mom for whatever family issues going on. And conservatives traditionally have said, we believe in the importance of the family, you the traditional family unit, however, you decide that unit should look like we believe in it. So this as a strategy to me not only is awful because it turns off women, but i dont think its in secret contextual conservatism, at least as of what we would have argued 2030, 40 years ago, it just doesnt make sense. Kaitlan. I think what doesnt make sense is the fact that republicans constantly think that it is their job of responsibility, opportunity to have any opinion about Anyones Relationship as someone who was on frontlines of the Lgbtq Movement for over a decade. Though, the conservatives have literally been in my bedroom most of my life the idea that their hands are in my womb. The idea that their narrative and conversations its about what my Family Formation should look like if i should have a husband or a wife or have children, what kind of pets i should have or denigrating me if i do only have pets. Right . Theres such a personality politics gone awry on the right that i dont understand why they dont just speak to the issues that funding mentally work to conservatism that a lot of people still believe in, right good thing. I also think any Step Parent would say youre stepchildren. Do humble you believe i have three as someone with a stepfather, i will tell you if youre parent to win you over. And i give a lot of kudos those two him from all intents and purposes, it appears that deVice President s, stepchildren, lover their door. So again, i think conservatives should be about families exwife endorsed her, which i think a lot of people would also say, i mean, thats how it tougher than the teamsters. Great to have, you both here in shamil Shermichael Singleton. Thank you for that. We do have more big news ahead. The following the latest on whats happening with diddy and his trial. He was just denied bail. Again and he is now spending tonight in federal custody. Were going to talk to our sources on what that looks like for Him Plus tonight forbes is ligand looking into how trump became the first american ever to create billions from his politics. Were following the Money Tonight America will watch and then the next day, our world change. Murphy has baby, quayle has cao owns coming out episodes, it says to the world gets okay to be gay George Bush does not care about black people i never said something that i wrote were moved to a culture war. You didnt shoot back like this anymore. She got like tv on the edge, moments that shaped our culture premieres sunday at nine On Cnn from starting strong been a week so many ways to save life rather, wallet, happy. Thats 365 by whole Foods Market this is our night. Singles, doesnt care, but shingrix temps only shingrix has proven over 90 effective. 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Com im Natasha Bertrand at the pentagon and this is cnn the music mogul, Sean Diddy Combs is staying in federal custody ahead of his trial after a judge denied what was offered, a 50 Million Bail Package after he was arrested and pleaded not guilty for racketeer during and Sex Trafficking Combss wearing the same clothes that he had on yesterday when he showed up in that courtroom in downtown New York today, a contentious backandforth happened between prosecutors and Combs Defense Team playing out inside that courtroom as the judge ultimately ruled that there were no conditions that reduced his risk of Witness Tampering or Obstruction Direction and ultimately denied him bail. I legal sources on this tonight or former federal prosecutor, Elie Honig and cnns chief Law Enforcement and intelligence analyst. John miller, elie. They were basically and by they i mean, the Defense Team offering anything they could to keep him out of jail. They were saying no women will be at the home. He will wont be able to be on the internet when hes at home. The judge still said, im not im not going with that. This is something you see quite often when youre a defendant has endless resources, they propose what prosecutors derisively called private prisons. And we prosecutors will stand up and go, judge. Not any defendant can post 50 Million and armed guard to make sure he doesnt go anywhere and judges u. S. To actually grant that years ago, but theyve really soured on it. And the most telling thing for me in trying to guess what would happen today is if you look at this case and you pull out the name sean combs and you just make it your average defendant charged with Rico Conspiracy with firearms, drugs, guns found in the house, extortion, Assault Plus Forcible sex trafficking. That person is getting detained in the Southern District of New York and 99 times out of 100. Well, and they seemed to be arguing today. He wont obstruct this investigation. Theyre concerned the prosecutors were arguing was tampering with witnesses and at one point, the prosecutor is saying that a witness who got a Subpoena Back in june last year or in june, that he contacted her in june in july, despite not having spoken with her in several years. I mean, there seemed to be some viable reason for concern. Would you say . Its on two levels . One, theres the P Diddy level, which is there is allegedly a person out there who since he came to New York. So kaitlan, this would be within the last seven or eight days. He allegedly called 40 times trying to contact this potential witness in the case so the question is, can he help himself as a matter of impulse control . But the larger question is its a Rico Case which is theres a combs enterprise. It involves private security people, friends, chiefs of staff, other employees. In other words, theres a network that if he had unfettered access to other people he could reach out through others. So judge carter, who is a very respected judge in the Southern District, a person of color, a person whose legal career was