Cnn <A href=''>BreAking NewsA> you Are live in the <A href=''>Cnn NewsroomA>. Im <A href=''>Jim AcostAA> in wAshington. We begin this morning with <A href=''>BreAking NewsA>. The suspect in the second AppArent <A href=''>AssAssinAtion AttemptA> on former <A href=''>President DonAld TrumpA> is About to AppeAr in <A href=''>FederAl CourtA>. This lAtest incident hAppened while trump wAs golfing At his club in <A href=''>West PAlm BeAchA>, floridA, A secret <A href=''>Service AgentA> noticed the <A href=''>Gun StickingA> for offense And fired At A mAn in the bushes who then fled the scene AfterwArd. OfficiAls found An <A href=''>Ak47 Style RifleA> with A scope And mAteriAls for A bulletproof vest. This since the <A href=''>Suspect 58yeArold RyAnA> routh, he hAs posted extensively on <A href=''>SociAl MediAA> About his politicAl views, including his criticism of former <A href=''>President TrumpA> in meAntime cnns <A href=''>Josh CAmpbellA> And cArlos suArez, they Are covering All of this for us. They hAve new informAtion on this lAtest <A href=''>AssAssinAtion AttemptA>. I wAnt to begin outside with cArlos, outside <A href=''>FederAl CourtA> in <A href=''>West PAlm BeAchA>, floridA. We expect the suspect to be there soon whAt cAn you tell us . ThAts exActly right, jim, so we expect thAt 58yeArold, <A href=''>RyAn RouthA> will mAke his first AppeArAnce in <A href=''>FederAl CourtA> here At Any minute now. Now federAl prosecutors hAve not sAid just whAt chArges the 58yeArold is fAcing in connection with whAt hAppened At trumps <A href=''>Golf CourseA> here, A yesterdAy As for where this <A href=''>InvestigAtion StAndsA> right now, just About An hour Ago, the <A href=''>PAlm BeAchA> <A href=''>County SheriffA>, ric brAdshAw, he wAs on <A href=''>Fox NewsA> And provided some AdditionAl detAils About the series of events thAt plAyed out yesterdAy Afternoon. AgAin, At this A <A href=''>Golf CourseA>, A brAdshAw sAid thAt the 58yeArold never mAnAged to fire off A single shot in the direction of the former president. And he sAid thAt this did not hAve, rAther thAt this took plAce he wAsnt Able to get A shot off becAuse the <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> Acted so quickly. He sAid, And im quoting him, quoting him here, thAt the system worked now when he wAs Asked whether A routh is it tAlking to federAl investigAtors, <A href=''>Sheriff BrAdshAwA> sAid he wAs not. As for A couple of other items thAt were following At this hour here from <A href=''>West PAlm BeAchA>. We know thAt the united stAtes <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> <A href=''>Acting DirectorA> is AlreAdy here in floridA And thAt he is scheduled to meet with federAl investigAtors And <A href=''>LAwn HorsemAnA> officiAls on the ground to get A first look At exActly where this <A href=''>InvestigAtion StAndsA>. It is our understAnding As well. ThAts the <A href=''>Acting DirectorA> is Also going to meet with former <A href=''>President TrumpA> this Afternoon, And we believed thAt the <A href=''>Acting DirectorA> is Also going to get A tour of the <A href=''>Golf CourseA> where All of this hAppened fins AgAin, jim, All of this is tAking plAce in the lAst hour or so, A good Amount of developments out here. A one finAl note before i send things bAck to you Aside from the federAl investigAtion And the locAl investigAtion, <A href=''>The StAte Of FloridAA> is Also A lAunching their own investigAtion. The <A href=''>FloridA DepArtmentA> of <A href=''>LAw EnforcementA>, As well As the <A href=''>FloridA HighwAy PAtrolA> our leAding the efforts on the <A href=''>StAtes InvestigAtionA> into whAt hAppened At the <A href=''>Golf CourseA> yesterdAy. Jim Alright. CArlos And we do understAnd thAt suspect is now in court. Josh, whAt more cAn you tell us About the suspect . Well, were leArning more About his bAckground And if you go bAck And think About the first Attempted AssAssinAtion of former <A href=''>President DonAld TrumpA>. Theres still questions About the motive there. This individuAl quite different. He hAs A robust sociAl <A href=''>MediA PresenceA> thAt we Are leArning About on <A href=''>SociAl MediAA>, he hAd criticized president former president didnt <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA>. He Also hAd written extensively About the wAr in ukrAine, russiAs brutAl invAsion of its neighbor. And this wAs An individuAl, At leAst According to his <A href=''>SociAl MediAA> footprint, i wAs trying to get people to go to ukrAine in order to fight russiAn forces. And so AgAin, this is pAinting A picture of someone who could pop possibly been the motive At plAy here, someone who is Aggrieved over thAt situAtion And hAd hAd previously criticized <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA>. We ActuAlly hAve sound of this individuAl bAck in 2022 tAlking to An outlet A new <A href=''>Newsweek RomAniAA> in ukrAine, hAve A <A href=''>Listen RussiAA> for entire life you know, we hAve one period where it will Allow gAy whAt now leAd slip little bAck into the terror And terrorism. So the world needs to respond. You know, the why <A href=''>World LeAdersA> Are not sending militAry is beyond me. Were going to hAve to elect new leAders. The next go Around thAt hAve A bAckbone And hAve the fortitude to sAy, hey, were not going to tolerAte this type of behAvior. Now its becAuse of thAt trAvel to ukrAine in pArt thAt is now led the fbi to lAunch this globAl investigAtion. A <A href=''>LAw EnforcementA> source tells me theyre trying to identify everything they possibly cAn About his trAvel, his movements, Any contActs . Im Also told jim thAt he hAd A number of <A href=''>SociAl MediAA> Accounts thAt Authorities Are but now seeking <A href=''>SeArch WArrAntsA> on to include some plAtforms thAt Are ActuAlly heAdquArtered outside the united stAtes, which will require us Authorities to try to work with the internAtionAl counterpArts in order to try to get the content of All of those communicAtions. AgAin, it looks At leAst According to initiAlly where this is heAded As fAr As motive, but Authorities tell us theres still A lot of work to be done As this <A href=''>InvestigAtion YAshinA> continues, jim Alright, cArlos And josh. ThAnk you very much. A moments Ago, <A href=''>President BidenA> weighed in on the AppArent <A href=''>AssAssinAtion AttemptA>s cnn, senior white <A href=''>House ReporterA> <A href=''>Kevin LiptAkA> joins us now, kevin, whAt did the president hAve to sAy . YeAh, the president , first And foremost, reiterAting thAt hes thAnkful thAt former <A href=''>President TrumpA> is okAy, thAt he is unhArmed And certAinly <A href=''>President BidenA>, in vArious stAtements hAs sAid thAt politicAl violence hAs no plAce in this country. But when we did see him out on the <A href=''>South LAwnA> About An hour Ago, he Also hAd A very specific messAge About resources for the united stAtes <A href=''>Secret ServiceA>. Listen to whAt he sAid <A href=''>ThAnk GodA> one thing i wAnt to mAke cleAr respond bAck president , does more resources meAn more money, more personnel And he sAid there thAt he thought the service might need more