stakes for november's election and as president biden ways whether to stay on the ticket after last week's debate? their options. and the major deal for boeing as a company the government is letting boeing off the hook of the sweetheart plea deal. we're following these major developing stores and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central hello embryonic q or alongside pamela brown today, great to have you and we're following breaking news, a major decision from the supreme court that is likely to impact former president trump's legal and political future and reshaped the limits of presidential power, moving forward today, the justices ruling the former president is entitled hello to some immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts. and that sends the question back to a lower court. the court ruled six to three with the liberal justices dissenting, and the majority opinion chief justice john roberts, rejected trump's claim of absolute immunity. say not everything the president does is official justice sonia sotomayor did not hold back and her dissent writing in part, the president of the united states is the most powerful person in the country, and possibly the world when he uses his official powers in any way under the majority's reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution orders. the navy seal team six to assassinate made-up political rival immune, organizes a military coup to hold onto power. immune take a bribe in exchange for a pardon. immune, immune, immune, immune no, today's decision will likely further delay former president trump's federal trial. that has to do with the plot to overturn the 2020 election. and we are covering this story from all angles joining us now is cnn chief legal affairs correspondent paula reid. we also have cnn legal analyst steve vladeck with us to walk us through this. paula, first to you take us through the court's reasoning here so here are the justices say that former presidents have immunity if we're talking about aks connected to a president's core constitutional powers. so these are things at the heart of their job when they are president, when it comes to other official acts, there's also the presumption of immunity, but they're saying there was no immunity city for on official acts now, they did not delve into what exactly that translates to when it comes to the trump case. that is a job that will now fall to the district court judge. judge tanya chutkan, but sussing out what's what in the trunk case after this opinion will take some time and this opinion makes it unlikely, if not impossible. possible, that this case could go to trial before november now, source familiar with trump's legal team thinking tells me they view this as a major victory because they believe not only will this opinion allow them to get some of the charges here tossed, but they will also be able to get some of the key evidence in this case, tass evidence that they believe jack smith would have to have in order to prove whatever remains of his case so steve, i want to bring you in here because this was kicked down to the lower courts to sort out unofficial versus official acts. but how clear will that make it given all the different circumstances that can arise, blurring the lines between the two, not just in this this case with donald trump, but in potential future cases in a pamela's the right question. >> and i think paula really hit on something really important. when she talked about the evidence. one thing that chief justice john roberts opinion does that him surprised a lot of us is say that if the evidence that's trying to be admitted is itself related to immunized conduct. that evidence can't be used. so with regard to drawing a line going forward, i actually think courts will be able pamela to draw the line between official and unofficial acts. the problem is if your special counsel, jack smith, how do you you prove that the president actually committed on official acts that give rise to criminal liability. if you can't use official acts, which the supreme court's has are immunized as evidenced. that's the real challenge now, it's why i think paul is right that the trump team is calm, was a huge victory for him. and i think that's the biggest reason why the january 6 prosecution is now in serious trouble and palliative bring you in. >> looking ahead what happens in trump's other cases, you have the classified documents case, which of course was after he was president, but you have this case in georgia having to do with 11 subversion. you have the felony, right? the felony conviction in new york what happens there will pamela and speaking with my sources, we can expect that trump team will use this opinion to challenge all of those cases. let's over the other federal case, the classified documents case. we can expect that they will use this opinion to challenge that case. two, arguing that trump came into possession of his classified materials as serve as official duties as president. now in new york, as you noted, we already have a conviction there that is expected to be appealed, and we can expect the trump team. i'm told will particularly try to challenge key pieces of evidence that they believe were entered in during this trial, but are also covered by this opinion, including key portions of hope hicks is testimony and tweets that were entered in. you can also expect they're going to try to use this down in georgia. now, it's unclear, right? the impact that this opinion will have on those other non january 6 cases. but you know, trump's lawyers, they will now be very busy throughout the summer and potentially the fall steve, i wanted to ask you about something that robert said in his opinion which was where he made the point that the dissent overlooks basically a situation where quote, each successive president is free to prosecutors, predecessors, yet unable to boldly and fearlessly carry out his duties for fear