fronted by years as a public defender would have probably been the most reasonable judge you could get to make these arguments that im innocent until proven guilty. And i need to assist in the preparation of a. I. Defense and he went with the magistrates findings, which is theres just too much possibility for this to go sideways. And Marc Agnifilo agnifilo. Diddys attorney said Last Night he thought they had a pretty good chance, but he did not seem totally, totally sure that this was going to happen a key part of this is that video that Elizabeth Wagmeister broke the video a few months ago here On Cnn, it shows diddy beating up cassie and his then girlfriend in a Hotel Hallway and we talked to mark about that Last Night. He said the video was bad, but he also said this about it this was just a matter of personal embarrassment because he and the person in the video, were in the midst of a ten Year Relationship that was difficult at times that was toxic at times, but it was mutually so now hes a defense attorney. Hes got to defend his client, but the judge seemed even skeptical of that today saying, did he was a middle aged in his 40s, man when this happened . Yeah. And mark told us that i thought was really interesting. He does expect that video to come in to evidence at the trial. The reason it was influential today is a its a very powerful piece of Evidence Vance one of the things the judge has to consider is whats the strength of the evidence here . How likely is it that this got this guy is going to get convicted and be what better way to demonstrate how dangerous the person is, then to show a video of him Beating Somebody up, can we talk about the mdc, the metropolitan Detention Center . This is where diddy is right now, the tours where he is spending the night hes wearing the same Clothes Today in court. What is it like inside there . Its in brooklyn. Who spent more time there to You And Me . Probably. Okay. Just to be clear as a prosecutor, and you as reporter its a troubled institution. Its a giant warehouse that was converted into a jail its on the brooklyn waterfront. Among other warehouses, but it has had fires. It has had electrical problems, it has had it has been without heat in the winter and without Air Conditioning in the summer. Its suffered through covid Defense Lawyers and judges have agreed that it is not an ideal place for a defendant pretrial to be able to help their lawyers prepare a case. And i know you visited defendants there as well. All prisons are hellscape, but this one may be the worst one ive been to. Ive been to i dont know. 101215 federal or youve ever been to the worst ive been to in the following respects. It is a decrepit that facility. It is overcrowded. Theres i dont know what moisture like dripping down the walls the first time i ever went in there, its funny. You mentioned its interesting. You mentioned was a summertime and im a little bit claustrophobic and i was in a small Room Meeting with a witness it was in there for maybe three hours. It was incredibly hot and i still remember 20 years ago or so when i stepped outside taking a breath of fresh air like because it is tough to be in there even for an afternoon and look, the reality is chunk combs is going to be in there. Its going to be a year, give or take, maybe a little more until his trial. Thats where hes going to live and then theres just no getting around. That was three hours. Hes been there for 48 hours and thats a long way from the Park Hyatt where he had the Sprawling Suite where Hsi Agents arrested him the night before last yeah. It is remarkable to see the idea that he got the key to new York City. I think a year ago though, it wasnt that long ago. He went to him by eric adams. Lets just say and then to see that obviously innocent until, until proven guilty. But that trajectory is something weve seen new York Titans felt before. But also lets remember Bill Cosby hes out because prosecutors messed up Harvey Weinstein had one of his convictions thrown out because prosecutors messed up. So all eyes on the sdny here. Yeah. Its a great point. John miller, Elie Honig, great to have both of you up next. Were going to speak to the woman from this powerful new ad. Shes here to tell her story i was 12 when he impregnated me. I didnt know what it meant to be pregnant at all Hadley Duvall is not only voting for Kamala Harris, she is campaigning for her morning with Kasie Hunt Tomorrow at five eastern it wasnt hard with paula god, i did it my Way Cola Guard is for people 45 plus at average risk not highrisk, false positive and negative results may occur. 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We you briley, theres another option one dose quickly stops migraine in its tracks treated any anytime anywhere without worrying where you are or if its too late, do not take with strong stiff three 3a4 inhibitors, allergic reactions to you raw, they can happen most common Side Effects are Nausea And Sleepiness Migraine Pain Relief starts with you a, comfort of a great nights Sleep Campaign out with a new ad that is airing nationwide soon. And it features a story of a young sexual Assault Survivor from kentucky, Hadley Duvall i was 5yearsold when my stepfather could be abused me for the first time. I just dont like i was alone on a planet with a monster when he impregnated me. I didnt know what it meant to be pregnant at all but i had options because Donald Trump overturned roe v. Wade, girls and women all over the country have lost the right to choose even for Rape Or Incest Donald Trump did this he took away our Freedom And Hadley has been out on the road, would the harris campaigns reproductive Rights Bus Tour this week. And she has my Source Tonight and hadley, its so great to have you have you back on the show because we we spoke after you were featured your story in an ad for kentucky Governor Andy Beshear when he was up for reelection. Rare thing for a dam in a republican