personnel. Of course, the <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> hAs long been plAgued by stAffing issues Agents And officers tAlking About feeling burned out by long shifts, by overtime. There is quite A high degree of turnover At thAt Agency. And in fAct, then director <A href=''>Kim CheAtleA> told congress over the summer thAt theyre <A href=''>StAffing LevelsA> currently sit At Around 8,000 employees. She sAys thAts below their goAl of 9,500. So still some work to do on thAt front for the <A href=''>Secret ServiceA>, but i think for <A href=''>President BidenA>, his goAl very much is to ensure thAt the Agency hAs All of the resources thAt it needs to protect former <A href=''>President TrumpA> And certAinly when you look At whAt hAppened in floridA, does rAise some questions About whether they were enough <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> personnel Around the perimeter of thAt <A href=''>Golf CourseA> . First, <A href=''>ThAts SomethingA> thAt sources hAve long been concerned About how porous, <A href=''>In PArticulAr The Trump InternAtionAlA> <A href=''>Golf CourseA> in <A href=''>West PAlm BeAchA> is. Of course we do know now thAt the <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> director, the current director, ronAld rowe, is heAding down to <A href=''>PAlm BeAchA> to Assess the situAtion, to tAlk to personnel on the ground there. And it is interesting, <A href=''>Roe BeginningA> And his cAreer As A <A href=''>Police OfficerA> in <A href=''>West PAlm BeAchA>. So certAinly he knows this AreA well And will wAnt to get the <A href=''>LAy Of The LAndA> As he heAds down there todAy All right. Kevin liptAk. ThAnk you very much. Over At the <A href=''>White HouseA>. We AppreciAte it joining me now, Are former <A href=''>Fbi DeputyA> director Andrew mccAbe, former secret <A href=''>Service AgentA> pAul ii cloth, And former <A href=''>PhilAdelphiA PoliceA> commissioner generAl <A href=''>ChArles RAmseyA> Andrew, let me stArt with you first. WhAts your reAction to whAt the president sAid About the <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> . I meAn, this hAs been A conversAtion in wAshington for some time now thAt the <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> does not hAve enough resources jim, you know, As well As i do from your time At the <A href=''>White HouseA>, the <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> hAs been underfunded for yeArs, decAdes mAybe. They hAve constAntly tried to do more with less. But they reAlly unfortunAtely hAve to push their personnel resources to the limit. To cover down on the <A href=''>EverexpAnding NumberA> of protectees thAt theyre responsible for combine thAt with the <A href=''>ThreAt PictureA> thAt were looking At todAy. Things Are undeniAbly more dAngerous And more complicAted in terms of the domestic <A href=''>ThreAt PictureA> tArgeting people like former president s certAinly former <A href=''>President TrumpA>. But potentiAlly others As well. And politicAl leAdership At All levels. So this is A time when the service desperAtely needs to be supported by congress to hAve the resources they need to do this job well, but lets remember, thAts A long leAd time, A congressionAl AppropriAtion doesnt AutomAticAlly convert into cApAble trAined reAdy to work. Secret <A href=''>Service AgentA>s or protective division folks. So this is something thAts going to tAke some time And commitment lets see if congress hAs the wherewithAl to get it done And <A href=''>Security MeAsuresA> cAn be hArdened to. I meAn Andrew, you mentioned my time ever the <A href=''>White HouseA> i wAs there working At the <A href=''>White HouseA> when they hAd A couple of <A href=''>Well Offense Jumping IncidentsA> And lo And behold, they discovered thAt the fence wAs too low Around the <A href=''>White HouseA> And they rAised it up, Almost double the height of thAt fence And thAt leAds me to this pAul, i wAnted to Ask you About this should the former president hAve hAd more protection And does thAt <A href=''>Golf CourseA> does the perimeter of thAt <A href=''>Golf CourseA> need to be hArdened . You cAnt just hAve hedges surrounding thAt thing offense, it seems to me you might need A pretty sizAble <A href=''>Brick WAllA> or something like thAt <A href=''>President Of The United StAtesA> or the former <A href=''>President Of The United StAtesA> goes to A nonpermAnent protective site like this <A href=''>Golf CourseA>. The protective model is something cAlled An otr or An off the <A href=''>Record MovementA> whether or not the trump <A href=''>Golf CourseA> hAs A hArdened <A href=''>Fence LineA> is something thAt the the compAny will need to consider. But the secret <A href=''>Service ModelA> in these instAnces moves out AheAd of the president or former president And behind in certAin elements Are with them. Former <A href=''>President TrumpA> right now hAs just About the sAme level of security As the sitting president As fAr As federAl lAw will Allow without A few militAry Assets. In this cAse, the protective element thAt proceeds. Former <A href=''>President TrumpA> out on the <A href=''>Golf CourseA> one or two holes Are whAt we cAll terrAin feAtures. They know the course it wAs the site Agent. They recognize this rifle we believe to be An sAs sks plAtform through the fence And they engAged And disrupted the <A href=''>AssAssinAtion AttemptA>. So the plAn work yesterdAy. CertAinly they cAn use more Assets And personnel but i dont believe it plAyed A <A href=''>PArt YesterdAyA> interesting. And chief rAmsey, whAt Are your thoughts on this . AppArently <A href=''>LAw EnforcementA> is working to obtAin some <A href=''>SeArch WArrAntsA> for these <A href=''>SociAl MediAA> Accounts Are believed to be AssociAted with the detAinee but looking At <A href=''>SociAl MediAA> Accounts AheAd of time, thAt doesnt get you A whole lot. I meAn, theres its An oceAn of <A href=''>SociAl MediAA> Accounts thAt belong to A whole slew of disturbed individuAls i suppose it helps After the fAct in terms of piecing together A motive, but its not going to stop something before it hAppens. Not likely well, unless someone Alerts Authorities, should they see something suspicious online And you hAve to rely on the publics help to A greAt extent when it comes to intercepting threAts like thAt. As fAr As the security goes you know, the <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> is going to hAve to mAke do with whAt they hAve with AdditionAl support from stAte And locAl Agencies. I meAn, between now And november, theyre not going to be Able to hire Anyone so theyve got to figure out the best wAy of providing protection. Now, i would imAgine the president plAys golf At thAt locAtion quite often, so they mAy hAve A <A href=''>Security PAckAgeA> AlreAdy in plAce for thAt pArticulAr <A href=''>Golf CourseA>. But there Are going to hAve to tAke A strong look At the perimeter especiAlly thAt AreA between holes five And six disclosed to A roAdwAy. A couple of <A href=''>MArk CArsA> on either end might be All thAts needed to mAke sure nobody cAn pArk A cAr, nobody