that he may be next what did you think about that point that roberts made there yeah. >> briana, it's a striking family to hear from the chief justice of the united states that we don't want presidents to be worried that if they break the law, they might base consequences. and i think what's really striking to me about all of this is that yes, you have chief justice roberts on one side. you have justices kagan sotomayor jackson on the other, but you also have in the middle justice, amy coney barrett, who is actually quite critical in her concurring opinion of just how far the majority opinion goes. she insists in various places in her concurrence that this case can and should go forward. and i think there's a real tension in there and a real hard question that the chief justice never answers, which is if the president's not supposed to be worried about facing criminal liability for his misconduct and if our political reality is that a president shouldn't really be worried about being impeached and removed from office for criminal misconduct what is going to stop the president, whether it's this one, the next 120 years from now, from actually doing something that's in his political interests, but that's in flagrant violation of the law. that is the scary question that john roberts opinion today raise it has and i think it does not satisfactorily answer and steve tacos a little bit about the optics of a major ruling like this, where you have justices clarence thomas and samuel alito i think i don't wanna say the roles of their wives in it. that would probably be more of a statement. for clarence thomas wife because she was involved certainly in the machinations of trying to put some pressure on people in certain states. we just know that samuel alito's wife was flying flags and there appeared to be some marital acrimony over that. but what do you think about the optics of all that? >> yeah i think the optics are the court just are generally bad here and just beyond the specifics of justice thomas participating in this case of justice alito. i think we should step back for a second and say, in general, how bad does it look that this court, at this moment in american history divided right down? its ideological lines six to three in this ruling, if you'll look at the history of the court, the most celebrated political rulings, whether it's the watergate tapes case in 1974, clinton versus jones in 1997 brown versus board of education in 1950 for the civil rights movement one of the things that all those rulings have in common is that the court spoke with one voice. you had justices from across the ideological spectrum, justice across the political spectrum joining together to send one message to the american people the only message i think the court has sent today is that this issue has divided them into the same partisan camps that they've been in in historically. and i think that's really to me far more troubling from an optical perspective, even in the participation of justices whose own behavior could be called into question, what it reinforces briana is that i think the court looks that much more political in a case in which it would have really behooved the court to look like it was above the politics of the moment all right. >> steve vladeck, paula reid. thank you. all for more perspective on all of this. we're joined now by the former washington dc chief of homeland security and intelligence, john now, harbin, first, someone who was involved in law enforcement on january 6, what is your reaction to this ruling from the hike? court today it's a little disappointing and when you look at the totality of the decision today, and as well as friday, it paints a picture that a those that participated on the ground, the boots on the ground on january 6, we're being overly prosecuted and it falls into the narrative that many of the republicans, including the former president, has been spouting that they are political prisoners. >> and then when you look at today's decision we land in a place where we never thought we would be in which donald trump can say he didn't do anything wrong in january 6. my concern and this has been my concern since january 7, is that those who are responsible for organizing the attacks behind the scenes, those were responsible for sending that crowds. the capital will not be held accountable. and this puts us a few steps beyond that as well. >> and of course, merrick garland in relation to what was happening on friday with that supreme court opinion, he made clear that the majority of the january 6 rioters, they will still be prosecuted under different laws and so forth. but when it comes to this, you have said that a trump win in november could normalize political violence how does this decision today add fuel to that fire? and your view well, this is the march. >> we'd been on since january 6. right. so we've had republican lawmakers falling over themselves telling us that everything we saw on january 6 was not what we saw, right? we went from it was antifa and blm not trump supporters two. now they're political prisoners and their overly prosecuted and so we've been on the steady march of acceptance, a normalization of political violence. now it's almost codified if you political violence is perfectly legal of view when my concern is that if you believe the polls donald trump may very well be our next president and if he is, he's made it very clear that not only is he going to exact retribution that people like me and andrew mccabe moved in speaking out about his actions. but he's also going to free those individuals that attacked the capitol on january 6. once again, that's the codification, but almost the legalization a political violence. and that's the place that we're in right now, that we wouldn't have never thought three-and-a-half years ago, we would be in i want to ask you about the conservative majority and what it argued today in this case, basically