deep red state, like your home state. What impact do you want this ad featuring your story to have . I want people to know that no matter what state you live in, we are all at risk of a total Abortion Ban. If we dont elect Kamala Harris into office and thats the reality and its scary because we did elect a democratic governor in kentucky and i still wouldnt have exceptions for Rape And Incest at the very least and they wont hear us at the state level. They wont they make their own decisions, but us girls, we dont get to decide what what state were violated in women dont get to decide what state their pregnancy goes south in. And thats just the big Men Message is its not humane to have these laws and these limitations on women and for that message that you want to get out there, obviously theyre reaching out to Battleground States channels like bravo. The Season Premiere of survivor, or the wnba playoffs. Thats when people are going to be able to see your ad. And many of them may not be familiar with your story. But, but for people who are watching do you want this to reach just women . Do you want men to be listening to your message . What are you hoping for here . Absolutely. This is everybodys problem. This is not just about women this happens to me because im a father figure. Let me down and i didnt get there on my own and it is just so important for men to be able to stand up for women, like people like governor beshear, governor shapiro, and to stand up and say women deserve these options. And if we dont have men saying that we deserve these options, if we dont have Men Fighting for our rights what do we have at The End of your ad as people just heard you say, Donald Trump, did this. What are your biggest concerns if hes reelected . And i wonder, when you watched the debate, like we saw last Week And Trump doesnt say whether or not hed veto a national Abortion Ban if it came to him his desk. How you heard something like that know, its its very obvious that he wouldnt say he would veto a national ban in that right there. Put us at risk that right there told me that the only person that can say most from a national Abortion Ban is Kamala Harris she looked right at Donald Trump and she said, women did not want this. She was not afraid to stand up loud and proud for women and girls in that situation and tell america exactly what she would be fighting for and exactly what she would do for women Donald Trump on the other hand, couldnt even look up and he changed the subject. He couldnt even tell us that he would protect us because we know that he wont hadley i just when i first heard your story, i was i think like most people deeply shaken and affected by it and i just wonder what its like for you personally to have used such a terrible and horrible thing that you went through firstin in the way you used it with governor Beshears Effort and his election, but also to have it featured in a moment like this one in a president ial campaign it really makes little me feel so scene and heard but you know, to know that i survived and i went through the trauma and i went through i got through the story and you know, maybe i got through that. So im able to fight for the voiceless now. And i just take that with so much gratitude that there are women and girls out there who trust me with their stories and who trust me with their deepest, darkest secrets. And, you know, kamala, harris is leading this fight for us, and its honestly an honor to be able to help show the world its exactly who she is because Kamala Harris is one of the most genuine people and we need a president like her Hadley Duvall. Youre a very strong young woman. Thank you for joining us tonight thank you meanwhile, speaking of the Campaign Trail tonight, look at whats happening from the Campaign Trail to Capitol Hill. Trump is pressuring republicans since they are to shut down the government if they dont get a piece of legislation on that Spending Bill that he wants. Tonight, we are seeing the division on full display. Once again, as republicans defeated their own plan to keep the government open, were going to speak with a republican lawmaker after this for Have I Got News For You are pretty odd yeah. What are the kinds we could run out the news before then would never happen if i got news for you saturday fine. On Cnn And Streaming next day on max these men of means with their Silver Spoons what would become of them when it is discover robinhood goals . To allow others to earn their very liberal rates on idle cash. That he would descend into chaos from meet free monday to this sunday so many save life, ready wallet, happy, that 365 by whole Foods Market. A perfect day for a Family Outing shingles doesnt Care But Shingrix protects only shingrix has proven over 90 effective. Shingrix has a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. 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If no one can afford it every were helping to unlock barriers using our 35 plus years of pharmacy Benefits Management Experience to save businesses billions while boosted medication adherence. Helping Plan Sponsors. And their members be their best thats wonder, may possible ever north Health Services im Bill Weir on the California Coast and this is cnn but 48 days to go before the election, Donald Trump is backing his own party into a corner. He says tonight that republicans should shut the government down even as different views of different of their views are sounding off about what is going don with Speaker Johnsons plan to keep it open i think that this is this is a complete failure of the speakers strategy. We have to support i knew weve government. Its all set. Just no part i will tell you what trump is saying. He posted in all caps today, say be smart republicans, youve been pushed around long enough by the democrats. And what he is insisting is that the house only pass a Spending Plan that Speaker Johnson wants to pass