cAn enter into thAt AreA but theyre going to hAve to look At A lot of different options to mAke sure thAt theyre Able to provide AdequAte protection not only for him, but for All the cAndidAtes yeAh. And Andrew, i meAn, youve sAid thAt this setup indicAted A high level of preplAnning. But As our <A href=''>Kevin LiptAckA> wAs sAying eArlier on in the progrAm thAt this <A href=''>Golf CourseA> wAs known to hAve A porous perimeter, im just wondering moving forwArd if the former president of the president if the <A href=''>Vice PresidentA> , if theyre hAving in <A href=''>CAmpAign EventA>s does the <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> to federAl Authorities, to locAl <A href=''>LAw EnforcementA> pArtners who work with the <A href=''>Secret ServiceA>. They do, they just hAve to go into eAch And every event or eAch And every AppeArAnce where the foreign president is going to be be doing something And just sAy, hey, we need to double the resources here, wAs thAt even feAsible . Civil no question, jim, thAt every every incident like this in ones not neArly As serious As our <A href=''>LeArning OpportunitiesA> for the protective service, the <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> And so yet everywhere the foreign president goes And current president And the other cAndidAtes go, theyre going to hAve to stArt thinking differently About the <A href=''>ThreAt AssessmentA>. A <A href=''>ThreAt AssessmentA> done on every locAtion And its thAt <A href=''>ThreAt AssessmentA> thAt drives the AllocAtion of resources to secure the protectee i think its A mAtter of rethinking the threAt estimAtes And understAnding thAt whAt might hAve been AcceptAble five yeArs Ago, ten yeArs Ago in this current climAte of elevAted threAts is no longer A good ideA. Weve got to stArt going, tAking the extrA step to employ locAl resources or even privAte <A href=''>ContrAct ResourcesA> to bolster, mAybe perimeter Access, things like thAt. Its gonnA be A different cAlculAtion At every every different site. But i think theres A generAl elevAtion in concern And then protective meAsures thAt need to be tAken in light of the fAct thAt we hAve A persistent complicAted domestic <A href=''>ThreAt PictureA> won the likes of which we hAve i dont reAlly seen in quite some time yeAh, pAul republicAn congressmAn mike kelly, who is the chAirmAn of the <A href=''>TAsk ForceA> investigAting the previous <A href=''>AssAssinAtion AttemptA>s. He tweeted this. We hAve requested A briefing with us <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> About whAt hAppened And how security responded At this point. I meAn, whAt cAn you get out of A briefing like thAt . ThAt we dont AlreAdy know right now believe thAt they deserve some Answers. They Are investigAting the <A href=''>Secret ServiceA>, certAinly since butler in this cAse, Anytime the president leAves thAt secure fAcility And goes to A public site, theyre going to be threAts the trump internAtionAl <A href=''>Golf CourseA> in <A href=''>PAlm BeAchA> is ActuAlly relAtively secure As fAr As it hAs offense And hedges there. The <A href=''>Golf CourseA>s thAt wherever the Ability to secrete yourself in there And the Assets thAt Are needed hAve to be Amped up in this cAse, the <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> hAs Added counter AssAult, counter surveillAnce, counter sniper, As well As drone And other cApAbilities thAt Arent known to the public. Theyve just well hAve to expAnd thAt perimeter As wAs sAid on the outside, theyll hAve to tAp into hochuls And stAte more in this cAse, it wAs the pom, got <A href=''>PAlm BeAchA> county police. They were Able to Apprehend this suspect, so we should get more Answers. CertAinly thAn we hAd in pennsylvAniA yeAh And it wAs excellent work by <A href=''>LAw EnforcementA> yesterdAy to Apprehend this suspect. Their question About it, <A href=''>Andrew PAulA> chief rAmsey, thAnks very much for your time. ThAnk you, guys. Coming up A deeper dive into the lAtest Attempt to on <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA>s life. Ill tAlk with democrAtic <A href=''>CongresswomAn Mikie SherrillA> About tAmping down the dAngerous rhetoric And A heAted politicAl climAte. Plus more threAts in springfield, ohio this morning As the mAyor is mAking A pleA for the rumors to stop it would, be helpful if they understood the weight of their words And how they cAn hArm A community like ours, bring peAce with the words thAt youre sAying About gbs like ours insteAd of unrest moments thAt took culture over the edge. People who Are wAtching And then our world chAnge An explosive <A href=''>ReverberAtion TvA> on the edge premieres sundAy At nine On Cnn this is not A thrill, shArp drop the price on hold. This whAt it wAs set off, Any solve Any subwAy did whAt Any sub yes. Well, limited time to get 20 off when you order. Now, very good to feel before its going bills Are crAzy she is no ideA. She sitting on A goldmine she doesnt know thAt if she owns A <A href=''>Life InsurAnce PolicyA> of 100,000 or more, she cAn sell All or pArt of it to coventry for cAsh, even A <A href=''>Turn PolicyA>, even A <A href=''>Turn PolicyA> . Youre sitting on A <A href=''>Goldmine CAll CoventryA> direct todAy At 800 for 8046180800, or <A href=''>Visit CoventryA> direct. Com but let we stArted feeding buggy, the fArmers dog, whod lost so much <A href=''>Weight ProportionA> pAcks mAkes it reAlly eAsy to keep him leAn And heAlthy in the morning, he flies up the stAirs And hops <A href=''>ObAmA BedA> in the pAst, he would not hAve been Able to do Any of those things if youre shopping for A home reAltor. Com only shows you homes for <A href=''>SAle SourceA> directly from professionAls, meAning you cAn trust every <A href=''>Home ListingA> is A reAlistic dont All hAve to do thAt. Not reAlly. Trust the <A href=''>Number OneA> App <A href=''>ReAl EstAteA> professionAls trust this tiny <A href=''>Home TrendA> not for me. Now, this is more like it the sAme goes for my <A href=''>Foot WorkA> through. I went hAndsfree with white <A href=''>Fit SketcherA> slipping, just step in And go without bending down or touching my shoes, wipe it hAndsfree sketches, slip in hitch, scrAtch must not stop. The sAnity with cortisone ten for bug bites, poison ivy, And other riches. Cortisone ten is <A href=''>Number OneA>. Doctor recommended. It works fAst And lAst four hours. Cortisone ten its A good dAy to stArt something new to brush AwAy grAy in five eAsy minutes to put yourself out there And AlwAys put your best fAce forwArd just for <A href=''>Men MustAcheA> And beArd, And two options for you. TAke A look At when its time for An updAte or complete remodels for yourself there. So here is reAlly everything down to the stuff About this with you. Every step of the wAy from design And products to removAl, An instAllAtion whAt do you guys think it is, right . He hAndled the entire process to creAte A beAutiful And functionAl bAthroom for whAtever your life needs re bAck with you every step of the wAy. Color visit rebuffed. Com for your free inhome design consulconsultAtion, memory And thinking issues. Keep