saying that by not ruling this way, by not providing immunity for official acts, it could lead to the executive office to essentially cannibalize itself with the prosecution. do you see that point from the conservative majority that hey, we have to put some guardrails here and some boundaries with official versus on officials. otherwise, you're just going to see perpetual prosecution listen from everything i've been reading, consuming, and watching on air. this is a very complex decision. well, i will tell you that the normal american doesn't see it this way. they see this is a victory for donald trump and is sustains the narrative that he has head. he told us in 2016 we should not take this for granted, that he can go on fifth avenue and shoot someone and not lose any supporters. well, now it looks like he can go on fifth avenue, shoot someone, and if it's in an official capacity, not go to jail as well. >> today's decision all but assures that the january 6 federal case against him will not go to trial before the november election and your view, there's the political perception of this, right? the public perception but how much of a victory is this for trump from that standpoint as well? >> well, is this victory the entire the entire time that he's been prosecuted for the akre january 6, it's been delay delay, delay, install and so while he's while he's doing that, he's also getting a lot of support and this is my area, the homeland security sport online from a lot of these violent right-wing individuals stating that he is appeased, only being persecuted, but he's actually the one that standing up for their rights. and so the longer weekend, he can keep himself away from being prosecuted or even being pulled in front of a jury for these actions. the more really substantiates all the claims he and his other report, his other supporters and the republican party had been saying that january 6 was not violent and that no one should be prosecuted for this. once again, follow the tea leaves, political violence is here and it's here to stay if this continues then i'll harp and thank you for coming on, offering your perspective and just i had this hour on cnn news central much more reaction on the presidential immunity ruling from the supreme court, plus while congressional democrats are still standing by president joe biden publicly after his debate performance and lawmaker tells cnn, there's at least one thing that would have the party calling for him to step down are going to tell you what that is. and boeing agrees to a multi-billion-dollar plan that it says will make its planes safer an unprecedented debate as only cnn could do it with a record audience around the world. our country is being destroyed. >> where are the most admired country in the world for the most complete coverage through election day and beyond, follows cnn stay ahead of your moderate to severe eczema and show off clear skin and less issues with depicts it the 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a list of alternative candidates to potentially replace him, the biden family is urging the president to stay in the race. first lady jill jill biden told vogue, vogue magazine that president biden, quote, will always do what's best for the country adding, they will not let those 90 minutes to find the four years he's been proud president we will continue the fight, but one democratic lawmaker warning this, if poll showed that the debate is going to cost dems, the white house, the dam of support for biden will break nicholas christof is a new york times opinion columnist. he penned an op-ed shortly after the debate that said president biden, i've seen enough where he's calling on biden to withdraw from the race and nicholas, thanks so much for being with us and i just wonder with what you've seen since the debate. we saw that appearance obviously from north carolina the day after designed to show strength from president biden i wonder if there's anything you've seen that would make you think otherwise that he should not step aside so then north carolina appearance truly was encouraging briana. >> i mean, he was vigorous. he was coherent, he was everything that he had not been during the debate but he was with a teleprompter in front of a very friendly crowd and you don't want a president. i don't think you persuade the public that you're likely to win if you make periodic appearances that are very successful, you need to do them consistently. and so i i think that helped, but i don't think it has resolved the doubts. i think a lot is probably going to come down to how the opinion polls suggest the impact has been and they're beginning to come out, but there'll be better ones in the coming days and i think if they suggest there were not much impact, then i think it's more likely that president biden will remain on the ticket. i think if they show that e was badly hit and that he will hurt the chances of the senate and house going democratic. i think then there'll be a broader push as you just suggested, to remove from that top of the ticket, but he's obviously got to decide that himself. nobody is exactly going to push them out, but they may encourage them yeah. >> i mean, regardless of what the polls show, i wonder what you think the right move is in specifically a response to what we're hearing from jill biden, which she's saying not to let those 90 minutes define him, but i wonder if you think this is a situation where a bad performance like that should define a president. it is this a situation in a unique way? we're president should be defined by the worst moment if that was their word this moment or not so i'm not sure i would quite say defined, but look, i think it really mattered immensely and i think it mattered immensely partly because the campaign had been very end. >> the white house has been very, very protective of president biden. they hadn't brought him out for the super bowl the but interview for