if it includes a requirement to prove that u. S. Prove u. S. Citizen citizenship before you can register to vote in a federal election, despite the fact that i should note its already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections. That effort tonight, by Speaker Johnson failed and our congressional source that we find on Capitol Hill in New York look republican mike lawler, congressman, you voted for this, but it obviously did not happen. What is Speaker Johnsons Plan B . Do you know what it is ultimately its going to be a clean cr. I mean, the reality is were not shutting down the government with 48 days to go before an election. This election is going to be decided by the voters based on the issues that are impacting them from the Affordability Crisis to the crisis at our southern border lost your audio there for a second. Were going to see if we can get it back, of course, as were looking at this tonight, clean shortterm Funding Bill just for a few months to keep the government funded through december without what Donald Trump is asking for to be attached and congressman lawler, just to let you continue that Train Of Thought since you froze a little bit there with you with your connection, you were saying, obviously this is going to be a clean cr thats whats going to pass. But why not just put that on the floor if thats ultimately what you are going to have happen here well, i think obviously the speaker supports A Cr that also included to say that im a proud cosponsor of the say that i think very clearly we should reaffirm the point that noncitizens should not be voting in elections. Youve had washington, dc, and new York City both trying to allow Non Citizens to vote in local elections which is wrong, especially when you have foreign diplomats living in those cities. But ultimately at The End of the day democrats have refused in the senate to move that legislation. We passed that legislation months ago. They have thus far refused without passing it through the house here, were going to have to pass a clean cr because as i was saying, were not shutting the government down with 48 days to go before im actually a Government Shutdown really does not do much of anything. It doesnt save money. It actually costs us money and really, when were dealing with the crises facing the american people, the last thing we need as well wasnt it hurt vulnerable republicans like yourself, if the government shuts down . Now before the election looked at The End of the day, the issues facing the american people are the Affordability Crisis under Kamala Harris and Joe Biden Gasoline prices, grocery prices, energy Prices Housing costs have gone up astronomically. The average Mortgage Costs in my district is up 1,000 a month. Thats over 12,000 a year under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the crisis at our southern border where over 10 Million migrants have come into the country. Most of them illegally, 90 being released under catch and release it is created a catastrophe so much so that mayor adams of the city of New York saying its destroying the city. And then of course, the international crises that were dealing with, those are the issues before the american people. And obviously a Government Shutdown will only distract from that and certainly wont serve any real purpose. Yeah. Just remarkable to see. I mean, you say you favor the Save Act and that you are a cosponsor, but its already illegal to vote in federal elections if you are not a citizen. And by doing so, they basically be creating a record of their crime and also just never happens. But i want to ask you about something else on Capitol Hill, congressman, does you are eylon respectfully, you can dismiss it, but the city of New York actually tried to pass legislation to allow noncitizens to vote. And we sued in New York. And one, because it is unconstitutional as wrong. So i say simply illegal in federal elections is the point yeah, but its reaffirming. And frankly, i dont know why any democrat would be opposed to it. Its reaffirming a simple truth that you have to be a citizen to vote in our elections. And yet in Washington Dc and new York City, democrats have tried to Pass Laws to allow noncitizens to vote so dont dismiss it out of hand when you actually have democrats actively trying to allow noncitizens, including foreign diplomats in are its wrong. Im not dismissing, im just saying its already illegal and it already it doesnt happen. Its very rare. And you said they tried but they didnt succeed. But i do want to ask you, congressman, because Donald Trump tonight is holding and its very rare, congressman, if it doesnt happen, then obviously that wouldnt be rare. So the Bottom Line is, it shouldnt happen, period. And yet you have democrats in new York City and Washington Dc trying to allow it to happen, okay. And given how migrants have crossed into this country, for you since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took office, reaffirming that it should not happen i do think is a common Sense Measure that most americans support yeah just saying its already illegal. Congressman mike lawler. Thank you for your time tonight thank you a provocative new pieces out tonight and forms looking at how Donald Trump has made billions off of politics, estimating he is worth for 0. 3 billion. Today, were going to take a deeper look inside of that number right after a break smartest so its ever done this For A Living James was famous for winning races, teams believes that Change Width the economy stupid i apologize to know what that man is it to fisted catcher, i am saying publicly what people say and i have enough money well, i can just shut up. Carbon. Winning is everything stupid . Saturday, October 5th On Cnn. You love this style of hsu theyre comfortable casual, stylish, but skechers has topped them and made them even better because now they come in handsfree get your slippers. Just slipping and go with no bending down and no touching them. Try Handsfree Sketcher Slippers with chyme. I can get paid when i why do we accept waiting two weeks for payday . I work hard every day, but i dont get paid every day because of chyme. I dont have to wait to get paid anymore. With my pay, i can get up to 500 of my pay on my schedule. 