piling up it mAy seem like normAl Aging, but could be due to A buildup of <A href=''>Amyloid PlAquesA> in the brAin. The sooner you tAlk to your doctor, the more options you mAy hAve leArned. More At Amyloid. Com. JAys reAlly knows how to put the heArt And your locAl community see whAt i did there jAckie evAn, my guy. You hAve Alone wAs dAvids right when i stArted somebody hAs got the first <A href=''>Debit CArdA> As crimo, you i got you we hold on. Dont you owe me money . Your money is A pArty of community, so your bAnk should be to light chAse right now, <A href=''>Pet DAnder SkinA> cells in dirt Are settling deep into your <A href=''>CArpet FibersA> <A href=''>StAnley SteAmerA> removes the dirt you seen in the dirt, you dont youre corporAtes Arent cleAn until theres <A href=''>StAnley SteAmerA> cleAn from need the dot to need it now so mAny wAys to sAve life, reAdy . While it hAppened. ThAts 365 by whole <A href=''>Foods MArketA> with the vision to see whAts possible in the grid to mAke it hAppen <A href=''>MorgAn StAnleyA> cAn help creAte the future you cAn see trAveling with the <A href=''>Trump CAmpAignA>. And this is cnn returning now to our <A href=''>BreAking NewsA>, the <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> is once AgAin under mAjor scrutiny After Another AppArent Attempt on former <A href=''>President DonAld TrumpA>s life. The second in just two months. Now the congressionAl <A href=''>TAsk ForceA> investigAting the <A href=''>July IncidentA> in pennsylvAniA is requesting A briefing with the Agency And joining me now is democrAtic <A href=''>CongresswomAn Mike You SherrillA> of <A href=''>New JerseyA>, congresswomAn. ThAnk you so much for being with us As you know, the <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> hAs AlreAdy mAde some chAnges following the july <A href=''>AssAssinAtion AttemptA>. Do we think do you think more chAnges Are needed . Well, i think the <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> needs more resources And they need to put some more resources on former <A href=''>President TrumpA>. This is now the second <A href=''>AssAssinAtion AttemptA>ed AppeAr so i do think they Are going to need to hAve some help in thAt AreA. Do, you hAve confidence in the <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> i do. I think thAt they Are working hArd to implement plAns, but i just dont think i hAve confidence in the <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> itself. I dont think there Are enough resources right now for them to complete their <A href=''>Job And CongresswomAnA> im sure you sAw this the <A href=''>PAlm BeAchA> <A href=''>County SheriffA> sAid the protection Around former <A href=''>President TrumpA> wAs limited becAuse he is not A sitting president. Do you think thAt needs to chAnge . I do. AgAin, this is the second <A href=''>AssAssinAtion AttemptA>, so i think we need to put more resources towArds this but i think we Also hAve to Address some underlying issues thAt Are going on here As well. This reAlly seems to be the confluence of two very bAd very bAd things going on in the republicAn pArty on one side, the Attempts to divide, to enrAge the populAtion, to put out fAlse rumors And misinformAtion we know the <A href=''>MAyor And SpringfieldA> is begging the republicAn pArty to stop with the fAlse informAtion on immigrAnts they hAve portions of the town on lockdown At this point And An increAse in All of the pArtisAnship And the <A href=''>FeAr MongeringA> thAts going on. And then on the other side, we hAve this complete AvAilAbility of AssAult rifles, rifles to it seems Almost Anyone who wAnts to hAve Access so how did this mAn, who AlreAdy hAd some convictions for bArricAding himself with A weApon, hAve Access to weApons of wAr thAt i wAs trAined on when i wAs in the militAry those Are very good questions And i wAnted to Ask you About something else After the AppArent <A href=''>AssAssinAtion AttemptA> <A href=''>Elon MuskA>, who owns x, formerly known As twitter, posted thAt posted this it since been deleted in response to the question, why do they wAnt to kill <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> . He sAid, quote <A href=''>No OneA> is even trying to AssAssinAte <A href=''>Biden Or KAmAlAA> referring to <A href=''>Vice PresidentA> <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA>, youre A former federAl prosecutor. Does this post open him up to some legAl jeopArdy whAts your reAction to it . Well, it certAinly i think opens him up to some morAl jeopArdy. Why is he Asking thAt question . Is he suggesting people should tAke note of thAt And tAke Action . I meAn right now, when we continue to see these Attempts to divide people to divide the AmericAn populAtion, to creAte chAos, to sow discord. This is A very dAngerous time And we need leAders theres who Are going to bring people together to unite us. Just A few dAys Ago, we hAd the AnniversAry of september 11, which is very importAnt here in my district. We Are Along the <A href=''>Commuter RAilA> lines into new york city. We hAd mAny people who pAssed AwAy on thAt dAy in the fAll of the <A href=''>Twin TowersA> And so we constAntly note how united we were, how we cAme together As A country in the fAce of thAt crisis. And now As we fAce these perilous times, <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> And the <A href=''>Gop And ProjectA> 2025 And j. D. VAnce. And now <A href=''>Elon MuskA> continue to try to sow division And wedges And hAtred into the populAtion. And i think think its very dAngerous And i, theres Another post thAt we wAnted to Ask you About <A href=''>FloridA RepublicAn CongresswomAnA> AnnA pAulinA lunA, A. BlAmed the incident on the quote, <A href=''>RAdicAl LeftA> for its irresponsible rhetoric And After <A href=''>Vice PresidentA> <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA> posted As she wAs glAd thAt trump wAs sAfe current Aide, dAn scAvino, trumps current A dAn scAvino, responded with this quote your full of blAnk. Youre not glAd hes sAfe. It is your rhetoric thAt hAs cAused this AgAin im just wondering whAt your responses to All thAt. I meAn, it just seems As were getting closer And closer to the election the rhetoric is getting Amped up to some pretty volAtile levels the rhetoric is getting Amped up to very volAtile leAd levels on one side of the Aisle. ThAt is getting Amped up by the gop republicAns mAgA, republicAns, by <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA>. I meAn, here you hAve A post which i think you hAve heArd echoed throughout the democrAtic pArty, which we Are relieved thAt <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> is sAfe. We do not wAnt politicAl AssAssinAtions in this country. We dont wAnt politicAl violence. We dont wAnt <A href=''>People GunA> And down by AssAult rifles. Weve worked very hArd to implement policies thAt would protect people, including our children Across this country And thAt is met with <A href=''>Scorn And DisgustA> And no, you didnt meAn thAt i reAlly dont know whAt to sAy in the fAce of this other thAn An i Am personAlly very hAppy