interviews with mainstream media organizations. they hadn't subjected him to that kind of grilling and a lot of people that they weren't entirely confident of how he would do. and so that debate performance played into this narrative that he is struggling. and i think that's why it has been so devastating in a way that was not true of obama in 2012. and his first debate and i think this is also something that just resonates with the public. so many of us have had parents and we've had a had these difficult conversations about taking away the car keys we remember ruth bader, good ends berg, and she made and i think a lot of us have had enormous respect for her as we do for joe biden, but she made a gamble and she lost. and as a result, the country losses as well and we don't want that to happen again. >> do you think president biden is getting the best advice from those around him look, i just don't know. >> i mean, i must say i did find it a little dispiriting when you began to have anonymous people criticizing his aides and tried to blame his aides i mean, really i mean, he's the president. he chooses those aids. the idea that they were over prepping him for the debate just seemed insulting. not only to them, but also to the president himself so i hope that those people around him and i think his family is obviously particularly really influential, particularly jill. i hope that they are thinking not only about his interests, but about the nation's interest. i hope they're also thinking about what kind of a legacy he would leave, how he would be remembered if he did remain on the ticket and did indeed lose to trump and all the fears that we have a trump second presidency came to pass. i hope they're working through that calculus as well. >> nic, which democrat would be better positioned, do you think to take trump on and do you think that it's a hail mary to switch candidates at this point in time so i think there are risks if switching a candidate and we don't know exactly what come out, of course. >> but i think there are real risks have remaining with a with a biden win present polls show him probably losing to donald trump in terms of which candidates i i think there were a bunch of people i really admire who i think we do a fine job, but i think gretchen whitmer is particularly well placed partly because democrats really pretty much have to win michigan. she's very handily won michigan twice in her races for governor. i think she would likely do well and some of the surrounding or nearby states, like pennsylvania or wisconsin, i think her pragmatic focus, they noted the fixed the roads. did that probably plays well with centrist voters around the country and we've seen also briana, a real tide of anti-establishment feeling playing anti-elitist feeling, not just in the u.s. but also that was the message or the french elections that just came out. that's i think why the british government is about to get creamed and their elections. this is really a global forests and i think somebody, a governor from a place like michigan is better place to ride that anti washington and sentiment. then then various other people, including the vice president nicholas christoph. it's great to get your thoughts. thank you so much for being with us good to be with you. >> briana pamela. >> thanks. brown eye. so we want to turn now to some new developments on capitol hill. the house judiciary committee today sued attorney general merrick garland. this is the latest attempt to force him to hand over audio recordings from president biden's interview with the former special counsel and his classified documents case. i want to bring in my colleague, cnn sutherland's their body here with more on this. what are the details suddenly house republicans, pamela are certainly intensifying this battle today, moving forward with this suits and dc district court to sue the attorney general. now, the attorney general, he has refused to release the audio recordings of biden's interviews with former special counsel robert hur. those interviews, as you noted, relating to his handling of classified documents case. now, the transcripts have been released, house members, how those transcripts but they're fighting over specific typically, the audio recordings and the house republicans in this suit today, they argue in their filing, they say it's about non verbal context around this and notably, they note that her in his conclusions, he called biden an elderly man with a poor memory that's why they are pushing to get the audio of these interviews and they stay in their court filing quote, transcripts do not and cannot capture emphasis inflection, intonation, nuance, paste, pauses, pitch, rhythm, tone, and other verbal and nonverbal cues induce frequencies that convey meaning to a listener and they go on in this filing to add a witness communicates even when he or she hesitates pauses, or remain silent and they say that they need insight into the witnesses credibility, and mental state. the attorney general has refused to release this use cites excuse me, an executive privilege on the house obviously held him in temp last month. fight continues over this pam. it certainly doesn't lens or pati. thanks for bringing us the latest on that front up next, donald trump's campaign is in victory mode after the supreme court rules, he isn't the title to immunity for some of his actions on january 6, we're going to talk to a former trump official who was fired in the waning days of trump's presidency, in part because he told him no there's no war so hateful war between kim war between tracks house of the dragon, streaming exclusively on mac, make this assembler to share and save during the qia summer sticker sales event the three rokia sorrento the tech forward sportage the available all wheel drive celtics, or the iihs top safety big plus telluride each one recommended by consumer reports this summer, visit, your local qia dealer and say