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Veterinary professionals administering libretto, who are pregnant, trying to conceive or breastfeeding should take extreme care to avoid health injection, which can cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis you deserve great Night Sleep Tv on the edge premieres sunday at nine On Cnn Closed Captioning brought to you by mesobook. Com if you or. A loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and well come to you 800 a31, 3,700 just hours from now, Donald Trump can cash in on 1. 8 billion. Thats because tomorrow he can start selling off his shares of Trump Media, which is the company thats behind truth social, this is all the more remarkable given trump has invested next to nothing in this venture, yet its nearly doubled his Net Worth in just a few years. How this happened, all of it is the focus of the new forbes Cover Story thats out today. It reports on trumps quote, fouryear transformation, which made him the first american ever to create billions from his politics my Source Tonight is the former senior editor, dan alexander, who wrote that Cover Story. And dan, its great to have you back because you kind of described this Catch 22 that trump is in where selling off 60 of the social Media Company all or at once, or even a decent sized chunks could crater the Share Price and leave him with, with less money. Ultimately. I mean, how does he navigate this its so tricky, you know, and its especially tricky with this company. Its always a bad look. When somebody who owns a company as big shareholder is the ceo sells a bunch of shares. But this company is trump. Theres no underlying financial performance that can justify the valuation of the company right now all the investors are going on is the Hope And Dream that Donald Trump will somehow spin this thing into a multibilliondoll ar company if trumps starts selling then that rationale starts to fall apart. But if theres one person who could pull off this high wire act, it would be Donald Trump, who might be the greatest salesman in american history particularly at selling things that dont have much Intrinsic Value well, and thats why i think people are always kind of shocked by what the prices are here of what the numbers look like because you talk about how the story lays out trump left office in 2021. He was in a bad place financially, but in the years since then, his Net Worth has gone from 2. 4 billion. And i say bad place for him, not for a regular person watching but town to now two to 4. 3 billion because of this company that you say is barely even functioning thats right. I mean, the Trump Media and technology group, which is the Parent Company of truth social. This social Media App you know, in the last 12 months have generated about 3. 4 million of revenue. And it lost on a net basis, 380 million. I mean, those are just atrocious financials. But what youve seen in the last four years is a transformation that has two parts to it. One is sort of the creation of the Maga Empire in which truth, social falls. The other is the transformation of trumps previous Real Estate business. He now has much less value locked in, say, new York City Real Estate are he tells which had been the real core of his fortune for his entire life. And now much more value trapped and Golf Courses and maralago, these are private clubs where people can pay enormous amounts of money to be right in the trump orbit, in the Maralago Case at his home. And so profits of that business have surged as the New York and hotel apart has fallen off, those two dynamics happening simultaneously has allowed Donald Trump to become billions of dollars richer. And this year put himself back on the forbes 400. Well, it its also just the properties, but you talk about how theres this random assortment of internet fueled Hucksterism Income the Seine Coffee Table books nfts bibles, even pieces of the suit that he wore when he debated Joe Biden in june. I mean, its its like everything that you could pop by even if you dont, thats really know that you want it and just as with truth, social, the Intrinsic Value of these things is next to nothing. Whats the value of some Tornup Suit . Well, without politics, without Donald Trump, its zero whats the value of nft thats just a digital image of its 70 Somethingyearold Guy flexing and sort of cartoonish. Nothing unless its Donald Trump. And then people are willing to pay collectively millions of dollars for his Coffee Table books are sourced from photos in the public domain. These are not you know, president ial memoirs that have you know, big revelations about his time in the presidency the Intrinsic Value of these things. Just as the shares is almost zero. And yet put trumps name on it and suddenly he is spun all this up and billions of dollars yeah. Sounds like a familiar story. Dan alexander. Thank you thank you. Thank you so much for joining us. The news continues right here on Cnn Outfront next, moving up a new Swing State Polls Tonight show harris in the lead as a major fed Interest Rate Cut could give another big boost the Vice President , Trump Tonight calling foul plus springfield, ohio rocked by new Bomb Threats tonight. After trumps false claim about haitian migrants eating pets even the editor of the haitian times was targeted. What happened when she answered the door of her home . Shes my guest tonight. And The One And Only Connie Chung is outfront she doesnt hold back on barbara walters. And rather and revealing a surprise when we thought the interview was over

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