thAt <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> is okAy. I do not wAnt in our democrAtic society for people to commit politicAl violence. I would like to continue to implement <A href=''>Gun SAfety LegislAtionA>. I hAve A sAfe <A href=''>StorAge PieceA> of legislAtion thAt Any one of my republicAn colleAgues is free to join. It is supported in A bipArtisAn wAy here <A href=''>New JerseyA> by different groups i hAve <A href=''>LegislAtion EmtAlA LegislAtionA> simply sAying thAt women who come to An <A href=''>Emergency RoomA> who Are pregnAnt cAn get A <A href=''>BAse LevelA> of <A href=''>Emergency CAreA> Any republicAn colleAgue of mine is free to join thAt. We put forth bipArtisAn immigrAtion And <A href=''>Border Security LegislAtionA> AgAin, thAt wAs tAken down by <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA>. So AgAin And AgAin And AgAin, we see from republicAns, we see from <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA>, this inAbility to govern, An inAbility to bring people together, An inAbility to put this country first, And A constAnt desire AgAin And AgAin And AgAin to put trump first. His AgendA first, which is lArgely bAd for AmericA And i did wAnt to Ask you About j. D. VAnce. You mentioned him just A few moments Ago And j. D. VAnce is defending these bAseless And debunked clAims both. He And for <A href=''>President TrumpA> hAd spreAd About migrAnts in springfield, ohio. Heres whAt he told my <A href=''>ColleAgue DAnA BAshA> just yesterdAy And i wAnt to get your response to thAt. The AmericAn mediA totAlly ignored this stuff until <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> And i stArt tAlking About cAt memes. If i hAve to, if i hAve to creAte stories so thAt the AmericAn mediA ActuAlly pAys Attention to the suffering of the AmericAn people then thAts whAt im going to do. CongresswomAn, <A href=''>SenAtor VAnceA> Acknowledged there thAt he mAkes up stories thAt its okAy to mAke up stories to get A point Across whAt how did you reAct to thAt . You know, its like deAling with A twoyeArold when youre A mom write, Any Attention is good Attention. ThAts ridiculous we need reAl leAdership in this country we need people who Are going to put the AmericAn people first, who Are going to focus on issues of AffordAbility of womens freedoms of <A href=''>Gun SAfety LegislAtionA> who Are going to focus on opportunity And creAting thAt opportunity for All AmericAns. And thAts whAt <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA> wAnts to do. She hAs sAid it AgAin And AgAin And AgAin. Her vision for this country could not be more cleAr And could not be more different from the vision thAt <A href=''>TobiA And VisionA> thAt <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> And j. D. VAnce And project 2025, hAlf for this country All right. CongresswomAn <A href=''>Mikie SherrillA> of <A href=''>New JerseyA>. ThAnk you very much for your time this morning. We AppreciAte it. ThAnk you. And this is A live look At the <A href=''>FederAl CourtA>house in <A href=''>West PAlm BeAchA> in moments, the suspect At the center of An AppArent Attempted AssAssinAtion on former <A href=''>President DonAld TrumpA> will fAce A judge were AwAiting word of chArges And well bring it sAm, to you when we get A chAnce to bring thAt to you bAck in just A <A href=''>Moment NewsA> for you sAturdAy nine On Cnn when it comes to Amgen, life chAnging medicAl breAkthroughs every second counts. But without lesnett, those breAkthroughs Are often pAst cities seAmlessly connected, bAnking mArkets And services, businesses deliver globAl finAnciAl solutions so our client cAn keep investing in innovAtions for pAtients Around the world without pAuse for the love of moving our clients forwArd. For the love of progress why did we choose sAfe like we were loAding Are suv when crAck sAfe flight cAme right to us And we could see exActly when they hAd Arrived with A replAcement. We could trust schedule free <A href=''>Mobile ServiceA> sAfe flight. Com we pAy. Your sAfe plAce i cAn see why youre expAnding its nuts online to we know humAns like new toys so AlwAys stAying one step AheAd And with Ai, we cAn look At so much more thAn sAles dAtA by our behAviors, sociAl engAgement see thAt predictive AnAlytics. How long hAve you been doing this . As long As weve been with bd out people who know know bd, you from the <A href=''>Number OneA> rAted brAnd in cordless outdoor power, <A href=''>Ego PowerA> plus blow, reAching An incredible 765 the event runs up to 90 minutes on A single chArge exclusively At lowes hAsten ego Authorized deAlers Another dAy under <A href=''>Bidenomics Morning CoffeeA> costs 65 more gAs for getting to work costs doubles workers incomes down three strAight yeArs groceries cost you 20 more, And mortgAge pAyments AstronomicAl bidenomics is working And were very proud of bidenomics pleAsAnt dreAms. Im donAld j. Trump And i Approve this messAge. Hers believes in A world where your <A href=''>HeAlth CAre IsntA> determined by where you live, whAt you do, or whether you hAve insurAnce. Its personAlized to your unique needs. ThAts why we creAted <A href=''>Weight LossA> by hurs 100 online Access to glp1 injections for As little As 199 per month including options compounded in the usA And AvAilAble now, if prescribed with A rAnge of treAtments developed with leAding weight mAnAgement speciAlist, your plAn cAn be customized to you. Expert cAre And ongoing support <A href=''>ThAts HeAlth CAreA> As it should be. Get stArted At for hers. Com. Dr. Box, there were mAny fAiled Attempts to fix my teeth every touched All my wedding photos. And who hAs even Affecting my heAlth . I trusted you becAuse his speciAlize in dentAl implAnts, you creAted A permAnent solution And customize my teeth. So it still felt like me my new teeth hAve improved my life. And chAnge my future. ThAnk you youre so welcome finAnce, the smile you wAnt for As low As 148 A month per Arch hes schedule A consultAtion. WhAts the greAtest invention of All time, new hAndsfree skechers, slipins. You just slip in And theyre on its like they hAve An invisible builtin shoehorn. So your foot slides into plAce without bending down or touching your shoes, then only 77 cAsh now, we get A 100 <A href=''>Gift CArdA> for A free quote, tv on the edge premieres sundAy At nine On Cnn this morning About the second pArent At <A href=''>AssAssinAtion AttemptA> on <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA>. Were leArning the <A href=''>Acting DirectorA> of the <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> will remAin in floridA indefinitely to oversee the investigAtion. DonAld trump is prAising the Agency for A quote Absolutely outstAnding job protecting him. But questions remAin About how the suspect got so close, <A href=''>58yeArold RyAn RouthA> is in <A href=''>FederAl CourtA> right now in <A href=''>West PAlm BeAchA>, floridA, shAckled And in Prison Scrubs And we should heAr more from the former president A few hours from now when he, hosts A virtuAl <A href=''>CAmpAign EventA> And cnn politicAl <A href=''>CommentAtor ShermichAel SingletonA> milton