get one 1.9% piaf 48 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and jack smith, who is of course, a special counsel. cnn's kristen holmes is here with more on this. all right. kristen, you have the trump campaign saying this, tell us more about this and also how this decision impacts their plans moving forward. >> so just remember, yes, they are celebrating this, but this is they didn't actually get what they wanted and they wanted to blanket immunity. so but what this does is this actually helps them with this idea that donald trump will likely no longer have to go to trial ahead of the election. what they were hoping for was anything they actually got more than what they were hoping for originally, they were hoping for any kind of limited immunity that would essentially have to kick the case back to chuck, in which this does because she is going to have to determine what was an official act and what was an unofficial act. and then there's going to have to be some litigation around all of that. it seems very unlikely now, obviously, we don't know this, but it seems unlikely that chunk going to do this in a vacuum. we're likely going to hear from both sides as they weigh in to these different actions that are going to be deemed either official or unofficial and therefore cupboard by immunity. one thing to know going into this is that this was really this january 6 case with judge chutkan. it was the last looming potential case for them that would go to trial before the election. they know she was moving fast. they knew she said she wanted this to happen before the election. they thought there was still a chance it was going to go on the table even if it would be right up in september or october now, what appears that that is done and because of that, they are very happy and they are celebrating because donald trump is going to focus on one thing now, which is the election in november. yeah, it allows him to do that. >> kristen holmes. thank you so much. we appreciate it. pamela all right. brown. uh, thanks so much. liberal justices on the high court say this decision sends a very different message, chilling words from justice sotomayor's descent, who said the decision makes a mockery of the principle that no man is above the law. a portion of her dissent reading quote, let the president violate the law. what him exploited trappings have his office for personal gain. let him use his official power for evil ends. because if he knew that he may 1 day face liability for breaking the law, he might not be as bold and fearless as we would like him to be. that is the majority's message today. for more on this historic decision. let me bring in cnn political commentator and former defense secretary during the trump administration mark esper, his book, a sacred oath, is out now and he serves on the board or as a strategic advisor for a handful of aerospace and defense related companies. secretary, welcome to the show so just to recap for our viewers then president trump fired you in part because you oppose using the military to crack down on protests over the death of george floyd, chief justice john roberts dismisses sotomayor's doomsday prophecies do you well, first of all, good afternoon, pamela. good to be with you and i should add that i'm not a lawyer, so take that for what it's worth. but i do dismiss the doomsday scenarios and the reason why is first, i believe it's fantastical that this notion of somehow the president order seal team six to kill a political opponent. i don't like using that talking about it because i think it risks politicizing the military further. and so, but, but that's said, look, the president has a constitutional duty to to protect the united states so clearly he can use the military force outside the country, but he doesn't have the authority to employ military force against political opponents within the country. and i think as i interpret the reading and talk to others of this decision, that's kinda where the line gets drawn okay. so just i just want to be clear and i understand you don't want to politicize the military, but this example was used during the oral arguments and now and justice sotomayor's descent. so it is important to discuss so if you were defense secretary for trump, if he were still serving in the trump administration, this ruling had been in place and that order was given to you in a political rival was outside of the united states, would you feel bound to follow the order to execute on what the president was telling you to do given the ruling today? >> no, i would refuse, i believe is an illegal order and i believe that the uniform military would also refuse such an order because it would be illegal. and so and i'm confident that that's what the military would do going forward as well. so that's, that's my view on it. now, you mentioned earlier about the case of protesters in the streets of washington dc. there are things the president can do that may be lawful, but we often call awful. and that he has the authority to do. but in this case, given an example of using the military to kill political opponent, now, use that's an illegal order. that's not part of this constitutional duties. that that's a law enforcement that would be an action and actually being two consider arresting or pursued charges against somebody if if the president believed they were somehow promoting a conspiracy or trying to overturn the government that would be a law enforcement issues, certainly not a military issue. >> so i want to go back to then, you know, going back to president trump firing you because of opposing your opposition to using the military force when it came to the george floyd protests. so under that, given the ruling today, would you have held firm on your stance given what we just heard from the supreme court or would you have had a different position well i think you have to parse out the example would be more what i opposed was the present using the active duty military in the streets of washington, dc. >> i thought that was inappropriate. i thought that the better steps and still do and i wrote about this in my memoir is you cited that this is a law enforcement action. first and foremost, it should be handled by washington dc law enforcement. if not if not, the district, then federal law enforcement and if not that, then of course, the national guard. and that's eventually we're in my opposition to him. we walked him back to that point where we had the dc national guard out there and not not pushing back on protesters, but defending federal building things and federal property. and it was ultimately law enforcement cilium law enforcement that took action against with regard to pushing back the protest or so. but my view is still the same that there are things that are legal and things that are illegal and then there are things that are appropriate and things that are inappropriate. and that's kinda how i would carve up these decisions and would do so going forward if that were ever case again, let me just push back a little bit though because the fbi, law enforcement, it's under the executive branch. right. and as president, when trump was president, he was head of executive branch, as president of the united states under article two of the constitution and so do you think it would be harder to push back then in light of this ruling today saying that if a president is acting in his official duties, that there would be immunity. and in this trump case, it talked about the justice department that the conversations that trump had with the justice department, which is also under the executive branch, that that actually would be protected. the president would be protected with with immunity because those are official. that's under the official acts category yeah. >> look, and i'd have to think through it a little bit more, but the issue at the time was not immunity for official acts. the question did time was did he had the authority? two employ active duty forces on the streets of washington, dc. and the fact is yes, he did after he invoked the insurrection act, that was the piece that i opposed. the bill barr opposed. and so to me that was the hurdle. was should he invoked the insurrection act? i thought it was inappropriate to do so, but it was completely lawful for him to do so. if you want on it again, i thought the better the better approach was to use law enforcement. and then if not law enforcement law enforcement was not up to the task, then use the national guard. since national guard has a dual mission, which includes support the civilian law enforcement authorities all right. >> mark esper. thank you for coming on and sharing your perspective. you certainly have interesting perspective given your history, as well as the former defense secretary under trump appreciate it. up next, boeing's latest four billion-dollar attempt to repair its safety issues and unprecedented debate as only cnn could do it with a record audience around the world. >> country is being destroyed. where are the most admired country in the world for the most complete coverage through election day and beyond follows cnn. >> moving forward with node positive breast cancer, my fear of recurrence could have held me back, but i'm staying focused in doing more to prevent recurrence for his neo is specifically for hr positive her2 negative note positive early breast cancer with a high chance of returning as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy versus neo reduces the risk of recurrence versus hormone therapy alone. diarrhea is common, may be severe or because dehydration or infection at the first sign call your doctor, start an antidiarrheal and drink fluids before taking presenting you tell your doctor about any fever chills are other signs of infection present you may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. tell your 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lose muscle and strength. protein supports muscle health in shear max protein has a 30 grant blend of high-quality protein to feed muscles for up to seven hours so take the challenge, insurer nutrition for strength and energy this summer snacking just got serious introducing new $3 footlong divers world might not it'd be ready for them. >> but at $3 a pop your wallet definitely is introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with four powerful pain fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source for up to eight hours a powerful relief new abdul targeted relief closed captioning brought to you by meso her firm only represents mesothelial victims and their families. >> if you are loved, one has been diagnosed with mesothelial. call us now now to boeing's latest and very costly attempt to overhaul it's badly damaged safety reputation. the aircraft maker announcing that it has agreed to buy spirit aerosystems. that's one of his major suppliers in a deal valued at more than $4 billion boeing says the acquisition will make safety better. all right, let's bring in cnn's pete man teen why does boeing the leave this purchase will boost safety. >> well, this will bring more of control under boeing's roof when it comes to actually building the airplane because the company has been sharply criticized for relying too heavily on contractors and subcontractors to build major parts of each plane. >> and investigators believe it was spirit aerosystems mistake that led to the january 5 door plug blowout. spirit builds the body or the fuselage of each 737 max plane, and wichita, kansas plant. and then they're taken by trump brian to boeing's planned and renton, washington this purchase is a major part of boeing's four four-point plan to make it so that this incident does not happen again, boeing's overall plan calls for revamping training, simplifying, assembly line instructions for workers, overhauling the safety culture, and eliminating defects