joins me now shermichAel, you And i were tAlking About this during the commerciAl breAk. I meAn, the rhetoric in this country right now And we were tAlking About with <A href=''>CongresswomAn Mikie SherrillA> A few moments Ago. Its so rAmped up right now. Its so superheAted thAt you just worry whAt might hAppen between now And election dAy. YeAh. I meAn, look, i think A lot of people jim, Are discontent, politicAl disillusionment. I believe hAve set in, weve seen A lot of disintegrAtion of our typicAl norms i think youve seen A heightened number of AmericAns feel A sense of purpose listeners. And i think if you were to Ask republicAn voters who support trump, some of their views on the other side, theyd probAbly sAy these folks And perhAps A threAt to my existence where life And i think if you were to Ask folks who Are democrAts there, we Are mAybe some folks will point to reproductive rights being chAined to sAy this is A threAt to my life And existed. And so whAt youre seeing is thAt people in the country Are looking At others As literAlly wAnting to erAse their existence. And so im not surprised thAt when you see politicAl rhetoric thAt you were typicAlly normAlly see during heightened politicAl times of turning two people wAnted to ActuAlize their Anger, their feAr, their Anxieties by Attempting to cAuse hArm to politicAl leAders is certAinly worries me. And At some point, you hAve to imAgine thAt this is likely going to get worse As we get closer to november the former president , <A href=''>ThAnk GodA>, wAs lucky these both times. But whAt hAppens if someone ActuAlly is Able to tAke out this Act, whether its AgAinst him or someone on the other side, imAgine whAt thAts going to do to the country. YeAh And i do wAnt to Ask you About this <A href=''>FundrAising EmAilA> thAt the <A href=''>Trump CAmpAignA> put out moments After this AppArent <A href=''>AssAssinAtion AttemptA> trump is sAying in this, my resolve is only stronger After Another Attempt on my life. I will never slow down. I would never give up. I will never surrender. I <A href=''>ThAnk GodA> every dAy for hAving supporters like you on my side very much, you know, theres no Amping up of the rhetoric there. He hAs been doing it obviously with whAts hAppening in springfield, ohio And so on when he mAkes some comments lAter on todAy, whAt do you hope to heAr from him . I think the former president one nice to nAte Abilities to hAve <A href=''>Anger And ResentmentA> And disgust for people who we believe dont see the world the wAy we believe it should be rAn or should be letter should exist. I think the former president s should probAbly tAlk to the AmericAn people About the importAnce of reAching Across the Aisle to people who mAy be different. YeAh. And sAy, look mAybe you view the world A little differently, but figure out wAys to Agree on some things thAt reAlly do impAct All of us, whether its our children or mAybe its the fAct thAt we need to figure out wAys to improve our infrAstructure. Or mAybe its the fAct thAt we need to come together so thAt our stAnding Across the globe, thAt resolve we once hAd jim so recognize by our Allies meAn thAt there Are moments where i think the AmericAn people cAn come together in this. CertAinly i hope could be one of them. WhAt About some of these reActions thAt youve seen . Im sure youve seen them where, you know, there Are folks on the right sAying people on the left, democrAts wAnted this to hAppen. They wAnt this to hAppen. ThAts, thAt goes bAck to my point. YeAh. Jim nobody wAnts this to hAppen. I would hope <A href=''>No OneA> knows whAt he wAnts A sound thAt goes bAck to my point. Ive seen post from some people sAying, why did the shoot or miss. Ive seen polls to the comments thAt you just mAde And it goes to the very point thAt i wAs mAking in my initiAl comments of people viewing others existentiAl threAt to their existence. Since when you view individuAls through thAt lens, it does not surprise me thAt we find ourselves in this pArticulAr moment in time where people Are Angry At the other side, where people believe if things dont go their wAy, they question, whAt does the future look like for them for their fAmilies, for their interests . And i think more thAn ever, this is the probAbly the best moment for politicAl leAders to try to redirect some of this negAtive energy into A positive <A href=''>Direction YA> And pAtriotism to me is All About wAnting us As AmericAns to come together, right . Not going After one negAtively cAn hAppen in our country thAt we hAve seen in other countries though we hAve somehow Absolved of internAl chAos And turmoil. Well, whAt were finding is thAt were not Absolved of those things At All. And whAt were finding is thAt the issues thAt hAve divided the other countries And thAt hAve led to dictAtorships And totAlitAriAn stAtes And fAscism, etc it is very well possible thAt those things cAn occur within our own country. You, the ideA of A democrAtic form of government is not perfect. It is frAgile, And were seeing it And so my hope As A politicAl strAtegist, As An AmericAn is people come together despite the differences to recognize if we do not, whAt comes next . WhAt comes next to the future of this country And think About this jim, our AdversAries Are licking At this moment of internAl chAos with itAly, A country, And no trying to figure out how cAn we push the needle A bit forwArd . How cAn we exploit this . Absolutely. You hAve to think thAt there Are forces out there who wAnt to continue to gin up <A href=''>Theres DivisionA> And hAtred becAuse it works to their <A href=''>Bed RussiAA> rAn who knows whoever else is out there Attempting this excellent point. ThAts why we AlwAys enjoy hAving your own. Sure. My thAnks, josh, for michAel singleton. ThAnks so much. Well be right bAck. CArbon winning is everythings stupid. SAturdAy, <A href=''>October 5thA> On Cnn recipes recipes thAt Are more thAn their ingredients written by hAnd And lost to time restored using the power of dAllAs reserving memories And helping to write new city neAr sAleAble these men of meAns with their silver spoons heAting up the finAnciAl fAvors of the 1 whAt would become of them when they discover <A href=''>Robinhood GoldA> eArn their very liberAl rAtes on idle cAsh, unlimited, deposit bomblets. HAndsome time in bAshing he would descend into chAos there Are seeing this chAos here on the internet. You cAn pretend to be Anything like An elderly <A href=''>MAns BAnkA> foreign expert, former dont trust the unfiltered internet. Andy hAs 30 yeArs of experience finding the best pros. Angie dont stAy tuned leArn more About this limited time offer from renewAl by Anderson when it comes to our homes, we only wAnt the very best pArticulArly when it comes to choosing <A href=''>ReplAcement WindowA>s And doors. Hi, im An romer thrilled to be with nick from renewAl by Anderson. ThAnks. And we believe thAt everyone deserves to hAve windows And doors thAt look greAt. StAte And the test of time And dont breAk the bAnk. And with Are unpredictAble weAther, i got to tell you <A href=''>QuAlity And DurAbilityA> super importAnt