that last point is what? this is all about. something i saw firsthand at the 7:37 factory line last week, boeing ceo dave calhoun says this deal is in the best interest of the flying public. our airline customers, the employees of spirit and boeing, our shareholders and the country more broadly. now, calhoun was in a senate subcommittee hotseat lesson month and he insisted that boeing inspectors are now showing up the spirit aerosystems, which had taught plant in force, so that defects are caught before the fuselages are sent to boeing. here is what calhoun said so, that not a single fuselage would leave that facility that wasn't in perfect condition to come to ours. that's how big this effort has been for us, and that is how we've done it and we've then sent that message to every supplier with respect to perfection of the products that they deliver to us so that they can move through our leinz regular order last week at boeing, i also heard from company had a quality control elizabeth lund, she said, eliminating mistakes by spirit aerosystems has led to an 80% reduction in defects. >> i asked her have another door plug blew well out can still happen. she insisted she is very confident now that there will not be a repeat. >> well, that is good. guess. let's hope it comes to be true. all right. pete, thank you. really appreciate it. next much more on our breaking news, supreme court throwing into question the january 6 case against former president trump and potentially the guilty verdict, even in his hush money trial after it rules former presidents have immunity for official acts i won't let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms to find emerge. as you with trump via most people saw 90% clear skin eye for months. and the majority stayed clearer at five years cvs, allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight that. >> tell your doctor if you have an infection symptoms or 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brushing and flossing alone, get a next level clique coventry direct redefining insurance i'm kevin liptak the white house. and this is cnn you like the music, here right? >> now. it's fine as we count down america's best towns division today, we're at number four, portland, maine, love main. >> and when you think of may and you probably immediately think of lobster, i loved those lobster rolls. you wouldn't be wrong here. cnn's victor blackwell portland's lighthouses are for more than just decoration and it's a harbour town. so the trip from c to sandwich is short and i hear it's delicious. it's a next level foods seen, and that's why portland, maine is forth on cnn's list of best american towns to visit. cnn's derrick van damme hit the road to find out more. and i hear he tasted a lot of lobster in the process. >> in portland, maine, the lobster industry is more than a livelihood. it's a way of life now it's getting real. we just got our law officers it's we went off about 15 miles off the coast of maine, the catchy you don't get fresher, more locally sourced lobster than that nestled on portland's waterfront, the harbor fish market has been supplying seafood. portland restaurants and customers for over 50 years. the lobsters are our so fresh they can come from the ocean and be on your plate within minutes great job. i got a new job that you get a lot of tourists. i come in here that don't have the ability to puff when they get home. so we offer the option of we will cook them and have them chilled for the consumer. i'm on the hunt for the perfect lobster roll. >> so i feel like they were onto something here you get in close, you're getting close he wasn't wrong because just a couple of blocks away that handpick lobster meat ends up here at the high roller lobster company where it's co-owners have spent years redefining and main classic can you grew up right over the bridge and south portland and we decided that there wasn't anyone really specializing and lobster rolls to differentiate ourselves, we made a few different sauce options. my mayo, jalapeno, mayo, red pepper, mayo, a lobster butter. and since then we've added more and more flavors who are menu. but i think that's really what allows you to choose your an adventure when you're having a lot through roll. >> that's a piece of art. >> it's a no frills kind of a diner vibe restaurant, but you're getting a really elevated food product. and i feel like that's a lot of work on is it's like pretty quaint. its picture asks but the food and drink seen is off the charts. >> but every time i come back to portland, maine, like i appreciate something different about it, whether it's the lack of traffic or how press the error is, or how clean our water tastes, or how many amazing restaurants there are that you can go to on any de the week good time but a lot of good food they're derrick, thank you very much. if you want to learn more about portland or view any of the other cities on our top ten list. go to, or you can scan the qr code on your screen right now well, i'm sold victor and derek with the best assignment. >> all right. come back from maternity leave it. i'm like these are the assignments be named it out. where's my assignment? we can send you out on the next one. pam wright, me. i'm there. my favorite places. i wish it was their we'll be right back merrick, his best towns to visit. >> he's brought to you by audi stays, straight for the next 200 miles get into an audi. >> i go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at your local aldi dealer if you're shopping for a whole is real commute tool lets you find homes close to work, school, even grandma's house, don't all apps do that? >> not really trust the number one app, real estate professionals? fast, shop etsy for thoughtful pieces made by real people to bring a little something extra to the ordinary. find items that add, wow, two walls, and make you fall in love with 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