And thAts where A fiber composite mAteriAl truly shines. Its twice As strong As vinyl, so its wArrAnted not to crAck or rot. And with our energy efficient climb our windows help keep your home cozy in the <A href=''>Winter And CoolA> in the summer. Well, thAt All sounds greAt. So whAt About the cost we know thAt AffordAbility is top of mind for every homeowner And we pride ourselves on delivering outstAnding windows And doors to fit your style And your budget while thAt reAlly sets you ApArt. So tell me how renewAl by Anderson is tied to the community well, for stArters, our teAm members live right here in your community. We know the chAllenges homeowners fAce, And we Are committed to delivering the very best for our customers. Plus, we custom build every exclusive A clAim <A href=''>ReplAcement WindowA> in the usA. It is greAt to know thAt you hAve such strong roots here before <A href=''>September 30 SAfeA> 379 on every window And sAved <A href=''>PAtio DoorA> And entry door, And our finAncing cAn help mAke your project more AffordAble with no money down, no monthly pAyments, And no interest for 12 months this offer ends September 30 for A free <A href=''>Appointment CAllA> 1800 1805011400. ThAts currently, minute 30 minutes you got this one. Remember . I dont wAnt to surgery for my <A href=''>PAtreons ContrActionA> to i dont wAnt to wAit for my contrActure to get worse. Three, i wAnt to treAtment with minimAl downtime for i wAnt to nonsurgicAl treAtment. Good boy And five. And if not, surgicAl treAtment is An operA ill get A second opinion. Lets go tAke chArge of your treAtment. If you cAnt lAy your hAnd flAt, visit, find A hAnd speciAlist. Com to get stArted. Im Ali mAndelA, newest <A href=''>AmbAssAdor StAnceA> here is plenty story how i becAme An AmbAssAdor. I went to the store And i lied And sAid i wAsnt AmbAssAdor. Do i get At this count the owner cAlled me And sAid, would you like to be An AmbAssAdor for sketchers . And i sAid, yes try skechers slipins, closed cAptioning brought to you by <A href=''>Meso BookA> you or A loved one hAve news of helium up. Well send you A free book to Answer questions you mAy hAve cAlled now And will come to you 800 A31, 3,700 cnn is leArning thAt us intelligence officiAls recently briefed the <A href=''>Trump CAmpAignA> About new threAts from irAn regime. Cnns <A href=''>ZAchAry CohenA> joins us now. ZAch, whAt Are we leArning About the nAture of these threAts to trump And his cAmpAign . Yes, jim, were leArning through sources thAt senior intel officiAls did brief the trump to <A href=''>YesterdAys IncidentA> At trumps <A href=''>Golf CourseA>, thAt irAn does AppeAr to be plAnning escAlAting their plAns to AttAck And to tArget <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> And the people Around him As pArt of this broAder persistent <A href=''>ThreAt ThreAtA> im streAmed thAt us intel officiAls hAve been trAcking for severAl months now, but theyve brought this new evidence to the <A href=''>Trump CAmpAignA> And wArning them there Are signs thAt thAt threAt could be escAlAting And its notAble, jim, becAuse this tAke this briefing took plAce prior to AgAin, the second Attempted AssAssinAtion of <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA>. And yet A second person And As mAny months wAs still Able to get As close As they did to the former president. ReAlly reigniting those sAme concerns thAt hAppened on July 13 About the <A href=''>Security Security PostureA> Around <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> . Not just As it relAtes to domestic threAts, but Also foreign ones. We hAs been behind Attempted AssAssinAtion plots of <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> And other former And current us pAst, we know thAt there wAs recently ActuAlly An Arrest in A cAse stemming from A jAnuAry or July 13 rAlly irAniAn AssAssinAtion plots, this threAt still persists. Us intelligence officiAls remAin concerned About the Ability of the <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> to protect <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA>. And this is just the lAtest indicAtion of thAt threAt coming from irAn yeAh. And zAch, is there Any indicAtion As to whAt is fueling this irAniAn tArgeting of the former president. It And the motivAtion seems to be twofold. One, the killing of irAniAn generAl qAsem soleimAni bAck when <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> did lAnd <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> in severAl of his top AdministrAtion officiAls on A <A href=''>Hit ListA> of storAge, irAn continues to vote now retribution for the killing of soleimAni, but Also more recently, weve seen us officiAls wArn thAt irAn is trying to undermine An Actively influence the 2024 election outcome. And undermine <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA>s cAndidAcy. SpecificAlly so cleArly linking <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> As the cAndidAte. ThAts not in their best nAtionAl security interests in doing everything they cAn to keep him out of the <A href=''>White HouseA>. And thAt includes both AssAssinAtion plots And threAts of physicAl violence, As well As cyber operAtions tArgeting his cAmpAign Alright, zAch, thAnk you very much. AlwAys AppreciAte it. ThAnks A lot. Coming up 15 minutes to fight for its life. Tiktok, mAking its cAse to stAy in the u. S. But will it be enough thAts next . Erin <A href=''>Burnett OutfrontA> tonight At seven On Cnn these bills Are she sitting on A goldmine, she doesnt know thAt if she owns A <A href=''>Life InsurAnce PolicyA> of 100,000 or more, she cAn sell All or pArt of it to coventry for cAsh, even A <A href=''>Turn PolicyA>, even A <A href=''>Turn PolicyA> . Youre sitting on A <A href=''>Goldmine CAll CoventryA> direct todAy At 800 coventry direct. Com welcome to the now wAy to network. They switch to junipers. Ai needed network, And everything simpler. So they cAn tAke their gAme to A whole new <A href=''>Level NetworkA> is selfconfiguring itself, detecting And selfheAling they even hAve A virtuAl AssistAnt. A mArvelous. So they cAn simply Ask the network wAs the wifi todAy. ThAts the now wAy to network At work with relAy. You rise Above it All this election is About two very different visions. Foreign nAtion one focused on the future focused on the pAst when the middle clAss is strong, AmericA is strong lowering the cost of living will be A defining goAl of my presidency out lower the cost of <A href=''>Insulin InfrAstructure SectionA> dreAd, spring. Everyone And i will work to pAss the first ever federAl bAn on <A href=''>Price GougingA> on food more thAn 100 Million AmericAns will get A tAx cut. We will end <A href=''>AmericAs Housing ShortAgeA> by building Three Million new homes And rentAls. ThAt Are AffordAble for the middle clAss together, we will build An economy where everyone cAn compete And hAve A reAl chAnce to succeed now is the time to chArt A new wAy forwArd im <A href=''>PAmelA HArrisA> And i Approve this messAge its michAels lowest prices of the seAson tAke up to 70 of thousAnds of items like fAll boiled the <A href=''>Floor And MArchA> for his sAvings on these And greAt deAl on frAmes. And youll love this to eArn rewArds while you sAve if you hAve heArt fAilure, fAr segA cAn help you keep living life with the ones you love. Ask your doctor About for <A href=''>SegA TodAyA> serious side effects, including ketoAcidosis thAt mAy be fAtAl dehydrAtion, urinAry trAct, or genitAl yeAst infections hello, blood sugAr. A rAre lifethreAtening bActeriAl infection in the skin of the perineum could occur stopped tAking for segA in All your doctor right AwAy, if you hAve symptoms of this infection And off now At very very. Com. But jello but your prActicAl joke or some trAvelers belong in the History Books in prActicAl jokers All new <A href=''>ThursdAys AttAckA> on tbs set your dvr now right now, tiktok is on the clock of the widely populAr sociAl <A href=''>MediA PlAtformA> is in core trying to convince judges And just 15 minutes to strike down A new lAw thAt could bAn the chineseowned App in the u. S. And <A href=''>MediA CorrespondentA> <A href=''>HAdAs GoldA> joins us now hAdAs, is thAt correct . They only hAve 15 minutes to mAke their cAse whAts hAppening right now in court . WhAt cAn you tell us . YeAh, jim. So As we speAk, ActuAlly, Attorneys for tiktok creAtors Are now mAking the Argument in front of the judge As to why tiktok should not be bAnned. Tiktok Attorney hAs AlreAdy spoken now they only hAd 50 About About hAlf An hour for eAch side. But thAts stretches out becAuse judges lAter Ask questions, there might be rebuttAls. But the reAson thAt there is such A tight time frAme is becAuse if you remember thAt lAw thAt wAs pAssed, thAt sets up this potentiAl bAn of tiktok sAys thAt Any legAl chAllenge hAd to bypAss federAl <A href=''>District CourtA> And go strAight to where its now being Argued in the u. S. Court of AppeAls in dc within A very tight timefrAme. Hes A very tight timefrAme here becAuse this lAw thAt wAs pAssed sets tiktok up to potentiAlly be bAnned if its not sold off from its chinese ownership by midjAnuAry. So were just tAlking About not only A tight timeline, right now in court, but Also A tight timeline in generAl, were just months AwAy from this potentiAl bAn. So right now, As we speAk, theres A <A href=''>Threejudge PAnelA> And All theres no jury. Its just A <A href=''>Threejudge PAnelA> thAts tAking this right now, Asking questions to the lAwyers for some of these tiktok creAtors who Are Also Arguing AgAinst this spAn theyre Also going to heAr from the u. S. Government And their Argument And Ask questions from those Attorneys As well. Now, whAt exActly is this lAw, if you remember, this lAw wAs A bipArtisAn becAuse in lAw thAt pAssed very, very quickly through congress wAs signed by <A href=''>President BidenA>. And whAt it sAys is thAt this, As thAt tiktok cAn still exist, but it cAnnot be under chinese ownership in the u. S. Is Arguing thAt becAuse its becAuse of mostly nAtionAl security concerns to sAy thAt the government of chinA could be collecting sensitive dAtA on the users theyre Also worried reAd About propAgAndA us, And some of their reAsonings Are ActuAlly seAled. And so we cAnt see them, but the judges cAn see them. Tiktok is sAying, this is A first <A href=''>Amendment ViolAtionA> And its A constitutionAl overreAch And thAt these Securities Concerns Are speculAtive concerns. Now, whoever loses will likely AppeAl the Supreme Court is expected to heAr this cAse And it will likely decide before this bAnd could tAke effect in jAnuAry, jim. YeAh, i wAs gonnA sAy, whAt might this All get resolved . This is this question hAs been kicked Around for some time now yeAh. ExActly. So this this court, this these judges thAt Are heAring this cAse for An hour expected within A mAtter of weeks to decide. Now, whichever wAy it goes with the government wins side will AppeAl And the Supreme Court is expected to heAr this And they Are expected to decide on this likely before the bAn will tAke tAke effect, engineering. And this is importAnt becAuse its not just going to Affect <A href=''>Tiktok And LAwA> more thAn 170 Million users who use it And whether therell be Able to still hAve Access to it becAuse the chinese government hAs sAid they cAnt use the Algorithm or they wont sell it elsewhere. It will Also hAve A very, very importAnt effect on how the internet, how <A href=''>Internet SpeechA> is regulAted in this country going forwArd i look forwArd to seeing All the tAkes on this on tiktok while its still there, Arent <A href=''>HAdAs GoldA>. ThAnk you very much, reAlly AppreciAte it And thAnks for joining us this morning. Im <A href=''>Jim AcostAA> our next hour of newsroom with <A href=''>Wolf BlitzerA> stArts After A short breAk. HAve A good dAy. The pros for hAve i got news for you Are pretty yeAh. WhAt Are the kinds we could run out the news before then would never hAppened if i got news for you sAturdAy At nine on <A href=''>Cnn And StreAmingA> next dAy on mAx At <A href=''>MorgAn StAnleyA>. Old school, hArd work meets bold new thinking. To help you see untApped possibilities And relentlessly work with you to mAke them reAl jAys reAlly knows how to put the heArt And your locAl community. See whAt i did there jAckie my guy. Yellows. DAve is right sAy As somebody not stop we hold or dont you owe me money . Your money is A pArty of community, so your bAnk should be to light chAins. Youre seeing skechers, fAmous glide step, but where everywhere. And now thAt design is AvAilAble, enhAnced three skechers, lipid, get the <A href=''>Comfort And StyleA> <A href=''>Guide StepA> now to convenience is slipping with no bending down or touching her suv, tried glide steps, cAncers, lipids. ThursdAy <A href=''>Night FootbAllA> on prime. Its on pAtrons <A href=''>ThursdAy NightA> footbAll. Oh, we All brought hi, my nAme is dAmiAn clArk if he hAd both medicAre And medicAid, i hAve some reAlly encourAging news thAt youll definitely wAnt to heAr depending on the plAns AvAilAble in your AreA, you mAy be eligible to get extrA benefits with the <A href=''>HumAnA MedicAre AdvAntAgeA> duAl eligible speciAl needs plAn these plAns include A heAlthy <A href=''>Options AllowAnceA> A monthly AllowAnce to help pAy for eligible groceries, utilities, <A href=''>Rent And OverthecounterA> items. The heAlthy <A href=''>Options AllowAnceA>s loAded onto our prepAid cArd eAch month And whAtever you dont spend cArries over from eAch month. Other benefits on his plAns include free rides to And from your medicAl Are lArge network of doctors, hospitAls, And phArmAcies. So cAll the number on your screen now And Ask About A <A href=''>HumAnA MedicAre AdvAntAgeA> duAl eligible speciAl needs plAn humAnA, A more humAn would <A href=''>HeAlth CAreA> you booked <A href=''>Event DAyA> to stArt something new depression. AwAy grAy in five eAsy minutes to put yourself out 20 dAsh. Com And see how much you cAn sAve this is, cnn the <A href=''>Worlds News NetworkA> hello, im <A href=''>Wolf BlitzerA> in wAshington And youre in the <A href=''>Cnn NewsroomA> And we stArt with more <A href=''>BreAking NewsA> right now, sp

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